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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  5. <title>Bootstrap, from Twitter</title>
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  29. <body>
  30. <form class="container">
  31. <div class="page-header">
  32. <h1>Form controls</h1>
  33. </div>
  34. <div class="row">
  35. <div class="span4">
  36. <label>Select</label>
  37. <select>
  38. <option>Select</option>
  39. <option>Option 2</option>
  40. <option>Option 3</option>
  41. </select>
  42. <hr>
  43. <label>textarea</label>
  44. <textarea>Textarea</textarea>
  45. <hr>
  46. <label>text</label>
  47. <input type="text" value="Text input">
  48. <hr>
  49. <label>password</label>
  50. <input type="password" value="Password input">
  51. <hr>
  52. <label>checkbox</label>
  53. <input type="checkbox" value="">
  54. <hr>
  55. <label>radio</label>
  56. <input type="radio" value="">
  57. <hr>
  58. <label>button</label>
  59. <input type="button" value="Button">
  60. <hr>
  61. <label>submit</label>
  62. <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  63. <hr>
  64. <label>reset</label>
  65. <input type="reset" value="Reset">
  66. </div><!-- /span4 -->
  67. <div class="span4">
  68. <label>file</label>
  69. <input type="file" value="">
  70. <hr>
  71. <label>hidden</label>
  72. <input type="hidden" value="hidden">
  73. <hr>
  74. <label>image</label>
  75. <input type="image" value="">
  76. <hr>
  77. <label>datetime</label>
  78. <input type="datetime" value="">
  79. <hr>
  80. <label>datetime-local</label>
  81. <input type="datetime-local" value="">
  82. <hr>
  83. <label>date</label>
  84. <input type="date" value="">
  85. <hr>
  86. <label>month</label>
  87. <input type="month" value="">
  88. <hr>
  89. <label>time</label>
  90. <input type="time" value="">
  91. <hr>
  92. <label>week</label>
  93. <input type="week" value="">
  94. </div><!-- /span4 -->
  95. <div class="span4">
  96. <label>number</label>
  97. <input type="number" value="">
  98. <hr>
  99. <label>range</label>
  100. <input type="range" value="">
  101. <hr>
  102. <label>email</label>
  103. <input type="email" value="">
  104. <hr>
  105. <label>url</label>
  106. <input type="url" value="">
  107. <hr>
  108. <label>search</label>
  109. <input type="search" value="">
  110. <hr>
  111. <label>tel</label>
  112. <input type="tel" value="">
  113. <hr>
  114. <label>color</label>
  115. <input type="color" value="">
  116. </div><!-- /span4 -->
  117. </div><!-- /row -->
  118. </form> <!-- /container -->
  119. </body>
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