@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ testCompiledSource
| curriedMethod array |
| curriedMethod array |
- curriedMethod := [ :selfarg :x | selfarg at: x ] currySelf asCompiledMethod: 'foo:'.
- array := #(3 1 4).
- ClassBuilder new installMethod: curriedMethod forClass: Array category: '**test helper'.
- [ self assert: (array foo: 2) equals: 1 ]
- ensure: [ Array removeCompiledMethod: curriedMethod ]
+ curriedMethod := [ :selfarg :x | selfarg at: x ] currySelf asCompiledMethod: 'foo:'.
+ array := #(3 1 4).
+ ClassBuilder new installMethod: curriedMethod forClass: Array category: '**test helper'.
+ [ self assert: (array foo: 2) equals: 1 ]
+ ensure: [ Array removeCompiledMethod: curriedMethod ]
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ testEnsureRaises
"See https://github.com/NicolasPetton/amber/issues/314"
"See https://github.com/NicolasPetton/amber/issues/314"
- self timeout: 100.
- (self async: [
- [
- self assert: true.
- Error signal.
- "The following should *not* be run"
- self deny: true.
- self finished.
- ] on: Error do: [ :ex | self finished ]
+ self timeout: 100.
+ (self async: [
+ [
+ self assert: true.
+ Error signal.
+ "The following should *not* be run"
+ self deny: true.
+ self finished.
+ ] on: Error do: [ :ex | self finished ]
]) valueWithTimeout: 0
]) valueWithTimeout: 0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ testOnDo
self assert: ([1+1] value) equals: 2.
self assert: ([1+1] value) equals: 2.
self assert: ([:x | x +1] value: 2) equals: 3.
self assert: ([:x | x +1] value: 2) equals: 3.
- self assert: ([:x :y | x*y] value: 2 value: 4) equals: 8.
+ self assert: ([:x :y | x*y] value: 2 value: 4) equals: 8.
"Arguments are optional in Amber. This isn't ANSI compliant."
"Arguments are optional in Amber. This isn't ANSI compliant."
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ TestCase subclass: #BooleanTest
"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
- self deny: 0 = false.
+ self deny: 0 = false.
self deny: false = 0.
self deny: false = 0.
self deny: '' = false.
self deny: '' = false.
self deny: false = ''.
self deny: false = ''.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ testEquality
"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
"We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!"
- self deny: 0 == false.
+ self deny: 0 == false.
self deny: false == 0.
self deny: false == 0.
self deny: '' == false.
self deny: '' == false.
self deny: false == ''.
self deny: false == ''.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ testIdentity
self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block']) equals: 'alternative block'.
self assert: (true ifTrue: ['alternative block']) equals: 'alternative block'.
self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block']) equals: nil.
self assert: (true ifFalse: ['alternative block']) equals: nil.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ testIfTrueIfFalse
self assert: (true yourself ifTrue: ['alternative block']) equals: 'alternative block'.
self assert: (true yourself ifTrue: ['alternative block']) equals: 'alternative block'.
self assert: (true yourself ifFalse: ['alternative block']) equals: nil.
self assert: (true yourself ifFalse: ['alternative block']) equals: nil.
@@ -171,48 +171,48 @@ testIfTrueIfFalseWithBoxing
"Trivial logic table"
"Trivial logic table"
self assert: (true & true);
self assert: (true & true);
- deny: (true & false);
- deny: (false & true);
- deny: (false & false).
+ deny: (true & false);
+ deny: (false & true);
+ deny: (false & false).
self assert: (true | true);
self assert: (true | true);
- assert: (true | false);
- assert: (false | true);
- deny: (false | false).
+ assert: (true | false);
+ assert: (false | true);
+ deny: (false | false).
"Checking that expressions work fine too"
"Checking that expressions work fine too"
self assert: (true & (1 > 0));
self assert: (true & (1 > 0));
- deny: ((1 > 0) & false);
- deny: ((1 > 0) & (1 > 2)).
+ deny: ((1 > 0) & false);
+ deny: ((1 > 0) & (1 > 2)).
self assert: (false | (1 > 0));
self assert: (false | (1 > 0));
- assert: ((1 > 0) | false);
- assert: ((1 > 0) | (1 > 2))
+ assert: ((1 > 0) | false);
+ assert: ((1 > 0) | (1 > 2))
"Trivial logic table"
"Trivial logic table"
- self
- assert: (true and: [ true]);
- deny: (true and: [ false ]);
- deny: (false and: [ true ]);
+ self
+ assert: (true and: [ true]);
+ deny: (true and: [ false ]);
+ deny: (false and: [ true ]);
deny: (false and: [ false ]).
deny: (false and: [ false ]).
- self
- assert: (true or: [ true ]);
- assert: (true or: [ false ]);
- assert: (false or: [ true ]);
+ self
+ assert: (true or: [ true ]);
+ assert: (true or: [ false ]);
+ assert: (false or: [ true ]);
deny: (false or: [ false ]).
deny: (false or: [ false ]).
"Checking that expressions work fine too"
"Checking that expressions work fine too"
- self
- assert: (true and: [ 1 > 0 ]);
- deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ false ]);
+ self
+ assert: (true and: [ 1 > 0 ]);
+ deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ false ]);
deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ 1 > 2 ]).
deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ 1 > 2 ]).
- self
- assert: (false or: [ 1 > 0 ]);
- assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ false ]);
+ self
+ assert: (false or: [ 1 > 0 ]);
+ assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ false ]);
assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ 1 > 2 ])
assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ 1 > 2 ])
- self should: [ '' ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [] ] raise: NonBooleanReceiver
+ self should: [ '' ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [] ] raise: NonBooleanReceiver
! !
! !
TestCase subclass: #ClassBuilderTest
TestCase subclass: #ClassBuilderTest
@@ -242,63 +242,63 @@ testClassCopy
| instance oldClass |
| instance oldClass |
- oldClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
- instance := (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2') new.
- "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
- ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
- self deny: oldClass == ObjectMock2.
+ oldClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
+ instance := (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2') new.
+ "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
+ ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ self deny: oldClass == ObjectMock2.
self assert: ObjectMock2 superclass == ObjectMock.
self assert: ObjectMock2 superclass == ObjectMock.
self assert: ObjectMock2 instanceVariableNames isEmpty.
self assert: ObjectMock2 instanceVariableNames isEmpty.
self assert: ObjectMock2 selectors equals: oldClass selectors.
self assert: ObjectMock2 selectors equals: oldClass selectors.
- self assert: ObjectMock2 comment equals: oldClass comment.
- self assert: ObjectMock2 package name equals: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ self assert: ObjectMock2 comment equals: oldClass comment.
+ self assert: ObjectMock2 package name equals: 'Kernel-Tests'.
self deny: instance class == ObjectMock2.
self deny: instance class == ObjectMock2.
- "Commeting this out. Tests implementation detail."
- "self assert: instance class name equals: 'OldObjectMock2'."
+ "Commeting this out. Tests implementation detail."
+ "self assert: instance class name equals: 'OldObjectMock2'."
self assert: (Smalltalk current at: instance class name) isNil.
self assert: (Smalltalk current at: instance class name) isNil.
- Smalltalk current removeClass: ObjectMock2
+ Smalltalk current removeClass: ObjectMock2
- builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
- ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'.
- "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
- ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
- self assert: ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames equals: #('foo' 'bar').
- Smalltalk current removeClass: ObjectMock2
+ builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
+ ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'.
+ "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
+ ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ self assert: ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames equals: #('foo' 'bar').
+ Smalltalk current removeClass: ObjectMock2
- builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
- ObjectMock2 subclass: 'ObjectMock3' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
- ObjectMock3 subclass: 'ObjectMock4' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
- "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
- ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
- self assert: (ObjectMock subclasses includes: ObjectMock2).
- self assert: (ObjectMock2 subclasses includes: ObjectMock3).
- self assert: (ObjectMock3 subclasses includes: ObjectMock4).
- ObjectMock allSubclasses do: [ :each | Smalltalk current removeClass: each ]
+ builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'.
+ ObjectMock2 subclass: 'ObjectMock3' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ ObjectMock3 subclass: 'ObjectMock4' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2"
+ ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk current at: 'ObjectMock2')
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package: 'Kernel-Tests'.
+ self assert: (ObjectMock subclasses includes: ObjectMock2).
+ self assert: (ObjectMock2 subclasses includes: ObjectMock3).
+ self assert: (ObjectMock3 subclasses includes: ObjectMock4).
+ ObjectMock allSubclasses do: [ :each | Smalltalk current removeClass: each ]
@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@ isCollectionReadOnly
!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
!CollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- self
- assertSameContents: self collection
+ self
+ assertSameContents: self collection
as: self collection asArray
as: self collection asArray
- self
- assertSameContents: self collection
+ self
+ assertSameContents: self collection
as: self collection asOrderedCollection
as: self collection asOrderedCollection
@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ testAsSet
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
- newCollection := #(1 2 3 4).
- self
+ newCollection := #(1 2 3 4).
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
each abs ])
each abs ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ testCollect
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each < 0 ]) equals: -4.
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each < 0 ]) equals: -4.
- self
+ self
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
raise: Error
raise: Error
@@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ testDo
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
self collection do: [ :each |
self collection do: [ :each |
newCollection add: each ].
newCollection add: each ].
- self
- assertSameContents: self collection
+ self
+ assertSameContents: self collection
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ testIsEmpty
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
newCollection := #(2 -4).
newCollection := #(2 -4).
- self
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
each even ])
each even ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -578,59 +578,59 @@ testPointKey
| d |
| d |
d := Dictionary new.
d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 1@1 put: 'foo'.
+ d at: 1@1 put: 'foo'.
self assert: (d at: 1@1) equals: 'foo'.
self assert: (d at: 1@1) equals: 'foo'.
- d at: 1@1 put: 'bar'.
+ d at: 1@1 put: 'bar'.
self assert: (d at: 1@1) equals: 'bar'.
self assert: (d at: 1@1) equals: 'bar'.
- d removeKey: 1@1.
- self assert: (d at: 1@1 ifAbsent: [ 'baz' ]) equals: 'baz'.
- self deny: (d includesKey: 1@1)
+ d removeKey: 1@1.
+ self assert: (d at: 1@1 ifAbsent: [ 'baz' ]) equals: 'baz'.
+ self deny: (d includesKey: 1@1)
- assert: (Dictionary new
- at:'firstname' put: 'James';
- at:'lastname' put: 'Bond';
- printString)
+ assert: (Dictionary new
+ at:'firstname' put: 'James';
+ at:'lastname' put: 'Bond';
+ printString)
equals: 'a Dictionary(''firstname''->''James'' , ''lastname''->''Bond'')'
equals: 'a Dictionary(''firstname''->''James'' , ''lastname''->''Bond'')'
- | d key |
+ | d key |
- d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 1 put: 2.
- d at: 2 put: 3.
- d at: 3 put: 4.
+ d := Dictionary new.
+ d at: 1 put: 2.
+ d at: 2 put: 3.
+ d at: 3 put: 4.
- key := 2.
+ key := 2.
- self assert: d keys equals: #(1 2 3).
+ self assert: d keys equals: #(1 2 3).
- d removeKey: key.
- self assert: d keys equals: #(1 3).
- self assert: d values equals: #(2 4).
- self deny: (d includesKey: 2)
+ d removeKey: key.
+ self assert: d keys equals: #(1 3).
+ self assert: d values equals: #(2 4).
+ self deny: (d includesKey: 2)
- | d key |
+ | d key |
- d := Dictionary new.
- d at: 1 put: 2.
- d at: 2 put: 3.
- d at: 3 put: 4.
+ d := Dictionary new.
+ d at: 1 put: 2.
+ d at: 2 put: 3.
+ d at: 3 put: 4.
- key := 2.
- self assert: (d removeKey: key) equals: 3.
+ key := 2.
+ self assert: (d removeKey: key) equals: 3.
- key := 3.
- self assert: (d removeKey: key ifAbsent: [42]) equals: 4.
+ key := 3.
+ self assert: (d removeKey: key ifAbsent: [42]) equals: 4.
- key := 'why'.
- self assert: (d removeKey: key ifAbsent: [42] ) equals: 42.
+ key := 'why'.
+ self assert: (d removeKey: key ifAbsent: [42] ) equals: 42.
@@ -764,21 +764,21 @@ testAtPut
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
newCollection := 'hheelllloo'.
newCollection := 'hheelllloo'.
- self
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
each, each ])
each, each ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
- self
+ self
assert: ('*hello* *world*' copyWithoutAll: '*')
assert: ('*hello* *world*' copyWithoutAll: '*')
- equals: 'hello world'
+ equals: 'hello world'
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'h' ]) equals: 'h'.
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'h' ]) equals: 'h'.
- self
+ self
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 6 ] ]
raise: Error
raise: Error
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ testEquality
self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello'.
self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello'.
self deny: 'hello' = 'world'.
self deny: 'hello' = 'world'.
- self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello' yourself.
+ self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello' yourself.
self assert: 'hello' yourself equals: 'hello'.
self assert: 'hello' yourself equals: 'hello'.
"test JS falsy value"
"test JS falsy value"
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ testJoin
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
newCollection := 'o'.
newCollection := 'o'.
- self
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
each = 'o' ])
each = 'o' ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -829,10 +829,10 @@ testSize
- self
- assert: (String streamContents: [ :aStream |
- aStream
- nextPutAll: 'hello'; space;
+ self
+ assert: (String streamContents: [ :aStream |
+ aStream
+ nextPutAll: 'hello'; space;
nextPutAll: 'world' ])
nextPutAll: 'world' ])
equals: 'hello world'
equals: 'hello world'
! !
! !
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ testAtPut
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
newCollection := #hheelllloo.
newCollection := #hheelllloo.
- self
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection collect: [ :each |
each, each ])
each, each ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ testCopying
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'h' ]) equals: 'h'.
self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'h' ]) equals: 'h'.
- self
+ self
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'z' ] ]
should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = 'z' ] ]
raise: Error
raise: Error
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ testIdentity
self assert: #hello == #hello.
self assert: #hello == #hello.
self deny: #hello == #world.
self deny: #hello == #world.
- self assert: #hello = #hello yourself.
+ self assert: #hello = #hello yourself.
self assert: #hello yourself = #hello asString asSymbol
self assert: #hello yourself = #hello asString asSymbol
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ testIsSymbolIsString
| newCollection |
| newCollection |
newCollection := 'o'.
newCollection := 'o'.
- self
+ self
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
assertSameContents: (self collection select: [ :each |
each = 'o' ])
each = 'o' ])
as: newCollection
as: newCollection
@@ -978,11 +978,11 @@ jsObject
| testObject |
| testObject |
- testObject := self jsObject.
+ testObject := self jsObject.
self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: 'Property does not exist'.
self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: 'Property does not exist'.
self assert: (testObject at: 'e' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: nil.
self assert: (testObject at: 'e' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: nil.
- self assert: (testObject at: 'a' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: 1.
- self assert: (testObject at: 'f' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: nil.
+ self assert: (testObject at: 'a' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: 1.
+ self assert: (testObject at: 'f' ifAbsent: ['Property does not exist']) equals: nil.
@@ -1018,15 +1018,15 @@ testPropertyThatReturnsUndefined
| object |
| object |
object := self jsObject.
object := self jsObject.
- self shouldnt: [ object e ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self assert: object e isNil
+ self shouldnt: [ object e ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self assert: object e isNil
| testObject |
| testObject |
- testObject := self jsObject.
+ testObject := self jsObject.
self assert: testObject value printString equals: '[object Object]'.
self assert: testObject value printString equals: '[object Object]'.
- testObject at: 'value' put: 'aValue'.
+ testObject at: 'value' put: 'aValue'.
self assert: testObject value equals: 'aValue'
self assert: testObject value equals: 'aValue'
@@ -1053,8 +1053,8 @@ throwException
[ self throwException ]
[ self throwException ]
- on: Error
- do: [ :error |
+ on: Error
+ do: [ :error |
self assert: error exception = 'test' ]
self assert: error exception = 'test' ]
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ testAbs
- "We rely on JS here, so we won't test complex behavior, just check if
+ "We rely on JS here, so we won't test complex behavior, just check if
message sends are corrects"
message sends are corrects"
self assert: 1.5 + 1 equals: 2.5.
self assert: 1.5 + 1 equals: 2.5.
@@ -1149,46 +1149,46 @@ testIdentity
self should: [16rG] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rG] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rg] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rg] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rH] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rH] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rh] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rh] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rI] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rI] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16ri] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16ri] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rJ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rJ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rj] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rj] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rK] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rK] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rk] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rk] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rL] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rL] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rl] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rl] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rM] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rM] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rm] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rm] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rN] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rN] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rn] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rn] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rO] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rO] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16ro] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16ro] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rP] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rP] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rp] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rp] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rQ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rQ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rq] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rq] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rR] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rR] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rr] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rr] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rS] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rS] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rs] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rs] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rT] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rT] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rt] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rt] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rU] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rU] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16ru] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16ru] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rV] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rV] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rv] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rv] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rW] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rW] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rw] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rw] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rX] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rX] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rx] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rx] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rY] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rY] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16ry] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16ry] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rZ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
self should: [16rZ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rz] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
- self should: [16rABcdEfZ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rz] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
+ self should: [16rABcdEfZ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood.
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ setUp
Package resetCommitPaths.
Package resetCommitPaths.
zorkPackage := Package new name: 'Zork'.
zorkPackage := Package new name: 'Zork'.
- grulPackage := Package new
+ grulPackage := Package new
name: 'Grul';
name: 'Grul';
commitPathJs: 'server/grul/js';
commitPathJs: 'server/grul/js';
commitPathSt: 'grul/st';
commitPathSt: 'grul/st';
@@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ setUp
- Package
+ Package
defaultCommitPathJs: backUpCommitPathJs;
defaultCommitPathJs: backUpCommitPathJs;
defaultCommitPathSt: backUpCommitPathSt
defaultCommitPathSt: backUpCommitPathSt
! !
! !
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ TestCase subclass: #RandomTest
10000 timesRepeat: [
10000 timesRepeat: [
- | current next |
+ | current next |
next := Random new next.
next := Random new next.
self assert: (next >= 0).
self assert: (next >= 0).
self assert: (next < 1).
self assert: (next < 1).
@@ -1542,9 +1542,9 @@ testCollect
self assert: #(0 2) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
self assert: #(0 2) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
- self assert: #(2 0) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
- self deny: #(0 2 3) asSet = #(0 2) asSet.
- self deny: #(1 2) asSet = #(0 2) asSet
+ self assert: #(2 0) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet.
+ self deny: #(0 2 3) asSet = #(0 2) asSet.
+ self deny: #(1 2) asSet = #(0 2) asSet