@@ -238,120 +238,38 @@ open
! !
TabWidget subclass: #Workspace
- instanceVariableNames: 'textarea'
+ instanceVariableNames: 'sourceArea'
category: 'IDE'!
!Workspace methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- <return document.selection>
- <return jQuery('.jt_workspace')[0].selectionStart>
- <return jQuery('.jt_workspace')[0].selectionEnd>
-selectionStart: anInteger
- <jQuery('.jt_workspace')[0].selectionStart = anInteger>
-selectionEnd: anInteger
- <jQuery('.jt_workspace')[0].selectionEnd = anInteger>
- | lines startLine endLine|
- lines := textarea asJQuery val tokenize: String lf.
- startLine := endLine := 0.
- lines do: [:each |
- endLine := startLine + each size.
- startLine := endLine + 1.
- endLine >= self selectionStart ifTrue: [
- self selectionEnd: endLine.
- ^each]]
! !
!Workspace methodsFor: 'actions'!
-handleKeyDown: anEvent
- <if(anEvent.ctrlKey) {
- if(anEvent.keyCode === 80) { //ctrl+p
- self._printIt();
- anEvent.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- if(anEvent.keyCode === 68) { //ctrl+d
- self._doIt();
- anEvent.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- if(anEvent.keyCode === 73) { //ctrl+i
- self._inspectIt();
- anEvent.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- }>
- textarea asJQuery val: ''
+ sourceArea clear
- | selection |
- textarea asJQuery focus.
- self selectionStart = self selectionEnd
- ifTrue: [selection := self currentLine]
- ifFalse: [
- selection := textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: self selectionStart + 1 to: self selectionEnd + 1].
- ^self eval: selection
+ sourceArea doIt
- self print: self doIt printString
-print: aString
- | start |
- start := self selectionEnd.
- textarea asJQuery val: (
- (textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: 1 to: start),
- ' ', aString, ' ',
- (textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: start + 1 to: textarea asJQuery val size)).
- self selectionStart: start.
- self selectionEnd: start + aString size + 2
-eval: aString
- | compiler node |
- compiler := Compiler new.
- node := compiler parseExpression: aString.
- node isParseFailure ifTrue: [
- ^self alert: node reason, ', position: ', node position].
- ^compiler loadExpression: aString
+ sourceArea printIt
- self doIt inspect
+ sourceArea inspectIt
! !
!Workspace methodsFor: 'rendering'!
renderBoxOn: html
- textarea := html textarea.
- textarea asJQuery call: 'tabby'.
- textarea onKeyDown: [:e | self handleKeyDown: e].
- textarea
- class: 'jt_workspace';
- at: 'spellcheck' put: 'false'
+ sourceArea := SourceArea new.
+ sourceArea renderOn: html
renderButtonsOn: html
@@ -443,7 +361,7 @@ clear
! !
TabWidget subclass: #Browser
- instanceVariableNames: 'selectedCategory selectedClass selectedProtocol selectedMethod commitButton categoriesList classesList protocolsList methodsList sourceTextarea tabsList selectedTab saveButton classButtons methodButtons unsavedChanges input'
+ instanceVariableNames: 'selectedCategory selectedClass selectedProtocol selectedMethod commitButton categoriesList classesList protocolsList methodsList sourceArea tabsList selectedTab saveButton classButtons methodButtons unsavedChanges input'
category: 'IDE'!
!Browser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
@@ -567,15 +485,14 @@ metaclassDeclarationSource
^selectedClass comment
+ ^selectedClass
! !
!Browser methodsFor: 'actions'!
- saveButton removeAt: 'disabled'.
- unsavedChanges := true
saveButton ifNotNil: [
saveButton at: 'disabled' put: true].
@@ -609,7 +526,7 @@ compile
- selectedClass comment: sourceTextarea asJQuery val
+ selectedClass comment: sourceArea val
@@ -620,7 +537,7 @@ compileMethodDefinition
compileMethodDefinitionFor: aClass
| compiler method source node |
- source := sourceTextarea asJQuery val.
+ source := sourceArea val.
selectedProtocol ifNil: [selectedProtocol := selectedMethod category].
compiler := Compiler new.
node := compiler parse: source.
@@ -641,8 +558,9 @@ compileMethodDefinitionFor: aClass
| newClass |
- newClass := Compiler new loadExpression: sourceTextarea asJQuery val.
+ newClass := Compiler new loadExpression: sourceArea textarea asJQuery val.
+ resetClassesList;
@@ -671,6 +589,7 @@ removeClass
(self confirm: 'Do you really want to remove ', selectedClass name, '?')
ifTrue: [
Smalltalk current basicDelete: selectedClass name.
+ self resetClassesList.
self selectClass: nil]
@@ -710,6 +629,7 @@ selectCategory: aCategory
self cancelChanges ifTrue: [
selectedCategory := aCategory.
selectedClass := selectedProtocol := selectedMethod := nil.
+ self resetClassesList.
@@ -814,7 +734,8 @@ renderTopPanelOn: html
title: 'Commit classes in this category to disk';
onClick: [self commitCategory];
with: 'Commit category'.
- classesList := html ul class: 'jt_column browser classes'.
+ classesList := ClassesList on: self.
+ classesList renderOn: html.
protocolsList := html ul class: 'jt_column browser protocols'.
methodsList := html ul class: 'jt_column browser methods'.
@@ -834,11 +755,10 @@ renderBottomPanelOn: html
html div
class: 'jt_sourceCode';
with: [
- sourceTextarea := html textarea
- onKeyPress: [self enableSaveButton];
- class: 'source';
- at: 'spellcheck' put: 'false'.
- sourceTextarea asJQuery call: 'tabby']
+ sourceArea := SourceArea new.
+ sourceArea renderOn: html.
+ sourceArea textarea
+ onKeyUp: [self updateStatus]]
renderButtonsOn: html
@@ -848,6 +768,17 @@ renderButtonsOn: html
onClick: [self compile].
methodButtons := html span.
classButtons := html span.
+ html div
+ class: 'right';
+ with: [
+ html button
+ with: 'DoIt';
+ onClick: [sourceArea doIt].
+ html button
+ with: 'PrintIt';
+ onClick: [sourceArea printIt].
+ html button with: 'InspectIt';
+ onClick: [sourceArea inspectit]].
self updateSourceAndButtons
@@ -863,7 +794,7 @@ renderInputOn: html
!Browser methodsFor: 'testing'!
- ^true
+ ^true
! !
!Browser methodsFor: 'updating'!
@@ -884,14 +815,15 @@ updateCategoriesList
TabManager current update.
- classesList contents: [:html |
+ classesList updateNodes.
+ "classesList contents: [:html |
self classes do: [:each || li |
li := html li.
selectedClass = each ifTrue: [
li class: 'selected'].
with: each name;
- onClick: [self selectClass: each]]]
+ onClick: [self selectClass: each]]]"
@@ -983,7 +915,23 @@ updateSourceAndButtons
ifFalse: [
self hideClassButtons.
self showMethodButtons].
- sourceTextarea asJQuery val: self source
+ sourceArea val: self source
+ sourceArea textarea asJQuery val = self source
+ ifTrue: [
+ saveButton ifNotNil: [
+ saveButton at: 'disabled' put: true].
+ unsavedChanges := false]
+ ifFalse: [
+ saveButton ifNotNil: [
+ saveButton removeAt: 'disabled'].
+ unsavedChanges := true]
+ classesList resetNodes
! !
!Browser class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
@@ -1322,6 +1270,261 @@ search: aString
! !
+Widget subclass: #SourceArea
+ instanceVariableNames: 'textarea'
+ category: 'IDE'!
+!SourceArea methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ ^textarea asJQuery val
+val: aString
+ textarea asJQuery val: aString
+ | lines startLine endLine|
+ lines := textarea asJQuery val tokenize: String lf.
+ startLine := endLine := 0.
+ lines do: [:each |
+ endLine := startLine + each size.
+ startLine := endLine + 1.
+ endLine >= self selectionStart ifTrue: [
+ self selectionEnd: endLine.
+ ^each]]
+ <return document.selection>
+ ^textarea element selectionEnd
+ ^textarea element selectionStart
+selectionStart: anInteger
+ textarea element selectionStart: anInteger
+selectionEnd: anInteger
+ textarea element selectionEnd: anInteger
+ ^textarea
+! !
+!SourceArea methodsFor: 'actions'!
+ textarea asJQuery val: ''
+ | selection |
+ textarea asJQuery focus.
+ self selectionStart = self selectionEnd
+ ifTrue: [selection := self currentLine]
+ ifFalse: [
+ selection := textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: self selectionStart + 1 to: self selectionEnd + 1].
+ ^self eval: selection
+eval: aString
+ | compiler node |
+ compiler := Compiler new.
+ node := compiler parseExpression: aString.
+ node isParseFailure ifTrue: [
+ ^self alert: node reason, ', position: ', node position].
+ ^compiler loadExpression: aString
+handleKeyDown: anEvent
+ <if(anEvent.ctrlKey) {
+ if(anEvent.keyCode === 80) { //ctrl+p
+ self._printIt();
+ anEvent.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(anEvent.keyCode === 68) { //ctrl+d
+ self._doIt();
+ anEvent.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(anEvent.keyCode === 73) { //ctrl+i
+ self._inspectIt();
+ anEvent.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }>
+ self doIt inspect
+print: aString
+ | start |
+ start := self selectionEnd.
+ textarea asJQuery val: (
+ (textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: 1 to: start),
+ ' ', aString, ' ',
+ (textarea asJQuery val copyFrom: start + 1 to: textarea asJQuery val size)).
+ self selectionStart: start.
+ self selectionEnd: start + aString size + 2
+ self print: self doIt printString
+! !
+!SourceArea methodsFor: 'rendering'!
+renderOn: html
+ textarea := html textarea.
+ textarea asJQuery call: 'tabby'.
+ textarea onKeyDown: [:e | self handleKeyDown: e].
+ textarea
+ class: 'jt_workspace';
+ at: 'spellcheck' put: 'false'
+! !
+Widget subclass: #ClassesList
+ instanceVariableNames: 'browser ul nodes'
+ category: 'IDE'!
+!ClassesList methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ ^self browser selectedCategory
+ nodes ifNil: [nodes := self getNodes].
+ ^nodes
+ ^browser
+browser: aBrowser
+ browser := aBrowser
+ ^(self browser classes select: [:each |
+ (self browser classes includes: each superclass) not])
+ collect: [:each |
+ ClassesListNode on: each browser: self browser level: 0]
+ nodes := nil
+! !
+!ClassesList methodsFor: 'rendering'!
+renderOn: html
+ ul := html ul
+ class: 'jt_column browser classes';
+ yourself.
+ self updateNodes
+ ul contents: [:html |
+ self nodes do: [:each |
+ each renderOn: html]]
+! !
+!ClassesList class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+on: aBrowser
+ ^self new
+ browser: aBrowser;
+ yourself
+! !
+Widget subclass: #ClassesListNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'browser theClass level nodes'
+ category: 'IDE'!
+!ClassesListNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ ^nodes ifNil: [nodes := self getNodes]
+ ^theClass
+theClass: aClass
+ theClass := aClass
+ ^browser
+browser: aBrowser
+ browser := aBrowser
+ ^level
+level: anInteger
+ level := anInteger
+ | str |
+ str := String new writeStream.
+ self level timesRepeat: [
+ str nextPutAll: ' '].
+ str nextPutAll: self theClass name.
+ ^str contents
+ ^(self browser classes select: [:each |
+ each superclass = self theClass])
+ collect: [:each |
+ ClassesListNode on: each browser: self browser level: self level + 1]
+! !
+!ClassesListNode methodsFor: 'rendering'!
+renderOn: html
+ | li |
+ li := html li
+ onClick: [self browser selectClass: self theClass].
+ li asJQuery contents: self label.
+ self browser selectedClass = self theClass ifTrue: [
+ li class: 'selected'].
+ self nodes do: [:each |
+ each renderOn: html]
+! !
+!ClassesListNode class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+on: aClass browser: aBrowser level: anInteger
+ ^self new
+ theClass: aClass;
+ browser: aBrowser;
+ level: anInteger;
+ yourself
+! !
!Object methodsFor: '*IDE'!