Importer-Exporter.st 21 KB

  1. Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  2. Object subclass: #AmdExporter
  3. instanceVariableNames: ''
  4. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  5. !AmdExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
  6. exportPackageEpilogueOf: aPackage on: aStream
  7. aStream
  8. nextPutAll: '});';
  9. lf
  10. !
  11. exportPackagePrologueOf: aPackage on: aStream
  12. aStream
  13. nextPutAll: 'define("';
  14. nextPutAll: (aPackage amdNamespace ifNil: [ 'amber' ]); "ifNil: only for LegacyPH, it should not happen with AmdPH"
  15. nextPutAll: '/';
  16. nextPutAll: aPackage name;
  17. nextPutAll: '", ["amber_vm/smalltalk","amber_vm/nil","amber_vm/_st"], function(smalltalk,nil,_st){';
  18. lf
  19. !
  20. exportPackageTransportOf: aPackage on: aStream
  21. aStream
  22. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.packages[';
  23. nextPutAll: aPackage name asJavascript;
  24. nextPutAll: '].transport = ';
  25. nextPutAll: aPackage transportJson;
  26. nextPutAll: ';';
  27. lf
  28. ! !
  29. Object subclass: #ChunkExporter
  30. instanceVariableNames: ''
  31. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  32. !ChunkExporter commentStamp!
  33. I am an exporter dedicated to outputting Amber source code in the classic Smalltalk chunk format.
  34. I do not output any compiled code.!
  35. !ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
  36. extensionCategoriesOfPackage: package
  37. "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
  38. | name map result |
  39. name := package name.
  40. result := OrderedCollection new.
  41. (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
  42. {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
  43. map := Dictionary new.
  44. aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
  45. (category match: '^\*', name) ifTrue: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
  46. result addAll: ((map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) collect: [:category |
  47. #{ 'methods'->(map at: category). 'name'->category. 'class'->aClass}]) ]].
  48. ^result
  49. !
  50. methodsOfCategory: category
  51. "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
  52. ^(category at: #methods) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector]
  53. !
  54. ownCategoriesOfClass: aClass
  55. "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
  56. | map |
  57. map := Dictionary new.
  58. aClass protocolsDo: [:category :methods |
  59. (category match: '^\*') ifFalse: [ map at: category put: methods ]].
  60. ^(map keys sorted: [:a :b | a <= b ]) collect: [:category |
  61. #{
  62. 'methods'->(map at: category).
  63. 'name'->category.
  64. 'class'->aClass }]
  65. !
  66. ownCategoriesOfMetaClass: aClass
  67. "Issue #143: sort protocol alphabetically"
  68. ^self ownCategoriesOfClass: aClass class
  69. ! !
  70. !ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
  71. exportCategoryEpilogueOf: category on: aStream
  72. aStream nextPutAll: ' !!'; lf; lf
  73. !
  74. exportCategoryPrologueOf: category on: aStream
  75. aStream
  76. nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: (category at: #class));
  77. nextPutAll: ' methodsFor: ''', (category at: #name), '''!!'
  78. !
  79. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  80. "Chunk format."
  81. aStream
  82. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  83. nextPutAll: ' subclass: #', (self classNameFor: aClass); lf;
  84. tab; nextPutAll: 'instanceVariableNames: '''.
  85. aClass instanceVariableNames
  86. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
  87. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
  88. aStream
  89. nextPutAll: ''''; lf;
  90. tab; nextPutAll: 'package: ''', aClass category, '''!!'; lf.
  91. aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
  92. aStream
  93. nextPutAll: '!!', (self classNameFor: aClass), ' commentStamp!!';lf;
  94. nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aClass comment), '!!';lf].
  95. aStream lf
  96. !
  97. exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  98. aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
  99. aStream
  100. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass class);
  101. nextPutAll: ' instanceVariableNames: '''.
  102. aClass class instanceVariableNames
  103. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: each]
  104. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ' '].
  105. aStream
  106. nextPutAll: '''!!'; lf; lf]
  107. !
  108. exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
  109. aStream
  110. lf; lf; nextPutAll: (self chunkEscape: aMethod source); lf;
  111. nextPutAll: '!!'
  112. !
  113. exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
  114. "Chunk format."
  115. aStream
  116. nextPutAll: 'Smalltalk current createPackage: ''', package name, '''!!';
  117. lf
  118. ! !
  119. !ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
  120. recipe
  121. "Export a given package."
  122. | exportCategoryRecipe |
  123. exportCategoryRecipe := {
  124. self -> #exportCategoryPrologueOf:on:.
  125. {
  126. self -> #methodsOfCategory:.
  127. self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
  128. self -> #exportCategoryEpilogueOf:on: }.
  129. ^{
  130. self -> #exportPackageDefinitionOf:on:.
  131. {
  132. PluggableExporter -> #ownClassesOfPackage:.
  133. self -> #exportDefinitionOf:on:.
  134. { self -> #ownCategoriesOfClass: }, exportCategoryRecipe.
  135. self -> #exportMetaDefinitionOf:on:.
  136. { self -> #ownCategoriesOfMetaClass: }, exportCategoryRecipe }.
  137. { self -> #extensionCategoriesOfPackage: }, exportCategoryRecipe
  138. }
  139. ! !
  140. !ChunkExporter class methodsFor: 'private'!
  141. chunkEscape: aString
  142. "Replace all occurrences of !! with !!!! and trim at both ends."
  143. ^(aString replace: '!!' with: '!!!!') trimBoth
  144. !
  145. classNameFor: aClass
  146. ^aClass isMetaclass
  147. ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, ' class']
  148. ifFalse: [
  149. aClass isNil
  150. ifTrue: ['nil']
  151. ifFalse: [aClass name]]
  152. ! !
  153. Object subclass: #ChunkParser
  154. instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
  155. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  156. !ChunkParser commentStamp!
  157. I am responsible for parsing aStream contents in the chunk format.
  158. ## API
  159. ChunkParser new
  160. stream: aStream;
  161. nextChunk!
  162. !ChunkParser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  163. stream: aStream
  164. stream := aStream
  165. ! !
  166. !ChunkParser methodsFor: 'reading'!
  167. nextChunk
  168. "The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
  169. is a trivial format but can be a bit tricky to understand:
  170. - Uses the exclamation mark as delimiter of chunks.
  171. - Inside a chunk a normal exclamation mark must be doubled.
  172. - A non empty chunk must be a valid Smalltalk expression.
  173. - A chunk on top level with a preceding empty chunk is an instruction chunk:
  174. - The object created by the expression then takes over reading chunks.
  175. This metod returns next chunk as a String (trimmed), empty String (all whitespace) or nil."
  176. | char result chunk |
  177. result := '' writeStream.
  178. [char := stream next.
  179. char notNil] whileTrue: [
  180. char = '!!' ifTrue: [
  181. stream peek = '!!'
  182. ifTrue: [stream next "skipping the escape double"]
  183. ifFalse: [^result contents trimBoth "chunk end marker found"]].
  184. result nextPut: char].
  185. ^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
  186. ! !
  187. !ChunkParser class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
  188. on: aStream
  189. ^self new stream: aStream
  190. ! !
  191. Object subclass: #Exporter
  192. instanceVariableNames: ''
  193. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  194. !Exporter commentStamp!
  195. I am responsible for outputting Amber code into a JavaScript string.
  196. The generated output is enough to reconstruct the exported data, including Smalltalk source code and other metadata.
  197. ## Use case
  198. I am typically used to save code outside of the Amber runtime (committing to disk, etc.).
  199. ## API
  200. Use `#exportAll`, `#exportClass:` or `#exportPackage:` methods.!
  201. !Exporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
  202. extensionMethodsOfPackage: package
  203. "Issue #143: sort classes and methods alphabetically"
  204. | name result |
  205. name := package name.
  206. result := OrderedCollection new.
  207. (Package sortedClasses: Smalltalk current classes) do: [:each |
  208. {each. each class} do: [:aClass |
  209. result addAll: (((aClass methodDictionary values)
  210. sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector])
  211. select: [:method | method category match: '^\*', name]) ]].
  212. ^result
  213. !
  214. ownMethodsOfClass: aClass
  215. "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
  216. ^((aClass methodDictionary values) sorted: [:a :b | a selector <= b selector])
  217. reject: [:each | (each category match: '^\*')]
  218. !
  219. ownMethodsOfMetaClass: aClass
  220. "Issue #143: sort methods alphabetically"
  221. ^self ownMethodsOfClass: aClass class
  222. ! !
  223. !Exporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
  224. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  225. aStream
  226. lf;
  227. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
  228. nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
  229. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  230. nextPutAll: ', ['.
  231. aClass instanceVariableNames
  232. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  233. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
  234. aStream
  235. nextPutAll: '], ''';
  236. nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
  237. nextPutAll: ');'.
  238. aClass comment notEmpty ifTrue: [
  239. aStream
  240. lf;
  241. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.';
  242. nextPutAll: (self classNameFor: aClass);
  243. nextPutAll: '.comment=';
  244. nextPutAll: aClass comment asJavascript;
  245. nextPutAll: ';'].
  246. aStream lf
  247. !
  248. exportMetaDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  249. aStream lf.
  250. aClass class instanceVariableNames isEmpty ifFalse: [
  251. aStream
  252. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass class);
  253. nextPutAll: '.iVarNames = ['.
  254. aClass class instanceVariableNames
  255. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  256. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ','].
  257. aStream nextPutAll: '];', String lf]
  258. !
  259. exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
  260. aStream
  261. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
  262. "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
  263. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
  264. nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
  265. nextPutAll: 'category: ''', aMethod category, ''',';lf;
  266. nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
  267. nextPutAll: 'args: ', aMethod arguments asJavascript, ','; lf;
  268. nextPutAll: 'source: ', aMethod source asJavascript, ',';lf;
  269. nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript, ',';lf;
  270. nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ', aMethod referencedClasses asJavascript.
  271. aStream
  272. lf;
  273. nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
  274. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aMethod methodClass);
  275. nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
  276. !
  277. exportPackageDefinitionOf: package on: aStream
  278. aStream
  279. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addPackage(';
  280. nextPutAll: '''', package name, ''');';
  281. lf
  282. !
  283. exportPackageEpilogueOf: aPackage on: aStream
  284. aStream
  285. nextPutAll: '})(global_smalltalk,global_nil,global__st);';
  286. lf
  287. !
  288. exportPackagePrologueOf: aPackage on: aStream
  289. aStream
  290. nextPutAll: '(function(smalltalk,nil,_st){';
  291. lf
  292. ! !
  293. !Exporter class methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
  294. amdRecipe
  295. "Export a given package with amd transport type."
  296. | legacy |
  297. legacy := self recipe.
  298. ^(legacy copyFrom: 1 to: 2),
  299. { AmdExporter -> #exportPackageTransportOf:on: },
  300. (legacy copyFrom: 3 to: legacy size)
  301. !
  302. recipe
  303. "Export a given package."
  304. ^{
  305. AmdExporter -> #exportPackagePrologueOf:on:.
  306. self -> #exportPackageDefinitionOf:on:.
  307. {
  308. PluggableExporter -> #ownClassesOfPackage:.
  309. self -> #exportDefinitionOf:on:.
  310. {
  311. self -> #ownMethodsOfClass:.
  312. self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
  313. self -> #exportMetaDefinitionOf:on:.
  314. {
  315. self -> #ownMethodsOfMetaClass:.
  316. self -> #exportMethod:on: } }.
  317. {
  318. self -> #extensionMethodsOfPackage:.
  319. self -> #exportMethod:on: }.
  320. AmdExporter -> #exportPackageEpilogueOf:on:
  321. }
  322. ! !
  323. !Exporter class methodsFor: 'private'!
  324. classNameFor: aClass
  325. ^aClass isMetaclass
  326. ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, '.klass']
  327. ifFalse: [
  328. aClass isNil
  329. ifTrue: ['nil']
  330. ifFalse: [aClass name]]
  331. ! !
  332. Exporter subclass: #StrippedExporter
  333. instanceVariableNames: ''
  334. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  335. !StrippedExporter commentStamp!
  336. I export Amber code into a JavaScript string, but without any optional associated data like the Amber source code.!
  337. !StrippedExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-output'!
  338. exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
  339. aStream
  340. lf;
  341. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addClass(';
  342. nextPutAll: '''', (self classNameFor: aClass), ''', ';
  343. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aClass superclass);
  344. nextPutAll: ', ['.
  345. aClass instanceVariableNames
  346. do: [:each | aStream nextPutAll: '''', each, '''']
  347. separatedBy: [aStream nextPutAll: ', '].
  348. aStream
  349. nextPutAll: '], ''';
  350. nextPutAll: aClass category, '''';
  351. nextPutAll: ');'.
  352. aStream lf
  353. !
  354. exportMethod: aMethod on: aStream
  355. aStream
  356. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.addMethod(';lf;
  357. "nextPutAll: aMethod selector asSelector asJavascript, ',';lf;"
  358. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({';lf;
  359. nextPutAll: 'selector: ', aMethod selector asJavascript, ',';lf;
  360. nextPutAll: 'fn: ', aMethod fn compiledSource, ',';lf;
  361. nextPutAll: 'messageSends: ', aMethod messageSends asJavascript;
  362. nextPutAll: '}),';lf;
  363. nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: aMethod methodClass);
  364. nextPutAll: ');';lf;lf
  365. ! !
  366. Object subclass: #Importer
  367. instanceVariableNames: ''
  368. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  369. !Importer commentStamp!
  370. I can import Amber code from a string in the chunk format.
  371. ## API
  372. Importer new import: aString!
  373. !Importer methodsFor: 'fileIn'!
  374. import: aStream
  375. | chunk result parser lastEmpty |
  376. parser := ChunkParser on: aStream.
  377. lastEmpty := false.
  378. [chunk := parser nextChunk.
  379. chunk isNil] whileFalse: [
  380. chunk isEmpty
  381. ifTrue: [lastEmpty := true]
  382. ifFalse: [
  383. result := Compiler new evaluateExpression: chunk.
  384. lastEmpty
  385. ifTrue: [
  386. lastEmpty := false.
  387. result scanFrom: parser]]]
  388. ! !
  389. InterfacingObject subclass: #PackageHandler
  390. instanceVariableNames: ''
  391. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  392. !PackageHandler commentStamp!
  393. I am responsible for handling package loading and committing.
  394. I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.!
  395. !PackageHandler methodsFor: 'committing'!
  396. commit: aPackage
  397. self commitChannels
  398. do: [ :commitStrategyFactory || fileContents commitStrategy |
  399. commitStrategy := commitStrategyFactory value: aPackage.
  400. fileContents := String streamContents: [ :stream |
  401. (PluggableExporter newUsing: commitStrategy key) exportPackage: aPackage on: stream ].
  402. self ajaxPutAt: commitStrategy value data: fileContents ]
  403. displayingProgress: 'Committing package ', aPackage name
  404. ! !
  405. !PackageHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  406. ajaxPutAt: aURL data: aString
  407. self
  408. ajax: #{
  409. 'url' -> aURL.
  410. 'type' -> 'PUT'.
  411. 'data' -> aString.
  412. 'contentType' -> 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'.
  413. 'error' -> [ :xhr | self error: 'Commiting ' , aURL , ' failed with reason: "' , (xhr responseText) , '"'] }
  414. ! !
  415. PackageHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'registry'!
  416. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  417. classRegisteredFor: aString
  418. ^registry at: aString
  419. !
  420. for: aString
  421. ^(self classRegisteredFor: aString) new
  422. ! !
  423. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  424. initialize
  425. super initialize.
  426. registry := #{}
  427. ! !
  428. !PackageHandler class methodsFor: 'registry'!
  429. register: aClass for: aString
  430. registry at: aString put: aClass
  431. !
  432. registerFor: aString
  433. PackageHandler register: self for: aString
  434. ! !
  435. PackageHandler subclass: #AmdPackageHandler
  436. instanceVariableNames: ''
  437. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  438. !AmdPackageHandler commentStamp!
  439. I am responsible for handling package loading and committing.
  440. I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.!
  441. !AmdPackageHandler methodsFor: 'committing'!
  442. commitChannels
  443. ^{
  444. [ :pkg | Exporter amdRecipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.js') ].
  445. [ :pkg | StrippedExporter amdRecipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.deploy.js') ].
  446. [ :pkg | ChunkExporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathSt, '/', pkg name, '.st') ]
  447. }
  448. !
  449. commitPathJsFor: aPackage
  450. ^self toUrl: (self namespaceFor: aPackage)
  451. !
  452. commitPathStFor: aPackage
  453. "if _source is not mapped, .st commit will likely fail"
  454. ^self toUrl: (self namespaceFor: aPackage), '/_source'.
  455. !
  456. namespaceFor: aPackage
  457. ^aPackage amdNamespace
  458. ifNil: [ aPackage amdNamespace: self class defaultNamespace; amdNamespace ]
  459. ! !
  460. !AmdPackageHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  461. toUrl: aString
  462. (Smalltalk current at: '_amd_require')
  463. ifNil: [ self error: 'AMD loader not present' ]
  464. ifNotNil: [ :require | ^(require basicAt: 'toUrl') value: aString ]
  465. ! !
  466. AmdPackageHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'defaultNamespace'!
  467. !AmdPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'commit paths'!
  468. commitPathsFromLoader
  469. "TODO"
  470. !
  471. defaultNamespace
  472. ^ defaultNamespace ifNil: [ self error: 'AMD default namespace not set.' ]
  473. !
  474. defaultNamespace: aString
  475. defaultNamespace := aString
  476. !
  477. resetCommitPaths
  478. defaultNamespace := nil
  479. ! !
  480. !AmdPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  481. initialize
  482. super initialize.
  483. self registerFor: 'amd'.
  484. self commitPathsFromLoader
  485. ! !
  486. PackageHandler subclass: #LegacyPackageHandler
  487. instanceVariableNames: ''
  488. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  489. !LegacyPackageHandler commentStamp!
  490. I am responsible for handling package loading and committing.
  491. I should not be used directly. Instead, use the corresponding `Package` methods.!
  492. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'committing'!
  493. commitChannels
  494. ^{
  495. [ :pkg | Exporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.js') ].
  496. [ :pkg | StrippedExporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathJs, '/', pkg name, '.deploy.js') ].
  497. [ :pkg | ChunkExporter recipe -> (pkg commitPathSt, '/', pkg name, '.st') ]
  498. }
  499. !
  500. commitPathJsFor: aPackage
  501. ^self class defaultCommitPathJs
  502. !
  503. commitPathStFor: aPackage
  504. ^self class defaultCommitPathSt
  505. ! !
  506. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'loading'!
  507. loadPackage: packageName prefix: aString
  508. | url |
  509. url := '/', aString, '/js/', packageName, '.js'.
  510. self
  511. ajax: #{
  512. 'url' -> url.
  513. 'type' -> 'GET'.
  514. 'dataType' -> 'script'.
  515. 'complete' -> [ :jqXHR :textStatus |
  516. jqXHR readyState = 4
  517. ifTrue: [ self setupPackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString ] ].
  518. 'error' -> [ self alert: 'Could not load package at: ', url ]
  519. }
  520. !
  521. loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  522. aCollection do: [ :each |
  523. self loadPackage: each prefix: aString ]
  524. ! !
  525. !LegacyPackageHandler methodsFor: 'private'!
  526. setupPackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString
  527. (Package named: packageName)
  528. setupClasses;
  529. commitPathJs: '/', aString, '/js';
  530. commitPathSt: '/', aString, '/st'
  531. ! !
  532. LegacyPackageHandler class instanceVariableNames: 'defaultCommitPathJs defaultCommitPathSt'!
  533. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'commit paths'!
  534. commitPathsFromLoader
  535. <
  536. var commitPath = typeof amber !!== 'undefined' && amber.commitPath;
  537. if (!!commitPath) return;
  538. if (commitPath.js) self._defaultCommitPathJs_(commitPath.js);
  539. if (commitPath.st) self._defaultCommitPathSt_(commitPath.st);
  540. >
  541. !
  542. defaultCommitPathJs
  543. ^ defaultCommitPathJs ifNil: [ defaultCommitPathJs := 'js']
  544. !
  545. defaultCommitPathJs: aString
  546. defaultCommitPathJs := aString
  547. !
  548. defaultCommitPathSt
  549. ^ defaultCommitPathSt ifNil: [ defaultCommitPathSt := 'st']
  550. !
  551. defaultCommitPathSt: aString
  552. defaultCommitPathSt := aString
  553. !
  554. resetCommitPaths
  555. defaultCommitPathJs := nil.
  556. defaultCommitPathSt := nil
  557. ! !
  558. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
  559. initialize
  560. super initialize.
  561. self registerFor: 'unknown'.
  562. self commitPathsFromLoader
  563. ! !
  564. !LegacyPackageHandler class methodsFor: 'loading'!
  565. loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  566. ^ self new loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
  567. ! !
  568. Object subclass: #PluggableExporter
  569. instanceVariableNames: 'recipe'
  570. package: 'Importer-Exporter'!
  571. !PluggableExporter methodsFor: 'accessing'!
  572. recipe
  573. ^recipe
  574. !
  575. recipe: anArray
  576. recipe := anArray
  577. ! !
  578. !PluggableExporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
  579. export: anObject usingRecipe: anArray on: aStream
  580. | args |
  581. args := { anObject. aStream }.
  582. anArray do: [ :each | | val |
  583. val := each value.
  584. val == each
  585. ifFalse: [ "association"
  586. each key perform: val withArguments: args ]
  587. ifTrue: [ "sub-array"
  588. | selection |
  589. selection := each first key perform: each first value withArguments: { anObject }.
  590. selection do: [ :eachPart | self export: eachPart usingRecipe: each allButFirst on: aStream ]]]
  591. !
  592. exportAll
  593. "Export all packages in the system."
  594. ^String streamContents: [:stream |
  595. Smalltalk current packages do: [:pkg |
  596. self exportPackage: pkg on: stream]]
  597. !
  598. exportPackage: aPackage on: aStream
  599. self export: aPackage usingRecipe: self recipe on: aStream
  600. ! !
  601. !PluggableExporter class methodsFor: 'exporting-accessing'!
  602. newUsing: recipe
  603. ^self new recipe: recipe; yourself
  604. !
  605. ownClassesOfPackage: package
  606. "Export classes in dependency order.
  607. Update (issue #171): Remove duplicates for export"
  608. ^package sortedClasses asSet
  609. ! !
  610. !Package methodsFor: '*Importer-Exporter'!
  611. amdNamespace
  612. <return (self.transport && self.transport.amdNamespace) || nil>
  613. !
  614. amdNamespace: aString
  615. <
  616. if (!!self.transport) { self.transport = { type: 'amd' }; }
  617. if (self.transport.type !!== 'amd') { throw new Error('Package '+self._name()+' has transport type '+self.transport.type+', not "amd".'); }
  618. self.transport.amdNamespace = aString;
  619. >
  620. !
  621. commit
  622. ^ self transport commit: self
  623. !
  624. commitPathJs
  625. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathJs ifAbsent: [self transport commitPathJsFor: self]
  626. !
  627. commitPathJs: aString
  628. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathJs put: aString
  629. !
  630. commitPathSt
  631. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathSt ifAbsent: [self transport commitPathStFor: self]
  632. !
  633. commitPathSt: aString
  634. ^ (extension ifNil: [ extension := #{} ]) at: #commitPathSt put: aString
  635. !
  636. loadDependencies
  637. "Returns list of packages that need to be present
  638. before loading this package.
  639. These are determined as set of packages covering
  640. all classes used either for subclassing or for defining
  641. extension methods on."
  642. "Fake one for now. TODO"
  643. | root |
  644. root := Object package.
  645. self == root ifTrue: [ ^#() ] ifFalse: [ ^{root} ]
  646. !
  647. transport
  648. ^ PackageHandler for: self transportType
  649. !
  650. transportJson
  651. <return JSON.stringify(self.transport || null);>
  652. !
  653. transportType
  654. <return (self.transport && self.transport.type) || 'unknown';>
  655. ! !