Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler-AST' properties: #{}! Object subclass: #Node instanceVariableNames: 'position nodes shouldBeInlined shouldBeAliased' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !Node commentStamp! I am the abstract root class of the abstract syntax tree. position: holds a point containing lline- and column number of the symbol location in the original source file! !Node methodsFor: 'accessing'! addNode: aNode self nodes add: aNode ! nodes ^nodes ifNil: [nodes := Array new] ! position ^position ifNil: [position := 0@0] ! shouldBeAliased ^ shouldBeAliased ifNil: [ false ] ! shouldBeAliased: aBoolean shouldBeAliased := aBoolean ! shouldBeInlined ^ shouldBeInlined ifNil: [ false ] ! shouldBeInlined: aBoolean shouldBeInlined := aBoolean ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'building'! nodes: aCollection nodes := aCollection ! position: aPosition position := aPosition ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'testing'! isAssignmentNode ^ false ! isBlockNode ^false ! isBlockSequenceNode ^false ! isImmutable ^false ! isNode ^ true ! isReturnNode ^false ! isSendNode ^false ! isValueNode ^false ! subtreeNeedsAliasing ^(self shouldBeAliased or: [ self shouldBeInlined ]) or: [ (self nodes detect: [ :each | each subtreeNeedsAliasing ] ifNone: [ false ]) ~= false ] ! ! !Node methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #AssignmentNode instanceVariableNames: 'left right' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! left ^left ! left: aNode left := aNode ! nodes ^ Array with: self left with: self right ! right ^right ! right: aNode right := aNode ! ! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isAssignmentNode ^ true ! ! !AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitAssignmentNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #BlockNode instanceVariableNames: 'parameters scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! parameters ^parameters ifNil: [parameters := Array new] ! parameters: aCollection parameters := aCollection ! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! ! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isBlockNode ^true ! ! !BlockNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitBlockNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #CascadeNode instanceVariableNames: 'receiver' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !CascadeNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! receiver ^receiver ! receiver: aNode receiver := aNode ! ! !CascadeNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitCascadeNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #DynamicArrayNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !DynamicArrayNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitDynamicArrayNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #DynamicDictionaryNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !DynamicDictionaryNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitDynamicDictionaryNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #JSStatementNode instanceVariableNames: 'source' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! source ^source ifNil: [''] ! source: aString source := aString ! ! !JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitJSStatementNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #MethodNode instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments source scope classReferences messageSends superSends' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !MethodNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^arguments ifNil: [#()] ! arguments: aCollection arguments := aCollection ! classReferences ^ classReferences ! classReferences: aCollection classReferences := aCollection ! messageSends ^ messageSends ! messageSends: aCollection messageSends := aCollection ! scope ^ scope ! scope: aMethodScope scope := aMethodScope ! selector ^selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! source ^source ! source: aString source := aString ! superSends ^ superSends ! superSends: aCollection superSends := aCollection ! ! !MethodNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitMethodNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #ReturnNode instanceVariableNames: 'scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! ! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isReturnNode ^ true ! nonLocalReturn ^ self scope isMethodScope not ! ! !ReturnNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitReturnNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #SendNode instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments receiver superSend index' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !SendNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! arguments ^arguments ifNil: [arguments := #()] ! arguments: aCollection arguments := aCollection ! cascadeNodeWithMessages: aCollection | first | first := SendNode new selector: self selector; arguments: self arguments; yourself. ^CascadeNode new receiver: self receiver; nodes: (Array with: first), aCollection; yourself ! index ^ index ! index: anInteger index := anInteger ! nodes ^ (Array withAll: self arguments) add: self receiver; yourself ! receiver ^receiver ! receiver: aNode receiver := aNode ! selector ^selector ! selector: aString selector := aString ! superSend ^ superSend ifNil: [ false ] ! superSend: aBoolean superSend := aBoolean ! valueForReceiver: anObject ^SendNode new receiver: (self receiver ifNil: [anObject] ifNotNil: [self receiver valueForReceiver: anObject]); selector: self selector; arguments: self arguments; yourself ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isSendNode ^ true ! ! !SendNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitSendNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #SequenceNode instanceVariableNames: 'temps scope' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! scope ^ scope ! scope: aLexicalScope scope := aLexicalScope ! temps ^temps ifNil: [#()] ! temps: aCollection temps := aCollection ! ! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'! asBlockSequenceNode ^BlockSequenceNode new nodes: self nodes; temps: self temps; yourself ! ! !SequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitSequenceNode: self ! ! SequenceNode subclass: #BlockSequenceNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isBlockSequenceNode ^true ! ! !BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitBlockSequenceNode: self ! ! Node subclass: #ValueNode instanceVariableNames: 'value' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! value ^value ! value: anObject value := anObject ! ! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isImmutable ^true ! isValueNode ^true ! ! !ValueNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitValueNode: self ! ! ValueNode subclass: #VariableNode instanceVariableNames: 'assigned binding' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'accessing'! alias ^ self binding alias ! assigned ^assigned ifNil: [false] ! assigned: aBoolean assigned := aBoolean ! beAssigned self binding validateAssignment. assigned := true ! binding ^ binding ! binding: aScopeVar binding := aScopeVar ! ! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'testing'! isImmutable ^false ! ! !VariableNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitVariableNode: self ! ! VariableNode subclass: #ClassReferenceNode instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-AST'! !ClassReferenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'! accept: aVisitor ^ aVisitor visitClassReferenceNode: self ! ! !Object methodsFor: '*Compiler-AST'! isNode ^ false ! !