123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385 |
- Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Trapped-Backend' properties: #{}!
- Object subclass: #EavModel
- instanceVariableNames: 'getBlock putBlock'
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !EavModel commentStamp!
- External actor value model.!
- !EavModel methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- getBlock: aBlock
- getBlock := aBlock
- !
- on: anObject
- "Returns value of model applied on object"
- ^getBlock value: anObject
- !
- on: anObject put: anObject2
- "Puts a value via model applied on object"
- ^putBlock value: anObject value: anObject2
- !
- putBlock: aBlock
- putBlock := aBlock
- ! !
- !EavModel methodsFor: 'initialization'!
- initialize
- super initialize.
- getBlock := [ self error: 'No getter block.' ].
- putBlock := [ self error: 'No putter block.' ].
- ! !
- Object subclass: #Isolator
- instanceVariableNames: 'root'
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !Isolator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- root
- ^root
- !
- root: anObject
- root := anObject
- ! !
- !Isolator methodsFor: 'action'!
- model: anEavModel modify: aBlock
- | newValue |
- newValue := aBlock value: (anEavModel on: self).
- anEavModel on: self put: newValue deepCopy
- !
- model: anEavModel read: aBlock
- aBlock value: (anEavModel on: self) deepCopy
- ! !
- !Isolator class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
- on: anObject
- ^self new root: anObject
- ! !
- Object subclass: #KeyedPubSubBase
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !KeyedPubSubBase commentStamp!
- I represent a pub-sub based on a key.
- I manage key-block subscriptions as well as running blocks that are dirty.
- The subscription objects are reponsible of decision if the change is relevant for them.
- Subscription object must be subclasses of KeyedSubscriptionBase.
- My subclasses must provide implementation for:
- subscriptionKey:block: (factory method for creating appropriate subscription object)
- as well as bookkeeping of subscriptions:
- add:
- do:
- clean
- (optionally) run!
- !KeyedPubSubBase methodsFor: 'action'!
- changed: key
- | needsToRun |
- needsToRun := false.
- self do: [ :each |
- (each accepts: key) ifTrue: [
- each flag.
- needsToRun := true.
- ]
- ].
- self dirty: needsToRun
- !
- dirty: aBoolean
- aBoolean ifTrue: [[ self run ] fork]
- !
- on: key hook: aBlock
- self add: (self subscriptionKey: key block: aBlock) flag.
- self dirty: true
- !
- run
- | needsClean |
- needsClean := false.
- self do: [ :each |
- each isFlagged ifTrue: [
- each run.
- each isEnabled ifFalse: [ needsClean := true ]
- ]
- ].
- needsClean ifTrue: [ self clean ]
- !
- subscriptionKey: key block: aBlock
- "Should return subclass of KeyedSubscriptionBase"
- self subclassReponsibility
- ! !
- KeyedPubSubBase subclass: #ListKeyedPubSubBase
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !ListKeyedPubSubBase commentStamp!
- I am base class list-keyed pub-sub.
- My subclasses need to provide implementation for:
- add:
- do:
- clean
- (optionally) run!
- !ListKeyedPubSubBase methodsFor: 'action'!
- subscriptionKey: key block: aBlock
- ^ListKeyedSubscription new key: key block: aBlock; yourself
- ! !
- ListKeyedPubSubBase subclass: #SimpleListKeyedPubSub
- instanceVariableNames: 'queue'
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !SimpleListKeyedPubSub methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- add: aSubscription
- queue add: aSubscription.
- ! !
- !SimpleListKeyedPubSub methodsFor: 'bookkeeping'!
- clean
- queue := queue select: [ :each | each isEnabled ]
- ! !
- !SimpleListKeyedPubSub methodsFor: 'enumeration'!
- do: aBlock
- queue do: aBlock
- ! !
- !SimpleListKeyedPubSub methodsFor: 'initialization'!
- initialize
- super initialize.
- queue := OrderedCollection new
- ! !
- Error subclass: #KeyedPubSubUnsubscribe
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !KeyedPubSubUnsubscribe commentStamp!
- SIgnal me from the subscription block to unsubscribe it.!
- Object subclass: #KeyedSubscriptionBase
- instanceVariableNames: 'key actionBlock flagged'
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !KeyedSubscriptionBase methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- flag
- flagged := true
- !
- key: anObject block: aBlock
- key := anObject.
- actionBlock := aBlock
- ! !
- !KeyedSubscriptionBase methodsFor: 'action'!
- run
- [[ actionBlock value ] ensure: [ flagged := false ]]
- on: KeyedPubSubUnsubscribe do: [ actionBlock := nil ]
- ! !
- !KeyedSubscriptionBase methodsFor: 'initialization'!
- initialize
- super initialize.
- key := nil.
- actionBlock := nil.
- flagged := false.
- ! !
- !KeyedSubscriptionBase methodsFor: 'testing'!
- accepts: aKey
- "Should return true if change for aKey is relevant for this subscription"
- self subclassResponsibility
- !
- isEnabled
- ^actionBlock notNil
- !
- isFlagged
- ^flagged
- ! !
- KeyedSubscriptionBase subclass: #ListKeyedSubscription
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !ListKeyedSubscription methodsFor: 'testing'!
- accepts: aKey
- ^aKey size <= key size and: [aKey = (key copyFrom: 1 to: aKey size)]
- ! !
- Object subclass: #ListKeyedEntity
- instanceVariableNames: 'dispatcher payload'
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !ListKeyedEntity commentStamp!
- I am base class for #('string-at-index' #selector numeric-at-index)-array-path-keyed entities,
- that moderate access to the wrapped model object via read;do and modify:do:
- and allow pub-sub via watch:do:.
- This wrapped model can be any smalltalk object.
- My subclasses need to provide implementation for:
- read:do:
- modify:do:
- and must issue these calls when initializing:
- model: (with a wrapped object)
- dispatcher: (with a subclass of ListKeyedPubSubBase)!
- !ListKeyedEntity methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- dispatcher
- ^dispatcher
- !
- dispatcher: aDispatcher
- dispatcher := aDispatcher
- !
- model: anObject
- payload := anObject.
- self dispatcher changed: #()
- ! !
- !ListKeyedEntity methodsFor: 'action'!
- watch: path do: aBlock
- self dispatcher on: path hook: [ self read: path do: aBlock ]
- ! !
- ListKeyedEntity subclass: #ListKeyedDirectEntity
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !ListKeyedDirectEntity commentStamp!
- I am ListKeyedEntity that directly manipulate
- the wrapped model object.!
- !ListKeyedDirectEntity methodsFor: 'action'!
- modify: path do: aBlock
- | newValue eavModel |
- eavModel := path asEavModel.
- newValue := aBlock value: (eavModel on: payload).
- [ eavModel on: payload put: newValue ] ensure: [ self dispatcher changed: path ]
- !
- read: path do: aBlock
- | eavModel |
- eavModel := path asEavModel.
- aBlock value: (eavModel on: payload)
- ! !
- ListKeyedEntity subclass: #ListKeyedIsolatedEntity
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Trapped-Backend'!
- !ListKeyedIsolatedEntity commentStamp!
- I am ListKeyedEntity that guards access
- to the wrapped model object via Isolator.!
- !ListKeyedIsolatedEntity methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- model: anObject
- super model: (Isolator on: anObject)
- ! !
- !ListKeyedIsolatedEntity methodsFor: 'action'!
- modify: path do: aBlock
- | eavModel |
- eavModel := ({#root},path) asEavModel.
- [ payload model: eavModel modify: aBlock ] ensure: [ self dispatcher changed: path ]
- !
- read: path do: aBlock
- | eavModel |
- eavModel := ({#root},path) asEavModel.
- payload model: eavModel read: aBlock
- ! !
- !Object methodsFor: '*Trapped-Backend'!
- reverseTrapAt: anObject
- ^nil
- !
- reverseTrapAt: anObject put: value
- self error: 'Trapped cannot put at ', self class name, ' type key.'
- ! !
- !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: '*Trapped-Backend'!
- asEavModel
- | model |
- model := EavModel new.
- model getBlock: [ :anObject |
- self inject: anObject into: [ :soFar :segment |
- soFar ifNotNil: [ segment reverseTrapAt: soFar ]]].
- self isEmpty ifFalse: [
- model putBlock: [ :anObject :value | | penultimate |
- penultimate := self allButLast inject: anObject into: [ :soFar :segment |
- soFar ifNotNil: [ segment reverseTrapAt: soFar ]].
- self last reverseTrapAt: penultimate put: value ]].
- ^model
- ! !
- !String methodsFor: '*Trapped-Backend'!
- reverseTrapAt: anObject
- ^anObject at: self ifAbsent: [nil]
- !
- reverseTrapAt: anObject put: value
- ^anObject at: self put: value
- ! !
- !Symbol methodsFor: '*Trapped-Backend'!
- reverseTrapAt: anObject
- ^[anObject perform: self] on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [^nil]
- !
- reverseTrapAt: anObject put: value
- ^anObject perform: (self, ':') asSymbol withArguments: { value }
- ! !
- !Number methodsFor: '*Trapped-Backend'!
- reverseTrapAt: anObject
- ^anObject at: self ifAbsent: [nil]
- !
- reverseTrapAt: anObject put: value
- ^anObject at: self put: value
- ! !