Explorar el Código

parser: formatting

Herbert Vojčík hace 8 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 566 adiciones y 503 borrados
  1. 278 270
  2. 288 233

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 278 - 270

+ 288 - 233

@@ -1,250 +1,305 @@
 start = method
-separator      = [ \t\v\f\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF\n\r\u2028\u2029]+
-comments       = ('"' [^"]* '"')+
-ws             = (separator / comments)*
+separator =
+	[ \t\v\f\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF\n\r\u2028\u2029]+
+comments = ('"' [^"]* '"')+
+ws = (separator / comments)*
 maybeDotsWs = ("." / separator / comments)*
-identifier     = $([a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*)
-keyword        = $(identifier ":")
-className      = $([A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*)
-string         = contents:rawString {
-                     return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._value_(contents);
-                 }
-rawString         = "'" val:(("''" {return "'";} / [^'])*) "'" {return val.join("");}
-character      = "$" char:.
-                  {
-                      return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                             ._location_(location())
-                             ._source_(text())
-                             ._value_(char);
-                  }
-symbol         = "#" rest:bareSymbol {return rest;}
-bareSymbol         = val:($(keyword+) / binarySelector / unarySelector / rawString)
-                  {
-                      return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                             ._location_(location())
-                             ._source_(text())
-                             ._value_(val);
-                  }
-number         = n:(numberExp / hex / float / integer) {
-                     return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._value_(n);
-                 }
-numberExp      = n:$((float / integer) "e" integer) {return parseFloat(n);}
-hex            = neg:"-"? "16r" num:$[0-9a-fA-F]+ {return parseInt(((neg || '') + num), 16);}
-float          = n:$("-"? [0-9]+ "." [0-9]+) {return parseFloat(n, 10);}
-integer        = n:$("-"? [0-9]+) {return parseInt(n, 10);}
-literalArray   = "#(" rest:wsLiteralArrayContents ws ")" {
-    return rest
-        ._location_(location())
-        ._source_(text());
-bareLiteralArray   = "(" rest:wsLiteralArrayContents ws ")" {
-    return rest
-        ._location_(location())
-        ._source_(text());
+identifier = $([a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*)
+keyword = $(identifier ":")
+className = $([A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*)
+string = contents:rawString {
+	return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(contents);
+rawString = "'" val:(("''" {return "'";} / [^'])*) "'" {return val.join("");}
+character = "$" char:. {
+	return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(char);
+symbol = "#" rest:bareSymbol {return rest;}
+bareSymbol = val:($(keyword+) / binarySelector / unarySelector / rawString) {
+	return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(val);
+number = n:(numberExp / hex / float / integer) {
+	return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(n);
+numberExp = n:$((float / integer) "e" integer) {return parseFloat(n);}
+hex = neg:"-"? "16r" num:$[0-9a-fA-F]+ {
+	return parseInt(((neg || '') + num), 16);
+float = n:$("-"? [0-9]+ "." [0-9]+) {return parseFloat(n, 10);}
+integer = n:$("-"? [0-9]+) {return parseInt(n, 10);}
+literalArray = "#(" rest:wsLiteralArrayContents ws ")" {
+	return rest
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text());
+bareLiteralArray = "(" rest:wsLiteralArrayContents ws ")" {
+	return rest
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text());
 literalArrayElement = parseTimeLiteral / bareLiteralArray / bareSymbol
-wsLiteralArrayContents   = lits:(ws lit:literalArrayElement {return lit._value();})* {
-                     return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                            ._value_(lits);
-                 }
-dynamicArray   = "{" expressions:wsExpressions? maybeDotsWs "}" {
-                     return $globals.DynamicArrayNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._dagChildren_(expressions || []);
-                 }
+wsLiteralArrayContents =
+	lits:(ws lit:literalArrayElement {return lit._value();})* {
+		return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+			._value_(lits);
+	}
+dynamicArray = "{" expressions:wsExpressions? maybeDotsWs "}" {
+	return $globals.DynamicArrayNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._dagChildren_(expressions || []);
 dynamicDictionary = "#{" expressions:wsAssociations? maybeDotsWs  "}" {
-                        return $globals.DynamicDictionaryNode._new()
-                               ._location_(location())
-                               ._source_(text())
-                               ._dagChildren_(expressions || []);
-                    }
+	return $globals.DynamicDictionaryNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._dagChildren_(expressions || []);
 pseudoVariable = val:(
-                   'true' {return true;}
-                 / 'false' {return false;}
-                 / 'nil' {return nil;}) {
-                       return $globals.ValueNode._new()
-                              ._location_(location())
-                              ._source_(text())
-                              ._value_(val);
-                   }
-parseTimeLiteral        = pseudoVariable / number / literalArray / string / symbol / character
-runtimeLiteral        = dynamicDictionary / dynamicArray / block
-literal        = runtimeLiteral / parseTimeLiteral
-variable       = identifier:identifier {
-                     return $globals.VariableNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._value_(identifier);
-                 }
-reference      = variable
+	'true' {return true;} /
+	'false' {return false;} /
+	'nil' {return nil;}
+) {
+	return $globals.ValueNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(val);
+parseTimeLiteral =
+	pseudoVariable / number / literalArray / string / symbol / character
+runtimeLiteral = dynamicDictionary / dynamicArray / block
+literal = runtimeLiteral / parseTimeLiteral
+variable = identifier:identifier {
+	return $globals.VariableNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._value_(identifier);
+reference = variable
 binarySelector = $[\\+*/=><,@%~|&-]+
-unarySelector  = identifier
-wsKeywordPattern = pairs:(ws key:keyword ws arg:identifier {return {key:key, arg:arg};})+ {
-                     var selector = "";
-                     var params = [];
-                     for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++){
-                         selector += pairs[i].key;
-                         params.push(pairs[i].arg);
-                     }
-                     return [selector, params];
-                 }
-wsBinaryPattern  = ws selector:binarySelector ws arg:identifier {return [selector, [arg]];}
-wsUnaryPattern   = ws selector:unarySelector {return [selector, []];}
-expression     = assignment / cascade / keywordSend
-wsExpressionsRest = ws "." maybeDotsWs expression:expression {return expression;}
-wsExpressions    = maybeDotsWs first:expression others:wsExpressionsRest* { return [first].concat(others); }
-assignment     = variable:variable ws ':=' ws expression:expression {
-                     return $globals.AssignmentNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._left_(variable)
-                            ._right_(expression);
-                 }
-ret            = '^' ws expression:expression {
-                     return $globals.ReturnNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._dagChildren_([expression]);
-                 }
+unarySelector = identifier
+wsKeywordPattern =
+	pairs:(ws key:keyword ws arg:identifier {return {key:key, arg:arg};})+ {
+		var selector = "";
+		var params = [];
+		for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
+			selector += pairs[i].key;
+			params.push(pairs[i].arg);
+		}
+		return [selector, params];
+	}
+wsBinaryPattern = ws selector:binarySelector ws arg:identifier {
+	return [selector, [arg]];
+wsUnaryPattern = ws selector:unarySelector {return [selector, []];}
+expression = assignment / cascade / keywordSend
+wsExpressionsRest = ws "." maybeDotsWs expression:expression {
+	return expression;
+wsExpressions = maybeDotsWs first:expression others:wsExpressionsRest* {
+	return [first].concat(others);
+assignment = variable:variable ws ':=' ws expression:expression {
+	return $globals.AssignmentNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._left_(variable)
+		._right_(expression);
+ret = '^' ws expression:expression {
+	return $globals.ReturnNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._dagChildren_([expression]);
-temps          = "|" vars:(ws variable:identifier {return variable;})* ws "|" {return vars;}
-wsBlockParamList = params:((ws ":" ws param:identifier {return param;})+) ws "|" {return params;}
-subexpression  = '(' ws expression:expression ws ')' {return expression;}
-wsStatementsWs     = maybeDotsWs ret:ret maybeDotsWs {return [ret];}
-                 / exps:wsExpressions ws "." maybeDotsWs ret:ret maybeDotsWs {
-                       var expressions = exps;
-                       expressions.push(ret);
-                       return expressions;
-                   }
-                 / expressions:wsExpressions? maybeDotsWs {
-                       return expressions || [];
-                   }
-wsSequenceWs       = (ws js:jsSequence ws { return js; }) / wsStSequenceWs
-wsStSequenceWs    = ws temps:temps? statements:wsStatementsWs? {
-                     return $globals.SequenceNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._temps_(temps || [])
-                            ._dagChildren_(statements || []);
-                 }
-jsSequence     = jsStatement
-block          = '[' params:wsBlockParamList? sequence:wsSequenceWs? ']' {
-                     return $globals.BlockNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._parameters_(params || [])
-                            ._dagChildren_([sequence._asBlockSequenceNode()]);
-                 }
-operand        = literal / reference / subexpression
-wsUnaryMessage   = ws selector:unarySelector !":" {
-                     return $globals.SendNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._selector_(selector);
-                 }
-unarySend      = receiver:operand tail:wsUnaryMessage* {
-					 return receiver._withTail_(tail);
-                 }
-wsBinaryMessage  = ws selector:binarySelector ws arg:unarySend {
-                     return $globals.SendNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._selector_(selector)
-                            ._arguments_([arg]);
-                 }
-binarySend     = receiver:unarySend tail:wsBinaryMessage* {
-					 return receiver._withTail_(tail);
-                 }
-wsKeywordMessage = pairs:(ws key:keyword ws arg:binarySend {return {key:key, arg:arg};})+ {
-                     var selector = "";
-                     var args = [];
-                      for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
-                          selector += pairs[i].key;
-                          args.push(pairs[i].arg);
-                      }
-                      return $globals.SendNode._new()
-                             ._location_(location())
-                             ._source_(text())
-                             ._selector_(selector)
-                             ._arguments_(args);
-                 }
-keywordSend    = receiver:binarySend tail:wsKeywordMessage? {
-					 return tail ? receiver._withTail_([tail]) : receiver;
-                 }
-wsMessage        = wsBinaryMessage / wsUnaryMessage / wsKeywordMessage
-cascade        = send:keywordSend & { return send._isSendNode(); } messages:(ws ";" mess:wsMessage {return mess;})+ {
-                     messages.unshift(send);
-                     return $globals.CascadeNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(text())
-                            ._dagChildren_(messages);
-                 }
-jsStatement    = pragmaJsStatement / legacyJsStatement
-legacyJsStatement = "<" val:((">>" {return ">";} / [^>])*) ">" & { return !/^\s*inlineJS/.test(val.join("")) } {
-                     console.warn("Use of <...js code...> is deprecated, in:\n" + val.join(""));
-                     return $globals.JSStatementNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(val.join(""))
-                 }
+temps = "|" vars:(ws variable:identifier {return variable;})* ws "|" {
+	return vars;
-pragmaJsStatement = "<" ws "inlineJS:" ws val:rawString ws ">" {
-                     return $globals.JSStatementNode._new()
-                            ._location_(location())
-                            ._source_(val)
-                 }
+wsBlockParamList =
+	params:((ws ":" ws param:identifier {return param;})+) ws "|" {
+		return params;
+	}
+subexpression = '(' ws expression:expression ws ')' {
+	return expression;
+wsStatementsWs =
+	maybeDotsWs ret:ret maybeDotsWs {return [ret];} /
+	exps:wsExpressions ws "." maybeDotsWs ret:ret maybeDotsWs {
+		var expressions = exps;
+		expressions.push(ret);
+		return expressions;
+	} /
+	expressions:wsExpressions? maybeDotsWs {return expressions || [];}
+wsSequenceWs = (ws js:jsSequence ws {return js;}) / wsStSequenceWs
+wsStSequenceWs = ws temps:temps? statements:wsStatementsWs? {
+	return $globals.SequenceNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._temps_(temps || [])
+		._dagChildren_(statements || []);
-method         = pattern:(wsKeywordPattern / wsBinaryPattern / wsUnaryPattern) sequence:wsSequenceWs? {
-                      return $globals.MethodNode._new()
-                             ._location_(location())
-                             ._source_(text())
-                             ._selector_(pattern[0])
-                             ._arguments_(pattern[1])
-                             ._dagChildren_([sequence]);
-                 }
+jsSequence = jsStatement
+block = '[' params:wsBlockParamList? sequence:wsSequenceWs? ']' {
+	return $globals.BlockNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._parameters_(params || [])
+		._dagChildren_([sequence._asBlockSequenceNode()]);
-associationSend     = send:binarySend & { return send._isSendNode() && send._selector() === "->" } { return [send._receiver(), send._arguments()[0]]; }
+operand = literal / reference / subexpression
-wsAssociationsRest = ws "." maybeDotsWs expression:associationSend {return expression;}
-wsAssociations    = maybeDotsWs first:associationSend others:wsAssociationsRest* { return first.concat.apply(first, others); }
+wsUnaryMessage = ws selector:unarySelector !":" {
+	return $globals.SendNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._selector_(selector);
+unarySend = receiver:operand tail:wsUnaryMessage* {
+	return receiver._withTail_(tail);
+wsBinaryMessage = ws selector:binarySelector ws arg:unarySend {
+	return $globals.SendNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(text())
+		._selector_(selector)
+		._arguments_([arg]);
+binarySend = receiver:unarySend tail:wsBinaryMessage* {
+	return receiver._withTail_(tail);
+wsKeywordMessage =
+	pairs:(ws key:keyword ws arg:binarySend {return {key:key, arg:arg};})+ {
+		var selector = "";
+		var args = [];
+		for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
+			selector += pairs[i].key;
+			args.push(pairs[i].arg);
+		}
+		return $globals.SendNode._new()
+			._location_(location())
+			._source_(text())
+			._selector_(selector)
+			._arguments_(args);
+	}
+keywordSend = receiver:binarySend tail:wsKeywordMessage? {
+	return tail ? receiver._withTail_([tail]) : receiver;
+wsMessage = wsBinaryMessage / wsUnaryMessage / wsKeywordMessage
+cascade =
+	send:keywordSend & {return send._isSendNode();}
+	messages:(ws ";" mess:wsMessage {return mess;})+ {
+		messages.unshift(send);
+		return $globals.CascadeNode._new()
+			._location_(location())
+			._source_(text())
+			._dagChildren_(messages);
+	}
+jsStatement = pragmaJsStatement / legacyJsStatement
+legacyJsStatement =
+	"<" val:((">>" {return ">";} / [^>])*) ">"
+	& {return !/^\s*inlineJS/.test(val.join(""));} {
+		console.warn("Use of <...js code...> is deprecated, in:\n" + val.join(""));
+		return $globals.JSStatementNode._new()
+			._location_(location())
+			._source_(val.join(""))
+	}
+pragmaJsStatement = "<" ws "inlineJS:" ws val:rawString ws ">" {
+	return $globals.JSStatementNode._new()
+		._location_(location())
+		._source_(val)
+method =
+	pattern:(wsKeywordPattern / wsBinaryPattern / wsUnaryPattern)
+	sequence:wsSequenceWs? {
+		return $globals.MethodNode._new()
+			._location_(location())
+			._source_(text())
+			._selector_(pattern[0])
+			._arguments_(pattern[1])
+			._dagChildren_([sequence]);
+	}
+associationSend =
+	send:binarySend
+	& { return send._isSendNode() && send._selector() === "->" } {
+		return [send._receiver(), send._arguments()[0]];
+	}
+wsAssociationsRest = ws "." maybeDotsWs expression:associationSend {
+	return expression;
+wsAssociations = maybeDotsWs first:associationSend others:wsAssociationsRest* {
+	return first.concat.apply(first, others);

Algunos archivos no se mostraron porque demasiados archivos cambiaron en este cambio