Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Helios-Helpers'! Object subclass: #HLGenerationOutput instanceVariableNames: 'sourceCodes protocol targetClass' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLGenerationOutput commentStamp! I am a simple data object used to store the result of a generation process! !HLGenerationOutput methodsFor: 'accessing'! protocol ^ protocol ! protocol: aString protocol := aString ! sourceCodes ^ sourceCodes ! sourceCodes: aCollection sourceCodes := aCollection ! targetClass ^ targetClass ! targetClass: aClass targetClass := aClass ! ! !HLGenerationOutput methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. sourceCodes := OrderedCollection new ! ! !HLGenerationOutput methodsFor: 'protocol'! addSourceCode: aString sourceCodes add: aString ! serialize sourceCodes do: [ :methodSourceCode | (targetClass includesSelector: methodSourceCode selector) ifFalse: [ targetClass compile: methodSourceCode sourceCode protocol: protocol ] ] ! ! HLGenerationOutput subclass: #HLGenerationOutputWithIndex instanceVariableNames: 'index' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLGenerationOutputWithIndex commentStamp! I am a simple data object used to store the result of a generation process. In addition of my super class, I have an index where to put the cursor at the end of the process for the first method created (aka. the first in `sourceCodes`)! !HLGenerationOutputWithIndex methodsFor: 'accessing'! index ^ index ! index: anIndex index := anIndex ! ! Object subclass: #HLGenerator instanceVariableNames: 'output' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLGenerator commentStamp! I am the abstract super class of the generators. My main method is `generate` which produce an `output` object! !HLGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'! class: aClass output targetClass: aClass ! output ^ output ! ! !HLGenerator methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. output := HLGenerationOutput new ! ! !HLGenerator methodsFor: 'protocol'! compile output targetClass ifNil: [ self error: 'class should not be nil']. ! ! HLGenerator subclass: #HLAccessorsGenerator instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLAccessorsGenerator commentStamp! I am a generator used to compile the getters/setters of a class! !HLAccessorsGenerator methodsFor: 'double-dispatch'! accessorProtocolForObject output protocol: 'accessing' ! accessorsSourceCodesForObject | sources | sources := OrderedCollection new. output targetClass instanceVariableNames sorted do: [ :each | sources add: (self getterFor: each); add: (self setterFor: each) ]. output sourceCodes: sources ! ! !HLAccessorsGenerator methodsFor: 'private'! getterFor: anInstanceVariable ^ HLMethodSourceCode new selector:anInstanceVariable; sourceCode: (String streamContents: [ :stream | stream << anInstanceVariable. stream cr tab. stream << '^ ' << anInstanceVariable ]) ! setterFor: anInstanceVariable ^ HLMethodSourceCode new selector: anInstanceVariable, ':'; sourceCode: (String streamContents: [ :stream | stream << anInstanceVariable << ': anObject'. stream cr tab. stream << anInstanceVariable << ' := anObject' ]) ! ! !HLAccessorsGenerator methodsFor: 'protocol'! compile super compile. output targetClass accessorsSourceCodesWith: self; accessorProtocolWith: self ! ! HLGenerator subclass: #HLInitializeGenerator instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLInitializeGenerator commentStamp! I am used to double-dispatch the `initialize` method(s) generation. Usage: ^ HLInitializeGenerator new class: aClass; generate; output I am a disposable object! !HLInitializeGenerator methodsFor: 'double-dispatch'! initializeForObject output addSourceCode: self initializeCodeForObject ! initializeIndexForObject output index: self computeIndexForObject ! initializeProtocolForObject output protocol: self retrieveProtocolForObject ! ! !HLInitializeGenerator methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. output := HLGenerationOutputWithIndex new ! ! !HLInitializeGenerator methodsFor: 'private'! computeIndexForObject | instVars headerSize firstInstVarSize | "32 is the size of the `initiliaze super initialize` part" headerSize := 32. instVars := output targetClass instanceVariableNames. firstInstVarSize := instVars sorted ifEmpty: [ 0 ] ifNotEmpty:[ instVars first size + 4 ]. ^ headerSize + firstInstVarSize ! generateInitializeCodeForObject ^ String streamContents: [ :str || instVars size | instVars := output targetClass instanceVariableNames sorted. size := instVars size. str << 'initialize'. str cr tab << 'super initialize.';cr. str cr tab. instVars withIndexDo: [ :name :index | index ~= 1 ifTrue: [ str cr tab ]. str << name << ' := nil'. index ~= size ifTrue: [ str << '.' ] ] ]. ! initializeCodeForObject ^ HLMethodSourceCode new selector: 'initialize'; sourceCode: self generateInitializeCodeForObject; yourself ! retrieveProtocolForObject ^ 'initialization' ! ! !HLInitializeGenerator methodsFor: 'protocol'! compile super compile. output targetClass initializeSourceCodesWith: self; initializeIndexWith: self; initializeProtocolWith: self ! ! Object subclass: #HLMethodClassifier instanceVariableNames: 'prefixMapping' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLMethodClassifier commentStamp! I am in charge of categorizing methods following this strategy: - is it an accessor? - is it overriding a superclass method? - is it starting with a know prefix? - how are categorized the other implementations?! !HLMethodClassifier methodsFor: 'initialization'! buildPrefixDictionary prefixMapping := Dictionary new. prefixMapping at: 'test' put: 'tests'; at: 'bench' put: 'benchmarking'; at: 'copy' put: 'copying'; at: 'initialize' put: 'initialization'; at: 'accept' put: 'visitor'; at: 'visit' put: 'visitor'; at: 'signal' put: 'signalling'; at: 'parse' put: 'parsing'; at: 'add' put: 'adding'; at: 'is' put: 'testing'; at: 'as' put: 'converting'; at: 'new' put: 'instance creation'. ! initialize super initialize. self buildPrefixDictionary. ! ! !HLMethodClassifier methodsFor: 'private'! classifyAccessor: aMethod | names selector | names := aMethod methodClass allInstanceVariableNames. selector := aMethod selector. (selector last = ':') ifTrue: [ "selector might be a setter" selector := selector allButLast ]. (names includes: selector) ifFalse: [ ^ false ]. aMethod protocol: 'accessing'. ^ true. ! classifyByKnownPrefix: aMethod prefixMapping keysAndValuesDo: [ :prefix :protocol | (aMethod selector beginsWith: prefix) ifTrue: [ aMethod protocol: protocol. ^ true ]]. ^ false. ! classifyByOtherImplementors: aMethod | protocolBag methods protocolToUse counter | protocolBag := Dictionary new. methods := HLReferencesModel new implementorsOf: aMethod selector. methods ifEmpty: [ ^ false ] ifNotEmpty: [ methods do: [ :method || protocol | protocol := method method protocol. (aMethod methodClass = method methodClass) ifFalse: [ ((protocol first = '*') or: [ protocol = aMethod defaultProtocol ]) ifFalse: [ protocolBag at: protocol put: (protocolBag at: protocol ifAbsent: [ 0 ]) + 1 ] ] ] ]. protocolBag ifEmpty: [ ^ false ]. protocolToUse := nil. counter := 0. protocolBag keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | value > counter ifTrue: [ counter := value. protocolToUse := key ] ]. aMethod protocol: protocolToUse. ^ true ! classifyInSuperclassProtocol: aMethod | currentClass | currentClass := aMethod methodClass. [ currentClass superclass isNil ] whileFalse: [ currentClass := currentClass superclass. (currentClass includesSelector: aMethod selector) ifTrue: [ aMethod protocol: (currentClass >> aMethod selector) protocol. ^ true ]]. ^ false. ! ! !HLMethodClassifier methodsFor: 'protocol'! classify: aMethod (self classifyAccessor: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ aMethod category ]. (self classifyInSuperclassProtocol: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ aMethod category ]. (self classifyByKnownPrefix: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ aMethod category ]. (self classifyByOtherImplementors: aMethod) ifTrue: [ ^ aMethod category ]. ! classifyAll: aCollectionOfMethods aCollectionOfMethods do: [ :method | self classify: method ] ! ! Object subclass: #HLMethodSourceCode instanceVariableNames: 'selector sourceCode' package: 'Helios-Helpers'! !HLMethodSourceCode commentStamp! I am a simple data object keeping track of the information about a method that will be compiled at the end of the generation process! !HLMethodSourceCode methodsFor: 'accessing'! selector ^ selector ! selector: aSelector selector := aSelector ! sourceCode ^ sourceCode ! sourceCode: aString sourceCode := aString ! !