# requirejs-promised RequireJS plugin to get decorated require that returns a promise ## Use Instead of usual ```js require(["require", ...], function (require, ...) { // ... require(["module/id", "module/id2"], function (module1, module2) {...}/*, errback*/ ); // ... }); ``` you can use ```js require(["promised!require", ...], function (require, ...) { // ... require(["module/id", "module/id2"]) .then(function (moduleArray) {...}) // .catch(errback) ; // ... }); ``` or, in ES2015, ```js require(["promised!require", ...], function (require, ...) { // ... require(["module/id", "module/id2"]) .then(([module1, module2]) => {...}) // .catch(errback) ; // ... }); ``` With all the niceties of promises, like later attachment of handler, etc. The global `Promise` must be present. It's your responsibility to polyfill it if needed (`require('es6-promise').polyfill();` is an easy way). In other words, `promised!require` works just like plain `require` for sync case `require("module/id")`, but in case of async call, it returns a Promise which resolves to array of modules if succeeded, or it rejects with an error if failed.