/* ==================================================================== | | Amber Smalltalk | http://amber-lang.net | ====================================================================== ====================================================================== | | Copyright (c) 2010-2011 | Nicolas Petton | | Amber is released under the MIT license | | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to | permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to | the following conditions: | | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | | THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF | MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, | TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE | SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | ==================================================================== */ /* Global Smalltalk objects. */ // The globals below all begin with `global_' prefix. // This prefix is to advice developers to avoid their usage, // instead using local versions smalltalk, nil, _st that are // provided by appropriate wrappers to each package. // The plan is to use different module loader (and slightly change the wrappers) // so that these globals are hidden completely inside the exports/imports of the module loader. // DO NOT USE DIRECTLY! CAN DISAPPEAR AT ANY TIME. var global_smalltalk, global_nil, global__st; (function () { /* Reconfigurable micro composition system, https://github.com/herby/brikz */ function Brikz(api, apiKey, initKey) { var brikz = this, backup = {}; apiKey = apiKey || 'exports'; initKey = initKey || '__init__'; function mixin(src, target, what) { for (var keys = Object.keys(what||src), l=keys.length, i=0; i>doesNotUnderstand: */ return receiver._doesNotUnderstand_( st.Message._new() ._selector_(st.convertSelector(selector)) ._arguments_(args) ); } /* Call a method of a JS object, or answer a property if it exists. Else try wrapping a JSObjectProxy around the receiver. If the object property is a function, then call it, except if it starts with an uppercase character (we probably want to answer the function itself in this case and send it #new from Amber). Converts keyword-based selectors by using the first keyword only, but keeping all message arguments. Example: "self do: aBlock with: anObject" -> "self.do(aBlock, anObject)" */ function callJavaScriptMethod(receiver, selector, args) { var jsSelector = selector._asJavaScriptSelector(); var jsProperty = receiver[jsSelector]; if(typeof jsProperty === "function" && !/^[A-Z]/.test(jsSelector)) { return jsProperty.apply(receiver, args); } else if(jsProperty !== undefined) { if(args[0]) { receiver[jsSelector] = args[0]; return nil; } else { return jsProperty; } } return st.send(st.JSObjectProxy._on_(receiver), selector, args); } if(this.jQuery) { this.jQuery.allowJavaScriptCalls = true; } this.messageNotUnderstood = messageNotUnderstood; } function SelectorConversionBrik(brikz, st) { /* Convert a Smalltalk selector into a JS selector */ st.selector = function(string) { var selector = '_' + string; selector = selector.replace(/:/g, '_'); selector = selector.replace(/[\&]/g, '_and'); selector = selector.replace(/[\|]/g, '_or'); selector = selector.replace(/[+]/g, '_plus'); selector = selector.replace(/-/g, '_minus'); selector = selector.replace(/[*]/g ,'_star'); selector = selector.replace(/[\/]/g ,'_slash'); selector = selector.replace(/[\\]/g ,'_backslash'); selector = selector.replace(/[\~]/g ,'_tild'); selector = selector.replace(/>/g ,'_gt'); selector = selector.replace(/>asSelector accordingly */ st.convertSelector = function(selector) { if(selector.match(/__/)) { return convertBinarySelector(selector); } else { return convertKeywordSelector(selector); } }; function convertKeywordSelector(selector) { return selector.replace(/^_/, '').replace(/_/g, ':'); } function convertBinarySelector(selector) { return selector .replace(/^_/, '') .replace(/_and/g, '&') .replace(/_or/g, '|') .replace(/_plus/g, '+') .replace(/_minus/g, '-') .replace(/_star/g, '*') .replace(/_slash/g, '/') .replace(/_backslash/g, '\\') .replace(/_tild/g, '~') .replace(/_gt/g, '>') .replace(/_lt/g, '<') .replace(/_eq/g, '=') .replace(/_comma/g, ',') .replace(/_at/g, '@'); } } /* Making smalltalk that can load */ brikz.root = RootBrik; brikz.dnu = DNUBrik; brikz.organize = OrganizeBrik; brikz.selectorConversion = SelectorConversionBrik; brikz.classInit = ClassInitBrik; brikz.manipulation = ManipulationBrik; brikz.classes = ClassesBrik; brikz.methods = MethodsBrik; brikz.stInit = SmalltalkInitBrik; brikz.augments = AugmentsBrik; brikz.rebuild(); /* Making smalltalk that can run */ function runnable () { brikz.messageSend = MessageSendBrik; brikz.runtime = RuntimeBrik; brikz.primitives = PrimitivesBrik; brikz.rebuild(); }; global_smalltalk = api; global_nil = nil; global__st = api._st; api._st = null; })();