Smalltalk current createPackage: 'GoogleCharts' properties: #{}! Object subclass: #ChartApp instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !ChartApp commentStamp! A chart app is an example App which loads the google JSAPI and visualization API.! !ChartApp methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! begin "Start the executiong of the ChartApp" ^self ! initialize "Load my external JS" self class loadGoogleLoader:[self class loadVisualization:[self begin]] ! ! !ChartApp class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! loadGoogleLoader: callback "Load the Google JSAPI - Use JQuery.ajax() since that is available" <$.ajax({url:"",dataType:"script",success:callback});> ! loadVisualization: callback "Use google.load() to load visualization and load the needed packages" |packages| packages := self neededVisualizationPackages. ! neededVisualizationPackages "This is a hook for subclasses to define which visualization packages to load." ^{} ! ! Object subclass: #ChartButton instanceVariableNames: 'element clickBlock' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !ChartButton methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! activate |button| button := self element asJQuery. button click:[self clickBlock value] ! clickBlock ^clickBlock ! clickBlock: aBlock clickBlock := aBlock ! element ^element ! element: aSymbol element := aSymbol ! ! !ChartButton class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! element: elementSymbol clickBlock: clickBlock ^self new element: elementSymbol; clickBlock: clickBlock; activate;yourself ! popUpChart: chart atDom: element "Make the chart popup on click of an element" ^self element: element clickBlock:[chart drawChart] ! ! Object subclass: #GoogleChart instanceVariableNames: 'chartId chartType' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'DOM'! getElementById: id "Find element by the id in the DOM" ^ ! ! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'abstraction'! makeData "abstraction - return the data for a google chart" ^self subclassresponsibility ! makeOptions "Abstract method - return options for a Google Chart" ^ self subclassresponsibility ! ! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'accessor'! chartId ^chartId ! chartId: aString chartId := aString ! chartType ^ chartType ! chartType: aString chartType := aString ! ! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'chart'! drawChart | chart data options| data := self makeData. chart :=self makeChart:self chartId. options :=self makeOptions. ! makeChart: id "build a chart at specific element id in the DOM and return" |e t| e := self getElementById:id. t := self chartType. ^ ! ! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'data table'! arrayToDataTable: array ^ ! ! !GoogleChart methodsFor: 'init'! initialize ^self ! ! !GoogleChart class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! chartId: aString ^self new chartId:aString;yourself ! ! GoogleChart subclass: #GaugeChart instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !GaugeChart methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! initialize " Create a Guage with the chartId that identifies the chart graphic placement and the chartType to be created at that id." super initialize. self chartType:'Gauge'. ^self ! ! GoogleChart subclass: #GeoChart instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !GeoChart methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! initialize " Create a Geo Chart" super initialize. self chartType:'GeoChart'. ^self ! ! GoogleChart subclass: #PieChart instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !PieChart methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! initialize super initialize. self chartType:'PieChart'. ^self ! ! GoogleChart subclass: #ScatterChart instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'GoogleCharts'! !ScatterChart methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! initialize super initialize. self chartType:'ScatterChart'. ^self ! !