@@ -1,54 +1,86 @@
-Dictionary subclass: #EKind
- instanceVariableNames: ''
+EnyoFriend subclass: #HelloJtalk
+ instanceVariableNames: 'count popup'
category: 'HelloJtalk'!
category: 'HelloJtalk'!
-Dictionary subclass: #EComponent
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- category: 'HelloJtalk'!
+!HelloJtalk methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ ^count
+! !
-EKind subclass: #HelloJtalk
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- category: 'HelloJtalk'!
+!HelloJtalk methodsFor: 'actions'!
+ count := count + 1.
+ self dollar input setValue: (self dollar input getValue, 'You clicked the button ', count asString, ' times so far').
+ "Okidoki, why not throw up a popup?"
+ popup openAtCenter
-!HelloJtalk class methodsFor: 'initializing'!
+popupSelected: value
+ "The user picked a value in the popup."
+ self dollar input setValue: (self dollar input getValue, ' ', value)
+! !
+!HelloJtalk methodsFor: 'initialization'!
- | me control button input popup myInput pageHeader arr field children |
- pageHeader := EComponent new.
- pageHeader at: 'kind' put: 'PageHeader'; at: 'content' put: 'JTalk Live'.
- button := EComponent new.
- <popup = {kind: "Popup", components: [
- {content: "Pick something you like"},
- {kind: "ListSelector", value: "Foo", items: ["Foo", "Bar", "Bot"]}]}>.
- button at: 'kind' put: 'Button';
- at: 'caption' put: 'Click here please';
- at: 'onclick' put: 'buttonClick'.
- input := EComponent new.
- input at: 'kind' put: 'Input'.
- me := self new.
- arr := Array new.
- arr add: pageHeader; add: button; add: input; add: popup.
- me at: 'components' put: arr;
- at: 'name' put: 'jtalk.HelloJtalk';
- at: 'kind' put: 'VFlexBox';
- at: 'buttonClick' put: [
- children := <this.$>.
- field := children input.
-"This next line works fine"
- <field.setValue('Yo')>.
-"But for some reason I can not get this next line to do anything"
- field setValue: 'Yowza'.
-"But this line works fine, but has no arguments... ?"
- children popup openAtCenter].
- enyo kind: me.
- enyo log: 'Done initializing.'
+ "Create Enyo stuff and hook in callback blocks calling our action methods,
+ very similar to how Seaside does it.
+ Creating the templates for component construction
+ is clearly simpler to do in js. Yes, we can use
+ method temps inside the js code and ivars are accessed
+ using this syntax:
+ this['@ivarname']
+ We can not easily mix in arbitrary Jtalk expressions in the js code, thus
+ we use method temps for holding the blocks instead of embedding the blocks
+ directly. Blocks are js functions which is really neat. And we can use:
+ this._jtalkMessage()
+ to send messages to self for embedding the result."
+ | props block block2 |
+ super initialize.
+ count := 0.
+ "Create a callback block to embed below."
+ block := [self buttonClicked].
+ "We need to go through a method temp (props) for doing js, just inlining it
+ after 'enyo create:' does not work so js escaping is on the statement level
+ and not on the expression level."
+ <props = {
+ kind: 'VFlexBox',
+ components: [
+ {kind: 'PageHeader', content: 'Jtalk Live'},
+ {kind: "RowGroup", caption: "Rock on", components: [
+ {kind: 'Input', components: [
+ {kind: 'Button', caption: 'Click me', onclick: 'ablock'}]
+ }]
+ }],
+ ablock: block}>.
+ self ui: (enyo create: props).
+ "If we like we can create a kind for the UI (then the props need a name EnyoHelloJtalk),
+ but we do not have to in this case so this is commented out."
+ "self kind: (enyo kind: props).
+ <this['@ui'] = new EnyoHelloJtalk()>"
+ "This Enyo popup instance is created and held in an ivar for later use."
+ block2 := [:sender :value :old | self popupSelected: value].
+ <props = {kind: "Popup", components: [
+ {content: "Pick something you like a lot"},
+ {kind: "ListSelector", onChange: "popupSelected", value: "Foo", items: ["Foo", "Bar", "Bot"]
+ }],
+ popupSelected: block2}>.
+ popup := enyo create: props
! !
! !
+!HelloJtalk class methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+ enyo log: 'Class initialized'
+! !