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Added smallest possible sample IDE for webOS.

Göran Krampe il y a 13 ans


+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+"This is a base class for Jtalk Enyo UI classes. We keep track of an optional sister kind
+in Enyo and typically an instance of it, or an instance without a kind, called ui.
+NOTE: Inheritance of ivars seems broken, I need to use #ui: in subclass to set it"
+Object subclass: #EnyoFriend
+        instanceVariableNames: 'ui kind'
+        category: 'EnyoJtalk'!
+!EnyoFriend methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+	^ui
+ui: aUI
+	ui := aUI
+	"Return the $ of ui for easy access to the components of the UI."
+	<return this['@ui'].$>
+	^kind
+! !
+!EnyoFriend methodsFor: 'initializing'!
+	"We make sure our JS functions can be used transparently from Jtalk,
+	at this moment we do not use it - trying to create Enyo kinds that are
+	at the same time Jtalk classes failed for me."
+	super initialize.
+	<this.allowJavaScriptCalls = true>
+! !

+ 0 - 0

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+EnyoFriend subclass: #Eris
+        instanceVariableNames: ''
+        category: 'Eris'!
+!Eris methodsFor: 'actions'!
+    ^self eval: self dollar richText getValue
+	self dollar richText setValue: ''
+eval: aString
+    | compiler node |
+    compiler := Compiler new.
+    node := compiler parseExpression: aString.
+    node isParseFailure ifTrue: [
+	^self warn: 'Ehrm, you are a Smalltalk n00b, right?' button: 'Yup'].
+    ^compiler loadExpression: aString.
+	^''
+warn: aString button: caption
+	| block popup |
+	block := [popup close].
+	<props = {kind: 'ModalDialog', caption: 'Parsing error', components: [
+			{kind: 'Control', content: aString, className: 'enyo-text-error warning-icon'},
+			{kind: 'Button', caption: caption, onclick: 'closePopup', style: 'margin-top:10px'}],
+		 closePopup: block}>.
+	popup := enyo create: props.
+	popup openAtCenter
+print: aString
+    self dollar richText setValue: (self dollar richText getValue), ' ', aString
+	"(self kind: 'Sound'; src: 'DuckQwaq.wav'; create) play"
+	(enyo create: (Dictionary new at: 'kind' put: 'Sound'; at: 'src' put: 'DuckQwaq.wav'; yourself)) play
+    self print: self doIt printString
+! !
+!Eris methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+	| props doItBlock printItBlock quackBlock clearBlock |
+	super initialize.
+	doItBlock := [self doIt].
+	printItBlock := [self printIt].
+	quackBlock := [self quack].
+	clearBlock := [self clear].
+	<props = {kind: 'VFlexBox', components: [
+			{kind: 'PageHeader', content: 'Eris'},
+ 			{kind: 'RowGroup', caption: 'Workspace', components: [
+				{kind: 'RichText', richContent: false,
+					value: 'Put some funky Jtalk code here...',
+					autoWordComplete: false, spellcheck: false, autocorrect: false,
+					autoCapitalize: 'lowercase', alwaysLooksFocused: true
+				},
+				{kind: 'Toolbar', components: [
+					{caption: 'Do it', onclick: 'doit'},
+					{caption: 'Print it', onclick: 'printit'},
+					{caption: 'Clear', onclick: 'clear'},
+					{kind: 'Spacer'},
+					{caption: 'Quack!', onclick: 'quack'}]}]}],
+		doit: doItBlock,
+		printit: printItBlock,
+		quack: quackBlock,
+		clear: clearBlock}>.
+	ui := enyo create: props.
+! !

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# If you copy this file for an Enyo/Jtalk project, just
+# modify these first two lines
+# and then add .st files as you please. This Makefile
+# should pick them all up and compile into Program.js.
+PACKAGE  := jtalk.eris
+VERSION  := 0.0.1
+# -E for Enyo, -O for Closure optimization of js code.
+FLAGS    := -E -C
+IPK      := $(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION)_all.ipk
+FILE     := Program
+SOURCES  := $(wildcard *.st)
+OBJECTS  := $(patsubst,%.js,$(wildcard *.st))
+FILEJS   := $(FILE).js
+	../../bin/jtalkc $(FLAGS) $(SOURCES) $(FILE)
+$(IPK): $(FILEJS)
+	palm-package .
+	rm -f $(FILEJS) $(OBJECTS) $(IPK)
+	palm-install -r $(PACKAGE)
+install: $(IPK)
+	palm-install $(IPK)
+# If you want to run it in the emulator, start the emulator first with palm-emulator
+run:    $(IPK)
+	palm-install $(IPK)
+	palm-launch $(PACKAGE)
+# This should fire it up in Chromium (at least under Ubuntu)
+chromium: $(FILEJS)
+	chromium-browser --allow-file-access-from-files index.html

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+	"id": "jtalk.eris",
+	"version": "0.0.1",
+	"vendor": "Krampe Dynamic Development",
+	"type": "web",
+	"main": "index.html",
+	"title": "Eris",
+	"icon": "icon.png",
+	"uiRevision": 2

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	"Program.js",
+	"Eris.css"

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!doctype html>
+	<title>Eris</title>
+	<script src="../../../enyo/1.0/framework/enyo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	smalltalk.Eris._new()._ui().renderInto(document.body);