Smalltalk createPackage: 'Kernel-Tests'! TestCase subclass: #AnnouncementSubscriptionTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !AnnouncementSubscriptionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddExtensionMethod | method dirty | dirty := self class package isDirty. self class package beClean. method := self class compile: 'doNothing' protocol: '**not-a-package'. self deny: self class package isDirty. self class removeCompiledMethod: method. dirty ifTrue: [ self class package beDirty ] ! testHandlesAnnouncement | subscription announcementClass1 announcementClass2 classBuilder | classBuilder := ClassBuilder new. announcementClass1 := classBuilder basicAddSubclassOf: SystemAnnouncement named: 'TestAnnouncement1' instanceVariableNames: #() package: 'Kernel-Tests'. subscription := AnnouncementSubscription new announcementClass: SystemAnnouncement. "Test whether the same class triggers the announcement" self assert: (subscription handlesAnnouncement: SystemAnnouncement new) equals: true. "Test whether a subclass triggers the announcement" self assert: (subscription handlesAnnouncement: announcementClass1 new) equals: true. "Test whether an unrelated class does not trigger the announcement" self assert: (subscription handlesAnnouncement: Object new) equals: false. classBuilder basicRemoveClass: announcementClass1. ! ! TestCase subclass: #AnnouncerTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !AnnouncerTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testOnDo | counter announcer | counter := 0. announcer := Announcer new. announcer on: SystemAnnouncement do: [ counter := counter + 1 ]. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 1. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 2. ! testOnDoFor | counter announcer | counter := 0. announcer := Announcer new. announcer on: SystemAnnouncement do: [ counter := counter + 1 ] for: self. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 1. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 2. announcer unsubscribe: self. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 2. ! testOnDoOnce | counter announcer | counter := 0. announcer := Announcer new. announcer on: SystemAnnouncement doOnce: [ counter := counter + 1 ]. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 1. announcer announce: (SystemAnnouncement new). self assert: counter equals: 1. ! ! TestCase subclass: #BlockClosureTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !BlockClosureTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! localReturnOnDoCatch [ ^ 2 ] on: Error do: []. ^ 3 ! localReturnOnDoMiss [ ^ 2 ] on: Class do: []. ^ 3 ! ! !BlockClosureTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testCanClearInterval self shouldnt: [ ([ Error new signal ] valueWithInterval: 0) clearInterval ] raise: Error ! testCanClearTimeout self shouldnt: [ ([ Error new signal ] valueWithTimeout: 0) clearTimeout ] raise: Error ! testCompiledSource self assert: ([ 1+1 ] compiledSource includesSubString: 'function') ! testCurrySelf | curriedMethod array | curriedMethod := [ :selfarg :x | selfarg at: x ] currySelf asCompiledMethod: 'foo:'. curriedMethod protocol: '**test helper'. array := #(3 1 4). Array addCompiledMethod: curriedMethod. [ self assert: (array foo: 2) equals: 1 ] ensure: [ Array removeCompiledMethod: curriedMethod ] ! testEnsure self assert: ([ 3 ] ensure: [ 4 ]) equals: 3 ! testEnsureRaises self should: [ [Error new signal ] ensure: [ true ]] raise: Error ! testExceptionSemantics "See" self timeout: 100. (self async: [ [ self assert: true. Error signal. "The following should *not* be run" self deny: true. self finished. ] on: Error do: [ :ex | self finished ] ]) valueWithTimeout: 0 ! testLocalReturnOnDoCatch self assert: self localReturnOnDoCatch equals: 2 ! testLocalReturnOnDoMiss self assert: self localReturnOnDoMiss equals: 2 ! testNewWithValues ! testNumArgs self assert: [] numArgs equals: 0. self assert: [ :a :b | ] numArgs equals: 2 ! testOnDo self assert: ([ Error new signal ] on: Error do: [ :ex | true ]) ! testValue self assert: ([ 1+1 ] value) equals: 2. self assert: ([ :x | x +1 ] value: 2) equals: 3. self assert: ([ :x :y | x*y ] value: 2 value: 4) equals: 8. "Arguments are optional in Amber. This isn't ANSI compliant." self assert: ([ :a :b :c | 1 ] value) equals: 1 ! testValueWithPossibleArguments self assert: ([ 1 ] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 1. self assert: ([ :a | a + 4 ] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4)) equals: 7. self assert: ([ :a :b | a + b ] valueWithPossibleArguments: #(3 4 5)) equals: 7. ! testWhileFalse | i | i := 0. [ i > 5 ] whileFalse: [ i := i + 1 ]. self assert: i equals: 6. i := 0. [ i := i + 1. i > 5 ] whileFalse. self assert: i equals: 6 ! testWhileTrue | i | i := 0. [ i < 5 ] whileTrue: [ i := i + 1 ]. self assert: i equals: 5. i := 0. [ i := i + 1. i < 5 ] whileTrue. self assert: i equals: 5 ! ! TestCase subclass: #BooleanTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !BooleanTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testEquality "We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!" self deny: 0 = false. self deny: false = 0. self deny: '' = false. self deny: false = ''. self assert: (true = true). self deny: false = true. self deny: true = false. self assert: (false = false). "JS may do some type coercing after sending a message" self assert: (true yourself = true). self assert: (true yourself = true yourself) ! testIdentity "We're on top of JS...just be sure to check the basics!!" self deny: 0 == false. self deny: false == 0. self deny: '' == false. self deny: false == ''. self assert: true == true. self deny: false == true. self deny: true == false. self assert: false == false. "JS may do some type coercing after sending a message" self assert: true yourself == true. self assert: true yourself == true yourself ! testIfTrueIfFalse self assert: (true ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: nil. self assert: (false ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: nil. self assert: (false ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (false ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ] ifFalse: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block2'. self assert: (false ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ] ifTrue: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ] ifFalse: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ] ifTrue: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block2'. ! testIfTrueIfFalseWithBoxing self assert: (true yourself ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true yourself ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: nil. self assert: (false yourself ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: nil. self assert: (false yourself ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (false yourself ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ] ifFalse: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block2'. self assert: (false yourself ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ] ifTrue: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true yourself ifTrue: [ 'alternative block' ] ifFalse: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block'. self assert: (true yourself ifFalse: [ 'alternative block' ] ifTrue: [ 'alternative block2' ]) equals: 'alternative block2'. ! testLogic "Trivial logic table" self assert: (true & true); deny: (true & false); deny: (false & true); deny: (false & false). self assert: (true | true); assert: (true | false); assert: (false | true); deny: (false | false). "Checking that expressions work fine too" self assert: (true & (1 > 0)); deny: ((1 > 0) & false); deny: ((1 > 0) & (1 > 2)). self assert: (false | (1 > 0)); assert: ((1 > 0) | false); assert: ((1 > 0) | (1 > 2)) ! testLogicKeywords "Trivial logic table" self assert: (true and: [ true ]); deny: (true and: [ false ]); deny: (false and: [ true ]); deny: (false and: [ false ]). self assert: (true or: [ true ]); assert: (true or: [ false ]); assert: (false or: [ true ]); deny: (false or: [ false ]). "Checking that expressions work fine too" self assert: (true and: [ 1 > 0 ]); deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ false ]); deny: ((1 > 0) and: [ 1 > 2 ]). self assert: (false or: [ 1 > 0 ]); assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ false ]); assert: ((1 > 0) or: [ 1 > 2 ]) ! testNonBooleanError self should: [ '' ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [] ] raise: NonBooleanReceiver ! ! TestCase subclass: #ClassBuilderTest slots: {#builder. #theClass} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ClassBuilderTest methodsFor: 'running'! setUp builder := ClassBuilder new ! tearDown theClass ifNotNil: [ Smalltalk removeClass: theClass. self deny: (theClass package classes includes: theClass). self assert: (Smalltalk globals at: theClass name) equals: nil. theClass := nil ] ! ! !ClassBuilderTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddTrait theClass := builder addTraitNamed: 'ObjectMock2' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: (theClass package classes occurrencesOf: theClass) equals: 1. self assert: theClass package equals: ObjectMock package ! testClassCopy theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass. self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames. self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package. self assert: (theClass package classes includes: theClass). self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys ! testClassMigration | instance oldClass | oldClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. instance := (Smalltalk globals at: 'ObjectMock2') new. "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2" ObjectMock subclass: #ObjectMock2 instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. self deny: oldClass == ObjectMock2. self assert: ObjectMock2 superclass == ObjectMock. self assert: ObjectMock2 instanceVariableNames isEmpty. self assert: ObjectMock2 selectors equals: oldClass selectors. self assert: ObjectMock2 comment equals: oldClass comment. self assert: ObjectMock2 package name equals: 'Kernel-Tests'. self assert: (ObjectMock2 package classes includes: ObjectMock2). self deny: instance class == ObjectMock2. "Commeting this out. Tests implementation detail." "self assert: instance class name equals: 'OldObjectMock2'." self assert: (Smalltalk globals at: instance class name) isNil. Smalltalk removeClass: ObjectMock2 ! testClassMigrationWithClassInstanceVariables builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'. "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2" ObjectMock subclass: (Smalltalk globals at: 'ObjectMock2') name instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. self assert: ObjectMock2 class instanceVariableNames equals: #('foo' 'bar'). Smalltalk removeClass: ObjectMock2 ! testClassMigrationWithSubclasses builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. ObjectMock2 subclass: 'ObjectMock3' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. ObjectMock3 subclass: 'ObjectMock4' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. "Change the superclass of ObjectMock2" ObjectMock subclass: 'ObjectMock2' instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Tests'. self assert: (ObjectMock subclasses includes: ObjectMock2). self assert: (ObjectMock2 subclasses includes: ObjectMock3). self assert: (ObjectMock3 subclasses includes: ObjectMock4). ObjectMock allSubclasses reverseDo: [ :each | Smalltalk removeClass: each ] ! testSubclass theClass := builder addSubclassOf: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2' instanceVariableNames: #(foo bar) package: 'Kernel-Tests'. self assert: theClass superclass equals: ObjectMock. self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames equals: #(foo bar). self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: (theClass package classes occurrencesOf: theClass) equals: 1. self assert: theClass package equals: ObjectMock package. self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys size equals: 0 ! ! TestCase subclass: #ClassTest slots: {#builder. #theClass} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ClassTest methodsFor: 'running'! is: anObject javaScriptInstanceOf: aJavaScriptClass ! jsConstructor ! setUp builder := ClassBuilder new ! tearDown theClass ifNotNil: [ theClass allSubclasses reverseDo: [ :each | Smalltalk removeClass: each ]. Smalltalk removeClass: theClass. theClass := nil ] ! trickyJsConstructor ! ! !ClassTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAllSubclasses | subclasses index | subclasses := Object subclasses. index := 1. [ index > subclasses size ] whileFalse: [ subclasses addAll: (subclasses at: index) subclasses. index := index + 1 ]. self assert: Object allSubclasses equals: subclasses ! testBeJavaScriptSubclassOf | instance constructor | theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. constructor := self jsConstructor. theClass beJavaScriptSubclassOf: constructor. "part took from copy class test" self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass. self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames. self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package. self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys. "testing specific to late-coupled detached root class" instance := theClass new. self assert: instance class == theClass. self assert: (self is: instance javaScriptInstanceOf: constructor). self assert: instance value equals: 4. self shouldnt: [ instance foo: 9 ] raise: Error. self assert: instance foo equals: 9 ! testMetaclassSubclasses | subclasses | subclasses := (Object class instanceClass subclasses select: [ :each | each isMetaclass not ]) collect: [ :each | each theMetaClass ]. self assert: Object class subclasses equals: subclasses ! testSetJavaScriptConstructor | instance | theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. theClass javaScriptConstructor: self jsConstructor. "part took from copy class test" self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass. self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames. self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package. self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys. "testing specific to late-coupled detached root class" instance := theClass new. self assert: instance class == theClass. self assert: instance value equals: 4. self shouldnt: [ instance foo: 9 ] raise: Error. self assert: instance foo equals: 9 ! testSlotsFromInstanceVariablesString self assert: ' hello world ' instanceVariablesStringAsSlotList equals: #('hello' 'world') ! testTrickySetJavaScriptConstructor | instance | theClass := builder copyClass: ObjectMock named: 'ObjectMock2'. theClass javaScriptConstructor: self trickyJsConstructor. "part took from copy class test" self assert: theClass superclass == ObjectMock superclass. self assert: theClass instanceVariableNames == ObjectMock instanceVariableNames. self assert: theClass name equals: 'ObjectMock2'. self assert: theClass package == ObjectMock package. self assert: theClass methodDictionary keys equals: ObjectMock methodDictionary keys. "testing specific to late-coupled detached root class" instance := theClass new. self assert: instance class == theClass. self assert: instance value equals: 4. self shouldnt: [ instance foo: 9 ] raise: Error. self assert: instance foo equals: 9 ! ! TestCase subclass: #CollectionTest slots: {#sampleBlock} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !CollectionTest methodsFor: 'convenience'! assertSameContents: aCollection as: anotherCollection self assert: (aCollection size = anotherCollection size). aCollection do: [ :each | self assert: ((aCollection occurrencesOf: each) = (anotherCollection occurrencesOf: each)) ] ! ! !CollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection "Answers pre-filled collection of type tested." self subclassResponsibility ! collectionClass "Answers class of collection type tested" ^ self class collectionClass ! collectionOfPrintStrings "Answers self collection but with values changed to their printStrings" self subclassResponsibility ! collectionSize "Answers size of self collection." self subclassResponsibility ! collectionWithDuplicates "Answers pre-filled collection of type tested, with exactly six distinct elements, some of them appearing multiple times, if possible." self subclassResponsibility ! collectionWithNewValue "Answers a collection which shows how self collection would look after adding self sampleNewValue" self subclassResponsibility ! sampleNewValue "Answers a value that is not yet there and can be put into a tested collection" ^ 'N' ! sampleNewValueAsCollection "Answers self sampleNewValue wrapped in single element collection of tested type" ^ self collectionClass with: self sampleNewValue ! ! !CollectionTest methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. sampleBlock := [] ! ! !CollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddAll self assert: (self collection addAll: self collectionClass new; yourself) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionClass new addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionClass new addAll: self collectionClass new; yourself) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection addAll: self sampleNewValueAsCollection; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assertSameContents: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection addAll: self collection; yourself) as: self collectionWithNewValue ! testAllSatisfy | collection anyOne | collection := self collection. anyOne := collection anyOne. self assert: (collection allSatisfy: [ :each | collection includes: each ]). self deny: (collection allSatisfy: [ :each | each ~= anyOne ]) ! testAnyOne self should: [ self collectionClass new anyOne ] raise: Error. self assert: (self collection includes: self collection anyOne) ! testAnySatisfy | anyOne | anyOne := self collection anyOne. self assert: (self collection anySatisfy: [ :each | each = anyOne ]). self deny: (self collection anySatisfy: [ :each | each = Object new ]) ! testAsArray self assertSameContents: self collection as: self collection asArray ! testAsOrderedCollection self assertSameContents: self collection as: self collection asOrderedCollection ! testAsSet | c set | c := self collectionWithDuplicates. set := c asSet. self assert: set size equals: 6. c do: [ :each | self assert: (set includes: each) ] ! testCollect self assert: (self collection collect: [ :each | each ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue collect: [ :each | each ]) equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assert: (self collectionClass new collect: [ :each | each printString ]) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: ((self collection collect: [ self sampleNewValue ]) detect: [ true ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: (self collection collect: [ :each | each printString ]) equals: self collectionOfPrintStrings ! testComma self assert: self collection, self collectionClass new equals: self collection. self assert: self collectionClass new, self collection equals: self collection. self assert: self collectionClass new, self collectionClass new equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: self collection, self sampleNewValueAsCollection equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assertSameContents: self sampleNewValueAsCollection, self collection as: self collectionWithNewValue ! testCopy self assert: self collectionClass new copy equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: self collection copy equals: self collection. self assert: self collectionWithNewValue copy equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self deny: self collectionClass new copy = self collection. self deny: self collection copy = self collectionClass new. self deny: self collection copy = self collectionWithNewValue ! testCopySeparates | original copy | original := self collection. copy := original copy. copy addAll: self sampleNewValueAsCollection. self assert: original = self collection ! testDetect self shouldnt: [ self collection detect: [ true ] ] raise: Error. self should: [ self collection detect: [ false ] ] raise: Error. self assert: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection detect: [ true ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self should: [ self collection detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ] raise: Error ! testDetectIfNone | sentinel | sentinel := Object new. self assert: (self collection detect: [ true ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) ~= sentinel. self assert: (self collection detect: [ false ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: sentinel. self assert: (self sampleNewValueAsCollection detect: [ true ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: (self collection detect: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] ifNone: [ sentinel ]) equals: sentinel ! testDo | newCollection | newCollection := OrderedCollection new. self collection do: [ :each | newCollection add: each ]. self assertSameContents: self collection as: newCollection. newCollection := OrderedCollection new. self collectionWithDuplicates do: [ :each | newCollection add: each ]. self assertSameContents: self collectionWithDuplicates as: newCollection ! testEquality self assert: self collectionClass new equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: self collection equals: self collection. self assert: self collectionWithNewValue equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self deny: self collectionClass new = self collection. self deny: self collection = self collectionClass new. self deny: self collection = self collectionWithNewValue ! testIfEmptyFamily self assert: (self collectionClass new ifEmpty: [ 42 ]) equals: 42. self assert: (self collection ifEmpty: [ 42 ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionClass new ifNotEmpty: [ 42 ]) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection ifNotEmpty: [ 42 ]) equals: 42. self assert: (self collection ifNotEmpty: [ :col | col ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionClass new ifEmpty: [ 42 ] ifNotEmpty: [ 999 ]) equals: 42. self assert: (self collection ifEmpty: [ 42 ] ifNotEmpty: [ 999 ]) equals: 999. self assert: (self collection ifEmpty: [ 42 ] ifNotEmpty: [ :col | col ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionClass new ifNotEmpty: [ 42 ] ifEmpty: [ 999 ]) equals: 999. self assert: (self collection ifNotEmpty: [ 42 ] ifEmpty: [ 999 ]) equals: 42. self assert: (self collection ifNotEmpty: [ :col | col ] ifEmpty: [ 999 ]) equals: self collection. ! testIsEmpty self assert: self collectionClass new isEmpty. self deny: self collection isEmpty ! testNoneSatisfy | anyOne | anyOne := self collection anyOne. self deny: (self collection noneSatisfy: [ :each | each = anyOne ]). self assert: (self collection noneSatisfy: [ :each | each = Object new ]) ! testRegression1224 self assert: (self collectionClass new remove: self sampleNewValue ifAbsent: []; yourself) size equals: 0 ! testRemoveAll self assert: (self collection removeAll; yourself) equals: self collectionClass new ! testSelect self assert: (self collection select: [ false ]) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection select: [ true ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValueAsCollection. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each ~= self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collection select: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each ~= self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self collection ! testSelectThenCollect self assert: (self collection select: [ false ] thenCollect: #isString) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection select: [ true ] thenCollect: [:x|x]) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collection select: [ :each | each = self sampleNewValue ] thenCollect: [:x|x]) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue select: [ :each | each ~= self sampleNewValue ] thenCollect: #printString) equals: self collectionOfPrintStrings ! testSingle self should: [ self collectionClass new single ] raise: Error. self should: [ self collection single ] raise: Error. self assert: self sampleNewValueAsCollection single equals: self sampleNewValue ! testSize self assert: self collectionClass new size equals: 0. self assert: self sampleNewValueAsCollection size equals: 1. self assert: self collection size equals: self collectionSize ! ! !CollectionTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass "Answers class of collection type tested, or nil if test is abstract" ^ nil ! ! !CollectionTest class methodsFor: 'testing'! isAbstract ^ self collectionClass isNil ! ! CollectionTest subclass: #AssociativeCollectionTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !AssociativeCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionKeys self subclassResponsibility ! collectionValues self subclassResponsibility ! nonIndexesDo: aBlock aBlock value: 5. aBlock value: []. aBlock value: Object new. aBlock value: 'z' ! sampleNewIndex ^ 'new' ! samplesDo: aBlock aBlock value: 'a' value: 2 ! ! !AssociativeCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddAll super testAddAll. self assert: (self collection addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collection addAll: self collectionWithNewValue; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testAsDictionary self assert: ( self collectionClass new asDictionary isMemberOf: Dictionary ). ! testAsHashedCollection self assert: ( self collectionClass new asHashedCollection isMemberOf: HashedCollection ). ! testComma super testComma. self assert: self collection, self collection equals: self collection. self assert: self collection, self collectionWithNewValue equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assert: self collectionWithNewValue, self collection equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testFrom "Accept a collection of associations." | associations | associations := { 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }. self assertSameContents: ( self class collectionClass from: associations ) as: #{ 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }. ! testKeys self assert:self collectionClass new keys isEmpty. self assertSameContents:self collection keys as: self collectionKeys. self assertSameContents:self collectionWithNewValue keys as: self collectionKeys, { self sampleNewIndex } ! testNewFromPairs "Accept an array in which all odd indexes are keys and evens are values." | flattenedAssociations | flattenedAssociations := { 'a'. 1. 'b'. 2 }. self assertSameContents: ( self class collectionClass newFromPairs: flattenedAssociations ) as: #{ 'a' -> 1. 'b' -> 2 }. ! testPrintString self assert: (self collectionClass new at:'firstname' put: 'James'; at:'lastname' put: 'Bond'; printString) equals: 'a ', self collectionClass name, ' (''firstname'' -> ''James'' , ''lastname'' -> ''Bond'')' ! testRemoveKey self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | | collection | collection := self collection. self should: [ collection removeKey: each ] raise: Error. self assert: collection equals: self collection ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | | collection | collection := self collection. self assert: (collection removeKey: index) equals: value. self deny: collection = self collection ]. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue removeKey: self sampleNewIndex; yourself) equals: self collection ! testRemoveKeyIfAbsent self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | | collection | collection := self collection. self assert: (collection removeKey: each ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: collection equals: self collection ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | | collection | collection := self collection. self assert: (collection removeKey: index ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: value. self deny: collection = self collection ]. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue removeKey: self sampleNewIndex ifAbsent: [ self assert: false ]; yourself) equals: self collection ! testValues self assert:self collectionClass new values isEmpty. self assertSameContents:self collection values as: self collectionValues. self assertSameContents:self collectionWithNewValue values as: self collectionValues, { self sampleNewValue } ! ! AssociativeCollectionTest subclass: #DictionaryTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection ^ Dictionary new at: 1 put: 1; at: 'a' put: 2; at: true put: 3; at: 1@3 put: -4; at: sampleBlock put: 9; yourself ! collectionKeys ^ {1. 'a'. true. 1@3. sampleBlock} ! collectionOfPrintStrings ^ Dictionary new at: 1 put: '1'; at: 'a' put: '2'; at: true put: '3'; at: 1@3 put: '-4'; at: sampleBlock put: '9'; yourself ! collectionSize ^ 5 ! collectionValues ^ {1. 2. 3. -4. 9} ! collectionWithDuplicates ^ Dictionary new at: 1 put: 1; at: 'a' put: 2; at: true put: 3; at: 4 put: -4; at: sampleBlock put: 9; at: 'b' put: 1; at: 3 put: 3; at: false put: 12; yourself ! collectionWithNewValue ^ Dictionary new at: 1 put: 1; at: 'a' put: 2; at: true put: 3; at: 1@3 put: -4; at: sampleBlock put: 9; at: 'new' put: 'N'; yourself ! sampleNewValueAsCollection ^ Dictionary new at: 'new' put: 'N'; yourself ! samplesDo: aBlock super samplesDo: aBlock. aBlock value: true value: 3. aBlock value: 1@3 value: -4. aBlock value: sampleBlock value: 9 ! ! !DictionaryTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAccessing | d | d := Dictionary new. d at: 'hello' put: 'world'. self assert: (d at: 'hello') equals: 'world'. self assert: (d at: 'hello' ifAbsent: [ nil ]) equals: 'world'. self deny: (d at: 'foo' ifAbsent: [ nil ]) = 'world'. self assert: (d includesKey: 'hello'). self deny: (d includesKey: 'foo'). d at: 1 put: 2. self assert: (d at: 1) equals: 2. d at: 1@3 put: 3. self assert: (d at: 1@3) equals: 3. self assert: (d includesKey: 1@3). self deny: (d includesKey: 3@1) ! testDynamicDictionaries self assert: #{'hello' -> 1} asDictionary equals: (Dictionary with: 'hello' -> 1) ! ! !DictionaryTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass ^ Dictionary ! ! AssociativeCollectionTest subclass: #HashedCollectionTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !HashedCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection ^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4 } ! collectionKeys ^ { 'b'. 'a'. 'c'. 'd' } ! collectionOfPrintStrings ^ #{ 'b' -> '1'. 'a' -> '2'. 'c' -> '3'. 'd' -> '-4' } ! collectionSize ^ 4 ! collectionValues ^ { 1. 2. 3. -4 } ! collectionWithDuplicates ^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4. 'e' -> 1. 'f' -> 2. 'g' -> 10. 'h' -> 0 } ! collectionWithNewValue ^ #{ 'b' -> 1. 'a' -> 2. 'c' -> 3. 'd' -> -4. 'new' -> 'N' } ! sampleNewValueAsCollection ^ #{ 'new' -> 'N' } ! ! !HashedCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testDynamicDictionaries self assert: #{'hello' -> 1} asHashedCollection equals: (HashedCollection with: 'hello' -> 1) ! ! !HashedCollectionTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass ^ HashedCollection ! ! CollectionTest subclass: #SequenceableCollectionTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !SequenceableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionFirst self subclassResponsibility ! collectionFirstTwo self subclassResponsibility ! collectionLast self subclassResponsibility ! collectionLastTwo self subclassResponsibility ! nonIndexesDo: aBlock aBlock value: 0. aBlock value: self collectionSize + 1. aBlock value: 'z' ! samplesDo: aBlock aBlock value: 1 value: self collectionFirst. aBlock value: self collectionSize value: self collectionLast ! ! !SequenceableCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testBeginsWith self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionClass new). self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collection). self assert: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionFirstTwo). self deny: (self collection beginsWith: self collectionLastTwo) ! testEndsWith self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collectionClass new). self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collection). self assert: (self collection endsWith: self collectionLastTwo). self deny: (self collection endsWith: self collectionFirstTwo) ! testFirst self assert: self collection first equals: self collectionFirst ! testFirstN self assert: (self collection first: 2) equals: self collectionFirstTwo. self assert: (self collection first: 0) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection first: self collectionSize) equals: self collection. self should: [ self collection first: 33 ] raise: Error ! testFourth self assert: (self collection fourth) equals: (self collection at: 4) ! testIndexOfStartingAt | jsNull | jsNull := JSON parse: 'null'. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (self collection indexOf: value startingAt: 1) equals: index. self assert: (self collection indexOf: value startingAt: index) equals: index. self assert: (self collection indexOf: value startingAt: index+1) equals: 0 ] ! testIndexOfStartingAtWithNull | jsNull | jsNull := JSON parse: 'null'. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | | collection | collection := self collection. collection at: index put: jsNull. self assert: (collection indexOf: jsNull startingAt: 1) equals: index. self assert: (collection indexOf: jsNull startingAt: index) equals: index. self assert: (collection indexOf: jsNull startingAt: index+1) equals: 0 ] ! testLast self assert: self collection last equals: self collectionLast ! testLastN self assert: (self collection last: 2) equals: self collectionLastTwo. self assert: (self collection last: 0) equals: self collectionClass new. self assert: (self collection last: self collectionSize) equals: self collection. self should: [ self collection last: 33 ] raise: Error ! testSecond self assert: (self collection second) equals: (self collection at: 2) ! testThird self assert: (self collection third) equals: (self collection at: 3) ! ! SequenceableCollectionTest subclass: #ArrayTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ArrayTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection ^ #(1 2 3 -4) ! collectionFirst ^ 1 ! collectionFirstTwo ^ #(1 2) ! collectionLast ^ -4 ! collectionLastTwo ^ #(3 -4) ! collectionOfPrintStrings ^ #('1' '2' '3' '-4') ! collectionSize ^ 4 ! collectionWithDuplicates ^ #('a' 'b' 'c' 1 2 1 'a' ()) ! collectionWithNewValue ^ #(1 2 3 -4 'N') ! sampleNewIndex ^ 5 ! samplesDo: aBlock super samplesDo: aBlock. aBlock value: 3 value: 3. ! ! !ArrayTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAdd | array | array := self collection. array add: 6. self assert: array last equals: 6 ! testAddFirst self assert: (self collection addFirst: 0; yourself) first equals: 0 ! testPrintString | array | array := Array new. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array ()'. array add: 1; add: 3. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array (1 3)'. array add: 'foo'. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array (1 3 ''foo'')'. array remove: 1; remove: 3. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array (''foo'')'. array addLast: 3. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array (''foo'' 3)'. array addLast: 3. self assert: array printString equals: 'an Array (''foo'' 3 3)'. ! testRemove | array | array := #(1 2 3 4 5). array remove: 3. self assert: array equals: #(1 2 4 5). self should: [ array remove: 3 ] raise: Error ! testRemoveFromTo self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) removeFrom: 1 to: 3) equals: #(4). self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) removeFrom: 2 to: 3) equals: #(1 4). self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) removeFrom: 2 to: 4) equals: #(1) ! testRemoveIndex self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) removeIndex: 2) equals: #(1 3 4). self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) removeIndex: 1) equals: #(2 3 4). self assert: (#('hello') removeIndex: 1) equals: #() ! testRemoveLast | array | array := #(1 2). array removeLast. self assert: array last equals: 1 ! testReversed |array| array := #(5 4 3 2 1). self assert: (array reversed) equals: #(1 2 3 4 5) ! testSort | array | array := #(10 1 5). array sort. self assert: array equals: #(1 5 10) ! ! !ArrayTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass ^ Array ! ! SequenceableCollectionTest subclass: #StringTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !StringTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection ^ 'helLo' ! collectionFirst ^ 'h' ! collectionFirstTwo ^ 'he' ! collectionLast ^ 'o' ! collectionLastTwo ^ 'Lo' ! collectionOfPrintStrings ^ '''h''''e''''l''''L''''o''' ! collectionSize ^ 5 ! collectionWithDuplicates ^ 'abbaerten' ! collectionWithNewValue ^ 'helLoN' ! sampleNewValueAsCollection ^ 'N' ! samplesDo: aBlock super samplesDo: aBlock. aBlock value: 3 value: 'l' ! ! !StringTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddAll "String instances are read-only" self should: [ self collection addAll: self collection ] raise: Error ! testAddRemove self should: [ 'hello' add: 'a' ] raise: Error. self should: [ 'hello' remove: 'h' ] raise: Error ! testAsArray self assert: 'hello' asArray equals: #('h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'). ! testAsLowerCase self assert: 'JACKIE' asLowercase equals: 'jackie'. ! testAsNumber self assert: '3' asNumber equals: 3. self assert: '-3' asNumber equals: -3. self assert: '-1.5' asNumber equals: -1.5. ! testAsUpperCase self assert: 'jackie' asUppercase equals: 'JACKIE'. ! testAsciiValue | characterA characterU | characterA := 'A'. characterU := 'U'. self assert: (characterA asciiValue) equals:65. self assert: (characterU asciiValue) equals:85 ! testAtIfAbsentPut "String instances are read-only" self should: [ 'hello' at: 6 ifAbsentPut: [ 'a' ] ] raise: Error ! testAtPut "String instances are read-only" self should: [ 'hello' at: 1 put: 'a' ] raise: Error ! testCapitalized self assert: 'test' capitalized equals: 'Test'. self assert: 'Test' capitalized equals: 'Test'. self assert: '' capitalized equals: ''. self assert: 'Test' isCapitalized equals: true. self assert: 'test' isCapitalized equals: false. ! testCharCodeAt self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:1) equals: 106. self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:2) equals: 97. self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:3) equals: 99. self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:4) equals: 107. self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:5) equals: 105. self assert: ('jackie' charCodeAt:6) equals: 101 ! testCopyFromTo self assert: ('jackie' copyFrom: 1 to: 3) equals: 'jac'. self assert: ('jackie' copyFrom: 4 to: 6) equals: 'kie'. ! testCopySeparates "String instances are immutable" self assert: self collection copy == self collection ! testCopyWithoutAll self assert: ('*hello* *world*' copyWithoutAll: '*') equals: 'hello world' ! testEquality self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello'. self deny: 'hello' = 'world'. "Test for issue 459" self deny: 'hello' = (#() at: 1 ifAbsent: [ ]). self assert: 'hello' equals: 'hello' yourself. self assert: 'hello' yourself equals: 'hello'. "test JS falsy value" self deny: '' = 0 ! testIdentity self assert: 'hello' == 'hello'. self deny: 'hello' == 'world'. self assert: 'hello' == 'hello' yourself. self assert: 'hello' yourself == 'hello'. "test JS falsy value" self deny: '' == 0 ! testIncludesSubString self assert: ('amber' includesSubString: 'ber'). self deny: ('amber' includesSubString: 'zork'). ! testIndexOfStartingAtWithNull "String cannot hold JS null" ! testIndexOfWithNull "String cannot hold JS null" ! testIsVowel |vowel consonant| vowel := 'u'. consonant := 'z'. self assert: vowel isVowel equals: true. self assert: consonant isVowel equals: false ! testJoin self assert: (',' join: #('hello' 'world')) equals: 'hello,world' ! testRegression1224 "String instances are read-only" self should: [ (self collectionClass new remove: self sampleNewValue ifAbsent: []; yourself) size ] raise: Error ! testRemoveAll self should: [ self collection removeAll ] raise: Error ! testReversed self assert: 'jackiechan' reversed equals: 'nahceikcaj'. ! testStreamContents self assert: (String streamContents: [ :aStream | aStream nextPutAll: 'hello'; space; nextPutAll: 'world' ]) equals: 'hello world' ! testSubStrings self assert: ('jackiechan' subStrings: 'ie') equals: #( 'jack' 'chan' ). ! testTrim self assert: ' jackie' trimLeft equals: 'jackie'. self assert: 'jackie ' trimRight equals: 'jackie'. ! testValue self assert: (#asString value: 1) equals: '1'. "Which (since String and BlockClosure are now polymorphic) enables the nice idiom..." self assert: (#(1 2 3) collect: #asString) equals: #('1' '2' '3') ! ! !StringTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass ^ String ! ! CollectionTest subclass: #SetTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !SetTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! collection ^ Set new add: Smalltalk; add: nil; add: 3@3; add: false; add: sampleBlock; yourself ! collectionOfPrintStrings ^ Set new add: 'a SmalltalkImage'; add: 'nil'; add: '3@3'; add: 'false'; add: 'a BlockClosure'; yourself ! collectionSize ^ 5 ! collectionWithDuplicates "Set has no duplicates" ^ self collection add: 0; yourself ! collectionWithNewValue ^ Set new add: Smalltalk; add: nil; add: 3@3; add: 'N'; add: false; add: sampleBlock; yourself ! ! !SetTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAddAll super testAddAll. self assert: (self collection addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collection. self assert: (self collection addAll: self collectionWithNewValue; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assert: (self collectionWithNewValue addAll: self collection; yourself) equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testAddRemove | set | set := Set new. self assert: set isEmpty. set add: 3. self assert: (set includes: 3). set add: 5. self assert: (set includes: 5). set remove: 3. self deny: (set includes: 3) ! testAt self should: [ Set new at: 1 put: 2 ] raise: Error ! testCollect super testCollect. self assert: (#(5 6 8) asSet collect: [ :x | x \\ 3 ]) equals: #(0 2) asSet ! testComma super testComma. self assert: self collection, self collection equals: self collection. self assert: self collection, self collectionWithNewValue equals: self collectionWithNewValue. self assert: self collectionWithNewValue, self collection equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testComparing self assert: #(0 2) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet. self assert: #(2 0) asSet equals: #(0 2) asSet. self deny: #(0 2 3) asSet = #(0 2) asSet. self deny: #(1 2) asSet = #(0 2) asSet ! testPrintString | set | set := Set new. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set ()'. set add: 1; add: 3. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3)'. set add: 'foo'. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (1 3 ''foo'')'. set remove: 1; remove: 3. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (''foo'')'. set add: 3. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (3 ''foo'')'. set add: 3. self assert: set printString equals: 'a Set (3 ''foo'')' ! testRegression1225 self assert: (#(1 2 3) asSet add: 3) equals: 3 ! testRegression1226 self assert: (#(1 2 3) asSet remove: 3) equals: 3 ! testRegression1227 self assert: (#(1 2 3) asSet remove: 4 ifAbsent: [5]) equals: 5 ! testRegression1228 self should: [#(1 2 3) asSet remove: 4] raise: Error ! testUnboxedObjects self assert: {'foo' yourself. 'foo' yourself} asSet asArray equals: #('foo') ! testUnicity | set | set := Set new. set add: 21. set add: 'hello'. set add: 21. self assert: set size equals: 2. set add: 'hello'. self assert: set size equals: 2. self assert: set asArray equals: #(21 'hello') ! ! !SetTest class methodsFor: 'fixture'! collectionClass ^ Set ! ! TestCase subclass: #ConsoleTranscriptTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ConsoleTranscriptTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testShow | originalTranscript | originalTranscript := Transcript current. Transcript register: ConsoleTranscript new. self shouldnt: [ Transcript show: 'Hello console!!' ] raise: Error. self shouldnt: [ Transcript show: console ] raise: Error. Transcript register: originalTranscript. ! ! TestCase subclass: #DateTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !DateTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testEquality | now | now := Date new. self assert: now = now. self deny: now = (Date fromMilliseconds: 0). self assert: (Date fromMilliseconds: 12345678) = (Date fromMilliseconds: 12345678). self assert: now = (Date fromMilliseconds: now asMilliseconds). self assert: (Date fromMilliseconds: now asMilliseconds) = now ! testIdentity | now | now := Date new. self assert: now == now. self deny: now == (Date fromMilliseconds: 0). self deny: (Date fromMilliseconds: 12345678) == (Date fromMilliseconds: 12345678). self deny: now == (Date fromMilliseconds: now asMilliseconds). self deny: (Date fromMilliseconds: now asMilliseconds) == now ! testPlusAndMinus | a b now zeroDuration | a := Date fromString: '1974-07-12 14:30'. now := Date now. b := Date fromString: '2616-03-06'. zeroDuration := 0. self assert: {a-a. now-now. b-b} asSet equals: (Set with: zeroDuration). self assert: now + (b - now) equals: b. self assert: a + (b - a) equals: b. self assert: now + (a - now) equals: a. self assert: a + ((now - a) + (b - now)) equals: b ! ! TestCase subclass: #JSObjectProxyTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! jsObject ! jsUndefined ! ! !JSObjectProxyTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAtIfAbsent | testObject | testObject := self jsObject. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' ifAbsent: [ 'Property does not exist' ]) equals: 'Property does not exist'. self assert: (testObject at: 'e' ifAbsent: [ 'Property does not exist' ]) equals: nil. self assert: (testObject at: 'a' ifAbsent: [ 'Property does not exist' ]) equals: 1. self assert: (testObject at: 'f' ifAbsent: [ 'Property does not exist' ]) equals: nil. ! testAtIfPresent | testObject | testObject := self jsObject. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' ifPresent: [ :x | 'hello ',x asString ]) equals: nil. self assert: (testObject at: 'e' ifPresent: [ :x | 'hello ',x asString ]) equals: 'hello nil'. self assert: (testObject at: 'a' ifPresent: [ :x | 'hello ',x asString ]) equals: 'hello 1'. self assert: (testObject at: 'f' ifPresent: [ :x | 'hello ',x asString ]) equals: 'hello nil'. ! testAtIfPresentIfAbsent | testObject | testObject := self jsObject. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' ifPresent: [ :x|'hello ',x asString ] ifAbsent: [ 'not present' ]) equals: 'not present'. self assert: (testObject at: 'e' ifPresent: [ :x|'hello ',x asString ] ifAbsent: [ 'not present' ]) equals: 'hello nil'. self assert: (testObject at: 'a' ifPresent: [ :x|'hello ',x asString ] ifAbsent: [ 'not present' ]) equals: 'hello 1'. self assert: (testObject at: 'f' ifPresent: [ :x|'hello ',x asString ] ifAbsent: [ 'not present' ]) equals: 'hello nil'. ! testAtPut | testObject | testObject := self jsObject. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc') ~= 'xyz'. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc' put: 'xyz') equals: 'xyz'. self assert: (testObject at: 'abc') equals: 'xyz' ! testComparison self assert: ({ console. 2 } indexOf: console) equals: 1. self assert: console = console. self deny: console = Object new. self deny: console = self jsObject ! testDNU self should: [ self jsObject foo ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! testDNUWithAllowJavaScriptCalls | jsObject | jsObject := #(). jsObject basicAt: 'allowJavaScriptCalls' put: true. self should: [ jsObject foo ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! testMessageSend self assert: self jsObject a equals: 1. self assert: self jsObject b equals: 2. self assert: (self jsObject c: 3) equals: 3 ! testMethodWithArguments self assert: (self jsObject c: 1) equals: 1 ! testNull self assert: JSObjectProxy null isNil. self assert: (JSON stringify: #{#foo -> JSObjectProxy null}) equals: '{"foo":null}' ! testPrinting self assert: self jsObject printString equals: '[object Object]' ! testPropertyThatReturnsEmptyString | object | object := self jsObject. self assert: object d equals: ''. object d: 'hello'. self assert: object d equals: 'hello' ! testPropertyThatReturnsUndefined | object | object := self jsObject. self shouldnt: [ object e ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self assert: object e isNil ! testSetPropertyWithFalsyValue | jsObject | jsObject := self jsObject. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: 1. jsObject a: JSObjectProxy null. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: nil. jsObject a: 0. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: 0. jsObject a: self jsUndefined. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: nil. jsObject a: ''. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: ''. jsObject a: false. self assert: (jsObject a) equals: false ! testUndefined self assert: JSObjectProxy undefined isNil. self assert: (JSON stringify: #{#foo -> JSObjectProxy undefined}) equals: '{}' ! testValue | testObject | testObject := self jsObject. testObject at: 'value' put: 'aValue'. self assert: testObject value equals: 'aValue' ! testYourself | object | object := self jsObject d: 'test'; yourself. self assert: object d equals: 'test' ! ! TestCase subclass: #JavaScriptExceptionTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !JavaScriptExceptionTest methodsFor: 'helpers'! throwException ! ! !JavaScriptExceptionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testCatchingException [ self throwException ] on: Error do: [ :error | self assert: error exception = 'test' ] ! testRaisingException self should: [ self throwException ] raise: JavaScriptException ! ! TestCase subclass: #MessageSendTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !MessageSendTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testValue | messageSend | messageSend := MessageSend new receiver: Object new; selector: #asString; yourself. self assert: messageSend value equals: 'an Object' ! testValueWithArguments | messageSend | messageSend := MessageSend new receiver: 2; selector: '+'; yourself. self assert: (messageSend value: 3) equals: 5. self assert: (messageSend valueWithPossibleArguments: #(4)) equals: 6 ! ! TestCase subclass: #MethodInheritanceTest slots: {#receiverTop. #receiverMiddle. #receiverBottom. #method. #performBlock} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !MethodInheritanceTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeGeneratorClass ^ CodeGenerator ! targetClassBottom ^ JavaScriptException ! targetClassMiddle ^ Error ! targetClassTop ^ Object ! ! !MethodInheritanceTest methodsFor: 'factory'! compiler ^ Compiler new codeGeneratorClass: self codeGeneratorClass; yourself ! ! !MethodInheritanceTest methodsFor: 'initialization'! setUp receiverTop := self targetClassTop new. receiverMiddle := self targetClassMiddle new. receiverBottom := self targetClassBottom new. method := nil. performBlock := [ self error: 'performBlock not initialized' ] ! tearDown [ self deinstallTop ] on: Error do: [ ]. [ self deinstallMiddle ] on: Error do: [ ]. [ self deinstallBottom ] on: Error do: [ ] ! ! !MethodInheritanceTest methodsFor: 'testing'! deinstallBottom self targetClassBottom removeCompiledMethod: method ! deinstallMiddle self targetClassMiddle removeCompiledMethod: method ! deinstallTop self targetClassTop removeCompiledMethod: method ! installBottom: aString method := self compiler install: aString forClass: self targetClassBottom protocol: 'tests' ! installMiddle: aString method := self compiler install: aString forClass: self targetClassMiddle protocol: 'tests' ! installTop: aString method := self compiler install: aString forClass: self targetClassTop protocol: 'tests' ! shouldMNU self shouldMNUTop. self shouldMNUMiddle. self shouldMNUBottom ! shouldMNUBottom self should: [ performBlock value: receiverBottom ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! shouldMNUMiddle self should: [ performBlock value: receiverMiddle ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! shouldMNUTop self should: [ performBlock value: receiverTop ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! shouldReturn: anObject | result | result := performBlock value: receiverTop. self assert: { 'top'. anObject } equals: { 'top'. result }. result := performBlock value: receiverMiddle. self assert: { 'middle'. anObject } equals: { 'middle'. result }. result := performBlock value: receiverBottom. self assert: { 'bottom'. anObject } equals: { 'bottom'. result } ! shouldReturn: anObject and: anObject2 and: anObject3 | result | result := performBlock value: receiverTop. self assert: { 'top'. anObject } equals: { 'top'. result }. result := performBlock value: receiverMiddle. self assert: { 'middle'. anObject2 } equals: { 'middle'. result }. result := performBlock value: receiverBottom. self assert: { 'bottom'. anObject3 } equals: { 'bottom'. result } ! ! !MethodInheritanceTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testMNU11 performBlock := [ :x | x foo ]. self shouldMNU. self installTop: 'foo ^ false'. self installTop: 'foo ^ true'. self deinstallTop. self shouldMNU ! testMNU22 performBlock := [ :x | x foo ]. self shouldMNU. self installMiddle: 'foo ^ false'. self installMiddle: 'foo ^ true'. self deinstallMiddle. self shouldMNU ! testReturns1 performBlock := [ :x | x foo ]. self installTop: 'foo ^ false'. self shouldReturn: false. self installTop: 'foo ^ true'. self shouldReturn: true ! ! TestCase subclass: #NumberTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !NumberTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAbs self assert: 4 abs equals: 4. self assert: -4 abs equals: 4 ! testArithmetic "We rely on JS here, so we won't test complex behavior, just check if message sends are corrects" self assert: 1.5 + 1 equals: 2.5. self assert: 2 - 1 equals: 1. self assert: -2 - 1 equals: -3. self assert: 12 / 2 equals: 6. self assert: 3 * 4 equals: 12. self assert: 7 // 2 equals: 3. self assert: 7 \\ 2 equals: 1. "Simple parenthesis and execution order" self assert: 1 + 2 * 3 equals: 9. self assert: 1 + (2 * 3) equals: 7 ! testAsNumber self assert: 3 asNumber equals: 3. ! testBetweenAnd self assert: (4 between: 3 and: 5). self assert: (1 between: 5 and: 6) not. self assert: (90 between: 67 and: 87) not. self assert: (1 between: 1 and: 1). ! testBitAnd self assert: (15 bitAnd: 2) equals: 2. self assert: (15 bitAnd: 15) equals: 15. self assert: (-1 bitAnd: 1021) equals: 1021 ! testBitNot self assert: 2 bitNot equals: -3. self assert: -1 bitNot equals: 0. self assert: -1022 bitNot equals: 1021 ! testBitOr self assert: (2 bitOr: 4) equals: 6. self assert: (7 bitOr: 2) equals: 7. self assert: (-1 bitOr: 1021) equals: -1 ! testBitXor self assert: (2 bitXor: 4) equals: 6. self assert: (7 bitXor: 2) equals: 5. self assert: (-1 bitXor: 1021) equals: -1022. self assert: (91 bitXor: 91) equals: 0 ! testCeiling self assert: 1.2 ceiling equals: 2. self assert: -1.2 ceiling equals: -1. self assert: 1.0 ceiling equals: 1. ! testComparison self assert: 3 > 2. self assert: 2 < 3. self deny: 3 < 2. self deny: 2 > 3. self assert: 3 >= 3. self assert: 3.1 >= 3. self assert: 3 <= 3. self assert: 3 <= 3.1 ! testCopying self assert: 1 copy == 1. self assert: 1 deepCopy == 1 ! testDegreesToRadians self assert: (180 degreesToRadians - Number pi) abs <= 0.01. ! testEquality self assert: (1 = 1). self assert: (0 = 0). self deny: (1 = 0). self assert: (1 yourself = 1). self assert: (1 = 1 yourself). self assert: (1 yourself = 1 yourself). self deny: 0 = false. self deny: false = 0. self deny: '' = 0. self deny: 0 = '' ! testFloor self assert: 1.2 floor equals: 1. self assert: -1.2 floor equals: -2. self assert: 1.0 floor equals: 1. ! testHexNumbers self assert: 16r9 equals: 9. self assert: 16rA truncated equals: 10. self assert: 16rB truncated equals: 11. self assert: 16rC truncated equals: 12. self assert: 16rD truncated equals: 13. self assert: 16rE truncated equals: 14. self assert: 16rF truncated equals: 15 ! testIdentity self assert: 1 == 1. self assert: 0 == 0. self deny: 1 == 0. self assert: 1 yourself == 1. self assert: 1 == 1 yourself. self assert: 1 yourself == 1 yourself. self deny: 1 == 2 ! testInvalidHexNumbers self should: [ 16rG ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rg ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rH ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rh ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rI ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16ri ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rJ ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rj ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rK ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rk ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rL ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rl ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rM ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rm ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rN ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rn ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rO ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16ro ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rP ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rp ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rQ ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rq ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rR ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rr ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rS ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rs ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rT ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rt ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rU ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16ru ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rV ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rv ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rW ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rw ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rX ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rx ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rY ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16ry ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rZ ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rz ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. self should: [ 16rABcdEfZ ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood. ! testLog self assert: 10000 log equals: 4. self assert: (512 log: 2) equals: 9. self assert: Number e ln equals: 1. ! testMinMax self assert: (2 max: 5) equals: 5. self assert: (2 min: 5) equals: 2. self assert: (2 min: 5 max: 3) equals: 3. self assert: (7 min: 5 max: 3) equals: 5. self assert: (4 min: 5 max: 3) equals: 4. ! testNegated self assert: 3 negated equals: -3. self assert: -3 negated equals: 3 ! testPrintShowingDecimalPlaces self assert: (23 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '23.00'. self assert: (23.5698 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '23.57'. self assert: (234.567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5) equals: '-234.56700'. self assert: (23.4567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0) equals: '23'. self assert: (23.5567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0) equals: '24'. self assert: (23.4567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0) equals: '-23'. self assert: (23.5567 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 0) equals: '-24'. self assert: (100000000 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1) equals: '100000000.0'. self assert: (0.98 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 5) equals: '0.98000'. self assert: (0.98 negated printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '-0.98'. self assert: (2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '2.57'. self assert: (-2.567 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '-2.57'. self assert: (0 printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2) equals: '0.00'. ! testPrintStringBase self assert: (15 printStringBase: 2) equals: '1111'. self assert: (15 printStringBase: 16) equals: 'f'. self assert: (256 printStringBase: 16) equals: '100'. self assert: (256 printStringBase: 2) equals: '100000000' ! testRadiansToDegrees self assert: (Number pi radiansToDegrees - 180) abs <= 0.01. ! testRaisedTo self assert: (2 raisedTo: 4) equals: 16. self assert: (2 raisedTo: 0) equals: 1. self assert: (2 raisedTo: -3) equals: 0.125. self assert: (4 raisedTo: 0.5) equals: 2. self assert: 2 ** 4 equals: 16. ! testRounded self assert: 3 rounded equals: 3. self assert: 3.212 rounded equals: 3. self assert: 3.51 rounded equals: 4 ! testSign self assert: 5 sign equals: 1. self assert: 0 sign equals: 0. self assert: -1.4 sign equals: -1. ! testSqrt self assert: 4 sqrt equals: 2. self assert: 16 sqrt equals: 4 ! testSquared self assert: 4 squared equals: 16 ! testTimesRepeat | i | i := 0. 0 timesRepeat: [ i := i + 1 ]. self assert: i equals: 0. 5 timesRepeat: [ i := i + 1 ]. self assert: i equals: 5 ! testTo self assert: (1 to: 5) equals: #(1 2 3 4 5) ! testToBy self assert: (0 to: 6 by: 2) equals: #(0 2 4 6). self should: [ 1 to: 4 by: 0 ] raise: Error ! testTrigonometry self assert: 0 cos equals: 1. self assert: 0 sin equals: 0. self assert: 0 tan equals: 0. self assert: 1 arcCos equals: 0. self assert: 0 arcSin equals: 0. self assert: 0 arcTan equals: 0. self assert: (0 arcTan: 1) equals: 0. self assert: (1 arcTan: 0) equals: (Number pi / 2) ! testTruncated self assert: 3 truncated equals: 3. self assert: 3.212 truncated equals: 3. self assert: 3.51 truncated equals: 3 ! ! Object subclass: #ObjectMock slots: {#foo. #bar} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ObjectMock commentStamp! ObjectMock is there only to perform tests on classes.! !ObjectMock methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! foo ^ foo ! foo: anObject foo := anObject ! ! TestCase subclass: #ObjectTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ObjectTest methodsFor: 'tests'! notDefined ! testBasicAccess | o | o := Object new. o basicAt: 'a' put: 1. self assert: (o basicAt: 'a') equals: 1. self assert: (o basicAt: 'b') equals: nil ! testBasicPerform | o | o := Object new. o basicAt: 'func' put: [ 'hello' ]. o basicAt: 'func2' put: [ :a | a + 1 ]. self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func') equals: 'hello'. self assert: (o basicPerform: 'func2' withArguments: #(3)) equals: 4 ! testDNU self should: [ Object new foo ] raise: MessageNotUnderstood ! testEquality | o | o := Object new. self deny: o = Object new. self assert: (o = o). self assert: (o yourself = o). self assert: (o = o yourself) ! testHalt self should: [ Object new halt ] raise: Error ! testIdentity | o | o := Object new. self deny: o == Object new. self assert: o == o. self assert: o yourself == o. self assert: o == o yourself ! testIfNil self deny: Object new isNil. self deny: (Object new ifNil: [ true ]) = true. self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [ true ]) equals: true. self assert: (Object new ifNil: [ false ] ifNotNil: [ true ]) equals: true. self assert: (Object new ifNotNil: [ true ] ifNil: [ false ]) equals: true ! testInstVars | o | o := ObjectMock new. self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: nil. o instVarAt: #foo put: 1. self assert: (o instVarAt: #foo) equals: 1. self assert: (o instVarAt: 'foo') equals: 1 ! testNilUndefined "nil in Smalltalk is the undefined object in JS" self assert: self notDefined equals: nil ! testYourself | o | o := ObjectMock new. self assert: o yourself == o ! ! TestCase subclass: #PointTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !PointTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAccessing self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) x equals: 3. self assert: (Point x: 3 y: 4) y equals: 4. self assert: (Point new x: 3) x equals: 3. self assert: (Point new y: 4) y equals: 4 ! testAngle self assert: (-1@0) angle equals: Number pi ! testArithmetic self assert: 3@4 * (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 9 y: 16). self assert: 3@4 + (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 6 y: 8). self assert: 3@4 - (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 0 y: 0). self assert: 6@8 / (3@4 ) equals: (Point x: 2 y: 2) ! testAt self assert: 3@4 equals: (Point x: 3 y: 4) ! testComparison self assert: 3@4 < (4@5). self deny: 3@4 < (4@4). self assert: 4@5 <= (4@5). self deny: 4@5 <= (3@5). self assert: 5@6 > (4@5). self deny: 5@6 > (6@6). self assert: 4@5 >= (4@5). self deny: 4@5 >= (5@5) ! testDotProduct self assert: (2@3 dotProduct: 3@7) equals: 27 ! testEgality self assert: (3@4 = (3@4)). self deny: 3@5 = (3@6) ! testNew self assert: (Point new x: 3) y equals: nil. self deny: (Point new x: 3) x = 0. self assert: (Point new y: 4) x equals: nil. self deny: (Point new y: 4) y = 0 ! testNormal self assert: (1@0) normal equals: 0@1 ! testNormalized self assert: (0@2) normalized equals: 0@1. self assert: (0@0) normalized equals: 0@0. ! testPolarCoordinates self assert: (1@0) r equals: 1. self assert: (0@0) r equals: 0. ! testRectangleCreation self assert: (1@1 corner: 2@2) equals: (Rectangle origin: 1@1 corner: 2@2). self assert: (1@1 rectangle: 2@2) equals: (Rectangle point: 1@1 point: 2@2). self assert: (1@1 extent: 2@2) equals: (Rectangle origin: 1@1 extent: 2@2) ! testTranslateBy self assert: (3@3 translateBy: 0@1) equals: 3@4. self assert: (3@3 translateBy: 0@1 negated) equals: 3@2. self assert: (3@3 translateBy: 2@3) equals: 5@6. self assert: (3@3 translateBy: 3 negated @0) equals: 0@3. ! ! TestCase subclass: #QueueTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !QueueTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testNextIfAbsent | queue | queue := Queue new. queue nextPut: 'index1'. self assert: (queue nextIfAbsent: 'empty') = 'index1'. self deny: (queue nextIfAbsent: 'empty') = 'index1' ! testQueueNext | queue | queue := Queue new. queue nextPut: 'index1'; nextPut: 'index2'. self assert: queue next = 'index1'. self deny: queue next = 'index'. self should: [ queue next ] raise: Error ! ! TestCase subclass: #RandomTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !RandomTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAtRandomNumber |val| 100 timesRepeat: [ val := 10 atRandom. self assert: (val > 0). self assert: (val <11) ] ! testAtRandomSequenceableCollection |val| 100 timesRepeat: [ val := 'abc' atRandom. self assert: ((val = 'a') | (val = 'b') | (val = 'c' )). ]. ! textNext 10000 timesRepeat: [ | current next | next := Random new next. self assert: (next >= 0). self assert: (next < 1). self deny: current = next. next = current ] ! ! TestCase subclass: #RectangleTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !RectangleTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testContainsPoint | rect | rect := Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 4@4. self assert: (rect containsPoint: 1@2). self assert: (rect containsPoint: 5@4) not. ! testContainsRect self assert: ((Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 6@6) containsRect: (Rectangle origin: 1@1 corner: 5@5)). self assert: ((Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 6@6) containsRect: (Rectangle origin: 1@(-1) corner: 5@5)) not. ! testOriginExtent | rectangle | rectangle := Rectangle origin: 3@4 extent: 7@8. self assert: rectangle origin equals: 3@4. self assert: rectangle corner equals: 10@12. ! ! TestCase subclass: #StreamTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !StreamTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! collectionClass ^ self class collectionClass ! newCollection ^ self collectionClass new ! newStream ^ self collectionClass new stream ! ! !StreamTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAtStartAtEnd | stream | stream := self newStream. self assert: stream atStart. self assert: stream atEnd. stream nextPutAll: self newCollection. self assert: stream atEnd. self deny: stream atStart. stream position: 1. self deny: stream atEnd. self deny: stream atStart ! testContents | stream | stream := self newStream. stream nextPutAll: self newCollection. self assert: stream contents equals: self newCollection ! testIsEmpty | stream | stream := self newStream. self assert: stream isEmpty. stream nextPutAll: self newCollection. self deny: stream isEmpty ! testPosition | collection stream | collection := self newCollection. stream := self newStream. stream nextPutAll: collection. self assert: stream position equals: collection size. stream position: 0. self assert: stream position equals: 0. stream next. self assert: stream position equals: 1. stream next. self assert: stream position equals: 2 ! testReading | stream collection | collection := self newCollection. stream := self newStream. stream nextPutAll: collection; position: 0. collection do: [ :each | self assert: stream next equals: each ]. self assert: stream next isNil ! testStreamContents ! testWrite | stream collection | collection := self newCollection. stream := self newStream. collection do: [ :each | stream << each ]. self assert: stream contents equals: collection ! testWriting | stream collection | collection := self newCollection. stream := self newStream. collection do: [ :each | stream nextPut: each ]. self assert: stream contents equals: collection. stream := self newStream. stream nextPutAll: collection. self assert: stream contents equals: collection ! ! !StreamTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'! collectionClass ^ nil ! ! !StreamTest class methodsFor: 'testing'! isAbstract ^ self collectionClass isNil ! ! StreamTest subclass: #ArrayStreamTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !ArrayStreamTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! newCollection ^ { true. 1. 3@4. 'foo' } ! ! !ArrayStreamTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'! collectionClass ^ Array ! ! StreamTest subclass: #StringStreamTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !StringStreamTest methodsFor: 'accessing'! newCollection ^ 'hello world' ! ! !StringStreamTest class methodsFor: 'accessing'! collectionClass ^ String ! ! Trait named: #TKeyValueCollectionTest package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !TKeyValueCollectionTest methodsFor: 'fixture'! nonIndexesDo: aBlock "Executes block a few times, each time passing value that is known not to be an index, as the first parameter" self subclassResponsibility ! sampleNewIndex "Answers a value that can be used as index in at:put: or at:ifAbsentPut:" self subclassResponsibility ! samplesDo: aBlock "Executes block a few times, each time passing known index and value stored under that index as the parameters" self subclassResponsibility ! ! !TKeyValueCollectionTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testAt self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | self should: [ self collection at: each ] raise: Error ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (self collection at: index) equals: value ] ! testAtIfAbsent self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | self assert: (self collection at: each ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (self collection at: index ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: value ]. ! testAtIfAbsentPut | newCollection | newCollection := self collection. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (newCollection at: index ifAbsentPut: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: value ]. self assert: newCollection equals: self collection. self assert: (newCollection at: self sampleNewIndex ifAbsentPut: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: newCollection equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testAtIfPresent | visited sentinel | sentinel := Object new. self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | visited := nil. self assert: (self collection at: each ifPresent: [ :value1 | visited := value1. sentinel ]) equals: nil. self assert: visited isNil ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | visited := nil. self assert: (self collection at: index ifPresent: [ :value2 | visited := value2. sentinel ]) equals: sentinel. self assert: visited equals: (self collection at: index) ] ! testAtIfPresentIfAbsent | visited sentinel | sentinel := Object new. self nonIndexesDo: [ :each | visited := nil. self assert: (self collection at: each ifPresent: [ :value1 | visited := value1. sentinel ] ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ] ) equals: self sampleNewValue. self assert: visited isNil ]. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | visited := nil. self assert: (self collection at: index ifPresent: [ :value2 | visited := value2. sentinel ] ifAbsent: [ self sampleNewValue ]) equals: sentinel. self assert: visited equals: (self collection at: index) ] ! testAtPut | newCollection | newCollection := self collection. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | newCollection at: index put: value ]. self assert: newCollection equals: self collection. newCollection at: self sampleNewIndex put: self sampleNewValue. self assert: newCollection equals: self collectionWithNewValue ! testIndexOf self should: [ self collection indexOf: self sampleNewValue ] raise: Error. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (self collection indexOf: value) equals: index ] ! testIndexOfWithNull | jsNull | jsNull := JSON parse: 'null'. self samplesDo: [ :index :value | self assert: (self collection at: index put: jsNull; indexOf: jsNull) equals: index ] ! testWithIndexDo | collection | collection := self collection. self collection withIndexDo: [ :each :index | self assert: (collection at: index) equals: each ] ! ! TestCase subclass: #UndefinedTest slots: {} package: 'Kernel-Tests'! !UndefinedTest methodsFor: 'tests'! testCopying self assert: nil copy equals: nil ! testDeepCopy self assert: nil deepCopy = nil ! testIfNil self assert: (nil ifNil: [ true ]) equals: true. self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [ true ]) = true. self assert: (nil ifNil: [ true ] ifNotNil: [ false ]) equals: true. self deny: (nil ifNotNil: [ true ] ifNil: [ false ]) = true ! testIsNil self assert: nil isNil. self deny: nil notNil. ! ! AssociativeCollectionTest setTraitComposition: {TKeyValueCollectionTest} asTraitComposition! SequenceableCollectionTest setTraitComposition: {TKeyValueCollectionTest} asTraitComposition! ! !