smalltalk.addPackage('Helios-Workspace', {}); smalltalk.addClass('HLCodeModel', smalltalk.Object, ['announcer', 'environment', 'receiver'], 'Helios-Workspace'); smalltalk.addMethod( "_announcer", smalltalk.method({ selector: "announcer", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@announcer']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeAnnouncer", []); } else { $1 = self['@announcer']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "announcer\x0a\x09^ announcer ifNil: [ self initializeAnnouncer ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeAnnouncer"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_doIt_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "doIt:", category: 'actions', fn: function (someCode) { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_environment", []), "_eval_on_", [someCode, smalltalk.send(self, "_receiver", [])]); return $1; }, args: ["someCode"], source: "doIt: someCode\x0a\x0a\x09^ self environment eval: someCode on: self receiver", messageSends: ["eval:on:", "receiver", "environment"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_environment", smalltalk.method({ selector: "environment", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@environment']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeEnvironment", []); } else { $1 = self['@environment']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "environment\x0a\x09^ environment ifNil: [ self initializeEnvironment]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeEnvironment"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_environment_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "environment:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anEnvironment) { var self = this; self['@environment'] = anEnvironment; return self; }, args: ["anEnvironment"], source: "environment: anEnvironment\x0a\x09environment := anEnvironment", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeAnnouncer", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeAnnouncer", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@announcer'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Announcer || Announcer, "_new", []); $1 = self['@announcer']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeAnnouncer\x0a\x09^ announcer := Announcer new", messageSends: ["new"], referencedClasses: ["Announcer"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeEnvironment", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeEnvironment", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@environment'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Smalltalk || Smalltalk, "_current", []); $1 = self['@environment']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeEnvironment\x0a\x09^ environment := Smalltalk current ", messageSends: ["current"], referencedClasses: ["Smalltalk"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeReceiver", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeReceiver", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@receiver'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.DoIt || DoIt, "_new", []); $1 = self['@receiver']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeReceiver\x0a\x09^receiver := DoIt new", messageSends: ["new"], referencedClasses: ["DoIt"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_receiver", smalltalk.method({ selector: "receiver", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@receiver']; }, args: [], source: "receiver\x0a\x09^ receiver", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_receiver_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "receiver:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; self['@receiver'] = anObject; return self; }, args: ["anObject"], source: "receiver: anObject\x0a\x09receiver := anObject", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_subscribe_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "subscribe:", category: 'actions', fn: function (aWidget) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(aWidget, "_subscribeTo_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", [])]); return self; }, args: ["aWidget"], source: "subscribe: aWidget\x0a\x09aWidget subscribeTo: self announcer", messageSends: ["subscribeTo:", "announcer"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_on_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "on:", category: 'actions', fn: function (anEnvironment) { var self = this; var $2, $3, $1; $2 = smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []); smalltalk.send($2, "_environment_", [anEnvironment]); $3 = smalltalk.send($2, "_yourself", []); $1 = $3; return $1; }, args: ["anEnvironment"], source: "on: anEnvironment\x0a\x0a\x09^ self new\x0a \x09environment: anEnvironment;\x0a yourself", messageSends: ["environment:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeModel.klass); smalltalk.addClass('HLCodeWidget', smalltalk.HLWidget, ['model', 'wrapper', 'code', 'editor'], 'Helios-Workspace'); smalltalk.addMethod( "_announcer", smalltalk.method({ selector: "announcer", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_model", []), "_announcer", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "announcer\x0a\x09^ self model announcer", messageSends: ["announcer", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_clear", smalltalk.method({ selector: "clear", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_val_", [""]); return self; }, args: [], source: "clear\x0a self val: ''", messageSends: ["val:"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_currentLine", smalltalk.method({ selector: "currentLine", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getLine_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getCursor", []), "_line", [])]); return $1; }, args: [], source: "currentLine\x0a ^editor getLine: (editor getCursor line)", messageSends: ["getLine:", "line", "getCursor"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_currentLineOrSelection", smalltalk.method({ selector: "currentLineOrSelection", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $2, $1; $2 = smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_somethingSelected", []); if (smalltalk.assert($2)) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_selection", []); } else { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_currentLine", []); } return $1; }, args: [], source: "currentLineOrSelection\x0a ^editor somethingSelected\x0a\x09\x09ifFalse: [self currentLine]\x0a\x09\x09ifTrue: [self selection]", messageSends: ["ifFalse:ifTrue:", "currentLine", "selection", "somethingSelected"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_doIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "doIt", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; var result; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", []), "_announce_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLDoItRequested || HLDoItRequested, "_on_", [self['@model']])]); result = smalltalk.send(self['@model'], "_doIt_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_currentLineOrSelection", [])]); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", []), "_announce_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLDoItExecuted || HLDoItExecuted, "_on_", [self['@model']])]); return result; }, args: [], source: "doIt\x0a\x09| result |\x0a\x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLDoItRequested on: model).\x0a\x0a\x09result:= model doIt: self currentLineOrSelection.\x0a\x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLDoItExecuted on: model).\x0a\x0a\x09^ result ", messageSends: ["announce:", "on:", "announcer", "doIt:", "currentLineOrSelection"], referencedClasses: ["HLDoItRequested", "HLDoItExecuted"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_editor", smalltalk.method({ selector: "editor", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@editor']; }, args: [], source: "editor\x0a\x09^editor", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_focus", smalltalk.method({ selector: "focus", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_editor", []), "_focus", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "focus\x0a self editor focus", messageSends: ["focus", "editor"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_inspectIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "inspectIt", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; var newInspector; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", []), "_announce_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLInspectItRequested || HLInspectItRequested, "_on_", [self['@model']])]); newInspector = smalltalk.send(self, "_makeInspectorOn_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_doIt", [])]); smalltalk.send(newInspector, "_open", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "inspectIt\x0a\x0a\x09| newInspector |\x0a \x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLInspectItRequested on: model).\x0a\x09newInspector := self makeInspectorOn: self doIt.\x0a\x09newInspector open", messageSends: ["announce:", "on:", "announcer", "makeInspectorOn:", "doIt", "open"], referencedClasses: ["HLInspectItRequested"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_makeInspectorOn_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "makeInspectorOn:", category: 'actions', fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; var $2, $3, $1; $2 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLInspector || HLInspector, "_new", []); smalltalk.send($2, "_inspect_", [anObject]); $3 = smalltalk.send($2, "_yourself", []); $1 = $3; return $1; }, args: ["anObject"], source: "makeInspectorOn: anObject\x0a\x0a\x09^ HLInspector new \x0a\x09\x09inspect: anObject;\x0a\x09\x09yourself", messageSends: ["inspect:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLInspector"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_model", smalltalk.method({ selector: "model", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@model']; }, args: [], source: "model\x0a\x0a\x09^ model ", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_model_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "model:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (aModel) { var self = this; self['@model'] = aModel; return self; }, args: ["aModel"], source: "model: aModel\x0a\x0a\x09model := aModel", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_observeWrapper", smalltalk.method({ selector: "observeWrapper", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self['@wrapper'], "_onKeyDown_", [function (e) {return smalltalk.send(self, "_onKeyDown_", [e]);}]); return self; }, args: [], source: "observeWrapper\x0a\x0a wrapper onKeyDown: [:e | self onKeyDown: e]\x0a", messageSends: ["onKeyDown:"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onDoIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onDoIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_doIt", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "onDoIt\x0a\x09\x0a self doIt", messageSends: ["doIt"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onInspectIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onInspectIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_inspectIt", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "onInspectIt\x0a\x0a\x09self inspectIt", messageSends: ["inspectIt"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onKeyDown_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onKeyDown:", category: 'reactions', fn: function (anEvent) { var self = this; if (anEvent.ctrlKey) { if (anEvent.keyCode === 80) { self._onPrintIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } if (anEvent.keyCode === 68) { self._onDoIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } if (anEvent.keyCode === 73) { self._onInspectIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } } return self; }, args: ["anEvent"], source: "onKeyDown: anEvent\x0a\x0a \x09", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onPrintIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onPrintIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_printIt", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "onPrintIt\x0a\x0a\x09self printIt", messageSends: ["printIt"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_print_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "print:", category: 'actions', fn: function (aString) { var self = this; var start; var stop; start = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HashedCollection || HashedCollection, "_new", []); stop = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HashedCollection || HashedCollection, "_new", []); smalltalk.send(start, "_at_put_", ["line", smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getCursor_", [false]), "_line", [])]); smalltalk.send(start, "_at_put_", ["ch", smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getCursor_", [false]), "_ch", [])]); smalltalk.send(stop, "_at_put_", ["line", smalltalk.send(start, "_at_", ["line"])]); smalltalk.send(stop, "_at_put_", ["ch", smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(start, "_at_", ["ch"]), "__plus", [smalltalk.send(aString, "_size", [])]), "__plus", [2])]); smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_replaceSelection_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getSelection", []), "__comma", [" "]), "__comma", [aString]), "__comma", [" "])]); smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_setCursor_", [smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getCursor_", [true])]); smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_setSelection_end_", [stop, start]); return self; }, args: ["aString"], source: "print: aString\x0a\x09| start stop |\x0a\x09start := HashedCollection new.\x0a\x09stop := HashedCollection new.\x0a\x09start at: 'line' put: (editor getCursor: false) line.\x0a\x09start at: 'ch' put: (editor getCursor: false) ch.\x0a\x09stop at: 'line' put: (start at: 'line').\x0a\x09stop at: 'ch' put: ((start at: 'ch') + aString size + 2).\x0a\x09editor replaceSelection: (editor getSelection, ' ', aString, ' ').\x0a\x09editor setCursor: (editor getCursor: true).\x0a\x09editor setSelection: stop end: start", messageSends: ["new", "at:put:", "line", "getCursor:", "ch", "at:", "+", "size", "replaceSelection:", ",", "getSelection", "setCursor:", "setSelection:end:"], referencedClasses: ["HashedCollection"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_printIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "printIt", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; var result; result = smalltalk.send(self, "_doIt", []); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", []), "_announce_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLPrintItRequested || HLPrintItRequested, "_on_", [self['@model']])]); smalltalk.send(self, "_print_", [smalltalk.send(result, "_printString", [])]); smalltalk.send(self, "_focus", []); return self; }, args: [], source: "printIt\x0a\x0a\x09| result |\x0a\x0a\x09result:= self doIt.\x0a \x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLPrintItRequested on: model).\x0a\x0a self print: result printString.\x0a\x09self focus.", messageSends: ["doIt", "announce:", "on:", "announcer", "print:", "printString", "focus"], referencedClasses: ["HLPrintItRequested"] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_receiver", smalltalk.method({ selector: "receiver", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_model", []), "_receiver", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "receiver\x0a\x09^ self model receiver", messageSends: ["receiver", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_receiver_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "receiver:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_model", []), "_receiver_", [anObject]); return self; }, args: ["anObject"], source: "receiver: anObject\x0a\x09self model receiver: anObject", messageSends: ["receiver:", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_renderOn_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderOn:", category: 'rendering', fn: function (html) { var self = this; self['@wrapper'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(html, "_div", []), "_class_", ["code"]); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_observeWrapper", []), "_wrapper", []), "_with_", [function () {self['@code'] = smalltalk.send(html, "_textarea", []);return self['@code'];}]); smalltalk.send(self, "_setEditorOn_", [smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_element", [])]); return self; }, args: ["html"], source: "renderOn: html\x0a wrapper := html div class: 'code'.\x0a self observeWrapper\x0a wrapper with: [code := html textarea].\x0a self setEditorOn: code element.\x0a \x0a", messageSends: ["class:", "div", "with:", "textarea", "wrapper", "observeWrapper", "setEditorOn:", "element"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_selection", smalltalk.method({ selector: "selection", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(self['@editor'], "_getSelection", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "selection\x0a\x09^editor getSelection", messageSends: ["getSelection"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_selectionEnd", smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectionEnd", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_element", []), "_selectionEnd", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "selectionEnd\x0a ^code element selectionEnd", messageSends: ["selectionEnd", "element"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_selectionEnd_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectionEnd:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anInteger) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_element", []), "_selectionEnd_", [anInteger]); return self; }, args: ["anInteger"], source: "selectionEnd: anInteger\x0a code element selectionEnd: anInteger", messageSends: ["selectionEnd:", "element"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_selectionStart", smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectionStart", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_element", []), "_selectionStart", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "selectionStart\x0a ^code element selectionStart", messageSends: ["selectionStart", "element"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_selectionStart_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectionStart:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anInteger) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_element", []), "_selectionStart_", [anInteger]); return self; }, args: ["anInteger"], source: "selectionStart: anInteger\x0a code element selectionStart: anInteger", messageSends: ["selectionStart:", "element"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_setEditorOn_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "setEditorOn:", category: 'actions', fn: function (aTextarea) { var self = this; self['@editor'] = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(aTextarea, {theme: "amber", lineNumbers: true, enterMode: "flat", matchBrackets: true, electricChars: false}); return self; }, args: ["aTextarea"], source: "setEditorOn: aTextarea\x0a\x09", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_val", smalltalk.method({ selector: "val", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; $1 = smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_getValue", []); return $1; }, args: [], source: "val\x0a\x09^ code getValue", messageSends: ["getValue"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_val_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "val:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (aString) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self['@code'], "_setValue_", [aString]); return self; }, args: ["aString"], source: "val: aString\x0a code setValue: aString", messageSends: ["setValue:"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( "_wrapper", smalltalk.method({ selector: "wrapper", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@wrapper']; }, args: [], source: "wrapper\x0a\x0a\x09^ wrapper", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLCodeWidget); smalltalk.addClass('HLWorkspace', smalltalk.HLWidget, ['model', 'code'], 'Helios-Workspace'); smalltalk.addMethod( "_code", smalltalk.method({ selector: "code", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@code']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeCode", []); } else { $1 = self['@code']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "code\x0a\x0a\x09^ code ifNil:[self initializeCode]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeCode"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_ensureModel", smalltalk.method({ selector: "ensureModel", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; if (($receiver = self['@model']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { smalltalk.send(self, "_model_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_model", [])]); } else { self['@model']; } return self; }, args: [], source: "ensureModel\x0a\x09\x22Sends the #model: initialization message if needed.\x22\x0a\x0a\x09model ifNil:[\x0a\x09\x09self model: self model]\x0a\x09", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "model:", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeCode", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeCode", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@code'] = smalltalk.send(self, "_makeCode", []); $1 = self['@code']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeCode\x0a\x0a\x09^ code := self makeCode.", messageSends: ["makeCode"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeModel", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeModel", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@model'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel || HLWorkspaceModel, "_new", []); $1 = self['@model']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeModel\x0a\x0a\x09^ model := HLWorkspaceModel new", messageSends: ["new"], referencedClasses: ["HLWorkspaceModel"] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_makeCode", smalltalk.method({ selector: "makeCode", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; var $2, $3, $1; $2 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLCodeWidget || HLCodeWidget, "_new", []); smalltalk.send($2, "_model_", [smalltalk.send(self['@model'], "_code", [])]); $3 = smalltalk.send($2, "_yourself", []); $1 = $3; return $1; }, args: [], source: "makeCode\x0a\x0a\x09^ HLCodeWidget new\x0a \x09model: model code;\x0a yourself", messageSends: ["model:", "code", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLCodeWidget"] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_model", smalltalk.method({ selector: "model", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@model']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeModel", []); } else { $1 = self['@model']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "model\x0a\x0a\x09^ model ifNil:[self initializeModel]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeModel"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_model_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "model:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (aModel) { var self = this; self['@model'] = aModel; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_code", []), "_model_", [smalltalk.send(aModel, "_code", [])]); smalltalk.send(self, "_observeCode", []); return self; }, args: ["aModel"], source: "model: aModel\x0a\x0a\x09model := aModel.\x0a \x0a self code model: aModel code.\x0a self observeCode.\x0a ", messageSends: ["model:", "code", "observeCode"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_observeCode", smalltalk.method({ selector: "observeCode", category: 'actions', fn: function () { var self = this; return self; }, args: [], source: "observeCode\x0a\x0a", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onDoIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onDoIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; return self; }, args: [], source: "onDoIt", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onInspectIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onInspectIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; return self; }, args: [], source: "onInspectIt", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onPrintIt", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onPrintIt", category: 'reactions', fn: function () { var self = this; return self; }, args: [], source: "onPrintIt", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_renderContentOn_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderContentOn:", category: 'rendering', fn: function (html) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_ensureModel", []); smalltalk.send(html, "_with_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_code", [])]); return self; }, args: ["html"], source: "renderContentOn: html\x0a\x0a\x09self ensureModel.\x0a \x0a\x09html with: self code\x0a ", messageSends: ["ensureModel", "with:", "code"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace); smalltalk.addMethod( "_canBeOpenAsTab", smalltalk.method({ selector: "canBeOpenAsTab", category: 'testing', fn: function () { var self = this; return true; }, args: [], source: "canBeOpenAsTab\x0a\x09^ true", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( "_tabLabel", smalltalk.method({ selector: "tabLabel", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; return "Workspace"; }, args: [], source: "tabLabel\x0a\x09^ 'Workspace'", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( "_tabPriority", smalltalk.method({ selector: "tabPriority", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; return 10; }, args: [], source: "tabPriority\x0a\x09^ 10", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspace.klass); smalltalk.addClass('HLWorkspaceModel', smalltalk.Object, ['announcer', 'environment', 'code'], 'Helios-Workspace'); smalltalk.addMethod( "_announcer", smalltalk.method({ selector: "announcer", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@announcer']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeAnnouncer", []); } else { $1 = self['@announcer']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "announcer\x0a\x09^ announcer ifNil: [ self initializeAnnouncer ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeAnnouncer"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_code", smalltalk.method({ selector: "code", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@code']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(self, "_initializeCode", []); } else { $1 = self['@code']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "code\x0a\x09\x22Answers the code model working for this workspace model\x22\x0a\x09^ code ifNil:[self initializeCode]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "initializeCode"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_environment", smalltalk.method({ selector: "environment", category: 'accessing', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; if (($receiver = self['@environment']) == nil || $receiver == undefined) { $1 = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLManager || HLManager, "_current", []), "_environment", []); } else { $1 = self['@environment']; } return $1; }, args: [], source: "environment\x0a\x09^ environment ifNil: [ HLManager current environment ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "environment", "current"], referencedClasses: ["HLManager"] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_environment_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "environment:", category: 'accessing', fn: function (anEnvironment) { var self = this; self['@environment'] = anEnvironment; return self; }, args: ["anEnvironment"], source: "environment: anEnvironment\x0a\x09environment := anEnvironment", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeAnnouncer", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeAnnouncer", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@announcer'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Announcer || Announcer, "_new", []); $1 = self['@announcer']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeAnnouncer\x0a\x09^ announcer := Announcer new", messageSends: ["new"], referencedClasses: ["Announcer"] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_initializeCode", smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeCode", category: 'initialization', fn: function () { var self = this; var $1; self['@code'] = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.HLCodeModel || HLCodeModel, "_on_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_environment", [])]); $1 = self['@code']; return $1; }, args: [], source: "initializeCode\x0a\x0a\x09^ code := HLCodeModel on: self environment", messageSends: ["on:", "environment"], referencedClasses: ["HLCodeModel"] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_onKeyDown_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "onKeyDown:", category: 'reactions', fn: function (anEvent) { var self = this; if (anEvent.ctrlKey) { if (anEvent.keyCode === 80) { self._printIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } if (anEvent.keyCode === 68) { self._doIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } if (anEvent.keyCode === 73) { self._inspectIt(); anEvent.preventDefault(); return false; } } return self; }, args: ["anEvent"], source: "onKeyDown: anEvent\x0a\x0a\x09", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_subscribe_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "subscribe:", category: 'actions', fn: function (aWidget) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(aWidget, "_subscribeTo_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_announcer", [])]); return self; }, args: ["aWidget"], source: "subscribe: aWidget\x0a\x09aWidget subscribeTo: self announcer", messageSends: ["subscribeTo:", "announcer"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel); smalltalk.addMethod( "_on_", smalltalk.method({ selector: "on:", category: 'actions', fn: function (anEnvironment) { var self = this; var $2, $3, $1; $2 = smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []); smalltalk.send($2, "_environment_", [anEnvironment]); $3 = smalltalk.send($2, "_yourself", []); $1 = $3; return $1; }, args: ["anEnvironment"], source: "on: anEnvironment\x0a\x0a\x09^ self new\x0a \x09environment: anEnvironment;\x0a yourself", messageSends: ["environment:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), smalltalk.HLWorkspaceModel.klass);