@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+module.exports = function(grunt) {
+ var path = require('path');
+ var amberc = require('../../bin/amberc.js');
+ /**
+ Full config looks like this:
+ amberc: {
+ _config: {
+ amber_dir: process.cwd(), // REQUIRED
+ closure_jar: '' // optional
+ },
+ helloWorld: {
+ src: ['HelloWorld.st'], // REQUIRED
+ working_dir: 'projects/HelloWorld', // optional
+ main_class: 'HelloWorld', // optional
+ output_name: 'helloWorld', // optional
+ libraries: 'Canvas', // optional
+ init: 'myInit', // optional
+ main_file: 'myMain.js', // optional
+ deploy: true, // optional
+ output_suffix: 'mySuffix', // optional
+ library_suffix: '-0.9', // optional
+ },
+ },
+ */
+ grunt.registerMultiTask('amberc', 'Compile Smalltalk files with the amberc compiler', function() {
+ // mark required properties
+ this.requiresConfig('amberc._config.amber_dir');
+ this.requiresConfig(['amberc', this.target, 'src']);
+ // change working directory if the working_dir property is set on the target
+ var current_dir = process.cwd();
+ var working_dir = this.data.working_dir;
+ if (undefined !== working_dir) {
+ grunt.file.setBase(working_dir);
+ }
+ // mark task as async task
+ var done = this.async();
+ // create and initialize amberc
+ var compiler = new amberc.Compiler(grunt.config('amberc._config.amber_dir'), grunt.config('amberc._config.closure_jar'));
+ // generate the amberc parameter string out of the given target properties
+ var parameters = generateParameterArray(this.data);
+ // run the compiler
+ // change back to the old working directory and call the async callback once finished
+ compiler.main(parameters, function(){
+ grunt.file.setBase(current_dir);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ function generateParameterArray(data) {
+ var parameters = [];
+ var libraries = data.libraries;
+ if (undefined !== libraries) {
+ parameters.push('-l');
+ parameters.push(libraries.join(','));
+ }
+ var initFile = data.init;
+ if (undefined !== initFile) {
+ parameters.push('-i');
+ parameters.push(initFile);
+ }
+ var mainClass = data.main_class;
+ if (undefined !== mainClass) {
+ parameters.push('-m');
+ parameters.push(mainClass);
+ }
+ var mainFile = data.main_file;
+ if (undefined !== initFile) {
+ parameters.push('-M');
+ parameters.push(mainFile);
+ }
+ if (true === data.deploy) {
+ parameters.push('-d');
+ }
+ var outputSuffix = data.output_suffix;
+ if (undefined !== outputSuffix) {
+ parameters.push('-s');
+ parameters.push(outputSuffix);
+ }
+ var librarySuffix = data.library_suffix;
+ if (undefined !== librarySuffix) {
+ parameters.push('-S');
+ parameters.push(librarySuffix);
+ }
+ var sourceFiles = data.src;
+ if (undefined !== sourceFiles) {
+ parameters.push.apply(parameters, sourceFiles);
+ }
+ var outpuName = data.output_name;
+ if (undefined !== outpuName) {
+ parameters.push(outpuName);
+ }
+ return parameters;
+ }