123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421 |
- Smalltalk createPackage: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- Object subclass: #AnnouncementSubscription
- slots: {#valuable. #announcementClass}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !AnnouncementSubscription commentStamp!
- I am a single entry in a subscription registry of an `Announcer`.
- Several subscriptions by the same object is possible.!
- !AnnouncementSubscription methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- announcementClass
- ^ announcementClass
- !
- announcementClass: aClass
- announcementClass := Smalltalk globals at: aClass name
- !
- receiver
- ^ self valuable receiver
- !
- valuable
- ^ valuable
- !
- valuable: aValuable
- valuable := aValuable
- ! !
- !AnnouncementSubscription methodsFor: 'announcing'!
- deliver: anAnnouncement
- (self handlesAnnouncement: anAnnouncement)
- ifTrue: [ self valuable value: anAnnouncement ]
- !
- handlesAnnouncement: anAnnouncement
- "anAnnouncement might be announced from within another Amber environment"
- ^ (Smalltalk globals at: anAnnouncement class name) includesBehavior: self announcementClass
- ! !
- Object subclass: #AnnouncementValuable
- slots: {#valuable. #receiver}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !AnnouncementValuable commentStamp!
- I wrap `valuable` objects (typically instances of `BlockClosure`) with a `receiver` to be able to unregister subscriptions based on a `receiver`.!
- !AnnouncementValuable methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- receiver
- ^ receiver
- !
- receiver: anObject
- receiver := anObject
- !
- valuable
- ^ valuable
- !
- valuable: anObject
- valuable := anObject
- ! !
- !AnnouncementValuable methodsFor: 'evaluating'!
- value
- ^ self valuable value
- !
- value: anObject
- ^ self valuable value: anObject
- ! !
- Object subclass: #Announcer
- slots: {#registry. #subscriptions}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !Announcer commentStamp!
- I hold annoncement subscriptions (instances of `AnnouncementSubscription`) in a private registry.
- I announce (trigger) announces, which are then dispatched to all subscriptions.
- The code is based on the announcements as [described by Vassili Bykov](http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/userblogs/vbykov/blogView?searchCategory=Announcements%20Framework).
- ## API
- Use `#announce:` to trigger an announcement.
- Use `#on:do:` or `#on:send:to:` to register subscriptions.
- When using `#on:send:to:`, unregistration can be done with `#unregister:`.
- ## Usage example:
- SystemAnnouncer current
- on: ClassAdded
- do: [ :ann | window alert: ann theClass name, ' added' ].!
- !Announcer methodsFor: 'announcing'!
- announce: anAnnouncement
- subscriptions do: [ :each |
- each deliver: anAnnouncement ]
- ! !
- !Announcer methodsFor: 'initialization'!
- initialize
- super initialize.
- subscriptions := OrderedCollection new
- ! !
- !Announcer methodsFor: 'subscribing'!
- on: aClass do: aBlock
- self on: aClass do: aBlock for: nil
- !
- on: aClass do: aBlock for: aReceiver
- subscriptions add: (AnnouncementSubscription new
- valuable: (AnnouncementValuable new
- valuable: aBlock;
- receiver: aReceiver;
- yourself);
- announcementClass: aClass;
- yourself)
- !
- on: aClass doOnce: aBlock
- | subscription |
- subscription := AnnouncementSubscription new
- announcementClass: aClass;
- yourself.
- subscription valuable: [ :ann |
- subscriptions remove: subscription.
- aBlock value: ann ].
- subscriptions add: subscription
- !
- on: aClass send: aSelector to: anObject
- subscriptions add: (AnnouncementSubscription new
- valuable: (MessageSend new
- receiver: anObject;
- selector: aSelector;
- yourself);
- announcementClass: aClass;
- yourself)
- !
- unsubscribe: anObject
- subscriptions := subscriptions reject: [ :each |
- each receiver = anObject ]
- ! !
- Announcer subclass: #SystemAnnouncer
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !SystemAnnouncer commentStamp!
- My unique instance is the global announcer handling all Amber system-related announces.
- ## API
- Access to the unique instance is done via `#current`!
- SystemAnnouncer class slots: {#current}!
- !SystemAnnouncer class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- current
- ^ current ifNil: [ current := super new ]
- ! !
- !SystemAnnouncer class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
- new
- self shouldNotImplement
- ! !
- Object subclass: #SystemAnnouncement
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !SystemAnnouncement commentStamp!
- I am the superclass of all system announcements!
- !SystemAnnouncement class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- classTag
- "Returns a tag or general category for this class.
- Typically used to help tools do some reflection.
- Helios, for example, uses this to decide what icon the class should display."
- ^ 'announcement'
- ! !
- SystemAnnouncement subclass: #ClassAnnouncement
- slots: {#theClass}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassAnnouncement commentStamp!
- I am the abstract superclass of class-related announcements.!
- !ClassAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- theClass
- ^ theClass
- !
- theClass: aClass
- theClass := aClass
- ! !
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassAdded
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassAdded commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a class is added to the system.
- See ClassBuilder >> #addSubclassOf:... methods!
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassCommentChanged
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassCommentChanged commentStamp!
- I am emitted when the comment of a class changes. (Behavior >> #comment)!
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassDefinitionChanged
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassDefinitionChanged commentStamp!
- I am emitted when the definition of a class changes.
- See ClassBuilder >> #class:instanceVariableNames:!
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassMigrated
- slots: {#oldClass}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassMigrated commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a class is migrated.!
- !ClassMigrated methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- oldClass
- ^ oldClass
- !
- oldClass: aClass
- oldClass := aClass
- ! !
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassMoved
- slots: {#oldPackage}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassMoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a class is moved from one package to another.!
- !ClassMoved methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- oldPackage
- ^ oldPackage
- !
- oldPackage: aPackage
- oldPackage := aPackage
- ! !
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassRemoved
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassRemoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a class is removed.
- See Smalltalk >> #removeClass:!
- ClassAnnouncement subclass: #ClassRenamed
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ClassRenamed commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a class is renamed.
- See ClassBuilder >> #renameClass:to:!
- SystemAnnouncement subclass: #MethodAnnouncement
- slots: {#method}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !MethodAnnouncement commentStamp!
- I am the abstract superclass of method-related announcements.!
- !MethodAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- method
- ^ method
- !
- method: aCompiledMethod
- method := aCompiledMethod
- ! !
- MethodAnnouncement subclass: #MethodAdded
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !MethodAdded commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `CompiledMethod` is added to a class.!
- MethodAnnouncement subclass: #MethodModified
- slots: {#oldMethod}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !MethodModified commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `CompiledMethod` is modified (a new method is installed). I hold a reference to the old method being replaced.!
- !MethodModified methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- oldMethod
- ^ oldMethod
- !
- oldMethod: aMethod
- oldMethod := aMethod
- ! !
- MethodAnnouncement subclass: #MethodMoved
- slots: {#oldProtocol}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !MethodMoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `CompiledMethod` is moved to another protocol. I hold a refernce to the old protocol of the method.!
- !MethodMoved methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- oldProtocol
- ^ oldProtocol
- !
- oldProtocol: aString
- oldProtocol := aString
- ! !
- MethodAnnouncement subclass: #MethodRemoved
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !MethodRemoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `CompiledMethod` is removed from a class.!
- SystemAnnouncement subclass: #PackageAnnouncement
- slots: {#package}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !PackageAnnouncement commentStamp!
- I am the abstract superclass of package-related announcements.!
- !PackageAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- package
- ^ package
- !
- package: aPackage
- package := aPackage
- ! !
- PackageAnnouncement subclass: #PackageAdded
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !PackageAdded commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `Package` is added to the system.!
- PackageAnnouncement subclass: #PackageClean
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !PackageClean commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a package is committed and becomes clean.!
- PackageAnnouncement subclass: #PackageDirty
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !PackageDirty commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a package becomes dirty.!
- PackageAnnouncement subclass: #PackageRemoved
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !PackageRemoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a `Package` is removed from the system.!
- SystemAnnouncement subclass: #ProtocolAnnouncement
- slots: {#theClass. #protocol}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ProtocolAnnouncement commentStamp!
- I am the abstract superclass of protocol-related announcements.!
- !ProtocolAnnouncement methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- package
- ^ self theClass ifNotNil: [ :class | class packageOfProtocol: self protocol ]
- !
- protocol
- ^ protocol
- !
- protocol: aString
- protocol := aString
- !
- theClass
- ^ theClass
- !
- theClass: aClass
- theClass := aClass
- ! !
- ProtocolAnnouncement subclass: #ProtocolAdded
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ProtocolAdded commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a protocol is added to a class.!
- ProtocolAnnouncement subclass: #ProtocolRemoved
- slots: {}
- package: 'Kernel-Announcements'!
- !ProtocolRemoved commentStamp!
- I am emitted when a protocol is removed from a class.!