@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ function SmalltalkFactory(brikz, st) {
// var st = this;
+ brikz.ensure("selectorConversion");
/* This is the current call context object. While it is publicly available,
Use smalltalk.getThisContext() instead which will answer a safe copy of
the current context */
@@ -723,6 +725,55 @@ function SmalltalkFactory(brikz, st) {
st.thisContext = context.homeContext;
+ /* Converts a JavaScript object to valid Smalltalk Object */
+ st.readJSObject = function(js) {
+ var object = js;
+ var readObject = (js.constructor === Object);
+ var readArray = (js.constructor === Array);
+ if(readObject) {
+ object = st.Dictionary._new();
+ }
+ for(var i in js) {
+ if(readObject) {
+ object._at_put_(i, st.readJSObject(js[i]));
+ }
+ if(readArray) {
+ object[i] = st.readJSObject(js[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ /* Boolean assertion */
+ st.assert = function(shouldBeBoolean) {
+ if ((undefined !== shouldBeBoolean) && (shouldBeBoolean.klass === st.Boolean)) {
+ return (shouldBeBoolean == true);
+ } else {
+ st.NonBooleanReceiver._new()._object_(shouldBeBoolean)._signal();
+ }
+ };
+ /* Backward compatibility with Amber 0.9.1 */
+ st.symbolFor = function(aString) { return aString; };
+ /* Smalltalk initialization. Called on page load */
+ st.initialize = function() {
+ if(initialized) { return; }
+ classes.forEach(function(klass) {
+ st.init(klass);
+ });
+ classes.forEach(function(klass) {
+ klass._initialize();
+ });
+ initialized = true;
+ };
+function SelectorConversionBrik(brikz, st) {
/* Convert a Smalltalk selector into a JS selector */
st.selector = function(string) {
@@ -777,53 +828,6 @@ function SmalltalkFactory(brikz, st) {
.replace(/_comma/g, ',')
.replace(/_at/g, '@');
- /* Converts a JavaScript object to valid Smalltalk Object */
- st.readJSObject = function(js) {
- var object = js;
- var readObject = (js.constructor === Object);
- var readArray = (js.constructor === Array);
- if(readObject) {
- object = st.Dictionary._new();
- }
- for(var i in js) {
- if(readObject) {
- object._at_put_(i, st.readJSObject(js[i]));
- }
- if(readArray) {
- object[i] = st.readJSObject(js[i]);
- }
- }
- return object;
- };
- /* Boolean assertion */
- st.assert = function(shouldBeBoolean) {
- if ((undefined !== shouldBeBoolean) && (shouldBeBoolean.klass === st.Boolean)) {
- return (shouldBeBoolean == true);
- } else {
- st.NonBooleanReceiver._new()._object_(shouldBeBoolean)._signal();
- }
- };
- /* Backward compatibility with Amber 0.9.1 */
- st.symbolFor = function(aString) { return aString; };
- /* Smalltalk initialization. Called on page load */
- st.initialize = function() {
- if(initialized) { return; }
- classes.forEach(function(klass) {
- st.init(klass);
- });
- classes.forEach(function(klass) {
- klass._initialize();
- });
- initialized = true;
- };
function Smalltalk() {}
@@ -850,6 +854,7 @@ inherits(SmalltalkMethodContext, SmalltalkObject);
var api = new Smalltalk;
var brikz = new Brikz(api);
+brikz.selectorConversion = SelectorConversionBrik;
brikz.smalltalk = SmalltalkFactory;