Smalltalk createPackage: 'Compiler-Tests'! TestCase subclass: #ASTParsingTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ASTParsingTest methodsFor: 'convenience'! analyze: aNode forClass: aClass (SemanticAnalyzer on: aClass) visit: aNode. ^ aNode ! ! !ASTParsingTest methodsFor: 'parsing'! parse: aString ^ Smalltalk parse: aString ! parse: aString forClass: aClass ^ self analyze: (self parse: aString) forClass: aClass ! ! ASTParsingTest subclass: #ASTPCNodeVisitorTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ASTPCNodeVisitorTest methodsFor: 'factory'! astPCNodeVisitor ^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new context: (AIContext new yourself); yourself ! astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: aString ^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new selector: aString; context: (AIContext new yourself); yourself ! ! !ASTPCNodeVisitorTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testJSStatementNode | ast visitor | ast := self parse: 'foo ' forClass: Object. self assert: (self astPCNodeVisitor visit: ast; currentNode) isJSStatementNode ! testLegacyJSStatementNode | ast visitor | ast := self parse: 'foo ' forClass: Object. self assert: (self astPCNodeVisitor visit: ast; currentNode) isJSStatementNode ! testMessageSend | ast | ast := self parse: 'foo self asString yourself. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object. self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself') visit: ast; currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself' ! testMessageSendWithBlocks | ast | ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ [ self asString yourself ] value. ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object. self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself') visit: ast; currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself' ! testMessageSendWithInlining | ast | ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object. self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself') visit: ast; currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'. ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object. self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'asBoolean') visit: ast; currentNode) selector equals: 'asBoolean' ! testNoMessageSend | ast | ast := self parse: 'foo ^ self' forClass: Object. self assert: (self astPCNodeVisitor visit: ast; currentNode) isNil ! ! ASTParsingTest subclass: #ASTPositionTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ASTPositionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testNodeAtPosition | node | node := self parse: 'yourself ^ self'. self assert: (node navigationNodeAt: 2@4 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) source equals: 'self'. node := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ 1 ]'. self assert: (node navigationNodeAt: 2@7 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) selector equals: 'ifTrue:'. node := self parse: 'foo self foo; bar; baz'. self assert: (node navigationNodeAt: 2@8 ifAbsent: [ nil ]) selector equals: 'foo' ! ! ASTParsingTest subclass: #CodeGeneratorTest instanceVariableNames: 'receiver' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !CodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeGeneratorClass ^ CodeGenerator ! ! !CodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'factory'! compiler ^ Compiler new codeGeneratorClass: self codeGeneratorClass; yourself ! ! !CodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'initialization'! setUp receiver := DoIt new ! tearDown "receiver := nil" ! ! !CodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'testing'! should: aString receiver: anObject raise: anErrorClass | method result | receiver := anObject. [ self should: [ method := self compiler install: aString forClass: anObject class protocol: 'tests'. receiver perform: method selector ] raise: anErrorClass ] ensure: [ method ifNotNil: [ anObject class removeCompiledMethod: method ] ] ! should: aString receiver: anObject return: aResult | method result | receiver := anObject. method := self compiler install: aString forClass: anObject class protocol: 'tests'. result := receiver perform: method selector. anObject class removeCompiledMethod: method. self assert: aResult equals: result ! should: aString return: anObject ^ self should: aString receiver: receiver return: anObject ! ! !CodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAssignment self should: 'foo | a | a := true ifTrue: [ 1 ]. ^ a' return: 1. self should: 'foo | a | a := false ifTrue: [ 1 ]. ^ a' return: nil. self should: 'foo | a | ^ a := true ifTrue: [ 1 ]' return: 1 ! testBackslashSelectors self should: '\ arg ^ 4' return: 4. self should: '\\ arg ^ 42' return: 42 ! testBlockReturn self should: 'foo ^ #(1 2 3) collect: [ :each | true ifTrue: [ each + 1 ] ]' return: #(2 3 4). self should: 'foo ^ #(1 2 3) collect: [ :each | false ifFalse: [ each + 1 ] ]' return: #(2 3 4). self should: 'foo ^ #(1 2 3) collect: [ :each | each odd ifTrue: [ each + 1 ] ifFalse: [ each - 1 ] ]' return: #(2 1 4). ! testCascades self should: 'foo ^ Array new add: 3; add: 4; yourself' return: #(3 4) ! testCascadesInDynamicArray self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ {x. [x:=2] value; in: [x]}' return: #(1 2) ! testCascadesInDynamicDictioary self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ #{''one'' -> x. ''two'' -> ([x:=2] value; in: [x])}' return: #{'one' -> 1. 'two' -> 2} ! testCascadesInSend self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ Array with: x with: ([x:=2] value; in: [x])' return: #(1 2) ! testCascadesWithInlining self should: 'foo ^ true class; ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 2 ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ false class; ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ 2 ]' return: 2 ! testDynamicArrayElementsOrdered self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ { x. x := 2 } ' return: #(1 2). self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ { x. true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ] } ' return: #(1 2). ! testDynamicDictionaryElementsOrdered self should: 'foo | x | x := ''foo''. ^ #{ x->1. ''bar''->(true ifTrue: [ 2 ]) } ' return: #{'foo'->1. 'bar'->2}. ! testDynamicDictionaryWithMoreArrows self should: 'foo ^ #{1->2->3}' return: (HashedCollection with: 1->2->3) ! testGlobalVar self should: 'foo ^ eval class' return: BlockClosure. self should: 'foo ^ Math cos: 0' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ NonExistingVar' return: nil ! testInnerTemporalDependentElementsOrdered self should: 'foo | x | x := Array. ^ x with: ''foo''->x with: ''bar''->(x := 2) ' return: {'foo'->Array. 'bar'->2}. self should: 'foo | x | x := Array. ^ x with: ''foo''->x with: ''bar''->(true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) ' return: {'foo'->Array. 'bar'->2}. self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ Array with: ''foo''->x with: ''bar''->(true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) ' return: {'foo'->1. 'bar'->2}. self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ { ''foo''->x. ''bar''->(true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) } ' return: {'foo'->1. 'bar'->2}. self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ #{ ''foo''->x. ''bar''->(true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) } ' return: #{'foo'->1. 'bar'->2}. ! testJSStatement self should: 'foo ' return: 5 ! testLexicalScope self should: 'foo | a | a := 1. [ a := 2 ] value. ^ a' return: 2 ! testLiterals self should: 'foo ^ 1' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ ''hello''' return: 'hello'. self should: 'foo ^ #(1 2 3 4)' return: #(1 2 3 4). self should: 'foo ^ {1. [:x | x ] value: 2. 3. [4] value}' return: #(1 2 3 4). self should: 'foo ^ true' return: true. self should: 'foo ^ false' return: false. self should: 'foo ^ #{1->2. 3->4}' return: #{1->2. 3->4}. self should: 'foo ^ #hello' return: #hello. self should: 'foo ^ $h' return: 'h'. self should: 'foo ^ -123.456' return: -123.456. self should: 'foo ^ -2.5e4' return: -25000. ! testLocalReturn self should: 'foo ^ 1' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ 1 + 1' return: 2. self should: 'foo ' return: receiver. self should: 'foo self asString' return: receiver. self should: 'foo | a b | a := 1. b := 2. ^ a + b' return: 3 ! testMessageSends self should: 'foo ^ 1 asString' return: '1'. self should: 'foo ^ 1 + 1' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ 1 + 2 * 3' return: 9. self should: 'foo ^ 1 to: 3' return: #(1 2 3). self should: 'foo ^ 1 to: 5 by: 2' return: #(1 3 5) ! testMultipleSequences self should: 'foo | a b c | a := 2. b := 3. c := a + b. ^ c * 6' return: 30 ! testMutableLiterals "Mutable literals must be aliased in cascades. See" self should: 'foo ^ #( 1 2 ) at: 1 put: 3; yourself' return: #(3 2) ! testNestedIfTrue self should: 'foo ^ true ifTrue: [ false ifFalse: [ 1 ] ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ true ifTrue: [ false ifTrue: [ 1 ] ]' return: nil. self should: 'foo true ifTrue: [ false ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ] ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo true ifTrue: [ false ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ] ]' return: receiver. ! testNestedSends self should: 'foo ^ (Point x: (Point x: 2 y: 3) y: 4) asString' return: (Point x: (2@3) y: 4) asString ! testNonLocalReturn self should: 'foo [ ^ 1 ] value' return: 1. self should: 'foo [ ^ 1 + 1 ] value' return: 2. self should: 'foo | a b | a := 1. b := 2. [ ^ a + b ] value. self halt' return: 3. self should: 'foo [ :x | ^ x + x ] value: 4. ^ 2' return: 8 ! testPascalCaseGlobal self should: 'foo ^Object' return: (Smalltalk globals at: 'Object'). self should: 'foo ^NonExistent' return: nil ! testPragmaJSStatement self should: 'foo < inlineJS: ''return 2+3'' >' return: 5 ! testRootSuperSend self should: 'foo ^ super class' receiver: ProtoObject new raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! testSendReceiverAndArgumentsOrdered self should: 'foo | x | x := 1. ^ Array with: x with: (true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) ' return: #(1 2). self should: 'foo | x | x := Array. ^ x with: x with: (true ifTrue: [ x := 2 ]) ' return: {Array. 2}. ! testSuperSend self should: 'foo ^ super isBoolean' receiver: true return: false ! testTempVariables self should: 'foo | a | ^ a' return: nil. self should: 'foo | AVariable | ^ AVariable' return: nil. self should: 'foo | a b c | ^ c' return: nil. self should: 'foo | a | [ | d | ^ d ] value' return: nil. self should: 'foo | a | a:= 1. ^ a' return: 1. self should: 'foo | AVariable | AVariable := 1. ^ AVariable' return: 1. ! testThisContext self should: 'foo ^ [ thisContext ] value outerContext == thisContext' return: true ! testifFalse self should: 'foo true ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ]' return: receiver. self should: 'foo false ifFalse: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ true ifFalse: [ 1 ]' return: nil. self should: 'foo ^ false ifFalse: [ 2 ]' return: 2. ! testifFalseIfTrue self should: 'foo true ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ] ifTrue: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo false ifFalse: [ ^ 2 ] ifTrue: [ ^1 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ true ifFalse: [ 1 ] ifTrue: [ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ false ifFalse: [ 2 ] ifTrue: [ 1 ]' return: 2. ! testifNil self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNil: [ 2 ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNil: [ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo 1 ifNil: [ ^ 2 ]' return: receiver. self should: 'foo nil ifNil: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 2. ! testifNilIfNotNil self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNil: [ 2 ] ifNotNil: [ 3 ]' return: 3. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNil: [ 2 ] ifNotNil: [ 3 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo 1 ifNil: [ ^ 2 ] ifNotNil: [ ^3 ]' return: 3. self should: 'foo nil ifNil: [ ^ 2 ] ifNotNil: [ ^3 ]' return: 2. ! testifNotNil self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNotNil: [ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNotNil: [ 2 ]' return: nil. self should: 'foo 1 ifNotNil: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo nil ifNotNil: [ ^ 2 ]' return: receiver. ! testifNotNilWithArgument self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ]' return: 3. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ]' return: nil. self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNil: [ 5 ] ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ]' return: 3. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNil: [ 5 ] ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ]' return: 5. self should: 'foo ^ 1 ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ] ifNil: [ 5 ]' return: 3. self should: 'foo ^ nil ifNotNil: [ :val | val + 2 ] ifNil: [ 5 ]' return: 5 ! testifTrue self should: 'foo false ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ]' return: receiver. self should: 'foo true ifTrue: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo ^ false ifTrue: [ 1 ]' return: nil. self should: 'foo ^ true ifTrue: [ 2 ]' return: 2. ! testifTrueIfFalse self should: 'foo false ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^2 ]' return: 2. self should: 'foo true ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^ 2 ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ false ifTrue: [ 2 ] ifFalse: [ 1 ]' return: 1. self should: 'foo ^ true ifTrue: [ 2 ] ifFalse: [ 1 ]' return: 2. ! ! CodeGeneratorTest subclass: #ASTInterpreterTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ASTInterpreterTest methodsFor: 'parsing'! analyze: aNode forClass: aClass (SemanticAnalyzer on: aClass) visit: aNode. ^ aNode ! parse: aString ^ Smalltalk parse: aString ! parse: aString forClass: aClass ^ self analyze: (self parse: aString) forClass: aClass ! ! !ASTInterpreterTest methodsFor: 'private'! interpret: aString receiver: anObject withArguments: aDictionary "The food is a methodNode. Interpret the sequenceNode only" | ctx ast interpreter | interpreter := ASTInterpreter new. ast := self parse: aString forClass: anObject class. ctx := AIContext new receiver: anObject; interpreter: interpreter; yourself. "Define locals for the context" ast sequenceNode ifNotNil: [ :sequence | sequence temps do: [ :each | ctx defineLocal: each ] ]. aDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | ctx localAt: key put: value ]. ^ interpreter context: ctx; node: ast; enterNode; proceed; result ! ! !ASTInterpreterTest methodsFor: 'testing'! should: aString receiver: anObject return: aResult receiver := anObject. ^ self assert: (self interpret: aString receiver: receiver withArguments: #{}) equals: aResult ! ! ASTInterpreterTest subclass: #ASTDebuggerTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ASTDebuggerTest methodsFor: 'private'! interpret: aString receiver: anObject withArguments: aDictionary | ctx ast debugger | ctx := AIContext new receiver: anObject; interpreter: ASTInterpreter new; yourself. ast := self parse: aString forClass: anObject class. "Define locals for the context" ast sequenceNode ifNotNil: [ :sequence | sequence temps do: [ :each | ctx defineLocal: each ] ]. aDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | ctx localAt: key put: value ]. ctx interpreter context: ctx. ctx interpreter node: ast; enterNode. debugger := ASTDebugger context: ctx. ^ debugger proceed; result ! ! CodeGeneratorTest subclass: #InliningCodeGeneratorTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !InliningCodeGeneratorTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeGeneratorClass ^ InliningCodeGenerator ! ! TestCase subclass: #ScopeVarTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !ScopeVarTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testClassRefVar | node | node := VariableNode new value: 'Object'; yourself. SemanticAnalyzer new pushScope: MethodLexicalScope new; visit: node. self assert: node binding isClassRefVar ! testInstanceVar | node scope | node := VariableNode new value: 'bzzz'; yourself. scope := MethodLexicalScope new. scope addIVar: 'bzzz'. self assert: (scope bindingFor: node) isInstanceVar ! testPseudoVar | node pseudoVars | pseudoVars := #('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil'). pseudoVars do: [:each | node := VariableNode new value: each; yourself. self assert: (MethodLexicalScope new bindingFor: node) isPseudoVar] ! testTempVar | node scope | node := VariableNode new value: 'bzzz'; yourself. scope := MethodLexicalScope new. scope addTemp: 'bzzz'. self assert: (scope bindingFor: node) isTempVar ! testUnknownVar | node | node := VariableNode new value: 'bzzz'; yourself. self assert: (MethodLexicalScope new bindingFor: node) isNil ! ! TestCase subclass: #SemanticAnalyzerTest instanceVariableNames: 'analyzer' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !SemanticAnalyzerTest methodsFor: 'running'! setUp analyzer := SemanticAnalyzer on: Object ! ! !SemanticAnalyzerTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAssignment | src ast | src := 'foo self := 1'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self should: [analyzer visit: ast] raise: InvalidAssignmentError ! testNonLocalReturn | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. ^ a'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. self deny: ast scope hasNonLocalReturn ! testNonLocalReturn2 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ [ ^ a] ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. self assert: ast scope hasNonLocalReturn ! testScope | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ | b | b := a ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. self deny: ast dagChildren first dagChildren last scope == ast scope. ! testScope2 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ [ | b | b := a ] ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. self deny: ast dagChildren first dagChildren last dagChildren first dagChildren first scope == ast scope. ! testScopeLevel | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ [ | b | b := a ] ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. self assert: ast scope scopeLevel equals: 1. self assert: ast dagChildren first dagChildren last dagChildren first dagChildren first scope scopeLevel equals: 3 ! testUnknownVariables | src ast | src := 'foo | a | b + a'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self should: [ analyzer visit: ast ] raise: UnknownVariableError ! testUnknownVariablesWithScope | src ast | src := 'foo | a b | [ c + 1. [ a + 1. d + 1 ]]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self should: [ analyzer visit: ast ] raise: UnknownVariableError ! testVariableShadowing | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast ! testVariableShadowing2 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ | a | a := 2 ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self should: [analyzer visit: ast] raise: ShadowingVariableError ! testVariableShadowing3 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ | b | b := 2 ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast ! testVariableShadowing4 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ [ [ | b | b := 2 ] ] ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast ! testVariableShadowing5 | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ [ [ | a | a := 2 ] ] ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self should: [analyzer visit: ast] raise: ShadowingVariableError ! testVariablesLookup | src ast | src := 'foo | a | a + 1. [ | b | b := a ]'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. analyzer visit: ast. "Binding for `a` in the message send" self assert: ast dagChildren first dagChildren first receiver binding isTempVar. self assert: ast dagChildren first dagChildren first receiver binding scope == ast scope. "Binding for `b`" self assert: ast dagChildren first dagChildren last dagChildren first dagChildren first left binding isTempVar. self assert: ast dagChildren first dagChildren last dagChildren first dagChildren first left binding scope == ast dagChildren first dagChildren last scope. ! ! SemanticAnalyzerTest subclass: #AISemanticAnalyzerTest instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Tests'! !AISemanticAnalyzerTest methodsFor: 'running'! setUp analyzer := (AISemanticAnalyzer on: Object) context: (AIContext new defineLocal: 'local'; localAt: 'local' put: 3; yourself); yourself ! ! !AISemanticAnalyzerTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testContextVariables | src ast | src := 'foo | a | local + a'. ast := Smalltalk parse: src. self shouldnt: [ analyzer visit: ast ] raise: UnknownVariableError ! !