123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269 |
- Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- Object subclass: #HLGenerationOutput
- instanceVariableNames: 'sourceCodes protocol targetClass'
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am a simple data object used to store the result of a generation process!
- protocol
- ^ protocol
- protocol: aString
- protocol := aString
- sourceCodes
- ^ sourceCodes
- sourceCodes: aCollection
- sourceCodes := aCollection
- targetClass
- ^ targetClass
- targetClass: aClass
- targetClass := aClass
- initialize
- super initialize.
- sourceCodes := OrderedCollection new
- addSourceCode: aString
- sourceCodes add: aString
- compile
- sourceCodes do: [ :methodSourceCode |
- (targetClass includesSelector: methodSourceCode selector)
- ifFalse: [
- targetClass
- compile: methodSourceCode sourceCode
- protocol: protocol ] ]
- HLGenerationOutput subclass: #HLGenerationOutputWithIndex
- instanceVariableNames: 'index'
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am a simple data object used to store the result of a generation process.
- In addition of my super class, I have an index where to put the cursor at the end of the process for the first method created (aka. the first in `sourceCodes`)!
- index
- ^ index
- index: anIndex
- index := anIndex
- Object subclass: #HLGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: 'output'
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am the abstract super class of the generators.
- My main method is `generate` which produce an `output` object!
- class: aClass
- output targetClass: aClass
- output
- ^ output
- initialize
- super initialize.
- output := HLGenerationOutput new
- generate
- output targetClass ifNil: [ self error: 'class should not be nil'].
- HLGenerator subclass: #HLAccessorsGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am a generator used to compile the getters/setters of a class!
- accessorProtocolForObject
- output protocol: 'accessing'
- accessorsSourceCodesForObject
- | sources |
- sources := OrderedCollection new.
- output targetClass instanceVariableNames sorted do: [ :each |
- sources
- add: (self getterFor: each);
- add: (self setterFor: each) ].
- output sourceCodes: sources
- getterFor: anInstanceVariable
- ^ HLMethodSourceCode new
- selector:anInstanceVariable;
- sourceCode: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
- stream << anInstanceVariable.
- stream cr tab.
- stream << '^ ' << anInstanceVariable ])
- setterFor: anInstanceVariable
- ^ HLMethodSourceCode new
- selector: anInstanceVariable, ':';
- sourceCode: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
- stream << anInstanceVariable << ': anObject'.
- stream cr tab.
- stream << anInstanceVariable << ' := anObject' ])
- generate
- super generate.
- output targetClass
- accessorsSourceCodesWith: self;
- accessorProtocolWith: self
- HLGenerator subclass: #HLInitializeGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am used to double-dispatch the `initialize` method(s) generation.
- Usage:
- ^ HLInitializeGenerator new
- class: aClass;
- generate;
- output
- I am a disposable object!
- initializeForObject
- output addSourceCode: self initializeCodeForObject
- initializeIndexForObject
- output index: self computeIndexForObject
- initializeProtocolForObject
- output protocol: self retrieveProtocolForObject
- initialize
- super initialize.
- output := HLGenerationOutputWithIndex new
- computeIndexForObject
- | instVars headerSize firstInstVarSize |
- "32 is the size of the `initiliaze super initialize` part"
- headerSize := 32.
- instVars := output targetClass instanceVariableNames.
- firstInstVarSize := instVars sorted
- ifEmpty: [ 0 ]
- ifNotEmpty:[ instVars first size + 4 ].
- ^ headerSize + firstInstVarSize
- generateInitializeCodeForObject
- ^ String streamContents: [ :str || instVars size |
- instVars := output targetClass instanceVariableNames sorted.
- size := instVars size.
- str << 'initialize'.
- str cr tab << 'super initialize.';cr.
- str cr tab.
- instVars withIndexDo: [ :name :index |
- index ~= 1 ifTrue: [ str cr tab ].
- str << name << ' := nil'.
- index ~= size ifTrue: [ str << '.' ] ] ].
- initializeCodeForObject
- ^ HLMethodSourceCode new
- selector: 'initialize';
- sourceCode: self generateInitializeCodeForObject;
- yourself
- retrieveProtocolForObject
- ^ 'initialization'
- generate
- super generate.
- output targetClass
- initializeSourceCodesWith: self;
- initializeIndexWith: self;
- initializeProtocolWith: self
- Object subclass: #HLMethodSourceCode
- instanceVariableNames: 'selector sourceCode'
- package: 'Helios-Helpers'!
- I am a simple data object keeping track of the information about a method that will be compiled at the end of the generation process!
- selector
- ^ selector
- selector: aSelector
- selector := aSelector
- sourceCode
- ^ sourceCode
- sourceCode: aString
- sourceCode := aString