Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Trapped-Frontend'! Object subclass: #TrappedDataCarrier instanceVariableNames: 'target model chain' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedDataCarrier methodsFor: 'accessing'! chain: aProcessingChain chain := aProcessingChain ! target ^target ! target: anObject target := anObject ! value ^model ! value: anObject model := anObject ! ! !TrappedDataCarrier methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. model := true ! ! !TrappedDataCarrier class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! on: aProcessingChain target: anObject ^self new chain: aProcessingChain; target: anObject; yourself ! ! TrappedDataCarrier subclass: #TrappedDataCarrierToModel instanceVariableNames: 'index' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedDataCarrierToModel methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! proceed index := index ifNil: [ chain lastProcessorNo ] ifNotNil: [ index - 1 ]. (chain processorNo: index) toModel: self ! ! TrappedDataCarrier subclass: #TrappedDataCarrierToView instanceVariableNames: 'index' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedDataCarrierToView methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! proceed index := index ifNil: [ chain firstProcessorNo ] ifNotNil: [ index + 1 ]. (chain processorNo: index) toView: self ! ! Object subclass: #TrappedProcessingChain instanceVariableNames: 'processors' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedProcessingChain methodsFor: 'accessing'! firstProcessorNo ^1 ! lastProcessorNo ^processors size ! processorNo: aNumber ^processors at: aNumber ! processors: anArray processors := anArray ! ! !TrappedProcessingChain methodsFor: 'action'! forSnapshot: aSnapshot andBrush: aTagBrush | toViewCarrier toModelCarrier | toViewCarrier := TrappedDataCarrierToView on: self target: aTagBrush. toModelCarrier := TrappedDataCarrierToModel on: self target: aSnapshot. processors do: [ :each | each installToView: toViewCarrier toModel: toModelCarrier ]. toViewCarrier value = true ifTrue: [ toViewCarrier copy proceed ] ! ! !TrappedProcessingChain class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: anArray (anArray anySatisfy: [ :each | each isExpectingModelData ]) ifFalse: [ anArray add: self dataTerminator ] ifTrue: [ anArray addFirst: self blackboardReaderWriter ]. ^self new processors: anArray; yourself ! newFromProcessorSpecs: anArray ^self new: ((anArray ifEmpty: [ #(contents) ]) collect: [ :each | each isString ifTrue: [ TrappedProcessor perform: each ] ifFalse: [ | selector args | selector := ''. args := #(). each withIndexDo: [ :element :index | index odd ifTrue: [ selector := selector, element ] ifFalse: [ selector := selector, ':'. args add: element ] ]. TrappedProcessor perform: selector withArguments: args ] ]) ! ! !TrappedProcessingChain class methodsFor: 'private'! blackboardReaderWriter ^TrappedProcessorBlackboard new ! dataTerminator ^TrappedProcessorTerminator new ! ! Object subclass: #TrappedProcessor instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedProcessor commentStamp! I am a processing step in TrappedProcessingChain. I am stateless flyweight (aka servant) and will get all necessary data as arguments in API calls. My public API is: - installToView:toModel: This gets two TrappedDataCarriers set up without actual data and at the beginning of their chains. It should do one-time installation task needed (install event handlers etc.). To start a chain, do: dataCarrier copy value: data; proceed. - toView: This performs transformation of TrappedDataCarrier on its way from model to view. Should call aDataCarrier proceed to proceed to subsequent step. - toModel: This performs transformation of TrappedDataCarrier on its way from view to model. Should call aDataCarrier proceed to proceed to subsequent step.! !TrappedProcessor methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier "by default, proceed" aDataCarrier proceed ! toView: aDataCarrier "by default, proceed" aDataCarrier proceed ! ! !TrappedProcessor methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier "by default, do nothing" ! ! !TrappedProcessor methodsFor: 'testing'! isExpectingModelData ^false ! ! !TrappedProcessor class methodsFor: 'factory'! contents ^TrappedProcessorContents new ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedDataExpectingProcessor instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedDataExpectingProcessor commentStamp! I answer true to isExpectingModelData and serve as a base class for processor that present / change model data. When at least one of my instances is present in the chain, automatic databinding processor is added at the beginning (the data-binding scenario); otherwise, the chain is run immediately with true as data (run-once scenario).! !TrappedDataExpectingProcessor methodsFor: 'testing'! isExpectingModelData ^true ! ! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorContents instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedProcessorContents commentStamp! I put data into target via contents: in toView:! !TrappedProcessorContents methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier toTargetContents ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorBlackboard instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedProcessorBlackboard commentStamp! I am used internally to fetch data from blackboard or write it back. I am added to the beginning of the chain when the chain contains at least one element that isExpectingModelData (see TrappedDataExpectingProcessor).! !TrappedProcessorBlackboard methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier modifyTarget ! ! !TrappedProcessorBlackboard methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier | snap | snap := anotherDataCarrier target. snap watch: [ :data | (aDataCarrier target asJQuery closest: 'html') toArray isEmpty ifTrue: [ KeyedPubSubUnsubscribe signal ]. snap do: [ aDataCarrier copy value: data; proceed ] ]. aDataCarrier value: false ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorTerminator instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedProcessorTerminator commentStamp! I do not proceed in toView:. I am added automatically to end of chain when it does not contain any element that isExpectingModelData (see TrappedDataExpectingProcessor).! !TrappedProcessorTerminator methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier "stop" ! ! Object subclass: #TrappedSingleton instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedSingleton methodsFor: 'action'! start: args ^ self subclassResponsibility ! ! TrappedSingleton class instanceVariableNames: 'current'! !TrappedSingleton class methodsFor: 'accessing'! current ^ current ifNil: [ current := self new ] ! ! !TrappedSingleton class methodsFor: 'action'! start: args self current start: args ! ! TrappedSingleton subclass: #Trapped instanceVariableNames: 'registry' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !Trapped methodsFor: 'accessing'! byName: aString ^ registry at: aString ! register: aListKeyedEntity self register: aListKeyedEntity name: aListKeyedEntity class name ! register: aListKeyedEntity name: aString registry at: aString put: aListKeyedEntity ! ! !Trapped methodsFor: 'action'! descend: anArray snapshotDo: aBlock | tpsc | tpsc := TrappedPathStack current. tpsc append: anArray do: [ | path model | path := tpsc elements copy. model := self byName: path first. aBlock value: (TrappedSnapshot new path: path model: model) ] ! injectToJQuery: aJQuery aJQuery each: [ :index :elem | | jq | jq := elem asJQuery. (jq is: '[data-trap]') ifTrue: [ | parsed | parsed := Trapped parse: (jq attr: 'data-trap'). jq removeAttr: 'data-trap'. parsed do: [ :rule | (HTMLCanvas onJQuery: jq) root trap: rule first processors: (rule at: 2 ifAbsent: [#()]) ] ]. self injectToJQuery: jq children ] ! start: args args do: [ :each | self register: each ]. self injectToJQuery: 'html' asJQuery ! ! !Trapped methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. registry := #{}. ! ! !Trapped class methodsFor: 'accessing'! parse: aString ^ (aString tokenize: '.') collect: [ :rule | (rule tokenize: ':') collect: [ :message | | result stack anArray | anArray := message tokenize: ' '. result := #(). stack := { result }. anArray do: [ :each | | asNum inner close | close := 0. inner := each. [ inner notEmpty and: [ inner first = '(' ]] whileTrue: [ inner := inner allButFirst. stack add: (stack last add: #()) ]. [ inner notEmpty and: [ inner last = ')' ]] whileTrue: [ inner := inner allButLast. close := close + 1 ]. (inner notEmpty and: [ inner first = '#' ]) ifTrue: [ inner := { inner allButFirst } ]. asNum := inner isString ifTrue: [ (inner ifEmpty: [ 'NaN' ]) asNumber ] ifFalse: [ inner ]. asNum = asNum ifTrue: [ stack last add: asNum ] ifFalse: [ inner ifNotEmpty: [ stack last add: inner ] ]. close timesRepeat: [ stack removeLast ] ]. result ] ] ! ! !Trapped class methodsFor: 'private'! envelope: envelope loop: model before: endjq do: aBlock | envjq | envjq := envelope asJQuery. model withIndexDo: [ :item :i | {i} trapDescend: [ envelope with: aBlock ]. envjq children detach insertBefore: endjq. ]. envjq remove ! loop: model between: start and: end do: aBlock (start asJQuery nextUntil: end element) remove. start with: [ :html | model ifNotNil: [ self envelope: html div loop: model before: end asJQuery do: aBlock ]] ! ! TrappedSingleton subclass: #TrappedPathStack instanceVariableNames: 'elements' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedPathStack methodsFor: 'accessing'! elements ^elements ! ! !TrappedPathStack methodsFor: 'descending'! append: anArray do: aBlock self with: elements, anArray do: aBlock ! with: anArray do: aBlock | old | old := elements. [ elements := anArray. aBlock value ] ensure: [ elements := old ] ! ! !TrappedPathStack methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. elements := #(). ! ! Object subclass: #TrappedSnapshot instanceVariableNames: 'path model' package: 'Trapped-Frontend'! !TrappedSnapshot methodsFor: 'accessing'! model ^model ! path ^path ! path: anArray model: aTrappedMW path := anArray. model := aTrappedMW ! ! !TrappedSnapshot methodsFor: 'action'! do: aBlock TrappedPathStack current with: path do: [ aBlock value: model ] ! modify: aBlock self model modify: self path allButFirst do: aBlock ! watch: aBlock self model watch: self path allButFirst do: aBlock ! ! !Array methodsFor: '*Trapped-Frontend'! trapDescend: aBlock Trapped current descend: self snapshotDo: aBlock ! ! !HTMLCanvas methodsFor: '*Trapped-Frontend'! trapIter: path do: aBlock self with: [ :html | html noscript trapIter: path after: aBlock ] ! ! !TagBrush methodsFor: '*Trapped-Frontend'! trap: path self trap: path processors: #() ! trap: path processors: anArray path trapDescend: [ :snap | (TrappedProcessingChain newFromProcessorSpecs: anArray) forSnapshot: snap andBrush: self ] ! trap: path read: aBlock path trapDescend: [ :snap | snap watch: [ :data | (self asJQuery closest: 'html') toArray isEmpty ifTrue: [ KeyedPubSubUnsubscribe signal ]. snap do: [ self with: [ :html | aBlock value: data value: html ] ] ] ] ! trapGuard: anArray contents: aBlock #() trapDescend: [ :snap | | shown | shown := nil. self trap: anArray read: [ :gdata | | sanitized | sanitized := gdata ifNil: [ false ]. shown = sanitized ifFalse: [ shown := sanitized. shown ifTrue: [ snap do: [ self contents: aBlock ]. self asJQuery show ] ifFalse: [ self asJQuery hide; empty ] ] ] ] ! trapIter: path after: aBlock | end | end := TagBrush fromJQuery: ('