Smalltalk current createPackage: 'SUnit-Tests' properties: #{}! TestCase subclass: #ExampleSetTest instanceVariableNames: 'empty full' package: 'SUnit-Tests'! !ExampleSetTest commentStamp! ExampleSetTest is taken from Pharo 1.4. THe purpose of this class is to demonstrate a simple use case of the test framework.! !ExampleSetTest methodsFor: 'running'! setUp empty := Set new. full := Set with: 5 with: #abc ! ! !ExampleSetTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAdd empty add: 5. self assert: (empty includes: 5) ! testGrow empty addAll: (1 to: 100). self assert: empty size = 100 ! testIllegal self should: [empty at: 5] raise: Error. self should: [empty at: 5 put: #abc] raise: Error ! testIncludes self assert: (full includes: 5). self assert: (full includes: #abc) ! testOccurrences self assert: (empty occurrencesOf: 0) = 0. self assert: (full occurrencesOf: 5) = 1. full add: 5. self assert: (full occurrencesOf: 5) = 1 ! testRemove full remove: 5. self assert: (full includes: #abc). self deny: (full includes: 5) ! ! TestCase subclass: #SUnitAsyncTest instanceVariableNames: 'flag' package: 'SUnit-Tests'! !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'helpers'! fakeError flag := 'bad'. self timeout: 10. flag := (self async: [ flag := 'ok'. self error: 'Intentional' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! fakeErrorFailingInTearDown flag := 'bad'. self timeout: 10. flag := (self async: [ self error: 'Intentional' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! fakeFailure flag := 'bad'. self timeout: 10. flag := (self async: [ flag := 'ok'. self assert: false ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing self timeout: 100. (self async: [ self timeout: 5. (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 10 ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! fakeMultipleTimeoutPassing self timeout: 10. (self async: [ self timeout: 20. (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 10 ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! fakeTimeout self timeout: 4. (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! ! !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'private'! selectorSetOf: aCollection ^(aCollection collect: [:each | each selector]) asSet ! ! !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'running'! setUp flag := 'ok' ! tearDown self assert: 'ok' equals: flag ! ! !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAsyncErrorsAndFailures | suite runner result assertBlock | suite := #('fakeError' 'fakeErrorFailingInTearDown' 'fakeFailure' 'testPass') collect: [ :each | self class selector: each ]. runner := TestSuiteRunner on: suite. self timeout: 200. result := runner result. assertBlock := self async: [ self assert: #('fakeError') asSet equals: (self selectorSetOf: result errors). self assert: #('fakeErrorFailingInTearDown' 'fakeFailure') asSet equals: (self selectorSetOf: result failures). self finished ]. runner announcer on: ResultAnnouncement do: [:ann | ann result == result ifTrue: [ result runs = result total ifTrue: assertBlock ]]. runner run ! testAsyncNeedsTimeout self should: [ self async: [ ] ] raise: Error. self timeout: 0. self shouldnt: [ self async: [ ] ] raise: Error. self finished ! testFinishedNeedsTimeout self should: [ self finished ] raise: Error. self timeout: 0. self shouldnt: [ self finished ] raise: Error. ! testIsAsyncReturnsCorrectValues self deny: self isAsync. self timeout: 0. self assert: self isAsync. self finished. self deny: self isAsync ! testPass flag := 'bad'. self timeout: 10. flag := (self async: [ self assert: true. self finished. flag := 'ok' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5 ! testTimeouts | suite runner result assertBlock | suite := #('fakeTimeout' 'fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing' 'fakeMultipleTimeoutPassing' 'testPass') collect: [ :each | self class selector: each ]. runner := TestSuiteRunner on: suite. self timeout: 200. result := runner result. assertBlock := self async: [ self assert: Set new equals: (self selectorSetOf: result errors). self assert: #('fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing' 'fakeTimeout') asSet equals: (self selectorSetOf: result failures). self finished ]. runner announcer on: ResultAnnouncement do: [:ann | ann result == result ifTrue: [ result runs = result total ifTrue: assertBlock ]]. runner run ! testTwoAsyncPassesWithFinishedOnlyOneIsRun | x | flag := 'bad'. self timeout: 10. x := 0. flag := (self async: [ self finished. flag := 'ok'. x := x+1. self assert: 1 equals: x ]) valueWithTimeout: 0. flag := (self async: [ self finished. flag := 'ok'. x := x+1. self assert: 1 equals: x ]) valueWithTimeout: 0. ! !