Smalltalk createPackage: 'Examples'! Widget subclass: #Counter slots: {#count. #header} package: 'Examples'! !Counter commentStamp! This is a trivial Widget example mimicking the classic Counter example in Seaside. In order to play with it, just evaluate the doit below in a workspace. Then take a look in the HTML document above the IDE. Counter tryExample! !Counter methodsFor: 'actions'! decrease count := count - 1. header contents: [ :html | html with: count asString ] ! increase count := count + 1. header contents: [ :html | html with: count asString ] ! ! !Counter methodsFor: 'initialization'! initialize super initialize. count := 0 ! ! !Counter methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html header := html h1 with: count asString; yourself. html button with: '++'; onClick: [ self increase ]. html button with: '--'; onClick: [ self decrease ] ! ! !Counter class methodsFor: 'example'! tryExample "In order to play with the Counter, just select the doit below and press the Do it button. Then take a look in the HTML document above the IDE." "Counter tryExample" self new appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery ! !