1.0 KB

{%= title || name %}

{%= description %}

Getting Started

Install Amber and create an Amber project, as shown in Amber Instructions.

Use {%= name %} as a library in a client project

If not already present, create a client project in an empty directory with amber init.

In a client project, run

npm install {%= name %} --save
grunt devel
amber serve

Go to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser and in all packages that use {%= name %}, add '{%= namespace %}/{%= name %}' to the package imports, save the change and commit the package. Reload.


  1. Have amber cli tooling installed. If you don't, see first box in these instructions.

  2. Fork and/or clone the project, then bring it alive by: npm run init.

  3. Developing the project: Start server with amber serve and go to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser. Overlay with buttons to open IDE should appear shortly.