uninstall.html 2.7 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>{%= title %}</title>
  5. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  6. <meta name="author" content="{%= author_name %}" />
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <p>Once you start developing your own app / lib / backend, you should
  10. remove all unnecessary parts left from the sample app.</p>
  11. <ul style="width: 40ex">
  12. <li>You can choose to polyfill less or not at all in Gruntfile.js / index.html,
  13. as a consequence polyfilling dependencies can be uninstalled.
  14. </li>
  15. <li>In case you don't need webapp part at all, you can remove
  16. deploy.js (and its appearance in testing.js), {%= name %} package,
  17. webapp-specific dependencies in package.json
  18. (modules silk, domite, contrib-web and contrib-jquery),
  19. remove "start the app" call in index.html
  20. and remove webapp-specific parts in Gruntfile.js.
  21. </li>
  22. <li>You should keep index.html (you need it to develop),
  23. but in cleaned form (see below).</li>
  24. <li>In index.html <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag,
  25. everything should be removed, except
  26. the <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tag
  27. that initializes Amber and starts your app;
  28. then you can add elements specific to your own webapp
  29. to the page (or leave it bare if case in previous item happened).</li>
  30. <li>In case you will develop the webapp part,
  31. you will probably only use one set of libraries presented
  32. (there are more options so you can see and choose).
  33. So either you keep silk which depends on domite,
  34. or you keep contrib-web which depends on contrib-jquery.
  35. Your Gruntfile.js may contain references
  36. to these modules in <code>libraries</code>
  37. field(s). Fix those fields to not contain removed libraries.</li>
  38. <li>In case you are developing an Amber library (eg. not the app),
  39. you'll probably end up not needing any of the aformentioned libraries
  40. (depends on how UI-heavy your library are),
  41. and you likely can remove the intro {%= name %} class
  42. and the "start the app" call in index.html.
  43. </li>
  44. <li>In case you don't need the lambda / backend part at all,
  45. you can remove lambda.js (and its appearance in testing.js),
  46. {%= name %}-Backend package, lambda directory
  47. and remove lambda-specific parts of Gruntfile.js.
  48. </li>
  49. <li>These introductory files: parts.html and uninstall.html can be deleted.</li>
  50. </ul>
  51. <p>As the last step, make sure the dependency tree is in a correct state
  52. by recreating it: run <code>npm run reset</code> from your CLI.</p>
  53. </body>
  54. </html>