/* appjet:version 0.1 */ /* appjet:library */ // (c) 2010, Herbert Vojčík // Licensed by MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) // Fake 'storage' to point to 'storage[appjet.appName]' // Must be imported before storage (the best is to import it first). var old = appjet._native.runLibrary; appjet._native.runLibrary = function () { var lib = Function.prototype.apply.call(old, this, arguments); lib.storage = lib.storage[appjet.appName]; return lib; }; try { import({}, "storage"); } finally { appjet._native.runLibrary = old; } import("lib-app/globals"); var _hdrWrite = page.body.write, _dir; function appRun (dir, callback) { setupAppDir(dir); setupAppPresenter(); setupAppView(); setupAppModel(); if (callback) callback(); appGo(); } function setupAppDir (dir) { _dir = dir; } function setupAppPresenter () { if (request.isGet && request.path !== '/') { var _oldFbInit = fb.init; fb.init = function() { request.method = "POST"; try { _oldFbInit.apply(this, arguments); } finally { request.method = "GET"; } }; } fb.init(); import(_dir + "presenter"); import("lib-app/dispatch-plus"); page.setPresenter(dispatchPlus); } function setupAppView () { dispatchInject(function post_callback_ui_ () { import({}, _dir + "view-gallery").show(true); }); dispatchInject(function get_callback_ui_ () { page.setMode("html"); _hdrWrite = page.head.write; request.method = "POST"; import({}, _dir + "view-gallery").show(); }); import(_dir + "view"); page.setView(getView()); } function setupAppModel () { import(_dir + "model"); page.setModel(getModel()); } function appGo () { mvp(); _hdrWrite(["", ""].join("\r\n")); }