/** * Created by Herby on 31. 5. 2014. */ var builder = require('../lib/config-builder'), assert = require('assert'), path = require('path'); function fixture(fixturePath) { return path.join(__dirname, fixturePath); } describe('#produceConfigObject merging', function () { it('should include local.amd.json if none other is present', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-local'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {foo: {foo: "bar"}} }); done(); }); }); it('should work root being \'.\'', function (done) { process.chdir(fixture('single-local')); builder.produceConfigObject('.', function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {foo: {foo: "bar"}} }); done(); }); }); it('should fail if foo.amd.json is present and there is no foo', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('local-and-missing'), function (err, result) { assert.ok(err); done(); }); }); it('should fail if there is no applicable file', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('nothing'), function (err, result) { assert.ok(err); done(); }); }); it('should include deep local.amd.json if none other is present', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-deep-local'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {fooDeep: {foo: "bar"}} }); done(); }); }); it('should include both local.amd.json if root and deep are present', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {foo: {foo: "bar"}, fooDeep: {foo: "bar"}} }); done(); }); }); it('should include both local.amd.json if root and deep are present, parent should win', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals-with-shared'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {foo: {foo: "bar"}, fooDeep: {foo: "bar"}, shared: "root"} }); done(); }); }); it('should include both local.amd.json if root and deep are present, parent should be first in arrays', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals-with-shared-array'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {foo: {foo: "bar"}, fooDeep: {foo: "bar"}, shared: ["root", 0, "deep", 0]} }); done(); }); }); it('should include {root,deep}/local.amd.json and {foo,bar}.amd.json given {foo,bar} dir is present, locals should win', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals-two-others'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, e: 1, f: 1} }); done(); }); }); it('should include {root,deep}/local.amd.json and {foo,bar}.amd.json given {foo,bar} dir is present, locals and parents should win', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals-two-others-with-shared'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, e: 1, f: 1, g: 2, h: 1} }); done(); }); }); }); describe('#produceConfigObject knows to deal with shims', function () { it('should output default array as {deps: anArray} in shim', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-local-shim'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { shim: {foo: {deps: ["bar"]}} }); done(); }); }); it('should merge shims from {root,deep}/local.amd.json and from {foo,bar}.amd.json given {foo,bar} dir is present, locals and parent should win or be first', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('two-locals-two-others-shim'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { config: {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, e: 1, f: 1}, shim: { a: {deps: ["deeplocal", "other"], exports: "other"}, b: {deps: ["rootlocal", "deep"], exports: "rootlocal"} } }); done(); }); }); }); describe('#produceConfigObject paths', function () { it('should leave root local.amd.json paths unchanged', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-local-paths'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { paths: {dot: ".", rel: "relative", sibling: "../sibling", abs: "/absolute", uri: "http://example.com/uri"} }); done(); }); }); it('should make deep local.amd.json paths relative to deep', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-deep-local-paths'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { paths: {dot: "deep", rel: "deep/relative", sibling: "sibling", abs: "/absolute", uri: "http://example.com/uri"} }); done(); }); }); it('should make foo.amd.json paths relative to foo that is least deep', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('single-other-paths'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { paths: {dot: "z2/other", rel: "z2/other/relative", sibling: "z2/sibling", abs: "/absolute", uri: "http://example.com/uri"} }); done(); }); }); it('should work with array paths correctly', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('arrays-in-paths'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { paths: { dot0: ".", rel0: "relative", sibling0: "../sibling", abs0: "/absolute", uri0: "http://example.com/uri", arr0: [".", "relative", "../sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"], dot1: "deep", rel1: "deep/relative", sibling1: "sibling", abs1: "/absolute", uri1: "http://example.com/uri", arr1: ["deep", "deep/relative", "sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"], dot2: "z2/other", rel2: "z2/other/relative", sibling2: "z2/sibling", abs2: "/absolute", uri2: "http://example.com/uri", arr2: ["z2/other", "z2/other/relative", "z2/sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"] } }); done(); }); }); it('should work with same paths correctly if used more times', function (done) { builder.produceConfigObject(fixture('arrays-in-paths'), function (err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(result, { paths: { dot0: ".", rel0: "relative", sibling0: "../sibling", abs0: "/absolute", uri0: "http://example.com/uri", arr0: [".", "relative", "../sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"], dot1: "deep", rel1: "deep/relative", sibling1: "sibling", abs1: "/absolute", uri1: "http://example.com/uri", arr1: ["deep", "deep/relative", "sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"], dot2: "z2/other", rel2: "z2/other/relative", sibling2: "z2/sibling", abs2: "/absolute", uri2: "http://example.com/uri", arr2: ["z2/other", "z2/other/relative", "z2/sibling", "/absolute", "http://example.com/uri"] } }); done(); }); }); });