16 KB

  1. Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  2. Object subclass: #ChunkParser
  3. instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
  4. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  5. !ChunkParser commentStamp!
  6. I am responsible for parsing aStream contents in the chunk format.
  7. ## API
  8. ChunkParser new
  9. stream: aStream;
  10. nextChunk!
  11. !ChunkParser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  12. stream: aStream
  13. stream := aStream
  14. ! !
  15. !ChunkParser methodsFor: 'reading'!
  16. nextChunk
  17. "The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
  18. is a trivial format but can be a bit tricky to understand:
  19. - Uses the exclamation mark as delimiter of chunks.
  20. - Inside a chunk a normal exclamation mark must be doubled.
  21. - A non empty chunk must be a valid Smalltalk expression.
  22. - A chunk on top level with a preceding empty chunk is an instruction chunk:
  23. - The object created by the expression then takes over reading chunks.
  24. This metod returns next chunk as a String (trimmed), empty String (all whitespace) or nil."
  25. | char result chunk |
  26. result := '' writeStream.
  27. [char := stream next.
  28. char notNil] whileTrue: [
  29. char = '!!' ifTrue: [
  30. stream peek = '!!'
  31. ifTrue: [stream next "skipping the escape double"]
  32. ifFalse: [^result contents trimBoth "chunk end marker found"]].
  33. result nextPut: char].
  34. ^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
  35. ! !
  36. !ChunkParser class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
  37. on: aStream
  38. ^self new stream: aStream
  39. ! !
  40. Object subclass: #Exporter
  41. instanceVariableNames: ''
  42. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  43. !Exporter commentStamp!
  44. I am responsible for outputting Amber code into a JavaScript string.
  45. The generated output is enough to reconstruct the exported data, including Smalltalk source code and other metadata.
  46. ## Use case
  47. I am typically used to save code outside of the Amber runtime (committing to disk, etc.).
  48. ## API
  49. Use `#exportAll`, `#exportClass:` or `#exportPackage:` methods.!
  50. !Exporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
  51. exportAll
  52. "Export all packages in the system."
  53. ^String streamContents: [:stream |
  54. Smalltalk current packages do: [:pkg |
  55. stream nextPutAll: (self exportPackage: pkg name)]]
  56. !
  57. exportClass: aClass
  58. "Export a single class. Subclasses override these methods."
  59. ^String streamContents: [:stream |
  60. self exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: stream.
  61. self exportMethodsOf: aClass on: stream.
  62. self exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: stream.
  63. self exportMethodsOf: aClass class on: stream]
  64. !
  65. exportPackage: packageName
  66. "Export a given package by name."
  67. | package |
  68. ^String streamContents: [:stream |
  69. self exportPackagePrologueOn: stream.
  70. [
  71. package := Smalltalk current packageAt: packageName.
  72. self exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: stream.
  73. "Export classes in dependency order.
  74. Update (issue #171): Remove duplicates for export"
  75. package sortedClasses asSet do: [:each |
  76. stream nextPutAll: (self exportClass: each)].
  77. self exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: stream
  78. ] ensure: [
  79. self exportPackageEpilogueOn: stream
  80. ]]
  81. ! !
  82. !Exporter methodsFor: 'private'!
  83. classNameFor: aClass
  84. ^aClass isMetaclass
  85. ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, '.klass']
  86. ifFalse: [
  87. aClass isNil
  88. ifTrue: ['nil']
  89. ifFalse: [aClass name]]
  90. !
  91. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  92. aStream
  93. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
  94. nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
  95. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  96. nextPutAll: ', ['.
  97. aClass instanceVariableNames
  98. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  99. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
  100. aStream
  101. nextPutAll: '], ''';
  102. nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
  103. nextPutAll: ');'.
  104. aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
  105. aStream
  106. lf;
  107. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.';
  108. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass);
  109. nextPutAll: '.comment=';
  110. nextPutAll: aClass comment asJavascript;
  111. nextPutAll: ';'].
  112. aStream lf
  113. !
  114. exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  115. aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
  116. aStream
  117. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass class);
  118. nextPutAll: '.iVarNames = ['.
  119. aClass class instanceVariableNames
  120. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  121. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ','].
  122. aStream nextPutAll: '];', String lf]
  123. !
  124. exportMethod: aMethod of: aClass on: aStream
  125. aStream
  126. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
  127. "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
  128. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
  129. nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
  130. nextPutAll: 'category: ''', aMethod category, ''',';lf;
  131. nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
  132. nextPutAll: 'args: ', aMethod arguments asJavascript, ','; lf;
  133. nextPutAll: 'source: ', aMethod source asJavascript, ',';lf;
  134. nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript, ',';lf;
  135. nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ', aMethod referencedClasses asJavascript.
  136. aStream
  137. lf;
  138. nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
  139. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass);
  140. nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
  141. !
  142. exportMethodsOf: aClass on: aStream
  143. "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
  144. ((aClass methodDictionary values) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector]) do: [:each |
  145. (each category match: '^\*') ifFalse: [
  146. self exportMethod: each of: aClass on: aStream]].
  147. aStream lf
  148. !
  149. exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
  150. aStream
  151. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addPackage(';
  152. nextPutAll: '''', package name, ''');';
  153. lf
  154. !
  155. exportPackageEpilogueOn: aStream
  156. aStream
  157. nextPutAll: '})(global_smalltalk,global_nil,global__st);';
  158. lf
  159. !
  160. exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: aStream
  161. "Issue #143: sort classes and methods alphabetically"
  162. | name |
  163. name := package name.
  164. (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
  165. {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
  166. ((aClass methodDictionary values) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector]) do: [:method |
  167. (method category match: '^\*', name) ifTrue: [
  168. self exportMethod: method of: aClass on: aStream ]]]]
  169. !
  170. exportPackagePrologueOn: aStream
  171. aStream
  172. nextPutAll: '(function(smalltalk,nil,_st){';
  173. lf
  174. ! !
  175. Exporter subclass: #ChunkExporter
  176. instanceVariableNames: ''
  177. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  178. !ChunkExporter commentStamp!
  179. I am an exporter dedicated to outputting Amber source code in the classic Smalltalk chunk format.
  180. I do not output any compiled code.!
  181. !ChunkExporter methodsFor: 'private'!
  182. chunkEscape: aString
  183. "Replace all occurrences of !! with !!!! and trim at both ends."
  184. ^(aString replace: '!!' with: '!!!!') trimBoth
  185. !
  186. classNameFor: aClass
  187. ^aClass isMetaclass
  188. ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, ' class']
  189. ifFalse: [
  190. aClass isNil
  191. ifTrue: ['nil']
  192. ifFalse: [aClass name]]
  193. !
  194. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  195. "Chunk format."
  196. aStream
  197. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  198. nextPutAll: ' subclass: #', (self classNameFor: aClass); lf;
  199. tab; nextPutAll: 'instanceVariableNames: '''.
  200. aClass instanceVariableNames
  201. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
  202. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
  203. aStream
  204. nextPutAll: ''''; lf;
  205. tab; nextPutAll: 'package: ''', aClass category, '''!!'; lf.
  206. aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
  207. aStream
  208. nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: aClass), ' commentStamp!!';lf;
  209. nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aClass comment), '!!';lf].
  210. aStream lf
  211. !
  212. exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  213. aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
  214. aStream
  215. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass class);
  216. nextPutAll: ' instanceVariableNames: '''.
  217. aClass class instanceVariableNames
  218. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
  219. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
  220. aStream
  221. nextPutAll: '''!!'; lf; lf]
  222. !
  223. exportMethod: aMethod of: aClass on: aStream
  224. aStream
  225. lf; lf; nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aMethod source); lf;
  226. nextPutAll: '!!'
  227. !
  228. exportMethods: methods category: category of: aClass on: aStream
  229. "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
  230. aStream
  231. nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: aClass);
  232. nextPutAll: ' methodsFor: ''', category, '''!!'.
  233. (methods sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector]) do: [:each |
  234. self exportMethod: each of: aClass on: aStream].
  235. aStream nextPutAll: ' !!'; lf; lf
  236. !
  237. exportMethodsOf: aClass on: aStream
  238. "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
  239. | map |
  240. map := Dictionary new.
  241. aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
  242. (category match: '^\*') ifFalse: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
  243. (map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) do: [:category | | methods |
  244. methods := map at: category.
  245. self
  246. exportMethods: methods
  247. category: category
  248. of: aClass
  249. on: aStream ]
  250. !
  251. exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
  252. "Chunk format."
  253. aStream
  254. nextPutAll: 'Smalltalk current createPackage: ''', package name, '''!!';
  255. lf
  256. !
  257. exportPackageEpilogueOn: aStream
  258. !
  259. exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: aStream
  260. "We need to override this one too since we need to group
  261. all methods in a given protocol under a leading methodsFor: chunk
  262. for that class."
  263. "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
  264. | name map |
  265. name := package name.
  266. (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
  267. {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
  268. map := Dictionary new.
  269. aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
  270. (category match: '^\*', name) ifTrue: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
  271. (map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) do: [:category | | methods |
  272. methods := map at: category.
  273. self exportMethods: methods category: category of: aClass on: aStream ]]]
  274. !
  275. exportPackagePrologueOn: aStream
  276. ! !
  277. Exporter subclass: #StrippedExporter
  278. instanceVariableNames: ''
  279. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  280. !StrippedExporter commentStamp!
  281. I export Amber code into a JavaScript string, but without any optional associated data like the Amber source code.!
  282. !StrippedExporter methodsFor: 'private'!
  283. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  284. aStream
  285. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
  286. nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
  287. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  288. nextPutAll: ', ['.
  289. aClass instanceVariableNames
  290. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  291. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
  292. aStream
  293. nextPutAll: '], ''';
  294. nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
  295. nextPutAll: ');'.
  296. aStream lf
  297. !
  298. exportMethod: aMethod of: aClass on: aStream
  299. aStream
  300. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
  301. "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
  302. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
  303. nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
  304. nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
  305. nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript;
  306. nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
  307. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass);
  308. nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
  309. ! !
  310. Object subclass: #Importer
  311. instanceVariableNames: ''
  312. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  313. !Importer commentStamp!
  314. I can import Amber code from a string in the chunk format.
  315. ## API
  316. Importer new import: aString!
  317. !Importer methodsFor: 'fileIn'!
  318. import: aStream
  319. | chunk result parser lastEmpty |
  320. parser := ChunkParser on: aStream.
  321. lastEmpty := false.
  322. [chunk := parser nextChunk.
  323. chunk isNil] whileFalse: [
  324. chunk isEmpty
  325. ifTrue: [lastEmpty := true]
  326. ifFalse: [
  327. result := Compiler new evaluateExpression: chunk.
  328. lastEmpty
  329. ifTrue: [
  330. lastEmpty := false.
  331. result scanFrom: parser]]]
  332. ! !
  333. InterfacingObject subclass: #PackageHandler
  334. instanceVariableNames: ''
  335. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  336. !PackageHandler commentStamp!
  337. I am responsible for handling package loading and committing.
  338. I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.!
  339. !PackageHandler methodsFor: 'committing'!
  340. commit: aPackage
  341. self commitChannels
  342. do: [ :commitStrategyFactory || fileContents commitStrategy |
  343. commitStrategy := commitStrategyFactory value: aPackage.
  344. fileContents := (commitStrategy key exportPackage: aPackage name).
  345. self ajaxPutAt: commitStrategy value data: fileContents ]
  346. displayingProgress: 'Committing package ', aPackage name
  347. ! !
  348. !PackageHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  349. ajaxPutAt: aURL data: aString
  350. self
  351. ajax: #{
  352. 'url' -> aURL.
  353. 'type' -> 'PUT'.
  354. 'data' -> aString.
  355. 'contentType' -> 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'.
  356. 'error' -> [ :xhr | self error: 'Commiting ' , aURL , ' failed with reason: "' , (xhr responseText) , '"'] }
  357. ! !
  358. PackageHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'registry'!
  359. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  360. classRegisteredFor: aString
  361. ^registry at: aString
  362. !
  363. for: aString
  364. ^(self classRegisteredFor: aString) new
  365. ! !
  366. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  367. initialize
  368. super initialize.
  369. registry := #{}
  370. ! !
  371. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'registry'!
  372. register: aClass for: aString
  373. registry at: aString put: aClass
  374. !
  375. registerFor: aString
  376. PackageHandler register: self for: aString
  377. ! !
  378. PackageHandler subclass: #LegacyPackageHandler
  379. instanceVariableNames: ''
  380. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  381. !LegacyPackageHandler commentStamp!
  382. I am responsible for handling package loading and committing.
  383. I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.!
  384. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'committing'!
  385. commitChannels
  386. ^{
  387. [ :pkg | Exporter new -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.js') ].
  388. [ :pkg | StrippedExporter new -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.deploy.js') ].
  389. [ :pkg | ChunkExporter new -> (pkg commitPathSt, '/', pkg name, '.st') ]
  390. }
  391. !
  392. commitPathJsFor: aPackage
  393. ^self class defaultCommitPathJs
  394. !
  395. commitPathStFor: aPackage
  396. ^self class defaultCommitPathSt
  397. ! !
  398. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'loading'!
  399. loadPackage: packageName prefix: aString
  400. | url |
  401. url := '/', aString, '/js/', packageName, '.js'.
  402. self
  403. ajax: #{
  404. 'url' -> url.
  405. 'type' -> 'GET'.
  406. 'dataType' -> 'script'.
  407. 'complete' -> [ :jqXHR :textStatus |
  408. jqXHR readyState = 4
  409. ifTrue: [ self setupPackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString ] ].
  410. 'error' -> [ self alert: 'Could not load package at: ', url ]
  411. }
  412. !
  413. loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  414. aCollection do: [ :each |
  415. self loadPackage: each prefix: aString ]
  416. ! !
  417. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  418. setupPackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString
  419. (Package named: packageName)
  420. setupClasses;
  421. commitPathJs: '/', aString, '/js';
  422. commitPathSt: '/', aString, '/st'
  423. ! !
  424. LegacyPackageHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'defaultCommitPathJs defaultCommitPathSt'!
  425. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'commit paths'!
  426. commitPathsFromLoader
  427. <
  428. var commitPath = typeof amber !!== 'undefined' && amber.commitPath;
  429. if (!!commitPath) return;
  430. if (commitPath.js) self._defaultCommitPathJs_(commitPath.js);
  431. if ( self._defaultCommitPathSt_(;
  432. >
  433. !
  434. defaultCommitPathJs
  435. ^ defaultCommitPathJs ifNil: [ defaultCommitPathJs := 'js']
  436. !
  437. defaultCommitPathJs: aString
  438. defaultCommitPathJs := aString
  439. !
  440. defaultCommitPathSt
  441. ^ defaultCommitPathSt ifNil: [ defaultCommitPathSt := 'st']
  442. !
  443. defaultCommitPathSt: aString
  444. defaultCommitPathSt := aString
  445. !
  446. resetCommitPaths
  447. defaultCommitPathJs := nil.
  448. defaultCommitPathSt := nil
  449. ! !
  450. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  451. initialize
  452. super initialize.
  453. self registerFor: 'unknown'.
  454. self commitPathsFromLoader
  455. ! !
  456. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'loading'!
  457. loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  458. ^ self new loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  459. ! !
  460. !Package methodsFor: '*Importer-Exporter'!
  461. commit
  462. ^ self transport commit: self
  463. !
  464. commitPathJs
  465. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathJs ifAbsentPut: [self transport commitPathJsFor: self]
  466. !
  467. commitPathJs: aString
  468. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathJs put: aString
  469. !
  470. commitPathSt
  471. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathSt ifAbsentPut: [self transport commitPathStFor: self]
  472. !
  473. commitPathSt: aString
  474. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathSt put: aString
  475. !
  476. loadDependencies
  477. "Returns list of packages that need to be present
  478. before loading this package.
  479. These are determined as set of packages covering
  480. all classes used either for subclassing or for defining
  481. extension methods on."
  482. "Fake one for now. TODO"
  483. | root |
  484. root := Object package.
  485. self == root ifTrue: [ ^#() ] ifFalse: [ ^{root} ]
  486. !
  487. transport
  488. ^ PackageHandler for: self transportType
  489. !
  490. transportType
  491. <return (self.transport && self.transport.type) || 'unknown';>
  492. ! !