
AmberCli now displays Browser with AmberCli package:
Gruntfile.js modified 'amber_cli' target to use 'amber_cli' namespace
cli/index.html requirejs config paths for module 'amber_cli'
recompile with grunt amberc:amber_cli

Thomas Rake 11 年之前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 41 次插入27 次删除
  1. 2 1
  2. 18 5
  3. 2 2
  4. 3 3
  5. 16 16

+ 2 - 1

@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
             'Compiler-IR', 'Compiler-Inlining', 'Compiler-Semantic', 'Compiler-Interpreter', '@parser'
         main_class: 'AmberCli',
-        output_name: 'amber-cli'
+        output_name: 'amber-cli',
+        amd_namespace: 'amber_cli'

+ 18 - 5

@@ -5,15 +5,28 @@
     <title>Amber Smalltalk</title> 
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
     <meta name="author" content="Nicolas Petton" /> 
-    <script type='text/javascript' src='../support/amber.js'></script>
+    <script type='text/javascript' src='../support/requirejs/require.min.js'></script>
+    <script src='../support/amber.js'></script>
     <script type='text/javascript'>
-      loadAmber({
-        files: ['AmberCli.js'],
-        prefix: 'cli/js',
-        ready: function() {smalltalk.Browser._open()}})
+    require.config({
+        paths: {
+            'amber_cli': 'js',
+            'amber_cli/_source': 'st'
+        }
+    });
+    require(
+        ["amber/devel",
+            "amber_cli/AmberCli" ],
+        function (smalltalk) {
+            smalltalk.defaultAMDNamespace = 'amber_cli';
+            smalltalk.initialize();
+            smalltalk.Browser._openOn_(smalltalk.AmberCli);
+        }
+    );

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-define("amber_core/AmberCli", ["amber_vm/smalltalk", "amber_vm/nil", "amber_vm/_st", "amber_core/Kernel-Objects"], function(smalltalk,nil,_st){
+define("amber_cli/AmberCli", ["amber_vm/smalltalk", "amber_vm/nil", "amber_vm/_st", "amber_core/Kernel-Objects"], function(smalltalk,nil,_st){
-smalltalk.packages["AmberCli"].transport = {"type":"amd","amdNamespace":"amber_core"};
+smalltalk.packages["AmberCli"].transport = {"type":"amd","amdNamespace":"amber_cli"};
 smalltalk.addClass('AmberCli', smalltalk.Object, [], 'AmberCli');
 smalltalk.AmberCli.comment="I am the Amber CLI (CommandLine Interface) tool which runs on Node.js.\x0a\x0aMy responsibility is to start different Amber programs like the FileServer or the Repl.\x0aWhich program to start is determined by the first commandline parameters passed to the AmberCli executable.\x0aUse `help` to get a list of all available options.\x0aAny further commandline parameters are passed to the specific program.\x0a\x0a## Commands\x0a\x0aNew commands can be added by creating a class side method in the `commands` protocol which takes one parameter.\x0aThis parameter is an array of all commandline options + values passed on to the program.\x0aAny `camelCaseCommand` is transformed into a commandline parameter of the form `camel-case-command` and vice versa.";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -35617,9 +35617,9 @@ smalltalk.parser = (function(){
   return result;
-define("amber_core/AmberCli", ["amber_vm/smalltalk", "amber_vm/nil", "amber_vm/_st", "amber_core/Kernel-Objects"], function(smalltalk,nil,_st){
+define("amber_cli/AmberCli", ["amber_vm/smalltalk", "amber_vm/nil", "amber_vm/_st", "amber_core/Kernel-Objects"], function(smalltalk,nil,_st){
-smalltalk.packages["AmberCli"].transport = {"type":"amd","amdNamespace":"amber_core"};
+smalltalk.packages["AmberCli"].transport = {"type":"amd","amdNamespace":"amber_cli"};
 smalltalk.addClass('AmberCli', smalltalk.Object, [], 'AmberCli');
 smalltalk.AmberCli.comment="I am the Amber CLI (CommandLine Interface) tool which runs on Node.js.\x0a\x0aMy responsibility is to start different Amber programs like the FileServer or the Repl.\x0aWhich program to start is determined by the first commandline parameters passed to the AmberCli executable.\x0aUse `help` to get a list of all available options.\x0aAny further commandline parameters are passed to the specific program.\x0a\x0a## Commands\x0a\x0aNew commands can be added by creating a class side method in the `commands` protocol which takes one parameter.\x0aThis parameter is an array of all commandline options + values passed on to the program.\x0aAny `camelCaseCommand` is transformed into a commandline parameter of the form `camel-case-command` and vice versa.";
@@ -37389,7 +37389,7 @@ smalltalk.Repl.klass);
-define("amber_vm/_init", ["amber_vm/smalltalk","amber_vm/smalltalk","amber_vm/nil","amber_vm/_st","amber_core/Kernel-Objects","amber_core/Kernel-Classes","amber_core/Kernel-Methods","amber_core/Kernel-Collections","amber_core/Kernel-Infrastructure","amber_core/Kernel-Exceptions","amber_core/Kernel-Transcript","amber_core/Kernel-Announcements","amber_core/Compiler-Exceptions","amber_core/Compiler-Core","amber_core/Compiler-AST","amber_core/Compiler-IR","amber_core/Compiler-Inlining","amber_core/Compiler-Semantic","amber_core/Compiler-Interpreter","amber_vm/parser","amber_core/AmberCli"], function (smalltalk) {
+define("amber_vm/_init", ["amber_vm/smalltalk","amber_vm/smalltalk","amber_vm/nil","amber_vm/_st","amber_core/Kernel-Objects","amber_core/Kernel-Classes","amber_core/Kernel-Methods","amber_core/Kernel-Collections","amber_core/Kernel-Infrastructure","amber_core/Kernel-Exceptions","amber_core/Kernel-Transcript","amber_core/Kernel-Announcements","amber_core/Compiler-Exceptions","amber_core/Compiler-Core","amber_core/Compiler-AST","amber_core/Compiler-IR","amber_core/Compiler-Inlining","amber_core/Compiler-Semantic","amber_core/Compiler-Interpreter","amber_vm/parser","amber_cli/AmberCli"], function (smalltalk) {

+ 16 - 16

@@ -903,12 +903,12 @@ My runtime requirement is a functional Node.js executable with working Readline
 !Repl methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^'amber >> '
 	^ commands
+	^'amber >> '
 ! !
 !Repl methodsFor: 'actions'!
@@ -955,14 +955,14 @@ initialize
 	self setupCommands
-	process stdin on: 'keypress' do: [:s :key | key ifNotNil: [self onKeyPress: key]].
 	commands := Dictionary from: {
 		{':q'} -> [process exit].
 		{''} -> [interface prompt]}
+	process stdin on: 'keypress' do: [:s :key | key ifNotNil: [self onKeyPress: key]].
 ! !
 !Repl methodsFor: 'private'!
@@ -987,6 +987,14 @@ assignNewVariable: buffer do: aBlock
 		aBlock value: varName value: value]
+	| esc cls |
+	esc := String fromCharCode: 27.
+	cls := esc, '[2J', esc, '[0;0f'.
+	process stdout write: cls.
+	interface prompt
 encapsulateVariable: aString withValue: anObject in: aClass
 	"Add getter and setter for given variable to session."
 	| compiler |
@@ -1033,14 +1041,6 @@ onKeyPress: key
 		ifTrue: [self clearScreen]
-	| esc cls |
-	esc := String fromCharCode: 27.
-	cls := esc, '[2J', esc, '[0;0f'.
-	process stdout write: cls.
-	interface prompt
 parseAssignment: aString do: aBlock
 	"Assigns a new variable if the given string is an assignment expression. Calls the given block with name and value.
 	 If the string is not one no variable will be assigned and the block will be called with nil for both arguments."