@@ -348,16 +348,31 @@ function create_compiler(compilerFilesArray) {
function compile() {
- console.log('Compiling collected .st files to .js')
+ console.log('Compiling collected .st files')
// import .st files
+ var imports = new Combo(function() {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(code) {
+ // get element 0 of code since all return values are stored inside an array by Combo
+ defaults.smalltalk.Importer._new()._import_(code[0]._stream());
+ });
+ category_export();
+ });
defaults.compile.forEach(function(stFile) {
if (/\.st/.test(stFile)) {
- console.log("Importing: " + stFile);
- var code = fs.readFileSync(stFile, "utf8");
- defaults.smalltalk.Importer._new()._import_(code._stream());
+ console.log('Importing: ' + stFile);
+ fs.readFile(stFile, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (!err)
+ imports.add()(data);
+ else
+ throw new Error('Could not import: ' + stFile);
+ });
+function category_export() {
// export categories as .js
map(defaults.compiled_categories, function(category, callback) {
var jsFile = category + defaults.suffix_used + '.js';