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Herbert Vojčík il y a 9 ans
1 fichiers modifiés avec 46 ajouts et 0 suppressions
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@@ -2,3 +2,49 @@ queue
 Two-array implementation of queue (.push, .shift) for JavaScript
+Originally created as a simple fast queue implementation
+around 2010 in one of @creationix repos (nStore, maybe)
+where implementation sucked because of `.shift()` being slow.
+This repo only contains the `Queue` class itself,
+written as traditional (`new`-able) JavaScript class,
+and fixing `.push` to be able to take variable number of arguments.
+How to install
+The `Queue` class is available in both npm and bower,
+usable as either node.js module, AMD module or global in the browser.
+You can install it with either of:
+    npm install hqueue
+    bower install hqueue
+The idea
+The idea behind this queue is to avoid `shift` call.
+This is accomplished by increasing the read index in an array
+and returning the element at that index.
+If using single array, this would fill the memory with ever-growing
+array. So two arrays are used - the read array is only used to read
+the front element by increasing the read index as told above.
+The second array is used to append new elements at the back.
+When the read array is exhausted, the write array
+becomes the read array, and empty write array is used to continue writing.
+As implementation of array `.push` tends to be _O(n)_ in average,
+and so should be the `Queue`. Moveover, exhausted read array is just
+shortened (`.length = 0`) and reused as write array,
+to allow to reuse already allocated capacity
+to make appending _O(1)_ most of the times.
+Reuses small subset of `Array` API so as to allow direct replacement of an array:
+  - `.shift()` remove and return front element or `undefined`
+  - `.push(...args)` append `...args` at the back of the queue
+  - `.length` return number of elements in the queue