kernel-runtime.js 18 KB

  1. //jshint eqnull:true
  2. define(['./junk-drawer'], function ($goodies) {
  3. "use strict";
  4. var installMethodOfJsObject = $goodies.installMethodOfJsObject;
  5. var declareJsMethod = $goodies.declareJsMethod;
  6. var st2js = $goodies.st2js;
  7. var js2st = $goodies.js2st;
  8. var deleteKeysFrom = $goodies.deleteKeysFrom;
  9. var extendWithMethods = $goodies.extendWithMethods;
  10. var hop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  11. function cleanMethodOfJsObjectEx (obj, name) {
  12. var attachments;
  13. var old = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
  14. if (old != null && (old = old.value) != null) {
  15. attachments = old.a$atx;
  16. if (attachments != null) {
  17. deleteKeysFrom(Object.keys(attachments), obj);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. function installMethodOfJsObjectEx (obj, name, fn) {
  22. cleanMethodOfJsObjectEx(obj, name);
  23. var attachments = fn.a$atx;
  24. if (attachments != null) {
  25. extendWithMethods(obj, attachments);
  26. }
  27. return installMethodOfJsObject(obj, name, fn);
  28. }
  29. function SelectorConversionBrik (brikz, st) {
  30. var st2jsMemo = Object.create(null);
  31. st.st2js = function (stSelector) {
  32. return st2jsMemo[stSelector] || st2js(stSelector);
  33. };
  34. this.st2js = function (stSelector) {
  35. return st2jsMemo[stSelector] || (st2jsMemo[stSelector] = st2js(stSelector));
  36. };
  37. /* Convert a string to a valid smalltalk selector.
  38. if you modify the following functions, also change st2js
  39. accordingly */
  40. st.js2st = js2st;
  41. st.st2prop = function (stSelector) {
  42. var colonPosition = stSelector.indexOf(':');
  43. return colonPosition === -1 ? stSelector : stSelector.slice(0, colonPosition);
  44. };
  45. }
  46. function RuntimeFactory (globals, emit) {
  47. RuntimeSelectorsBrik.deps = ["selectors", "selectorConversion", "classModel"];
  48. function RuntimeSelectorsBrik (brikz, st) {
  49. var selectors = brikz.selectors.selectors;
  50. var nilAsClass = brikz.classModel.nilAsClass;
  51. var st2js = brikz.selectorConversion.st2js;
  52. var jsSelectors = this.jsSelectors = [];
  53. /* Method not implemented handlers */
  54. function installNewSelectors (newSelectors, targetClasses) {
  55. newSelectors.forEach(function (selector) {
  56. var jsSelector = st2js(selector);
  57. jsSelectors.push(jsSelector);
  58. var fn = createDnuHandler(selector);
  59. installMethodOfJsObject(nilAsClass.fn.prototype, jsSelector, fn);
  60. targetClasses.forEach(function (target) {
  61. installMethodOfJsObject(target.fn.prototype, jsSelector, fn);
  62. });
  63. });
  64. }
  65. this.installNewSelectors = installNewSelectors;
  66. /* Dnu handler method */
  67. function createDnuHandler (stSelector) {
  68. return function () {
  69. return globals.Message._selector_arguments_notUnderstoodBy_(
  70. stSelector, [], this
  71. );
  72. };
  73. }
  74. installNewSelectors(selectors, []);
  75. }
  76. RuntimeClassesBrik.deps = ["runtimeSelectors", "behaviorals", "classConstruction", "runtimeMethods"];
  77. function RuntimeClassesBrik (brikz, st) {
  78. var jsSelectors = brikz.runtimeSelectors.jsSelectors;
  79. var installNewSelectors = brikz.runtimeSelectors.installNewSelectors;
  80. var installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass = brikz.runtimeMethods.installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass;
  81. var traitsOrClasses = brikz.behaviorals.traitsOrClasses;
  82. var wireKlass = brikz.classConstruction.wireKlass;
  83. var detachedRootClasses = [];
  84. function detachClass (klass) {
  85. klass.detachedRoot = true;
  86. detachedRootClasses = traitsOrClasses.filter(function (klass) {
  87. return klass.detachedRoot;
  88. });
  89. initClass(klass);
  90. }
  91. st.detachClass = detachClass;
  92. emit.selectorsAdded = function (newSelectors) {
  93. installNewSelectors(newSelectors, detachedRootClasses);
  94. };
  95. /* Initialize a class in its class hierarchy. Handle both classes and
  96. metaclasses. */
  97. function initClassAndMetaclass (klass) {
  98. initClass(klass);
  99. initClass(klass.a$cls);
  100. }
  101. traitsOrClasses.forEach(function (traitOrClass) {
  102. if (!traitOrClass.trait) initClassAndMetaclass(traitOrClass);
  103. });
  104. function installStHooks () {
  105. emit.behavioralAdded = function (traitOrClass) {
  106. traitOrClass._enterOrganization();
  107. };
  108. emit.behavioralRemoved = function (traitOrClass) {
  109. traitOrClass._leaveOrganization();
  110. };
  111. }
  112. this.installStHooks = installStHooks;
  113. emit.classCreated = initClassAndMetaclass;
  114. emit.slotsChanged = initClassSlots;
  115. function initClass (klass) {
  116. wireKlass(klass);
  117. initClassMethods(klass);
  118. initClassSlots(klass);
  119. }
  120. function initClassMethods (klass) {
  121. if (klass.detachedRoot) {
  122. copySuperclass(klass);
  123. }
  124. installMethods(klass);
  125. }
  126. function initClassSlots (klass) {
  127. installIvarCompat(klass);
  128. }
  129. function copySuperclass (klass) {
  130. var myproto = klass.fn.prototype,
  131. superproto = klass.superclass.fn.prototype;
  132. jsSelectors.forEach(function (jsSelector) {
  133. installMethodOfJsObjectEx(myproto, jsSelector, superproto[jsSelector]);
  134. });
  135. }
  136. function installMethods (klass) {
  137. var methods = klass.methods;
  138. Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (selector) {
  139. installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass(methods[selector], klass);
  140. });
  141. }
  142. // TODO remove, ["@foo"] backward compatibility
  143. function installIvarCompat (klass) {
  144. var ivars = klass.slots;
  145. ivars.forEach(function (ivar) {
  146. Object.defineProperty(klass.fn.prototype, "@" + ivar, {
  147. get: function () {
  148. return this[ivar];
  149. },
  150. set: function (value) {
  151. return this[ivar] = value;
  152. },
  153. enumerable: false,
  154. configurable: true
  155. });
  156. });
  157. }
  158. /* Create an alias for an existing class */
  159. st.alias = function (traitOrClass, alias) {
  160. globals[alias] = traitOrClass;
  161. };
  162. /* Manually set the constructor of an existing Smalltalk klass, making it a detached root class. */
  163. st.setClassConstructor = this.setClassConstructor = function (klass, constructor) {
  164. klass.fn = constructor;
  165. detachClass(klass);
  166. var prototype = constructor.prototype;
  167. klass.subclasses.forEach(function (subclass) {
  168. Object.setPrototypeOf(subclass.fn.prototype, prototype);
  169. });
  170. };
  171. }
  172. FrameBindingBrik.deps = ["runtimeClasses"];
  173. function FrameBindingBrik (brikz, st) {
  174. var setClassConstructor = brikz.runtimeClasses.setClassConstructor;
  175. setClassConstructor(globals.Number, Number);
  176. setClassConstructor(globals.BlockClosure, Function);
  177. setClassConstructor(globals.Boolean, Boolean);
  178. setClassConstructor(globals.Date, Date);
  179. setClassConstructor(globals.String, String);
  180. setClassConstructor(globals.Array, Array);
  181. setClassConstructor(globals.RegularExpression, RegExp);
  182. setClassConstructor(globals.Error, Error);
  183. setClassConstructor(globals.Promise, Promise);
  184. this.__init__ = function () {
  185. st.alias(globals.Array, "OrderedCollection");
  186. st.alias(globals.Date, "Time");
  187. }
  188. }
  189. RuntimeMethodsBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion"];
  190. function RuntimeMethodsBrik (brikz, st) {
  191. var st2js = brikz.selectorConversion.st2js;
  192. function installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass (method, klass) {
  193. if (method.fn == null) {
  194. if (method.instantiateFn) {
  195. method.fn = method.instantiateFn(method.methodClass);
  196. }
  197. }
  198. var jsSelector = method.jsSelector;
  199. if (!jsSelector) {
  200. jsSelector = method.jsSelector = st2js(method.selector);
  201. }
  202. return installMethodOfJsObjectEx(klass.fn.prototype, jsSelector, method.fn);
  203. }
  204. this.installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass = installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass;
  205. emit.behaviorMethodAdded = function (method, klass) {
  206. installAmberMethodIntoAmberClass(method, klass);
  207. propagateMethodChange(klass, method, klass);
  208. };
  209. emit.behaviorMethodRemoved = function (method, klass) {
  210. cleanMethodOfJsObjectEx(klass.fn.prototype, method.jsSelector);
  211. delete klass.fn.prototype[method.jsSelector];
  212. propagateMethodChange(klass, method, null);
  213. };
  214. function installStHooks () {
  215. emit.methodReplaced = function (newMethod, oldMethod, traitOrBehavior) {
  216. traitOrBehavior._methodOrganizationEnter_andLeave_(newMethod, oldMethod);
  217. };
  218. }
  219. this.installStHooks = installStHooks;
  220. function propagateMethodChange (klass, method, exclude) {
  221. var selector = method.selector;
  222. var jsSelector = method.jsSelector;
  223. st.traverseClassTree(klass, function (subclass, sentinel) {
  224. if (subclass === exclude) return;
  225. if (, selector)) return sentinel;
  226. if (subclass.detachedRoot) {
  227. installMethodOfJsObjectEx(subclass.fn.prototype, jsSelector, subclass.superclass.fn.prototype[jsSelector]);
  228. }
  229. });
  230. }
  231. }
  232. function PrimitivesBrik (brikz, st) {
  233. /* Converts a JavaScript object to valid Smalltalk Object */
  234. st.readJSObject = function (js) {
  235. if (js == null) return null;
  236. else if (Array.isArray(js)) return;
  237. else if (js.constructor !== Object) return js;
  238. var pairs = [];
  239. for (var i in js) {
  240. pairs.push(i, st.readJSObject(js[i]));
  241. }
  242. return globals.Dictionary._newFromPairs_(pairs);
  243. };
  244. /* Boolean assertion */
  245. st.assert = function (shouldBeBoolean) {
  246. if (typeof shouldBeBoolean === "boolean") return shouldBeBoolean;
  247. else if (shouldBeBoolean != null && typeof shouldBeBoolean === "object") {
  248. shouldBeBoolean = shouldBeBoolean.valueOf();
  249. if (typeof shouldBeBoolean === "boolean") return shouldBeBoolean;
  250. }
  251. globals.NonBooleanReceiver._signalOn_(shouldBeBoolean);
  252. };
  253. }
  254. RuntimeBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion", "runtimeClasses"];
  255. function RuntimeBrik (brikz, st) {
  256. var setClassConstructor = brikz.runtimeClasses.setClassConstructor;
  257. function SmalltalkMethodContext (home, setup) {
  258. // TODO lazy fill of .sendIdx
  259. this.sendIdx = {};
  260. // TODO very likely .senderContext, not .homeContext here
  261. this.homeContext = home;
  262. this.setup = setup;
  263. }
  264. // Fallbacks
  265. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.supercall = false;
  266. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.locals = Object.freeze({});
  267. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.receiver = null;
  268. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.selector = null;
  269. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.outerContext = null;
  270. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.index = 0;
  271. declareJsMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype, "fill");
  272. declareJsMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype, "fillBlock");
  273. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fill = function (receiver, selector, locals) {
  274. this.receiver = receiver;
  275. this.selector = selector;
  276. if (locals != null) this.locals = locals;
  277. if (this.homeContext) {
  278. this.homeContext.evaluatedSelector = selector;
  279. }
  280. };
  281. SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.fillBlock = function (locals, ctx, index) {
  282. if (locals != null) this.locals = locals;
  283. this.outerContext = ctx;
  284. if (index) this.index = index;
  285. };
  286. setClassConstructor(globals.MethodContext, SmalltalkMethodContext);
  287. /* This is the current call context object.
  288. In Smalltalk code, it is accessible just by using 'thisContext' variable.
  289. In JS code, use api.getThisContext() (see below).
  290. */
  291. var thisContext = null;
  292. function resultWithNoErrorHandling (worker) {
  293. try {
  294. return worker(thisContext);
  295. } finally {
  296. thisContext = null;
  297. }
  298. }
  299. // TODO deprecated, remove
  300. st.seamless = function (worker) {
  301. return worker();
  302. // return st.withContext(worker, new SmalltalkMethodContext(thisContext, function (ctx) {
  303. // ctx.fill(null, "seamlessDoIt", {}, globals.UndefinedObject);
  304. // }));
  305. };
  306. /*
  307. Standard way to run within context.
  308. Sets up error handler if entering first ST context in a stack.
  309. */
  310. st.withContext = function (worker, setup) {
  311. var oldContext = thisContext;
  312. thisContext = new SmalltalkMethodContext(thisContext, setup);
  313. var result = oldContext == null ? resultWithNoErrorHandling(worker) : worker(thisContext);
  314. thisContext = oldContext;
  315. return result;
  316. };
  317. /* Handle thisContext pseudo variable */
  318. st.getThisContext = function () {
  319. if (!thisContext) return null;
  320. thisContext.setup(thisContext);
  321. return thisContext;
  322. };
  323. }
  324. MessageSendBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion"];
  325. function MessageSendBrik (brikz, st) {
  326. /* Send message programmatically. Used to implement #perform: & Co. */
  327. st.send2 = function (self, selector, args, klass) {
  328. var method = klass ? klass.fn.prototype[st.st2js(selector)] : self.a$cls && self[st.st2js(selector)];
  329. return method != null ?
  330. method.apply(self, args || []) :
  331. globals.Message._selector_arguments_notUnderstoodBy_(
  332. selector, [], self.a$cls ? self : wrapJavaScript(self)
  333. );
  334. };
  335. function wrapJavaScript (o) {
  336. return globals.JSObjectProxy._on_(o);
  337. }
  338. st.wrapJavaScript = wrapJavaScript;
  339. /* If the object property is a function, then call it, except if it starts with
  340. an uppercase character (we probably want to answer the function itself in this
  341. case and send it #new from Amber).
  342. */
  343. st.accessJavaScript = function (self, propertyName, args) {
  344. var propertyValue = self[propertyName];
  345. if (typeof propertyValue === "function" && !(args.length === 0 && /^[A-Z]/.test(propertyName)))
  346. return propertyValue.apply(self, args);
  347. switch (args.length) {
  348. case 0:
  349. return propertyValue;
  350. case 1:
  351. self[propertyName] = args[0];
  352. return self;
  353. default:
  354. throw new Error("Cannot interpret " + propertyName + " with " + args.length + " arguments; field is a " + typeof propertyValue + ", not a function")
  355. }
  356. };
  357. }
  358. StartImageBrik.deps = ["runtimeClasses", "runtimeMethods"];
  359. function StartImageBrik (brikz, st) {
  360. = function () {
  361. brikz.runtimeClasses.installStHooks();
  362. brikz.runtimeMethods.installStHooks();
  363. return globals.AmberBootstrapInitialization._run();
  364. };
  365. }
  366. /* Making smalltalk that can run */
  367. function configure (brikz) {
  368. brikz.runtimeSelectors = RuntimeSelectorsBrik;
  369. brikz.runtimeClasses = RuntimeClassesBrik;
  370. brikz.frameBinding = FrameBindingBrik;
  371. brikz.runtimeMethods = RuntimeMethodsBrik;
  372. brikz.messageSend = MessageSendBrik;
  373. brikz.runtime = RuntimeBrik;
  374. brikz.primitives = PrimitivesBrik;
  375. brikz.selectorConversion = SelectorConversionBrik;
  376. brikz.startImage = StartImageBrik;
  377. brikz();
  378. }
  379. return {configure: configure};
  380. }
  381. return RuntimeFactory;
  382. });