The sample app contains a few additional parts beyond Amber itself:
- The common infrastructure: testing.js, devel.js, *.json,
.gitignore, big part of Gruntfile.js,
in package.json
- Common code ({%= name %}-Tests package).
- These introductory files: parts.html and uninstall.html
- Polyfilling: some dependencies in package.json
and their use in Gruntfile.js and index.html.
- The webapp-specific code ({%= name %} package).
- The webapp-specific dependencies in package.json
(modules silk, domite, contrib-web and contrib-jquery).
- The webapp entry point index.html.
- The webapp-specific infrastructure: deploy.js
and parts of Gruntfile.js that use webapp-specific pieces.
- The lambda-specific code ({%= name %}-Backend package).
- The lambda handler file lambda/index.js.
- The lambda-specific infrastructure: lambda.js
and parts of Gruntfile.js that use lambda-specific pieces.