Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Trapped-Processors'! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorAttribute instanceVariableNames: 'attrName' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorAttribute commentStamp! I set the data into an attribute speciried when creating me. No observing and sending back, atm.! !TrappedProcessorAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing'! attrName: aString attrName := aString ! ! !TrappedProcessorAttribute methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier toTargetAttr: attrName ! ! !TrappedProcessorAttribute class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: aString ^self new attrName: aString; yourself ! ! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc instanceVariableNames: 'toViewBlock' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc commentStamp! I put data into target via contents: in toView:! !TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc methodsFor: 'accessing'! toViewBlock: aBlock toViewBlock := aBlock ! ! !TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier toViewBlock value: aDataCarrier ! ! !TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! newToView: aBlock ^self new toViewBlock: aBlock; yourself ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorDescend instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorDescend commentStamp! I intepret data-trap in descendants of my brush.! !TrappedProcessorDescend methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier Trapped current injectToJQuery: aDataCarrier target asJQuery children ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorGuardBase instanceVariableNames: 'guardPath' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorGuardBase commentStamp! I serve as base class for brush-guarding processors. I cover instantiation and subclasses have to provide implementation of toVIew: that react appropriately to guard releasing.! !TrappedProcessorGuardBase methodsFor: 'accessing'! guardPath: anArray guardPath := anArray ! ! !TrappedProcessorGuardBase methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier "stop" ! toView: aDataCarrier self subclassResponsibility ! ! !TrappedProcessorGuardBase class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: anArray ^ self new guardPath: anArray; yourself ! ! TrappedProcessorGuardBase subclass: #TrappedProcessorGuardContents instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorGuardContents commentStamp! I am used to guard contents of the brush I am installed on. I save the brush contents, then I observe guard expression in the model, and when it changes to nil or false, I delete the brush contents; on the other hand, when it changes to non-nil and non-false, I restore it from remembered state and interpret all contained data-trap attributes inside.! !TrappedProcessorGuardContents methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier | frozen contents | frozen := aDataCarrier copy. contents := frozen target asJQuery contents detach. frozen target trapGuard: guardPath contents: [ :html | html root asJQuery append: contents. Trapped current injectToJQuery: html root asJQuery ] ! ! TrappedProcessorGuardBase subclass: #TrappedProcessorGuardProc instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorGuardProc commentStamp! I am used to guard contents filling process of the brush I am installed on. I observe guard expression in the model, and when it changes to nil or false, I delete the brush contents; on the other hand, when it changes to non-nil and non-false, I run the rest on the chain, which should be one-time that sets up the contents,! !TrappedProcessorGuardProc methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier | frozen | frozen := aDataCarrier copy. frozen target trapGuard: guardPath contents: [ frozen copy proceed ] ! ! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorInputChecked instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorInputChecked commentStamp! I bind to checkbox checked attribute.! !TrappedProcessorInputChecked methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier toTargetAttr: 'checked' ! ! !TrappedProcessorInputChecked methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier | brush | brush := aDataCarrier target. brush onChange: [ anotherDataCarrier copy value: (brush asJQuery attr: 'checked') notNil; proceed ] ! ! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorInputValue instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorInputValue commentStamp! I bind to input value.! !TrappedProcessorInputValue methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier toTargetValue ! ! !TrappedProcessorInputValue methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier | brush | brush := aDataCarrier target. brush onChange: [ anotherDataCarrier copy value: brush asJQuery val; proceed ] ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorLoopBase instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorLoopBase commentStamp! I serve as base class for looping processors. I cover instantiation and subclasses have to provide implementation of toVIew: that loops appropriately.! !TrappedProcessorLoopBase methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier "stop" ! toView: aDataCarrier self subclassResponsibility ! ! TrappedProcessorLoopBase subclass: #TrappedProcessorLoopContents instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorLoopContents commentStamp! I am used to loop over data and repeat the contents of the brush I am installed on. I save the brush contents, then I observe the data in the model, and when it changes, I loop over it and restore the contents from remembered state and interpret all contained data-trap attributes inside for each element, putting the result _after_ my brush. My brush itself should be as least visible as possible, as it only serve as a position flag (use for example noscript, ins or del).! !TrappedProcessorLoopContents methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier | frozen contents tag | frozen := aDataCarrier copy. tag := (frozen target element at: 'tagName') asLowercase. contents := nil. tag = 'template' ifTrue: [ contents := (frozen target element at: 'content' ifAbsent: [ nil ]) ifNotNil: [ :content | content asJQuery ] ]. contents ifNil: [ contents := frozen target asJQuery contents detach ]. frozen target trapIter: #() after: [ :html | html root asJQuery append: contents clone. Trapped current injectToJQuery: html root asJQuery ] ! ! TrappedProcessorLoopBase subclass: #TrappedProcessorLoopProc instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorLoopProc commentStamp! I am used to loop over data and repeat the contents filling process of the brush I am installed on. I observe the data in the model, and when it changes, I loop over it and run the rest of the processing chain for each element, putting the result _after_ my brush. My brush itself should be as least visible as possible, as it only serve as a position flag (use for example noscript, ins or del).! !TrappedProcessorLoopProc methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier | frozen | frozen := aDataCarrier copy. frozen target trapIter: #() after: [ :html | frozen copy target: html root; proceed ] ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorReplace instanceVariableNames: 'left right' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorReplace commentStamp! I convert data to string representation and do a regex replace. I get two parameters, in toView:, first is replaced with second, and in toModel:, the second is replaced with first. I remove leading '^' and ending '$' from the string used as replacement, so it safe to replace ^to with ^To, for example.! !TrappedProcessorReplace methodsFor: 'accessing'! left: aString left := aString ! right: aString right := aString ! ! !TrappedProcessorReplace methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier | replacement old | replacement := (left replace: '^\^' with: '') replace: '\$$' with: ''. old := aDataCarrier value asString. aDataCarrier value: (old replace: right with: replacement) whenDifferentFrom: old; proceed ! toView: aDataCarrier | replacement old | replacement := (right replace: '^\^' with: '') replace: '\$$' with: ''. old := aDataCarrier value asString. aDataCarrier value: (old replace: left with: replacement) whenDifferentFrom: old; proceed ! ! !TrappedProcessorReplace class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: aString with: anotherString ^ self new left: aString asString; right: anotherString asString; yourself ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorSignal instanceVariableNames: 'selector' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorSignal commentStamp! Instead of writing data directly to model, I instead modify it by sending a message specified when instantiating me.! !TrappedProcessorSignal methodsFor: 'accessing'! selector: aString selector := aString ! ! !TrappedProcessorSignal methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier modifyTargetByPerforming: selector ! toView: aDataCarrier "stop" ! ! !TrappedProcessorSignal class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: aString ^self new selector: aString; yourself ! ! TrappedDataExpectingProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorToBlackboard instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorToBlackboard commentStamp! I save the data to blackboard in toModel:, to position specified by path.! !TrappedProcessorToBlackboard methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier target modify: [ aDataCarrier value ] ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorUriComponentDecode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorUriComponentDecode commentStamp! I uriComponentDecode in toView: and encode in toModel:! !TrappedProcessorUriComponentDecode methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier value: aDataCarrier value uriComponentEncoded; proceed ! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier value: aDataCarrier value uriComponentDecoded; proceed ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorUriComponentEncode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorUriComponentEncode commentStamp! I uriComponentEncode in toView: and decode in toModel:! !TrappedProcessorUriComponentEncode methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toModel: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier value: aDataCarrier value uriComponentDecoded; proceed ! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier value: aDataCarrier value uriComponentEncoded; proceed ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorWhenClicked instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorWhenClicked commentStamp! I bind to an element and send true to blackboard when clicked.! !TrappedProcessorWhenClicked methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier aDataCarrier target onClick: [ anotherDataCarrier copy proceed. false ] ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorWhenSubmitted instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorWhenSubmitted commentStamp! I bind to a form and send true to blackboard when submitted.! !TrappedProcessorWhenSubmitted methodsFor: 'installation'! installToView: aDataCarrier toModel: anotherDataCarrier aDataCarrier target onSubmit: [ anotherDataCarrier copy proceed. false ] ! ! TrappedProcessor subclass: #TrappedProcessorWidget instanceVariableNames: 'viewName' package: 'Trapped-Processors'! !TrappedProcessorWidget commentStamp! I insert a widget instance of the class specified when creating me.! !TrappedProcessorWidget methodsFor: 'accessing'! viewName: aString viewName := aString ! ! !TrappedProcessorWidget methodsFor: 'data transformation'! toView: aDataCarrier aDataCarrier target with: (Smalltalk current at: viewName) new ! ! !TrappedProcessorWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: aString ^self new viewName: aString; yourself ! ! !TrappedDataCarrier methodsFor: '*Trapped-Processors'! modifyTarget self target modify: [ self value ] ! modifyTargetByPerforming: aString self target modify: [ :m | m perform: aString ] ! toTargetAttr: aString self falseAsNilValue ifNil: [ self target removeAt: aString ] ifNotNil: [ :value | self target at: aString put: (value = true ifTrue: [ aString ] ifFalse: [ value ]) ] ! toTargetContents self target contents: self value ! toTargetValue self target asJQuery val: (self value ifNotNil: [ :o | o value ] ifNil: [[]]) ! ! !TrappedProcessor class methodsFor: '*Trapped-Processors'! attr: aString ^TrappedProcessorAttribute new: aString ! dataToView: aBlock ^TrappedProcessorDataAdhoc newToView: aBlock ! deuric ^TrappedProcessorUriComponentDecoded new ! guardContents: anArray ^TrappedProcessorGuardContents new: anArray ! guardProc: anArray ^TrappedProcessorGuardProc new: anArray ! inputChecked ^TrappedProcessorInputChecked new ! inputValue ^TrappedProcessorInputValue new ! loopContents ^TrappedProcessorLoopContents new ! loopProc ^TrappedProcessorLoopProc new ! path ^TrappedProcessorDescend new ! replace: aString with: anotherString ^TrappedProcessorReplace new: aString with: anotherString ! signal: aString ^TrappedProcessorSignal new: aString ! toBlackboard ^TrappedProcessorToBlackboard new ! uric ^TrappedProcessorUriComponentEncoded new ! whenClicked ^TrappedProcessorWhenClicked new ! whenSubmitted ^TrappedProcessorWhenSubmitted new ! widget: aString ^TrappedProcessorWidget new: aString ! !