123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- Smalltalk current createPackage: 'SUnit-Tests' properties: #!
- TestCase subclass: #ExampleSetTest
- instanceVariableNames: 'empty full'
- package: 'SUnit-Tests'!
- !ExampleSetTest commentStamp!
- ExampleSetTest is taken from Pharo 1.4.
- THe purpose of this class is to demonstrate a simple use case of the test framework.!
- !ExampleSetTest methodsFor: 'running'!
- setUp
- empty := Set new.
- full := Set with: 5 with: #abc
- ! !
- !ExampleSetTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- testAdd
- empty add: 5.
- self assert: (empty includes: 5)
- !
- testGrow
- empty addAll: (1 to: 100).
- self assert: empty size = 100
- !
- testIllegal
- self
- should: [empty at: 5]
- raise: Error.
- self
- should: [empty at: 5 put: #abc]
- raise: Error
- !
- testIncludes
- self assert: (full includes: 5).
- self assert: (full includes: #abc)
- !
- testOccurrences
- self assert: (empty occurrencesOf: 0) = 0.
- self assert: (full occurrencesOf: 5) = 1.
- full add: 5.
- self assert: (full occurrencesOf: 5) = 1
- !
- testRemove
- full remove: 5.
- self assert: (full includes: #abc).
- self deny: (full includes: 5)
- ! !
- TestCase subclass: #SUnitAsyncTest
- instanceVariableNames: 'flag'
- package: 'SUnit-Tests'!
- !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'helpers'!
- fakeError
- flag := 'bad'.
- self timeout: 10.
- flag := (self async: [ flag := 'ok'. self error: 'Intentional' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- fakeErrorFailingInTearDown
- flag := 'bad'.
- self timeout: 10.
- flag := (self async: [ self error: 'Intentional' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- fakeFailure
- flag := 'bad'.
- self timeout: 10.
- flag := (self async: [ flag := 'ok'. self assert: false ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing
- self timeout: 100.
- (self async: [
- self timeout: 5.
- (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 10
- ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- fakeMultipleTimeoutPassing
- self timeout: 10.
- (self async: [
- self timeout: 20.
- (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 10
- ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- fakeTimeout
- self timeout: 4.
- (self async: [ self finished ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- ! !
- !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'private'!
- sortedSelectors: aCollection
- ^(aCollection collect: [:each | each selector]) sorted
- ! !
- !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'running'!
- setUp
- flag := 'ok'
- !
- tearDown
- self assert: 'ok' equals: flag
- ! !
- !SUnitAsyncTest methodsFor: 'tests'!
- testAsyncErrorsAndFailures
- | suite runner result assertBlock |
- suite := #('fakeError' 'fakeErrorFailingInTearDown' 'fakeFailure' 'testPass') collect: [ :each | self class selector: each ].
- runner := TestSuiteRunner on: suite.
- self timeout: 200.
- result := runner result.
- assertBlock := self async: [
- self assert: #('fakeError') equals: (self sortedSelectors: result errors).
- self assert: #('fakeErrorFailingInTearDown' 'fakeFailure') equals: (self sortedSelectors: result failures).
- self finished
- ].
- runner announcer on: ResultAnnouncement do: [:ann |
- ann result == result ifTrue: [ result runs = result total ifTrue: assertBlock ]].
- runner run
- !
- testAsyncNeedsTimeout
- self should: [ self async: [ ] ] raise: Error.
- self timeout: 0.
- self shouldnt: [ self async: [ ] ] raise: Error.
- self finished
- !
- testFinishedNeedsTimeout
- self should: [ self finished ] raise: Error.
- self timeout: 0.
- self shouldnt: [ self finished ] raise: Error.
- !
- testIsAsyncReturnsCorrectValues
- self deny: self isAsync.
- self timeout: 0.
- self assert: self isAsync.
- self finished.
- self deny: self isAsync
- !
- testPass
- flag := 'bad'.
- self timeout: 10.
- flag := (self async: [ self assert: true. self finished. flag := 'ok' ]) valueWithTimeout: 5
- !
- testTimeouts
- | suite runner result assertBlock |
- suite := #('fakeTimeout' 'fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing' 'fakeMultipleTimeoutPassing' 'testPass') collect: [ :each | self class selector: each ].
- runner := TestSuiteRunner on: suite.
- self timeout: 200.
- result := runner result.
- assertBlock := self async: [
- self assert: result errors isEmpty.
- self assert: #('fakeMultipleTimeoutFailing' 'fakeTimeout') equals: (self sortedSelectors: result failures).
- self finished
- ].
- runner announcer on: ResultAnnouncement do: [:ann |
- ann result == result ifTrue: [ result runs = result total ifTrue: assertBlock ]].
- runner run
- !
- testTwoAsyncPassesWithFinishedOnlyOneIsRun
- | x |
- flag := 'bad'.
- self timeout: 10.
- x := 0.
- flag := (self async: [ self finished. flag := 'ok'. x := x+1. self assert: 1 equals: x ]) valueWithTimeout: 0.
- flag := (self async: [ self finished. flag := 'ok'. x := x+1. self assert: 1 equals: x ]) valueWithTimeout: 0.
- ! !