@@ -39,576 +39,12 @@
-define(['require', './brikz', './compatibility'], function (require, Brikz) {
+ 'require', './brikz', './kernel-fundamentals', './kernel-language', './compatibility'
+], function (require, Brikz, configureWithFundamentals, configureWithHierarchy) {
"use strict";
- function inherits (child, parent) {
- child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- value: child,
- enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true
- }
- });
- return child;
- }
- function SmalltalkGlobalsBrik (brikz, st) {
- var jsGlobals = new Function("return this")();
- var globals = Object.create(jsGlobals);
- globals.SmalltalkSettings = {};
- this.globals = globals;
- }
- function RootBrik (brikz, st) {
- var coreFns = this.coreFns = {};
- All objects including `ProtoObject` inherit from SmalltalkRoot.
- Detached roots (eg. wrapped JS classes like Number or Date)
- do not directly inherit from SmalltalkRoot, but employ a workaround.*/
- function SmalltalkRoot () {
- }
- function SmalltalkProtoObject () {
- }
- function SmalltalkObject () {
- }
- coreFns.ProtoObject = inherits(SmalltalkProtoObject, SmalltalkRoot);
- coreFns.Object = inherits(SmalltalkObject, SmalltalkProtoObject);
- this.Root = SmalltalkRoot;
- this.Object = SmalltalkObject;
- }
- OrganizeBrik.deps = ["arraySet", "root"];
- function OrganizeBrik (brikz, st) {
- var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- var addElement = brikz.arraySet.addElement;
- var removeElement = brikz.arraySet.removeElement;
- function SmalltalkOrganizer () {
- }
- function SmalltalkPackageOrganizer () {
- this.elements = [];
- }
- function SmalltalkClassOrganizer () {
- this.elements = [];
- }
- coreFns.Organizer = inherits(SmalltalkOrganizer, SmalltalkObject);
- coreFns.PackageOrganizer = inherits(SmalltalkPackageOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer);
- coreFns.ClassOrganizer = inherits(SmalltalkClassOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer);
- this.setupClassOrganization = function (behaviorBody) {
- behaviorBody.organization = new SmalltalkClassOrganizer();
- behaviorBody.organization.theClass = behaviorBody;
- };
- this.setupPackageOrganization = function (pkg) {
- pkg.organization = new SmalltalkPackageOrganizer();
- };
- this.addOrganizationElement = function (owner, element) {
- addElement(owner.organization.elements, element);
- };
- this.removeOrganizationElement = function (owner, element) {
- removeElement(owner.organization.elements, element);
- };
- }
- SelectorsBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion"];
- function SelectorsBrik (brikz, st) {
- var selectorSet = Object.create(null);
- var selectors = this.selectors = [];
- var selectorPairs = this.selectorPairs = [];
- this.registerSelector = function (stSelector) {
- if (selectorSet[stSelector]) return null;
- var jsSelector = st.st2js(stSelector);
- selectorSet[stSelector] = true;
- selectors.push(stSelector);
- var pair = {st: stSelector, js: jsSelector};
- selectorPairs.push(pair);
- return pair;
- };
- st.allSelectors = function () {
- return selectors;
- };
- }
- PackagesBrik.deps = ["organize", "root"];
- function PackagesBrik (brikz, st) {
- var setupPackageOrganization = brikz.organize.setupPackageOrganization;
- var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- function SmalltalkPackage () {
- }
- coreFns.Package = inherits(SmalltalkPackage, SmalltalkObject);
- st.packages = {};
- function pkg (spec) {
- var that = new SmalltalkPackage();
- that.pkgName = spec.pkgName;
- setupPackageOrganization(that);
- that.properties = spec.properties || {};
- return that;
- }
- If pkgName is null or empty we return nil.
- If package already exists we still update the properties of it. */
- st.addPackage = function (pkgName, properties) {
- if (!pkgName) return null;
- if (!st.packages[pkgName]) {
- st.packages[pkgName] = pkg({
- pkgName: pkgName,
- properties: properties
- });
- } else {
- if (properties) {
- st.packages[pkgName].properties = properties;
- }
- }
- return st.packages[pkgName];
- };
- }
- BehaviorsBrik.deps = ["organize", "root", "smalltalkGlobals", "arraySet"];
- function BehaviorsBrik (brikz, st) {
- var setupClassOrganization = brikz.organize.setupClassOrganization;
- var addOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.addOrganizationElement;
- var removeOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.removeOrganizationElement;
- var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals;
- var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- var addElement = brikz.arraySet.addElement;
- var removeElement = brikz.arraySet.removeElement;
- function SmalltalkBehaviorBody () {
- }
- coreFns.BehaviorBody = inherits(SmalltalkBehaviorBody, SmalltalkObject);
- this.BehaviorBody = SmalltalkBehaviorBody;
- var classes = [];
- this.setupBehavior = function (behaviorBody, pkg) {
- if (pkg) {
- behaviorBody.pkg = pkg;
- }
- setupClassOrganization(behaviorBody);
- Object.defineProperty(behaviorBody, "methods", {
- value: Object.create(null),
- enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true
- });
- };
- this.buildBehaviorBody = function (pkgName, builder) {
- var pkg = st.packages[pkgName];
- if (!pkg) throw new Error("Missing package " + pkgName);
- var behaviorBody = makeBehaviorBody(builder, pkg);
- addBehaviorBody(behaviorBody);
- return behaviorBody;
- };
- function makeBehaviorBody (builder, pkg) {
- var behaviorBody = globals.hasOwnProperty(builder.className) && globals[builder.className];
- if (!behaviorBody) return builder.make(pkg);
- if (builder.updateExisting(behaviorBody, pkg)) return behaviorBody;
- var rebuilder = builder.rebuilderForExisting(behaviorBody);
- removeBehaviorBody(behaviorBody);
- return makeBehaviorBody(rebuilder, pkg);
- }
- function addBehaviorBody (behaviorBody) {
- globals[behaviorBody.className] = behaviorBody;
- addElement(classes, behaviorBody);
- addOrganizationElement(behaviorBody.pkg, behaviorBody);
- behaviorBody.added();
- }
- function removeBehaviorBody (behaviorBody) {
- behaviorBody.removed();
- removeOrganizationElement(behaviorBody.pkg, behaviorBody);
- removeElement(classes, behaviorBody);
- delete globals[behaviorBody.className];
- }
- this.removeBehaviorBody = removeBehaviorBody;
- st.alias = function (behaviorBody, alias) {
- globals[alias] = behaviorBody;
- };
- st.classes = this.classes = function () {
- return classes;
- };
- }
- MethodsBrik.deps = ["organize", "selectors", "root", "selectorConversion"];
- function MethodsBrik (brikz, st) {
- var addOrganizationElement = brikz.organize.addOrganizationElement;
- var registerSelector = brikz.selectors.registerSelector;
- var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- function SmalltalkMethod () {
- }
- coreFns.CompiledMethod = inherits(SmalltalkMethod, SmalltalkObject);
- use api.addMethod() */
- st.method = function (spec) {
- var that = new SmalltalkMethod();
- var selector = spec.selector;
- that.selector = selector;
- that.jsSelector = st.st2js(selector);
- that.args = spec.args || {};
- that.protocol = spec.protocol;
- that.source = spec.source;
- that.messageSends = spec.messageSends || [];
- that.referencedClasses = spec.referencedClasses || [];
- that.fn = spec.fn;
- return that;
- };
- st.addMethod = function (method, behaviorBody) {
- behaviorBody.methods[method.selector] = method;
- method.methodClass = behaviorBody;
- addOrganizationElement(behaviorBody, method.protocol);
- var newSelectors = [];
- function selectorInUse (stSelector) {
- var pair = registerSelector(stSelector);
- if (pair) {
- newSelectors.push(pair);
- }
- }
- selectorInUse(method.selector);
- method.messageSends.forEach(selectorInUse);
- behaviorBody.methodAdded(method);
- if (st._selectorsAdded) st._selectorsAdded(newSelectors);
- };
- st.removeMethod = function (method, behaviorBody) {
- if (behaviorBody.methods[method.selector] !== method) return;
- delete behaviorBody.methods[method.selector];
- behaviorBody.methodRemoved(method);
- };
- }
- TraitsBrik.deps = ["behaviors", "root"];
- function TraitsBrik (brikz, st) {
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- var SmalltalkBehaviorBody = brikz.behaviors.BehaviorBody;
- var setupBehavior = brikz.behaviors.setupBehavior;
- var buildBehaviorBody = brikz.behaviors.buildBehaviorBody;
- function SmalltalkTrait () {
- }
- coreFns.Trait = inherits(SmalltalkTrait, SmalltalkBehaviorBody);
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.toString = function () {
- return 'Smalltalk Trait ' + this.className;
- };
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.trait = true;
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.added = function () {
- if (st._traitAdded) st._traitAdded(this);
- };
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.removed = function () {
- if (st._traitRemoved) st._traitRemoved(this);
- };
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.methodAdded = function (method) {
- if (st._traitMethodAdded) st._traitMethodAdded(method, this);
- };
- SmalltalkTrait.prototype.methodRemoved = function (method) {
- if (st._traitMethodRemoved) st._traitMethodRemoved(method, this);
- };
- function traitBuilder (className) {
- return {
- className: className,
- make: function (pkg) {
- var that = new SmalltalkTrait();
- that.className = className;
- setupBehavior(that, pkg);
- return that;
- },
- updateExisting: function (trait, pkg) {
- if (pkg) trait.pkg = pkg;
- return true;
- },
- rebuilderForExisting: function (trait) {
- return traitBuilder(className);
- }
- };
- }
- st.addTrait = function (className, pkgName) {
- return buildBehaviorBody(pkgName, traitBuilder(className));
- };
- }
- ClassesBrik.deps = ["root", "behaviors", "arraySet", "smalltalkGlobals"];
- function ClassesBrik (brikz, st) {
- var SmalltalkRoot = brikz.root.Root;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals;
- var SmalltalkBehaviorBody = brikz.behaviors.BehaviorBody;
- var buildBehaviorBody = brikz.behaviors.buildBehaviorBody;
- var setupBehavior = brikz.behaviors.setupBehavior;
- var removeBehaviorBody = brikz.behaviors.removeBehaviorBody;
- var addElement = brikz.arraySet.addElement;
- var removeElement = brikz.arraySet.removeElement;
- function SmalltalkBehavior () {
- }
- function SmalltalkClass () {
- }
- function SmalltalkMetaclass () {
- }
- coreFns.Behavior = inherits(SmalltalkBehavior, SmalltalkBehaviorBody);
- coreFns.Class = inherits(SmalltalkClass, SmalltalkBehavior);
- coreFns.Metaclass = inherits(SmalltalkMetaclass, SmalltalkBehavior);
- var nilAsClass = this.nilAsClass = {fn: SmalltalkRoot, klass: {fn: SmalltalkClass}};
- SmalltalkClass.prototype.toString = function () {
- return 'Smalltalk ' + this.className;
- };
- SmalltalkMetaclass.prototype.toString = function () {
- return 'Smalltalk Metaclass ' + this.instanceClass.className;
- };
- SmalltalkMetaclass.prototype.meta = true;
- SmalltalkClass.prototype.added = function () {
- addSubclass(this);
- if (st._classAdded) st._classAdded(this);
- };
- SmalltalkClass.prototype.removed = function () {
- if (st._classRemoved) st._classRemoved(this);
- removeSubclass(this);
- };
- SmalltalkBehavior.prototype.methodAdded = function (method) {
- if (st._methodAdded) st._methodAdded(method, this);
- };
- SmalltalkBehavior.prototype.methodRemoved = function (method) {
- if (st._methodRemoved) st._methodRemoved(method, this);
- };
- this.bootstrapHierarchy = function () {
- var nilSubclasses = [globals.ProtoObject];
- nilAsClass.klass = globals.Class;
- nilSubclasses.forEach(function (each) {
- each.klass.superclass = globals.Class;
- addSubclass(each.klass);
- });
- };
- created metaclass object. Newly created classes (not their metaclass)
- should be added to the system, see smalltalk.addClass().
- Superclass linking is *not* handled here, see api.initialize() */
- function klass (spec) {
- var setSuperClass = spec.superclass;
- if (!spec.superclass) {
- spec.superclass = nilAsClass;
- }
- var meta = metaclass(spec);
- var that = meta.instanceClass;
- that.superclass = setSuperClass;
- that.fn = spec.fn || inherits(function () {
- }, spec.superclass.fn);
- that.iVarNames = spec.iVarNames || [];
- that.subclasses = [];
- setupBehavior(that, spec.pkg);
- that.className = spec.className;
- meta.superclass = spec.superclass.klass;
- return that;
- }
- function metaclass (spec) {
- var that = new SmalltalkMetaclass();
- that.fn = inherits(function () {
- }, spec.superclass.klass.fn);
- wireKlass(that);
- that.instanceClass = new that.fn();
- that.iVarNames = [];
- setupBehavior(that);
- return that;
- }
- function wireKlass (klass) {
- Object.defineProperty(klass.fn.prototype, "klass", {
- value: klass,
- enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true
- });
- }
- this.wireKlass = wireKlass;
- A Package is lazily created if one with given name does not exist. */
- st.addClass = function (className, superclass, iVarNames, pkgName) {
- if (typeof superclass == 'undefined' || superclass && superclass.isNil) {
- console.warn('Compiling ' + className + ' as a subclass of `nil`. A dependency might be missing.');
- }
- return buildBehaviorBody(pkgName, classBuilder(className, superclass, iVarNames, coreFns[className]));
- };
- function classBuilder (className, superclass, iVarNames, fn) {
- if (superclass == null || superclass.isNil) {
- superclass = null;
- }
- return {
- className: className,
- superclass: superclass,
- iVarNames: iVarNames,
- fn: fn,
- make: function (pkg) {
- return klass({
- className: className,
- pkg: pkg,
- superclass: superclass,
- iVarNames: iVarNames,
- fn: fn
- });
- },
- updateExisting: function (klass, pkg) {
- if (klass.superclass == superclass && !fn) {
- if (iVarNames) klass.iVarNames = iVarNames;
- if (pkg) klass.pkg = pkg;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- rebuilderForExisting: function (klass) {
- return classBuilder(className, superclass, iVarNames || klass.iVarNames, fn);
- }
- };
- }
- st.removeClass = removeBehaviorBody;
- function addSubclass (klass) {
- if (klass.superclass) {
- addElement(klass.superclass.subclasses, klass);
- }
- }
- function removeSubclass (klass) {
- if (klass.superclass) {
- removeElement(klass.superclass.subclasses, klass);
- }
- }
- function metaSubclasses (metaclass) {
- return metaclass.instanceClass.subclasses
- .filter(function (each) {
- return !each.meta;
- })
- .map(function (each) {
- return each.klass;
- });
- }
- st.metaSubclasses = metaSubclasses;
- st.traverseClassTree = function (klass, fn) {
- var queue = [klass], sentinel = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
- var item = queue[i];
- if (fn(item, sentinel) === sentinel) continue;
- var subclasses = item.meta ? metaSubclasses(item) : item.subclasses;
- queue.push.apply(queue, subclasses);
- }
- };
- }
- function ArraySetBrik (brikz, st) {
- st.addElement = this.addElement = function (array, el) {
- if (typeof el === 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- if (array.indexOf(el) === -1) {
- array.push(el);
- }
- };
- st.removeElement = this.removeElement = function (array, el) {
- var i = array.indexOf(el);
- if (i !== -1) {
- array.splice(i, 1);
- }
- };
- }
+ require(['./kernel-runtime']);
SmalltalkInitBrik.deps = ["classes"];
function SmalltalkInitBrik (brikz, st) {
@@ -631,138 +67,14 @@ define(['require', './brikz', './compatibility'], function (require, Brikz) {
- function SelectorConversionBrik (brikz, st) {
- st.st2js = function (string) {
- return '_' + string
- .replace(/:/g, '_')
- .replace(/[\&]/g, '_and')
- .replace(/[\|]/g, '_or')
- .replace(/[+]/g, '_plus')
- .replace(/-/g, '_minus')
- .replace(/[*]/g, '_star')
- .replace(/[\/]/g, '_slash')
- .replace(/[\\]/g, '_backslash')
- .replace(/[\~]/g, '_tild')
- .replace(/>/g, '_gt')
- .replace(/</g, '_lt')
- .replace(/=/g, '_eq')
- .replace(/,/g, '_comma')
- .replace(/[@]/g, '_at');
- };
- if you modify the following functions, also change st2js
- accordingly */
- st.js2st = function (selector) {
- if (selector.match(/^__/)) {
- return binaryJsToSt(selector);
- } else {
- return keywordJsToSt(selector);
- }
- };
- function keywordJsToSt (selector) {
- return selector.replace(/^_/, '').replace(/_/g, ':');
- }
- function binaryJsToSt (selector) {
- return selector
- .replace(/^_/, '')
- .replace(/_and/g, '&')
- .replace(/_or/g, '|')
- .replace(/_plus/g, '+')
- .replace(/_minus/g, '-')
- .replace(/_star/g, '*')
- .replace(/_slash/g, '/')
- .replace(/_backslash/g, '\\')
- .replace(/_tild/g, '~')
- .replace(/_gt/g, '>')
- .replace(/_lt/g, '<')
- .replace(/_eq/g, '=')
- .replace(/_comma/g, ',')
- .replace(/_at/g, '@');
- }
- st.st2prop = function (stSelector) {
- var colonPosition = stSelector.indexOf(':');
- return colonPosition === -1 ? stSelector : stSelector.slice(0, colonPosition);
- };
- }
- function AMDBrik (brikz, st) {
- st.amdRequire = require;
- st.defaultTransportType = st.defaultTransportType || "amd";
- st.defaultAmdNamespace = st.defaultAmdNamespace || "amber_core";
- }
- NilBrik.deps = ["root"];
- function NilBrik (brikz, st) {
- var SmalltalkObject = brikz.root.Object;
- var coreFns = brikz.root.coreFns;
- function SmalltalkNil () {
- }
- coreFns.UndefinedObject = inherits(SmalltalkNil, SmalltalkObject);
- this.nilAsReceiver = new SmalltalkNil();
- Object.defineProperty(this.nilAsReceiver, 'isNil', {
- value: true,
- enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false
- });
- }
- AsReceiverBrik.deps = ["nil"];
- function AsReceiverBrik (brikz, st) {
- var nilAsReceiver = brikz.nil.nilAsReceiver;
- * This function is used all over the compiled amber code.
- * It takes any value (JavaScript or Smalltalk)
- * and returns a proper Amber Smalltalk receiver.
- *
- * null or undefined -> nilAsReceiver,
- * object having Smalltalk signature -> unchanged,
- * otherwise wrapped foreign (JS) object
- */
- this.asReceiver = function (o) {
- if (o == null) return nilAsReceiver;
- else if (o.klass != null) return o;
- else return st.wrapJavaScript(o);
- };
- }
var api = {};
var brikz = new Brikz(api);
+ configureWithFundamentals(brikz);
- brikz.smalltalkGlobals = SmalltalkGlobalsBrik;
- brikz.root = RootBrik;
- brikz.arraySet = ArraySetBrik;
- brikz.organize = OrganizeBrik;
- brikz.selectorConversion = SelectorConversionBrik;
- brikz.selectors = SelectorsBrik;
- brikz.packages = PackagesBrik;
- brikz.behaviors = BehaviorsBrik;
- brikz.methods = MethodsBrik;
+ configureWithHierarchy(brikz);
- brikz.traits = TraitsBrik;
- brikz.classes = ClassesBrik;
brikz.stInit = SmalltalkInitBrik;
- brikz.nil = NilBrik;
- brikz.asReceiver = AsReceiverBrik;
- brikz.amd = AMDBrik;