/* * jQuery Booklet Plugin * Copyright (c) 2010 W. Grauvogel (http://builtbywill.com/) * * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * Version : 1.2.0 * * Originally based on the work of: * 1) Charles Mangin (http://clickheredammit.com/pageflip/) */ ;(function($) { $.fn.booklet = function(options){ var o = $.extend({}, $.fn.booklet.defaults, options); return $(this).each(function() { var command, config, obj, id, i, target; //option type string - api call if(typeof options == 'string') { //check if booklet has been initialized if($(this).data('booklet')){ command = options.toLowerCase(); obj = $.fn.booklet.interfaces[$(this).data('id')]; if(command == 'next'){ obj.next() } else if(command == 'prev'){ obj.prev() } } } //option type number - api call else if(typeof options == 'number') { //check if booklet has been initialized if($(this).data('booklet')){ target = options; obj = $.fn.booklet.interfaces[$(this).data('id')]; if(target % 2 != 0) { target-= 1; } obj.gotoPage(target); } } //else build new booklet else { config = $.extend(true, {}, o); // Determine ID (Reuse array slots if possible) id = $.fn.booklet.interfaces.length; for(i = 0; i < id; i++) { if(typeof $.fn.booklet.interfaces[i] == 'undefined'){ id = i; break; } } // Instantiate the booklet obj = new booklet($(this), config, id); // Add API references $.fn.booklet.interfaces[id] = obj; } }); } function booklet(target, options, id){ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //VARS + STRUCTURE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var self, opts, b, src, hash, i, j, p, diff, busy, init, rhover, lhover, h, a, playing, titles = new Array(), chapters = new Array(), pN, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, pNwrap, p0wrap, p1wrap, p2wrap, p3wrap, p4wrap, wraps, sF, sB, p3drag, p0drag, temp, relativeX, overlaysB, overlayN, overlayP, tabs, tabN, tabP, arrows, arrowN, arrowP, next, prev, ctrlsN, ctrlsP, menu, chapter, dd, ddUL, ddH, ddLI, ddA, ddT, ddC, ddCUL, ddCH, ddCLI, ddCA, ddCT, empty = '
', blank = '
' ; busy = false; playing = false; init = false; rhover = lhover = false; self = this; self.options = options; self.id = id; self.hash = ''; opts = self.options; b = target.addClass('booklet'); src = b.children('.b-load'); //save page titles and chapter names, add page numbers initPages(); //store data for api calls b.data('booklet',true); b.data('id', id); b.data('total', src.children().length); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETUP OPTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //set width + height if(!opts.width){ opts.width = b.width(); }else if(typeof opts.width == 'string' && opts.width.indexOf("%") != -1){ opts.wPercent = true; opts.wOrig = opts.width; opts.width = (opts.width.replace('%','')/100) * parseFloat(b.parent().css('width')); } if(!opts.height){ opts.height = b.height(); }else if(typeof opts.height == 'string' && opts.height.indexOf("%") != -1){ opts.hPercent = true; opts.hOrig = opts.height; opts.height = (opts.height.replace('%','')/100) * parseFloat(b.parent().css('height')); } b.width(opts.width); b.height(opts.height); //save page sizes and other vars opts.pWidth = opts.width/2; opts.pWidthN = '-'+(opts.pWidth)+'px'; opts.pWidthH = opts.pWidth/2; opts.pHeight = opts.height; opts.pTotal = src.children().length; opts.speedH = opts.speed/2; //set startingPage if(opts.direction == 'LTR'){ opts.curr = 0; }else if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ opts.curr = opts.pTotal-2; } if(!isNaN(opts.startingPage) && opts.startingPage <= opts.pTotal && opts.startingPage > 0){ if((opts.startingPage % 2) != 0){opts.startingPage--}; opts.curr = opts.startingPage; } //set position if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter){ if(opts.curr == 0){ b.width(opts.pWidth); }else if(opts.curr >= opts.pTotal-2){ b.width(opts.pWidth); } } //set booklet opts.name if(opts.name){ document.title = opts.name; }else{ opts.name = document.title; } //save shadow widths for anim if(opts.shadows){ opts.shadowTopFwdWidth = '-'+opts.shadowTopFwdWidth+'px'; opts.shadowTopBackWidth = '-'+opts.shadowTopBackWidth+'px'; } //setup menu if(opts.menu){ menu = $(opts.menu).addClass('b-menu'); p = opts.curr; //setup page selctor if(opts.pageSelector){ //add selector dd = $('
'+ (p+1) +' - '+ (p+2) +'
').appendTo(menu); ddUL = $('').appendTo(dd).empty().css('height','auto'); //loop through all pages for(i=0; i < opts.pTotal; i+=2){ j = i; //nums for normal view nums = (j+1) +'-'+ (j+2); if(opts.closed){ //nums for closed book j--; if(i==0){nums='1'} else if(i==opts.pTotal-2){nums=opts.pTotal-2} else {nums = (j+1) +'-'+ (j+2);} //nums for closed book with covers if(opts.covers){ j--; if(i==0){nums=''} else if(i==opts.pTotal-2){nums=''} else {nums = (j+1) +'-'+ (j+2);} } } //nums for RTL direction if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ nums = (Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal)-1) +' - '+ ((Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal))); if(opts.closed){ if(i==opts.pTotal-2){nums='1'} else if(i==0){nums=opts.pTotal-2} else{nums = (Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal)-3) +' - '+ ((Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal)-2));} if(opts.covers){ if(i==opts.pTotal-2){nums=''} else if(i==0){nums=''} else{nums = (Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal)-5) +' - '+ ((Math.abs(j - opts.pTotal)-4));} } } dd.find('.b-current').text(nums); ddLI = $('
  • '+ titles[i+1] +''+ nums +'
  • ').prependTo(ddUL); }else{ if(i==0){dd.find('.b-current').text(nums);} ddLI = $('
  • '+ titles[i] +''+ nums +'
  • ').appendTo(ddUL); } ddA = ddLI.find('a'); if(!opts.hash){ ddA.click(function(){ if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){dd.find('.b-current').text($(this).find('.b-num').text());} ddT = parseInt($(this).attr('id').replace('selector-page-','')); self.gotoPage(ddT); return false; }); } } //set height ddH = ddUL.height(); ddUL.css({'height':0, 'padding-bottom':0}); //add hover effects dd.unbind('hover').hover(function(){ ddUL.stop().animate({height:ddH, paddingBottom:10}, 500); },function(){ ddUL.stop().animate({height:0, paddingBottom:0}, 500); }); } //setup chapter selctor if(opts.chapterSelector){ chapter = chapters[opts.curr]; if(chapter == ""){ chapter = chapters[opts.curr+1]; } ddC = $('
    ').appendTo(menu); ddCUL = $('').appendTo(ddC).empty().css('height','auto'); for(i=0; i < opts.pTotal; i+=1){ if(chapters[i] != "" && typeof chapters[i] != "undefined"){ if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ j = i; if(j % 2 != 0){j--;} ddC.find('.b-current').text(chapters[i]); ddCLI = $('
  • '+ chapters[i] +'
  • ').prependTo(ddCUL); }else{ ddCLI = $('
  • '+ chapters[i] +'
  • ').appendTo(ddCUL); } ddCA = ddCLI.find('a'); if(!opts.hash){ ddCA.click(function(){ if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ddC.find('.b-current').text($(this).find('.b-text').text());} ddCT = parseInt($(this).attr('id').replace('selector-page-','')); self.gotoPage(ddCT); return false; }); } } } ddCH = ddCUL.height(); ddCUL.css({'height':0, 'padding-bottom':0}); ddC.unbind('hover').hover(function(){ ddCUL.stop().animate({height:ddCH, paddingBottom:10}, 500); },function(){ ddCUL.stop().animate({height:0, paddingBottom:0}, 500); }); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // API METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $.extend(self, { next : function(){ if(!busy){ self.gotoPage(opts.curr+2); } }, prev : function(){ if(!busy){ self.gotoPage(opts.curr-2); } }, gotoPage : function(num){ //moving forward (increasing number) if(num > opts.curr && num < opts.pTotal && num >= 0 && !busy){ busy = true; diff = num - opts.curr; opts.curr = num; opts.before.call(self, opts); updatePager(); updateCtrls(); updateHash(opts.curr+1, opts); initAnim(diff, true, sF); //hide p2 as p3 moves across it if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && num-diff == 0){ p2.stop().animate({width:0, left:opts.pWidth}, opts.speed, opts.easing); p4.stop().animate({left:opts.pWidth}, opts.speed, opts.easing); }else{ p2.stop().animate({width:0}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn); } //animate p3 from right to left (left: movement, width: reveal slide, paddingLeft: shadow underneath) //call setuppages at end of animation to reset pages //animation if dragging forward if(p3drag){ p3.stop().animate({left:opts.pWidth/4, width:opts.pWidth*.75, paddingLeft: opts.shadowBtmWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:0, width:opts.pWidth, paddingLeft:0}, opts.speedH); }else{ p3.stop().animate({left:opts.pWidthH, width:opts.pWidthH, paddingLeft: opts.shadowBtmWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:0, width:opts.pWidth, paddingLeft:0}, opts.speedH); } p3wrap.animate({left:opts.shadowBtmWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:0}, opts.speedH, opts.easeOut, function(){updateAfter()}); //moving backward (decreasing number) }else if(num < opts.curr && num < opts.pTotal && num >= 0 && !busy){ busy = true; diff = opts.curr - num; opts.curr = num; opts.before.call(self, opts); updatePager(); updateCtrls(); updateHash(opts.curr+1, opts); initAnim(diff, false, sB); //animation if dragging backwards if(p0drag){ //hide p1 as p0 moves across it p1.animate({left:opts.pWidth, width:0}, opts.speed, opts.easing); p1wrap.animate({left:opts.pWidthN}, opts.speed, opts.easing); //animate p0 from left to right (right: movement, width: reveal slide, paddingLeft: shadow underneath) if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && opts.curr == 0){ p0.animate({left:opts.pWidthH, width:opts.pWidthH}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:0, width:opts.pWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeOut); p2.stop().animate({left:0}, opts.speed, opts.easing); }else{ p0.animate({left:opts.pWidth, width:opts.pWidth}, opts.speed, opts.easing); } //animate .wrapper content with p0 to keep content right aligned throughout //call setuppages at end of animation to reset pages p0wrap.animate({right:0}, opts.speed, opts.easing, function(){updateAfter()}); }else{ //hide p1 as p0 moves across it p1.animate({left:opts.pWidth, width:0}, opts.speed, opts.easing); p1wrap.animate({left:opts.pWidthN}, opts.speed, opts.easing); //animate p0 from left to right (right: movement, width: reveal slide, paddingLeft: shadow underneath) if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && opts.curr == 0){ p0.animate({left:opts.pWidthH, width:opts.pWidthH}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:0, width:opts.pWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeOut); p2.stop().animate({left:0}, opts.speed, opts.easing); }else{ p0.animate({left:opts.pWidthH, width:opts.pWidthH}, opts.speedH, opts.easeIn) .animate({left:opts.pWidth, width:opts.pWidth}, opts.speedH, opts.easeOut); } //animate .wrapper content with p0 to keep content right aligned throughout //call setuppages at end of animation to reset pages p0wrap.animate({right:opts.shadowBtmWidth}, opts.speedH,opts. easeIn) .animate({right:0}, opts.speedH, opts.easeOut, function(){updateAfter()}); } } } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETUP CONTROLS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(opts.manual && $.ui){ opts.overlays = false; } //add prev next user defined controls if(opts.next){ next = $(opts.next); next.click(function(e){e.preventDefault(); self.next();}); } if(opts.prev){ prev = $(opts.prev); prev.click(function(e){e.preventDefault(); self.prev();}); } //add overlays if(opts.overlays){ overlayP = $('
    ').appendTo(b); overlayN = $('
    ').appendTo(b); overlaysB = b.find('.b-overlay'); if ($.browser.msie) { overlaysB.css({'background':'#fff','filter':'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0) !important'}); } } //add tabs if(opts.tabs){ tabP = $('
    ').appendTo(b); tabN = $('
    ').appendTo(b); tabs = b.find('.b-tab'); if(opts.tabWidth){ tabs.width(opts.tabWidth); } if(opts.tabHeight){ tabs.height(opts.tabHeight); } tabs.css({'top': '-'+tabN.outerHeight()+'px'}); b.css({'marginTop': tabN.outerHeight()}); //update ctrls for RTL direction if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ tabN.html('Previous').attr('title','Previous Page'); tabP.html('Next').attr('title','Next Page'); } }else{ b.css({'marginTop': 0}); } //add arrows if(opts.arrows){ arrowP = $('
    ').appendTo(b); arrowN = $('
    ').appendTo(b); arrows = b.find('.b-arrow'); //update ctrls for RTL direction if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){ arrowN.html('
    ').attr('title','Previous Page'); arrowP.html('
    ').attr('title','Next Page'); } } //save all "b-prev" and "b-next" controls ctrlsN = b.find('.b-next'); ctrlsP = b.find('.b-prev'); //add click actions ctrlsN.click(function(e){e.preventDefault(); self.next();}); ctrlsP.click(function(e){e.preventDefault(); self.prev();}); //add page hover animations if(opts.overlays && opts.hovers){ //hovers to start draggable forward ctrlsN.unbind("mouseover mouseout").bind("mouseover",function(){ hoverAnimStart(true); }) .bind("mouseout",function(){ hoverAnimEnd(true); }); //hovers to start draggable backwards ctrlsP.unbind("mouseover mouseout").bind("mouseover",function(){ hoverAnimStart(false); }) .bind("mouseout",function(){ hoverAnimEnd(false); }); } //arrow animations if(opts.arrows){ if(opts.arrowsHide){ if($.support.opacity){ ctrlsN.hover( function(){arrowN.find('div').stop().fadeTo('fast', 1);}, function(){arrowN.find('div').stop().fadeTo('fast', 0); }); ctrlsP.hover( function(){arrowP.find('div').stop().fadeTo('fast', 1);}, function(){arrowP.find('div').stop().fadeTo('fast', 0); }); }else{ ctrlsN.hover( function(){arrowN.find('div').show();}, function(){arrowN.find('div').hide(); }); ctrlsP.hover( function(){arrowP.find('div').show();}, function(){arrowP.find('div').hide(); }); } }else{ arrowN.find('div').show(); arrowP.find('div').show(); } } //keyboard ctrls if(opts.keyboard){ //keyboard ctrls $(document).keyup(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 37){self.prev();} else if(event.keyCode == 39){self.next();} }); } //hash ctrls if(opts.hash){ setupHash(); clearInterval(h); h = setInterval(function(){pollHash()}, 250); } //percentage resizing if(opts.wPercent || opts.hPercent){ $(window).resize(function() { resetSize(); }); } //auto flip book controls if(opts.auto && opts.delay){ clearTimeout(a); a = setTimeout(function(){self.next();},opts.delay); playing = true; if(opts.pause){ pause = $(opts.pause); pause.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(playing){ clearTimeout(a); playing = false; } }); } if(opts.play){ play = $(opts.play); play.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!playing){ clearTimeout(a); a = setTimeout(function(){self.next();},opts.delay); playing = true; } }); } } //first time setup resetPages(); updateCtrls(); updatePager(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //General Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function initPages(){ //fix for odd number of pages if((src.children().length % 2) != 0){ //if book is closed and using covers, add page before back cover, else after last page if(opts.closed && opts.covers){ src.children().last().before(blank); }else{ src.children().last().after(blank); } } //if closed book, add empty pages to start and end if(opts.closed){ $(empty).attr({'title':opts.closedFrontTitle || "Beginning", 'rel':opts.closedFrontChapter || "Beginning of Book"}).prependTo(src); src.children().last().attr({'title':opts.closedBackTitle || "End", 'rel':opts.closedBackChapter || "End of Book"}); src.append(empty); } if(opts.direction == 'LTR'){ j = 0; }else{ j = src.children().length; if(opts.closed){j-=2;} if(opts.covers){j-=2;} $(src.children().get().reverse()).each(function(){ $(this).appendTo(src); }); } //save titles and chapters src.children().each(function(i){ //save chapter title if($(this).attr('rel')){ chapters[i] = $(this).attr('rel'); }else{ chapters[i] = ""; } //save page title titles[i] = $(this).attr('title'); //give content the correct wrapper and page wrapper if($(this).hasClass('b-page-empty')){ $(this).wrap('
    '); }else if(opts.closed && opts.covers && (i == 1 || i == src.children().length-2)){ $(this).wrap('
    '); }else if(i % 2 != 0){ $(this).wrap('
    '); }else{ $(this).wrap('
    '); } $(this).parents('.b-page').addClass('b-page-'+i).data('page',i); //add page numbers if(opts.pageNumbers && !$(this).hasClass('b-page-empty') && (!opts.closed || (opts.closed && !opts.covers) || (opts.closed && opts.covers && i != 1 && i != src.children().length-2))){ if(opts.direction == 'LTR'){j++;} $(this).parent().append('
    '); if(opts.direction == 'RTL'){j--;} } }); } function resetSize(){ //recalculate size for percentage values if(opts.wPercent){ opts.width = (opts.wOrig.replace('%','')/100) * parseFloat(b.parent().css('width')); b.width(opts.width); opts.pWidth = opts.width/2; opts.pWidthN = '-'+(opts.pWidth)+'px'; opts.pWidthH = opts.pWidth/2; } if(opts.hPercent){ opts.height = (opts.hOrig.replace('%','')/100) * parseFloat(b.parent().css('height')); b.height(opts.height); opts.pHeight = opts.height; } resetCSS(); } function resetCSS(){ //update css b.find('.b-shadow-f, .b-shadow-b, .b-p0, .b-p3').css({'filter':'','zoom':''}); if(opts.manual && $.ui){ b.find('.b-page').draggable('destroy').removeClass('b-grab b-grabbing'); } wraps.attr('style',''); wraps.css({'left':0,'width':opts.pWidth-(opts.pagePadding*2), 'height':opts.pHeight-(opts.pagePadding*2), 'padding': opts.pagePadding}); p0wrap.css({'right':0,'left':'auto'}); p1.css({'left':0,'width':opts.pWidth, 'height':opts.pHeight}); p2.css({'left':opts.pWidth, 'width':opts.pWidth, 'opacity':1, 'height':opts.pHeight}); pN.css({'left':0, 'width':opts.pWidth, 'height':opts.pHeight}); p0.css({'left':0, 'width':0, 'height':opts.pHeight}); p3.stop().css({'left':opts.pWidth*2, 'width':0, 'height':opts.pHeight, paddingLeft:0}); p4.css({'left':opts.pWidth, 'width':opts.pWidth, 'height':opts.pHeight}); if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && opts.curr == 0){ pN.css({'left':0}); p1.css({'left':opts.pWidthN}); p2.css({'left':0}); p3.css({'left':opts.pWidth}); p4.css({'left':0}); } if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && (opts.curr == 0 || opts.curr >= opts.pTotal-2)){ if(opts.overlays){overlaysB.width('100%');} b.width(opts.pWidth); }else{ if(opts.overlays){overlaysB.width('50%');} b.width(opts.width); } } function resetPages(){ //reset page order if(init){ if(p1.data('page')-1 < 0){ src.prepend(p2.detach()); src.prepend(p1.detach()); }else{ b.find('.b-page-'+(p1.data('page')-1)).after(p1.detach()); b.find('.b-page-'+(p2.data('page')-1)).after(p2.detach()); } if(p3.data('page')-1 <= opts.pTotal){ b.find('.b-page-'+(p3.data('page')-1)).after(p3.detach()); b.find('.b-page-'+(p4.data('page')-1)).after(p4.detach()); } if(pN.data('page')-1 >= 0){ b.find('.b-page-'+(pN.data('page')-1)).after(pN.detach()); b.find('.b-page-'+(p0.data('page')-1)).after(p0.detach()); }else{ src.prepend(pN.detach()); pN.after(p0.detach()); } } //reset all content b.find('.b-page').removeClass('b-pN b-p0 b-p1 b-p2 b-p3 b-p4').hide(); //add page classes if(opts.curr-2 >= 0){ b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr-2)).addClass('b-pN').show(); b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr-1)).addClass('b-p0').show(); } b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr)).addClass('b-p1').show(); b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr+1)).addClass('b-p2').show(); if(opts.curr+3 <= opts.pTotal){ b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr+2)).addClass('b-p3').show(); b.find('.b-page-'+(opts.curr+3)).addClass('b-p4').show(); } //save structure elems to vars pN = b.find('.b-pN'); p0 = b.find('.b-p0'); p1 = b.find('.b-p1'); p2 = b.find('.b-p2'); p3 = b.find('.b-p3'); p4 = b.find('.b-p4'); pNwrap = b.find('.b-pN .b-wrap'); p0wrap = b.find('.b-p0 .b-wrap'); p1wrap = b.find('.b-p1 .b-wrap'); p2wrap = b.find('.b-p2 .b-wrap'); p3wrap = b.find('.b-p3 .b-wrap'); p4wrap = b.find('.b-p4 .b-wrap'); wraps = b.find('.b-wrap'); resetCSS(); //update page order for animations if(opts.curr+3 <= opts.pTotal){ p3.after(p0.detach()); p1.after(p4.detach()); }else{ p0.detach().appendTo(src); } init = true; if(opts.shadows){ b.find('.b-shadow-f, .b-shadow-b').remove(); sF = $('
    ').css({'right':0,'width':opts.pWidth, 'height':opts.pHeight}).appendTo(p3); sB = $('
    ').appendTo(p0).css({'left':0,'width':opts.pWidth, 'height':opts.pHeight}); } //reset vars rhover = lhover = p3drag = p0drag = false; //manual page turning, check if jQuery UI is loaded if(opts.manual && $.ui){ //implement draggable forward p3.draggable({ axis: "x", containment: [p2.offset().left-opts.pWidthH,0,p2.offset().left+opts.pWidth-50,opts.pHeight], drag: function(event, ui) { p3drag = true; temp = ui.originalPosition.left - ui.position.left; p3.removeClass('b-grab').addClass('b-grabbing'); p3.width(40+(temp/2)); p3wrap.css({'left':10+(temp/8)}); p2.width(opts.pWidth-p3.width()+10); if(opts.shadows){ sF.css({'right':'-'+(20+temp/4)+'px'}); if($.support.opacity){ sF.css({'opacity':0.5*(temp/opts.pWidthH)}); }else{ sF.css({'right':'auto','left':0.1*p3.width()}); } } }, stop: function(event, ui) { hoverAnimEnd(false); var temp = ui.originalPosition.left - ui.position.left; if(temp>opts.pWidthH/4){ if(opts.shadows && !$.support.opacity){ sF.css({'left':'auto'}); } self.next(); p3.removeClass('b-grab b-grabbing'); }else{ p3drag = false; p3.removeClass('b-grabbing').addClass('b-grab'); } } }); //implement draggable backwards p0.draggable({ axis: "x", containment: [p1.offset().left+10,0,p1.offset().left+opts.pWidth*.75,opts.pHeight], drag: function(event, ui) { p0drag = true; temp = ui.position.left - ui.originalPosition.left; p0.removeClass('b-grab').addClass('b-grabbing'); p0.css({left:40+(temp)/1.5, width:40+(temp)}); p0wrap.css({right:10+temp/4}); p1.css({left:ui.position.left+20, width:opts.pWidth-ui.position.left-10}); p1wrap.css({left:-1*(temp+30)}); if(opts.shadows){ if($.support.opacity){ sB.css({'opacity':0.5*(temp/opts.pWidthH)}); }else{ sB.css({'left':-0.38*opts.pWidth}); } } }, stop: function(event, ui) { hoverAnimEnd(true); temp = ui.position.left - ui.originalPosition.left; if(temp>opts.pWidthH/4){ self.prev(); p0.removeClass('b-grab b-grabbing'); }else{ p0drag = false; p0.removeClass('b-grabbing').addClass('b-grab'); } } }); //mousetracking for page movement $(b).unbind('mousemove mouseout').bind('mousemove',function(e){ relativeX = e.pageX - b.offset().left; if(relativeX < 50){ hoverAnimStart(false); }else if(relativeX > opts.pWidth-50 && opts.curr == 0 && opts.autoCenter && opts.closed){ hoverAnimStart(true); }else if(relativeX > 50 && relativeX < opts.width-50){ hoverAnimEnd(false); hoverAnimEnd(true); }else if(relativeX > opts.width-50){ hoverAnimStart(true); } }).bind('mouseout',function(){ hoverAnimEnd(false); hoverAnimEnd(true); }); } } function hoverAnimStart(inc){ if(inc){ if(!busy && !rhover &&!lhover && !p3drag && opts.curr+2 <= opts.pTotal-2){ //animate p2.stop().animate({'width':opts.pWidth-40}, 500, opts.easing); p3.addClass('b-grab'); if(opts.closed && opts.autoCenter && opts.curr == 0){ p3.stop().animate({'left':opts.pWidth-50, 'width':40}, 500, opts.easing); }else{ p3.stop().animate({'left':opts.width-50, 'width':40}, 500, opts.easing); } p3wrap.stop().animate({'left':10}, 500, opts.easing); if(opts.shadows && !$.support.opacity){ sF.css({'right':'auto','left':'-40%'}); } rhover = true; } }else{ if(!busy && !lhover && !rhover && !p0drag && opts.curr-2 >= 0){ //animate p1.stop().animate({left:10, width:opts.pWidth-10}, 400, opts.easing); 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