/* ==================================================================== | | Amber Smalltalk | http://amber-lang.net | ====================================================================== ====================================================================== | | Copyright (c) 2010-2011 | Nicolas Petton <petton.nicolas@gmail.com> | | Amber is released under the MIT license | | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to | permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to | the following conditions: | | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | | THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF | MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, | TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE | SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | ==================================================================== */ /* Make sure that console is defined */ if(typeof console === "undefined") { this.console = { log: function() {}, warn: function() {}, info: function() {}, debug: function() {}, error: function() {} }; } /* Array extensions */ Array.prototype.addElement = function(el) { if(typeof el === 'undefined') { return; } if(this.indexOf(el) == -1) { this.push(el); } }; Array.prototype.removeElement = function(el) { var i = this.indexOf(el); if (i !== -1) { this.splice(i, 1); } }; /* Smalltalk constructors definition */ function SmalltalkObject() {} function SmalltalkBehavior() {} function SmalltalkClass() {} function SmalltalkMetaclass() { this.meta = true; } function SmalltalkPackage() {} function SmalltalkMethod() {} function SmalltalkNil() {} function SmalltalkOrganizer() { } function SmalltalkPackageOrganizer() { this.elements = []; } function SmalltalkClassOrganizer() { this.elements = []; } function inherits(child, parent) { child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype, { constructor: { value: child, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true } }); } inherits(SmalltalkBehavior, SmalltalkObject); inherits(SmalltalkClass, SmalltalkBehavior); inherits(SmalltalkMetaclass, SmalltalkBehavior); inherits(SmalltalkNil, SmalltalkObject); inherits(SmalltalkMethod, SmalltalkObject); inherits(SmalltalkPackage, SmalltalkObject); inherits(SmalltalkOrganizer, SmalltalkObject); inherits(SmalltalkPackageOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer); inherits(SmalltalkClassOrganizer, SmalltalkOrganizer); function Smalltalk() { var st = this; /* This is the current call context object. While it is publicly available, Use smalltalk.getThisContext() instead which will answer a safe copy of the current context */ st.thisContext = undefined; /* List of all reserved words in JavaScript. They may not be used as variables in Smalltalk. */ // list of reserved JavaScript keywords as of // http://es5.github.com/#x7.6.1.1 // and // http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-7.6.1 st.reservedWords = ['break', 'case', 'catch', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'in', 'instanceof', 'new', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', // ES5: future use: http://es5.github.com/#x7.6.1.2 'class', 'const', 'enum', 'export', 'extends', 'import', 'super', // ES5: future use in strict mode 'implements', 'interface', 'let', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'static', 'yield']; var initialized = false; /* Smalltalk classes */ var classes = []; var wrappedClasses = []; /* Method not implemented handlers */ var dnu = { methods: [], selectors: [], get: function (string) { var index = this.selectors.indexOf(string); if(index !== -1) { return this.methods[index]; } this.selectors.push(string); var selector = st.selector(string); var method = {jsSelector: selector, fn: this.createHandler(selector)}; this.methods.push(method); return method; }, /* Dnu handler method */ createHandler: function (selector) { return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return messageNotUnderstood(this, selector, args); }; } }; /* Answer all method selectors based on dnu handlers */ st.allSelectors = function() { return dnu.selectors; }; /* Unique ID number generator */ var oid = 0; st.nextId = function() { oid += 1; return oid; }; /* We hold all Packages in a separate Object */ st.packages = {}; /* Smalltalk package creation. To add a Package, use smalltalk.addPackage() */ function pkg(spec) { var that = new SmalltalkPackage(); that.pkgName = spec.pkgName; that.organization = new SmalltalkPackageOrganizer(); that.properties = spec.properties || {}; return that; } /* Smalltalk class creation. A class is an instance of an automatically created metaclass object. Newly created classes (not their metaclass) should be added to the smalltalk object, see smalltalk.addClass(). Superclass linking is *not* handled here, see smalltalk.init() */ function klass(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var meta = metaclass(spec); var that = meta.instanceClass; that.fn = spec.fn || function() {}; setupClass(that, spec); that.className = spec.className; that.wrapped = spec.wrapped || false; meta.className = spec.className + ' class'; if(spec.superclass) { that.superclass = spec.superclass; meta.superclass = spec.superclass.klass; } return that; } function metaclass(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = new SmalltalkMetaclass(); inherits( that.fn = function() {}, spec.superclass ? spec.superclass.klass.fn : SmalltalkClass ); that.instanceClass = new that.fn(); setupClass(that); return that; } function setupClass(klass, spec) { spec = spec || {}; klass.iVarNames = spec.iVarNames || []; klass.pkg = spec.pkg; Object.defineProperty(klass, "toString", { value: function() { return 'Smalltalk ' + this.className; }, enumerable:false, configurable: true, writable: false }); klass.organization = new SmalltalkClassOrganizer(); klass.organization.theClass = klass; Object.defineProperty(klass, "methods", { value: {}, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); wireKlass(klass); } /* Smalltalk method object. To add a method to a class, use smalltalk.addMethod() */ st.method = function(spec) { var that = new SmalltalkMethod(); that.selector = spec.selector; that.jsSelector = spec.jsSelector; that.args = spec.args || {}; that.category = spec.category; that.source = spec.source; that.messageSends = spec.messageSends || []; that.referencedClasses = spec.referencedClasses || []; that.fn = spec.fn; return that; }; /* Initialize a class in its class hierarchy. Handle both classes and metaclasses. */ st.init = function(klass) { st.initClass(klass); if(klass.klass && !klass.meta) { st.initClass(klass.klass); } }; st.initClass = function(klass) { if(klass.wrapped) { copySuperclass(klass); } else { installSuperclass(klass); } if(klass === st.Object || klass.wrapped) { installDnuHandlers(klass); } }; function wireKlass(klass) { Object.defineProperty(klass.fn.prototype, "klass", { value: klass, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } function installSuperclass(klass) { // only if the klass has not been initialized yet. if(klass.fn.prototype._yourself) { return; } if(klass.superclass && klass.superclass !== nil) { inherits(klass.fn, klass.superclass.fn); wireKlass(klass); reinstallMethods(klass); } } function copySuperclass(klass, superclass) { for (superclass = superclass || klass.superclass; superclass && superclass !== nil; superclass = superclass.superclass) { for (var keys = Object.keys(superclass.methods), i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { installMethodIfAbsent(superclass.methods[keys[i]], klass); } } } function installMethod(method, klass) { Object.defineProperty(klass.fn.prototype, method.jsSelector, { value: method.fn, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } function installMethodIfAbsent(method, klass) { if(!klass.fn.prototype[method.jsSelector]) { installMethod(method, klass); } } function reinstallMethods(klass) { for(var keys = Object.keys(klass.methods), i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { installMethod(klass.methods[keys[i]], klass); } } function installDnuHandlers(klass) { var m = dnu.methods; for(var i=0; i<m.length; i++) { installMethodIfAbsent(m[i], klass); } } function installNewDnuHandler(newHandler) { installMethodIfAbsent(newHandler, st.Object); for(var i = 0; i < wrappedClasses.length; i++) { installMethodIfAbsent(newHandler, wrappedClasses[i]); } } /* Answer all registered Packages as Array */ // TODO: Remove this hack st.packages.all = function() { var packages = []; for(var i in st.packages) { if(!st.packages.hasOwnProperty(i) || typeof(st.packages[i]) === "function") continue; packages.push(st.packages[i]); } return packages }; /* Answer all registered Smalltalk classes */ //TODO: remove the function and make smalltalk.classes an array st.classes = function() { return classes; }; st.wrappedClasses = function() { return wrappedClasses; }; /* Answer the direct subclasses of klass. */ st.subclasses = function(klass) { var subclasses = []; var classes = st.classes(); for(var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) { var c = classes[i]; if(c.fn) { //Classes if(c.superclass === klass) { subclasses.push(c); } c = c.klass; //Metaclasses if(c && c.superclass === klass) { subclasses.push(c); } } } return subclasses; }; st.allSubclasses = function(klass) { var result, subclasses; result = subclasses = st.subclasses(klass); subclasses.forEach(function(subclass) { result.push.apply(result, st.allSubclasses(subclass)); }); return result; }; /* Create a new class wrapping a JavaScript constructor, and add it to the global smalltalk object. Package is lazily created if it does not exist with given name. */ st.wrapClassName = function(className, pkgName, fn, superclass, wrapped) { if(wrapped !== false) { wrapped = true; } var pkg = st.addPackage(pkgName); st[className] = klass({ className: className, superclass: superclass, pkg: pkg, fn: fn, wrapped: wrapped }); classes.addElement(st[className]); if(wrapped) {wrappedClasses.addElement(st[className])} pkg.organization.elements.addElement(st[className]); }; /* Create an alias for an existing class */ st.alias = function(klass, alias) { st[alias] = klass; }; /* Add a package to the smalltalk.packages object, creating a new one if needed. If pkgName is null or empty we return nil, which is an allowed package for a class. If package already exists we still update the properties of it. */ st.addPackage = function(pkgName, properties) { if(!pkgName) {return nil;} if(!(st.packages[pkgName])) { st.packages[pkgName] = pkg({ pkgName: pkgName, properties: properties }); } else { if(properties) { st.packages[pkgName].properties = properties; } } return st.packages[pkgName]; }; /* Add a class to the smalltalk object, creating a new one if needed. A Package is lazily created if it does not exist with given name. */ st.addClass = function(className, superclass, iVarNames, pkgName) { var pkg = st.addPackage(pkgName); if (superclass == nil) { superclass = null; } if(st[className] && st[className].superclass == superclass) { st[className].superclass = superclass; st[className].iVarNames = iVarNames; st[className].pkg = pkg || st[className].pkg; } else { if(st[className]) { st.removeClass(st[className]); } st[className] = klass({ className: className, superclass: superclass, pkg: pkg, iVarNames: iVarNames }); } classes.addElement(st[className]); pkg.organization.elements.addElement(st[className]); }; st.removeClass = function(klass) { klass.pkg.organization.elements.removeElement(klass); classes.removeElement(klass); delete st[klass.className]; }; /* * Add/remove a method to/from a class */ /* This is a temporary version of addMethod() for backward compatibility */ st.addMethod = function(method_exJsSelector, klass_exMethod, exKlass) { if (typeof method_exJsSelector === "string") { //legacy if (method_exJsSelector !== st.selector(klass_exMethod.selector)) { console.log("DISCREPANCY: arg, in_method"); console.log(method_exJsSelector); console.log(st.selector(klass_exMethod.selector)); klass_exMethod.jsSelector = method_exJsSelector; } return new_addMethod(klass_exMethod, exKlass); } return new_addMethod(method_exJsSelector, klass_exMethod); } // later, st.addMethod can be this: function new_addMethod(method, klass) { if (!(method.jsSelector)) { method.jsSelector = st.selector(method.selector); } installMethod(method, klass); klass.methods[method.selector] = method; method.methodClass = klass; // During the bootstrap, #addCompiledMethod is not used. // Therefore we populate the organizer here too klass.organization.elements.addElement(method.category); // If already initialized (else it will be done later anyway), // re-initialize all subclasses to ensure the new method // propagation (for wrapped classes, not using the prototype // chain. if(initialized) { st.allSubclasses(klass).forEach(function(subclass) { st.initClass(subclass); }); } for(var i=0; i<method.messageSends.length; i++) { var dnuHandler = dnu.get(method.messageSends[i]); if(initialized) { installNewDnuHandler(dnuHandler); } } }; st.removeMethod = function(method) { var protocol = method.category; var klass = method.methodClass; delete klass.fn.prototype[st.selector(method.selector)]; delete klass.methods[method.selector]; var selectors = Object.keys(klass.methods); // Do *not* delete protocols from here. // This is handled by #removeCompiledMethod }; /* Handles unhandled errors during message sends */ // simply send the message and handle #dnu: st.send = function(receiver, selector, args, klass) { var method; if(receiver == null) { receiver = nil; } method = klass ? klass.fn.prototype[selector] : receiver.klass && receiver[selector]; if(method) { return method.apply(receiver, args); } else { return messageNotUnderstood(receiver, selector, args); } } st.withContext = function(worker, setup) { if(st.thisContext) { st.thisContext.pc++; return inContext(worker, setup); } else { try {return inContext(worker, setup)} catch(error) { if(error.smalltalkError) { handleError(error); } else { var errorWrapper = st.JavaScriptException._on_(error); try {errorWrapper._signal()} catch(ex) {} errorWrapper._context_(st.getThisContext()); handleError(errorWrapper); } // Reset the context stack in any case st.thisContext = undefined; // Throw the exception anyway, as we want to stop // the execution to avoid infinite loops // Update: do not throw the exception. It's really annoying. // throw error; } } }; function inContext(worker, setup) { var context = pushContext(setup); var result = worker(context); popContext(context); return result; } /* Handles Smalltalk errors. Triggers the registered ErrorHandler (See the Smalltalk class ErrorHandler and its subclasses */ function handleError(error) { st.ErrorHandler._current()._handleError_(error); } /* Handles #dnu: *and* JavaScript method calls. if the receiver has no klass, we consider it a JS object (outside of the Amber system). Else assume that the receiver understands #doesNotUnderstand: */ function messageNotUnderstood(receiver, selector, args) { /* Handles JS method calls. */ if(receiver.klass === undefined || receiver.allowJavaScriptCalls) { return callJavaScriptMethod(receiver, selector, args); } /* Handles not understood messages. Also see the Amber counter-part Object>>doesNotUnderstand: */ return receiver._doesNotUnderstand_( st.Message._new() ._selector_(st.convertSelector(selector)) ._arguments_(args) ); } /* Call a method of a JS object, or answer a property if it exists. Else try wrapping a JSObjectProxy around the receiver. If the object property is a function, then call it, except if it starts with an uppercase character (we probably want to answer the function itself in this case and send it #new from Amber). Converts keyword-based selectors by using the first keyword only, but keeping all message arguments. Example: "self do: aBlock with: anObject" -> "self.do(aBlock, anObject)" */ function callJavaScriptMethod(receiver, selector, args) { var jsSelector = selector._asJavaScriptSelector(); var jsProperty = receiver[jsSelector]; if(typeof jsProperty === "function" && !/^[A-Z]/.test(jsSelector)) { return jsProperty.apply(receiver, args); } else if(jsProperty !== undefined) { if(args[0]) { receiver[jsSelector] = args[0]; return nil; } else { return jsProperty; } } return st.send(st.JSObjectProxy._on_(receiver), selector, args); } /* Handle thisContext pseudo variable */ st.getThisContext = function() { if(st.thisContext) { st.thisContext.init(); return st.thisContext; } else { return nil; } }; function pushContext(setup) { return st.thisContext = new SmalltalkMethodContext(smalltalk.thisContext, setup); } function popContext(context) { st.thisContext = context.homeContext; } /* Convert a Smalltalk selector into a JS selector */ st.selector = function(string) { var selector = '_' + string; selector = selector.replace(/:/g, '_'); selector = selector.replace(/[\&]/g, '_and'); selector = selector.replace(/[\|]/g, '_or'); selector = selector.replace(/[+]/g, '_plus'); selector = selector.replace(/-/g, '_minus'); selector = selector.replace(/[*]/g ,'_star'); selector = selector.replace(/[\/]/g ,'_slash'); selector = selector.replace(/[\\]/g ,'_backslash'); selector = selector.replace(/[\~]/g ,'_tild'); selector = selector.replace(/>/g ,'_gt'); selector = selector.replace(/</g ,'_lt'); selector = selector.replace(/=/g ,'_eq'); selector = selector.replace(/,/g ,'_comma'); selector = selector.replace(/[@]/g ,'_at'); return selector }; /* Convert a string to a valid smalltalk selector. if you modify the following functions, also change String>>asSelector accordingly */ st.convertSelector = function(selector) { if(selector.match(/__/)) { return convertBinarySelector(selector); } else { return convertKeywordSelector(selector); } }; function convertKeywordSelector(selector) { return selector.replace(/^_/, '').replace(/_/g, ':'); } function convertBinarySelector(selector) { return selector .replace(/^_/, '') .replace(/_and/g, '&') .replace(/_or/g, '|') .replace(/_plus/g, '+') .replace(/_minus/g, '-') .replace(/_star/g, '*') .replace(/_slash/g, '/') .replace(/_backslash/g, '\\') .replace(/_tild/g, '~') .replace(/_gt/g, '>') .replace(/_lt/g, '<') .replace(/_eq/g, '=') .replace(/_comma/g, ',') .replace(/_at/g, '@') } /* Converts a JavaScript object to valid Smalltalk Object */ st.readJSObject = function(js) { var object = js; var readObject = (js.constructor === Object); var readArray = (js.constructor === Array); if(readObject) { object = st.Dictionary._new(); } for(var i in js) { if(readObject) { object._at_put_(i, st.readJSObject(js[i])); } if(readArray) { object[i] = st.readJSObject(js[i]); } } return object; }; /* Boolean assertion */ st.assert = function(shouldBeBoolean) { if ((undefined !== shouldBeBoolean) && (shouldBeBoolean.klass === smalltalk.Boolean)) { return shouldBeBoolean == true; } else { smalltalk.NonBooleanReceiver._new()._object_(shouldBeBoolean)._signal(); } }; /* Backward compatibility with Amber 0.9.1 */ st.symbolFor = function(aString) { return aString; } /* Smalltalk initialization. Called on page load */ st.initialize = function() { if(initialized) { return; } classes.forEach(function(klass) { st.init(klass); }); classes.forEach(function(klass) { klass._initialize(); }); initialized = true; }; } inherits(Smalltalk, SmalltalkObject); function SmalltalkMethodContext(home, setup) { this.homeContext = home; this.setup = setup || function() {}; this.pc = 0; } // Fallbacks SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.locals = {}; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.receiver = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.selector = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.lookupClass = null; inherits(SmalltalkMethodContext, SmalltalkObject); SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fill = function(receiver, selector, locals, lookupClass) { this.receiver = receiver; this.selector = selector; this.locals = locals || {}; this.lookupClass = lookupClass; }; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fillBlock = function(locals, ctx) { this.locals = locals || {}; this.outerContext = ctx; }; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.init = function() { var home = this.homeContext; if(home) {home = home.init()} this.setup(this); }; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.method = function() { var method; var lookup = this.lookupClass || this.receiver.klass; while(!method && lookup) { method = lookup.methods[smalltalk.convertSelector(this.selector)]; lookup = lookup.superclass } return method; }; // TODO: this is just wrong :) SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.resume = function() { //Brutally set the receiver as thisContext, then re-enter the function smalltalk.thisContext = this; return this.method.apply(receiver, temps); }; /* Global Smalltalk objects. */ var nil = new SmalltalkNil(); var smalltalk = new Smalltalk(); if(this.jQuery) { this.jQuery.allowJavaScriptCalls = true; } /* * Answer the smalltalk representation of o. * Used in message sends */ var _st = function(o) { if(o == null) {return nil} if(o.klass) {return o} return smalltalk.JSObjectProxy._on_(o); }; /***************************************** BOOTSTRAP ******************************************/ smalltalk.wrapClassName("Object", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkObject, undefined, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Behavior", "Kernel-Classes", SmalltalkBehavior, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Metaclass", "Kernel-Classes", SmalltalkMetaclass, smalltalk.Behavior, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Class", "Kernel-Classes", SmalltalkClass, smalltalk.Behavior, false); smalltalk.Object.klass.superclass = smalltalk.Class; smalltalk.wrapClassName("Smalltalk", "Kernel-Objects", Smalltalk, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Package", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkPackage, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("CompiledMethod", "Kernel-Methods", SmalltalkMethod, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Organizer", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkOrganizer, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("PackageOrganizer", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkPackageOrganizer, smalltalk.Organizer, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("ClassOrganizer", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkClassOrganizer, smalltalk.Organizer, false); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Number", "Kernel-Objects", Number, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("BlockClosure", "Kernel-Methods", Function, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Boolean", "Kernel-Objects", Boolean, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Date", "Kernel-Objects", Date, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("UndefinedObject", "Kernel-Objects", SmalltalkNil, smalltalk.Object, false); smalltalk.addClass("Collection", smalltalk.Object, null, "Kernel-Collections"); smalltalk.addClass("IndexableCollection", smalltalk.Collection, null, "Kernel-Collections"); smalltalk.addClass("SequenceableCollection", smalltalk.IndexableCollection, null, "Kernel-Collections"); smalltalk.addClass("CharacterArray", smalltalk.SequenceableCollection, null, "Kernel-Collections"); smalltalk.wrapClassName("String", "Kernel-Collections", String, smalltalk.CharacterArray); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Array", "Kernel-Collections", Array, smalltalk.SequenceableCollection); smalltalk.wrapClassName("RegularExpression", "Kernel-Collections", RegExp, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("Error", "Kernel-Exceptions", Error, smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.wrapClassName("MethodContext", "Kernel-Methods", SmalltalkMethodContext, smalltalk.Object, false); /* Alias definitions */ smalltalk.alias(smalltalk.Array, "OrderedCollection"); smalltalk.alias(smalltalk.Date, "Time");