123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554 |
- Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- Object subclass: #BlockClosure
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- A BlockClosure is a lexical closure.
- The JavaScript representation is a function.
- A BlockClosure is evaluated with the `#value*` methods in the 'evaluating' protocol.!
- compiledSource
- <return self.toString()>
- numArgs
- <return self.length>
- whileFalse
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- self whileFalse: []
- whileFalse: aBlock
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <while(!!self()) {aBlock()}>
- whileTrue
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- self whileTrue: []
- whileTrue: aBlock
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <while(self()) {aBlock()}>
- asCompiledMethod: aString
- <return smalltalk.method({selector:aString, fn:self});>
- currySelf
- "Transforms [ :selfarg :x :y | stcode ] block
- which represents JS function (selfarg, x, y, ...) {jscode}
- into function (x, y, ...) {jscode} that takes selfarg from 'this'.
- IOW, it is usable as JS method and first arg takes the receiver."
- <
- return function () {
- var args = [ this ];
- args.push.apply(args, arguments);
- return self.apply(null, args);
- }
- >
- on: anErrorClass do: aBlock
- "All exceptions thrown in the Smalltalk stack are cought.
- Convert all JS exceptions to JavaScriptException instances."
- ^self try: self catch: [ :error | | smalltalkError |
- smalltalkError := Smalltalk current asSmalltalkException: error.
- (smalltalkError isKindOf: anErrorClass)
- ifTrue: [ aBlock value: smalltalkError ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalkError signal ] ]
- applyTo: anObject arguments: aCollection
- <return self.apply(anObject, aCollection)>
- ensure: aBlock
- <try{return self()}finally{aBlock._value()}>
- new
- "Use the receiver as a JS constructor.
- *Do not* use this method to instanciate Smalltalk objects!!"
- <return new self()>
- newValue: anObject
- "Use the receiver as a JS constructor.
- *Do not* use this method to instanciate Smalltalk objects!!"
- <return new self(anObject)>
- newValue: anObject value: anObject2
- "Use the receiver as a JS constructor.
- *Do not* use this method to instanciate Smalltalk objects!!"
- <return new self(anObject, anObject2)>
- newValue: anObject value: anObject2 value: anObject3
- "Use the receiver as a JS constructor.
- *Do not* use this method to instanciate Smalltalk objects!!"
- <return new self(anObject, anObject2,anObject3)>
- timeToRun
- "Answer the number of milliseconds taken to execute this block."
- ^ Date millisecondsToRun: self
- value
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <return self();>
- value: anArg
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <return self(anArg);>
- value: firstArg value: secondArg
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <return self(firstArg, secondArg);>
- value: firstArg value: secondArg value: thirdArg
- "inlined in the Compiler"
- <return self(firstArg, secondArg, thirdArg);>
- valueWithPossibleArguments: aCollection
- <return self.apply(null, aCollection);>
- fork
- ForkPool default fork: self
- valueWithInterval: aNumber
- <
- var interval = setInterval(self, aNumber);
- return smalltalk.Timeout._on_(interval);
- >
- valueWithTimeout: aNumber
- <
- var timeout = setTimeout(self, aNumber);
- return smalltalk.Timeout._on_(timeout);
- >
- Object subclass: #CompiledMethod
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- CompiledMethod hold the source and compiled code of a class method.
- You can get a CompiledMethod using `Behavior>>methodAt:`
- String methodAt: 'lines'
- and read the source code
- (String methodAt: 'lines') source
- See referenced classes:
- (String methodAt: 'lines') referencedClasses
- or messages sent from this method:
- (String methodAt: 'lines') messageSends!
- arguments
- <return self.args || []>
- category
- ^(self basicAt: 'category') ifNil: [ self defaultCategory ]
- category: aString
- | oldProtocol |
- oldProtocol := self protocol.
- self basicAt: 'category' put: aString.
- SystemAnnouncer current announce: (MethodMoved new
- method: self;
- oldProtocol: oldProtocol;
- yourself).
- self methodClass ifNotNil: [
- self methodClass organization addElement: aString.
- (self methodClass methods
- select: [ :each | each protocol = oldProtocol ])
- ifEmpty: [ self methodClass organization removeElement: oldProtocol ] ]
- fn
- ^self basicAt: 'fn'
- fn: aBlock
- self basicAt: 'fn' put: aBlock
- messageSends
- ^self basicAt: 'messageSends'
- methodClass
- ^self basicAt: 'methodClass'
- protocol
- ^ self category
- protocol: aString
- self category: aString
- referencedClasses
- ^self basicAt: 'referencedClasses'
- selector
- ^self basicAt: 'selector'
- selector: aString
- self basicAt: 'selector' put: aString
- source
- ^(self basicAt: 'source') ifNil: ['']
- source: aString
- self basicAt: 'source' put: aString
- defaultCategory
- ^ 'as yet unclassified'
- isCompiledMethod
- ^ true
- isOverridden
- | selector |
- selector := self selector.
- self methodClass allSubclassesDo: [ :each |
- (each includesSelector: selector)
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ] ].
- ^ false
- isOverride
- | superclass |
- superclass := self methodClass superclass.
- superclass ifNil: [ ^ false ].
- ^ (self methodClass superclass lookupSelector: self selector) notNil
- Object subclass: #ForkPool
- instanceVariableNames: 'poolSize maxPoolSize queue worker'
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- A ForkPool is responsible for handling forked blocks.
- The pool size sets the maximum concurrent forked blocks.
- The default instance is accessed with `ForkPool default`!
- maxPoolSize
- ^ maxPoolSize ifNil: [ self defaultMaxPoolSize ]
- maxPoolSize: anInteger
- maxPoolSize := anInteger
- fork: aBlock
- poolSize < self maxPoolSize ifTrue: [ self addWorker ].
- queue nextPut: aBlock
- defaultMaxPoolSize
- ^ self class defaultMaxPoolSize
- initialize
- super initialize.
- poolSize := 0.
- queue := Queue new.
- worker := self makeWorker
- makeWorker
- | sentinel |
- sentinel := Object new.
- ^[ | block |
- poolSize := poolSize - 1.
- block := queue nextIfAbsent: [ sentinel ].
- block == sentinel ifFalse: [
- [ block value ] ensure: [ self addWorker ]]]
- addWorker
- worker valueWithTimeout: 0.
- poolSize := poolSize + 1
- ForkPool class instanceVariableNames: 'default'!
- default
- ^default ifNil: [ default := self new ]
- defaultMaxPoolSize
- ^100
- resetDefault
- default := nil
- Object subclass: #Message
- instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments'
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- Generally, the system does not use instances of Message for efficiency reasons.
- However, when a message is not understood by its receiver, the interpreter will make up an instance of it in order to capture the information involved in an actual message transmission.
- This instance is sent it as an argument with the message `doesNotUnderstand:` to the receiver.
- See boot.js, `messageNotUnderstood` and its counterpart `Object>>doesNotUnderstand:`!
- arguments
- ^arguments
- arguments: anArray
- arguments := anArray
- selector
- ^selector
- selector: aString
- selector := aString
- sendTo: anObject
- ^ anObject perform: self selector withArguments: self arguments
- printOn: aStream
- super printOn: aStream.
- aStream
- nextPutAll: '(';
- nextPutAll: self selector;
- nextPutAll: ')'
- selector: aString arguments: anArray
- ^self new
- selector: aString;
- arguments: anArray;
- yourself
- Object subclass: #MethodContext
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- MethodContext holds all the dynamic state associated with the execution of either a method activation resulting from a message send. That is used to build the call stack while debugging.
- MethodContext instances are JavaScript `SmalltalkMethodContext` objects defined in boot.js!
- home
- <return self.methodContext || self.homeContext>
- locals
- <return self.locals>
- method
- ^self methodContext receiver class lookupSelector: self methodContext selector
- methodContext
- self isBlockContext ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
- ^ self home
- outerContext
- <return self.homeContext>
- pc
- <return self.pc>
- receiver
- <return self.receiver>
- selector
- <
- if(self.selector) {
- return smalltalk.convertSelector(self.selector);
- } else {
- return nil;
- }
- >
- temps
- self deprecatedAPI.
- ^ self locals
- asString
- ^self isBlockContext
- ifTrue: [ 'a block (in ', self methodContext receiver class printString, ')' ]
- ifFalse: [ self receiver class printString, ' >> ', self selector ]
- printOn: aStream
- super printOn: aStream.
- aStream
- nextPutAll: '(';
- nextPutAll: self asString;
- nextPutAll: ')'
- isBlockContext
- "Block context do not have selectors."
- ^ self selector isNil
- Object subclass: #NativeFunction
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Kernel-Methods'!
- NativeFunction is a wrapper around native functions, such as `WebSocket`.
- For 'normal' functions (whose constructor is the JavaScript `Function` object), use `BlockClosure`.
- See the class-side `instance creation` methods.
- Created instances will most probably be instance of `JSObjectProxy`.
- Usage example:
- | ws |
- ws := NativeFunction constructor: 'WebSocket' value: 'ws://localhost'.
- ws at: 'onopen' put: [ ws send: 'hey there from Amber' ]!
- constructor: aString
- <
- var native=eval(aString);
- return new native();
- >
- constructor: aString value:anObject
- <
- var native=eval(aString);
- return new native(anObject);
- >
- constructor: aString value:anObject value: anObject2
- <
- var native=eval(aString);
- return new native(anObject,anObject2);
- >
- constructor: aString value:anObject value: anObject2 value:anObject3
- <
- var native=eval(aString);
- return new native(anObject,anObject2, anObject3);
- >
- exists: aString
- <
- if(aString in window) {
- return true
- } else {
- return false
- }
- >