Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Helios-Environments'! Object subclass: #HLEnvironment instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Environments'! !HLEnvironment commentStamp! Abstract class defining common behavior for local and remote environments! !HLEnvironment methodsFor: 'accessing'! availableClassNames self subclassResponsibility ! availableProtocolsFor: aClass self subclassResponsibility ! classBuilder ^ self subclassResponsibility ! packages ^ self subclassResponsibility ! ! !HLEnvironment methodsFor: 'actions'! commitPackage: aPackage self subclassResponsibility ! eval: someCode on: aReceiver ^ self subclassResponsibility ! moveMethod: aMethod toClass: aClassName self subclassResponsibility ! moveMethod: aMethod toProtocol: aProtocol self subclassResponsibility ! removeMethod: aMethod self sublcassResponsibility ! ! !HLEnvironment methodsFor: 'compiling'! addInstVarNamed: aString to: aClass self classBuilder addSubclassOf: aClass superclass named: aClass name instanceVariableNames: (aClass instanceVariableNames copy add: aString; yourself) package: aClass package name ! compileClassComment: aString for: aClass aClass comment: aString ! compileClassDefinition: aString self eval: aString on: DoIt new ! compileMethod: sourceCode for: class protocol: protocol class compile: sourceCode category: protocol ! ! HLEnvironment subclass: #HLLocalEnvironment instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Environments'! !HLLocalEnvironment methodsFor: 'accessing'! availableClassNames ^ Smalltalk current classes collect: [ :each | each name ] ! availableProtocolsFor: aClass | protocols | protocols := aClass protocols. aClass superclass ifNotNil: [ protocols addAll: (self availableProtocolsFor: aClass superclass) ]. ^ protocols asSet asArray ! classBuilder ^ ClassBuilder new ! packages ^ Smalltalk current packages ! ! !HLLocalEnvironment methodsFor: 'actions'! commitPackage: aPackage aPackage heliosCommit ! eval: aString on: aReceiver | compiler | compiler := Compiler new. [ compiler parseExpression: aString ] on: Error do: [ :ex | ^ window alert: ex messageText ]. ^ compiler evaluateExpression: aString on: aReceiver ! moveMethod: aMethod toClass: aClassName | destinationClass | destinationClass := Smalltalk current at: aClassName asSymbol. destinationClass ifNil: [ self error: 'Invalid class name' ]. destinationClass == aMethod methodClass ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. destinationClass adoptMethod: aMethod. aMethod methodClass forsakeMethod: aMethod. ! moveMethod: aMethod toProtocol: aProtocol aMethod category: aProtocol ! removeMethod: aMethod aMethod methodClass forsakeMethod: aMethod ! ! HLEnvironment subclass: #HLRemoteEnvironment instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Environments'! !HLRemoteEnvironment methodsFor: 'accessing'! packages "Answer the remote environment's packages" "to-do" "Note for future self and friends: the problem with remote stuff is that the answers shouldn't be expected to be received in a syncrhonous fashion. Everything network is asyc, so you *are going to deal with callbacks* here" ! ! !HLRemoteEnvironment methodsFor: 'actions'! eval: someCode on: aReceiver "Note for future self and friends: whatever way this compilation happens on the other side, it should return a proxy to the remote resulting object" self notYetImplemented ! ! Object subclass: #HLRemoteObject instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Environments'! !HLRemoteObject commentStamp! This is a local proxy to a remote object. Tipically useful for evaluating and inspecting and interacting with instances of a remote VM.! !HLRemoteObject methodsFor: 'actions'! doesNotUnderstand: aMessage "to-do aham, blah blah super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage" ! inspectOn: anInspector "to-do" "this is a source of so much fun..." ! printString ^ 'this is a remote object' ! ! !Behavior methodsFor: '*Helios-Environments'! adoptMethod: aMethod self compile: aMethod source category: aMethod protocol. ! forsakeMethod: aMethod self removeCompiledMethod: aMethod ! !