# {%= title || name %}

{%= description %}

## Getting Started

Install Amber and create an Amber project,
as shown in [Amber Instructions](https://lolg.it/amber/amber#prerequisites).

## Use {%= name %} as a library in a client project

If not already present, create a client project
in an empty directory with `amber init`.

In a client project, run

bower install {%= name %} --save
grunt devel
amber serve

Go to `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser and
in all packages that use {%= name %},
add `'{%= namespace %}/{%= name %}'` to the package imports,
save the change and commit the package. Reload.

## Contributing

To bring project alive (for example after `git clone`):

npm install
bower install
grunt devel

Developing the project (after brought alive):
Start server with `amber serve` and go to `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser and follow the instructions