@@ -1,5 +1,44 @@
Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Importer-Exporter'!
Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Importer-Exporter'!
-Object subclass: #ChunkExporter
+Object subclass: #AbstractExporter
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
+!AbstractExporter commentStamp!
+I am an abstract exporter for Amber source code.!
+!AbstractExporter methodsFor: 'convenience'!
+chunkEscape: aString
+ "Replace all occurrences of !! with !!!! and trim at both ends."
+ ^(aString replace: '!!' with: '!!!!') trimBoth
+classNameFor: aClass
+ ^aClass isMetaclass
+ ifTrue: [ aClass instanceClass name, ' class' ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ aClass isNil
+ ifTrue: [ 'nil' ]
+ ifFalse: [ aClass name ] ]
+! !
+!AbstractExporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
+ "Recipe to export a given package."
+ self subclassResponsibility
+! !
+AbstractExporter class instanceVariableNames: 'default'!
+!AbstractExporter class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+ ^ default ifNil: [ default := self new ]
+! !
+AbstractExporter subclass: #ChunkExporter
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
!ChunkExporter commentStamp!
!ChunkExporter commentStamp!
@@ -7,6 +46,131 @@ I am an exporter dedicated to outputting Amber source code in the classic Smallt
I do not output any compiled code.!
I do not output any compiled code.!
+!ChunkExporter methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
+extensionCategoriesOfPackage: package
+ "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
+ | name map result |
+ name := package name.
+ result := OrderedCollection new.
+ (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
+ {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
+ map := Dictionary new.
+ aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
+ (category match: '^\*', name) ifTrue: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
+ result addAll: ((map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) collect: [:category |
+ MethodCategory name: category theClass: aClass methods: (map at: category)]) ]].
+ ^result
+methodsOfCategory: category
+ "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
+ ^(category methods) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector]
+ownCategoriesOfClass: aClass
+ "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
+ | map |
+ map := Dictionary new.
+ aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
+ (category match: '^\*') ifFalse: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
+ ^(map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) collect: [:category |
+ MethodCategory name: category theClass: aClass methods: (map at: category) ]
+ownCategoriesOfMetaClass: aClass
+ "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
+ ^self ownCategoriesOfClass: aClass class
+! !
+!ChunkExporter methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
+exportCategoryEpilogueOf: category on: aStream
+ aStream nextPutAll: ' !!'; lf; lf
+exportCategoryPrologueOf: category on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: category theClass);
+ nextPutAll: ' methodsFor: ''', category name, '''!!'
+exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
+ "Chunk format."
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
+ nextPutAll: ' subclass: #', (self classNameFor: aClass); lf;
+ tab; nextPutAll: 'instanceVariableNames: '''.
+ aClass instanceVariableNames
+ do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
+ separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: ''''; lf;
+ tab; nextPutAll: 'package: ''', aClass category, '''!!'; lf.
+ aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: aClass), ' commentStamp!!';lf;
+ nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aClass comment), '!!';lf].
+ aStream lf
+exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
+ aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass class);
+ nextPutAll: ' instanceVariableNames: '''.
+ aClass class instanceVariableNames
+ do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
+ separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '''!!'; lf; lf]
+exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
+ aStream
+ lf; lf; nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aMethod source); lf;
+ nextPutAll: '!!'
+exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
+ "Chunk format."
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'Smalltalk current createPackage: ''', package name, '''!!';
+ lf
+! !
+!ChunkExporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
+ "Export a given package."
+ | exportCategoryRecipe |
+ exportCategoryRecipe := {
+ self -> #exportCategoryPrologueOf:on:.
+ {
+ self -> #methodsOfCategory:.
+ self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
+ self -> #exportCategoryEpilogueOf:on: }.
+ ^{
+ self -> #exportPackageDefinitionOf:on:.
+ {
+ PluggableExporter -> #ownClassesOfPackage:.
+ self -> #exportDefinitionOf:on:.
+ { self -> #ownCategoriesOfClass: }, exportCategoryRecipe.
+ self -> #exportMetaDefinitionOf:on:.
+ { self -> #ownCategoriesOfMetaClass: }, exportCategoryRecipe }.
+ { self -> #extensionCategoriesOfPackage: }, exportCategoryRecipe
+ }
+! !
!ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
!ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
extensionCategoriesOfPackage: package
extensionCategoriesOfPackage: package
@@ -149,70 +313,163 @@ classNameFor: aClass
ifFalse: [aClass name]]
ifFalse: [aClass name]]
! !
! !
-Object subclass: #ChunkParser
- instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
+AbstractExporter subclass: #Exporter
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
-!ChunkParser commentStamp!
-I am responsible for parsing aStream contents in the chunk format.
+!Exporter commentStamp!
+I am responsible for outputting Amber code into a JavaScript string.
+The generated output is enough to reconstruct the exported data, including Smalltalk source code and other metadata.
+## Use case
+I am typically used to save code outside of the Amber runtime (committing to disk, etc.).
## API
## API
- ChunkParser new
- stream: aStream;
- nextChunk!
+Use `#exportAll`, `#exportClass:` or `#exportPackage:` methods.!
-!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!Exporter methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified'!
-stream: aStream
- stream := aStream
+classNameFor: aClass
+ ^aClass isMetaclass
+ ifTrue: [ aClass instanceClass name, '.klass' ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ aClass isNil
+ ifTrue: [ 'nil' ]
+ ifFalse: [ aClass name ] ]
! !
! !
-!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'reading'!
+!Exporter methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
- "The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
- is a trivial format but can be a bit tricky to understand:
- - Uses the exclamation mark as delimiter of chunks.
- - Inside a chunk a normal exclamation mark must be doubled.
- - A non empty chunk must be a valid Smalltalk expression.
- - A chunk on top level with a preceding empty chunk is an instruction chunk:
- - The object created by the expression then takes over reading chunks.
+extensionMethodsOfPackage: package
+ "Issue #143: sort classes and methods alphabetically"
- This metod returns next chunk as a String (trimmed), empty String (all whitespace) or nil."
+ | name result |
+ name := package name.
+ result := OrderedCollection new.
+ (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
+ {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
+ result addAll: (((aClass methodDictionary values)
+ sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector])
+ select: [:method | method category match: '^\*', name]) ]].
+ ^result
- | char result chunk |
- result := '' writeStream.
- [char := stream next.
- char notNil] whileTrue: [
- char = '!!' ifTrue: [
- stream peek = '!!'
- ifTrue: [stream next "skipping the escape double"]
- ifFalse: [^result contents trimBoth "chunk end marker found"]].
- result nextPut: char].
- ^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
-! !
+ownMethodsOfClass: aClass
+ "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
-!ChunkParser class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+ ^((aClass methodDictionary values) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector])
+ reject: [:each | (each category match: '^\*')]
-on: aStream
- ^self new stream: aStream
+ownMethodsOfMetaClass: aClass
+ "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
+ ^self ownMethodsOfClass: aClass class
! !
! !
-Object subclass: #Exporter
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
-!Exporter commentStamp!
-I am responsible for outputting Amber code into a JavaScript string.
+!Exporter methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
-The generated output is enough to reconstruct the exported data, including Smalltalk source code and other metadata.
+exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
+ aStream
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
+ nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
+ nextPutAll: ', ['.
+ aClass instanceVariableNames
+ do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
+ separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '], ''';
+ nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
+ nextPutAll: ');'.
+ aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
+ aStream
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.';
+ nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass);
+ nextPutAll: '.comment=';
+ nextPutAll: aClass comment asJavascript;
+ nextPutAll: ';'].
+ aStream lf
-## Use case
+exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
+ aStream lf.
+ aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass class);
+ nextPutAll: '.iVarNames = ['.
+ aClass class instanceVariableNames
+ do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
+ separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ','].
+ aStream nextPutAll: '];', String lf]
-I am typically used to save code outside of the Amber runtime (committing to disk, etc.).
+exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
+ "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'category: ''', aMethod category, ''',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'args: ', aMethod arguments asJavascript, ','; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'source: ', aMethod source asJavascript, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ', aMethod referencedClasses asJavascript.
+ aStream
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aMethod methodClass);
+ nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
-## API
+exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addPackage(';
+ nextPutAll: '''', package name, ''');';
+ lf
-Use `#exportAll`, `#exportClass:` or `#exportPackage:` methods.!
+exportPackageEpilogueOf: aPackage on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '})(global_smalltalk,global_nil,global__st);';
+ lf
+exportPackagePrologueOf: aPackage on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '(function(smalltalk,nil,_st){';
+ lf
+! !
+!Exporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
+ "Export a given package."
+ ^{
+ self -> #exportPackagePrologueOf:on:.
+ self -> #exportPackageDefinitionOf:on:.
+ {
+ PluggableExporter -> #ownClassesOfPackage:.
+ self -> #exportDefinitionOf:on:.
+ {
+ self -> #ownMethodsOfClass:.
+ self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
+ self -> #exportMetaDefinitionOf:on:.
+ {
+ self -> #ownMethodsOfMetaClass:.
+ self -> #exportMethod:on: } }.
+ {
+ self -> #extensionMethodsOfPackage:.
+ self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
+ self -> #exportPackageEpilogueOf:on:
+ }
+! !
!Exporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
!Exporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
@@ -362,6 +619,38 @@ Exporter subclass: #StrippedExporter
!StrippedExporter commentStamp!
!StrippedExporter commentStamp!
I export Amber code into a JavaScript string, but without any optional associated data like the Amber source code.!
I export Amber code into a JavaScript string, but without any optional associated data like the Amber source code.!
+!StrippedExporter methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
+exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
+ aStream
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
+ nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
+ nextPutAll: ', ['.
+ aClass instanceVariableNames
+ do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
+ separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: '], ''';
+ nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
+ nextPutAll: ');'.
+ aStream lf
+exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
+ "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript;
+ nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aMethod methodClass);
+ nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
+! !
!StrippedExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
!StrippedExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
@@ -394,6 +683,55 @@ exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
! !
! !
+Object subclass: #ChunkParser
+ instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
+ package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
+!ChunkParser commentStamp!
+I am responsible for parsing aStream contents in the chunk format.
+## API
+ ChunkParser new
+ stream: aStream;
+ nextChunk!
+!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+stream: aStream
+ stream := aStream
+! !
+!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'reading'!
+ "The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
+ is a trivial format but can be a bit tricky to understand:
+ - Uses the exclamation mark as delimiter of chunks.
+ - Inside a chunk a normal exclamation mark must be doubled.
+ - A non empty chunk must be a valid Smalltalk expression.
+ - A chunk on top level with a preceding empty chunk is an instruction chunk:
+ - The object created by the expression then takes over reading chunks.
+ This metod returns next chunk as a String (trimmed), empty String (all whitespace) or nil."
+ | char result chunk |
+ result := '' writeStream.
+ [char := stream next.
+ char notNil] whileTrue: [
+ char = '!!' ifTrue: [
+ stream peek = '!!'
+ ifTrue: [stream next "skipping the escape double"]
+ ifFalse: [^result contents trimBoth "chunk end marker found"]].
+ result nextPut: char].
+ ^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
+! !
+!ChunkParser class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+on: aStream
+ ^self new stream: aStream
+! !
Object subclass: #Importer
Object subclass: #Importer
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
@@ -544,9 +882,9 @@ I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.
- [ :pkg | Exporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.js') ].
- [ :pkg | StrippedExporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.deploy.js') ].
- [ :pkg | ChunkExporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathSt, '/', pkg name, '.st') ]
+ [ :pkg | Exporter default recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.js') ].
+ [ :pkg | StrippedExporter default recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.deploy.js') ].
+ [ :pkg | ChunkExporter default recipe -> (pkg commitPathSt, '/', pkg name, '.st') ]