Smalltalk createPackage: 'Compiler-Core'! Object subclass: #AbstractCodeGenerator instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass currentPackage source' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !AbstractCodeGenerator commentStamp! I am the abstract super class of all code generators and provide their common API.! !AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'! currentClass ^ currentClass ! currentClass: aClass currentClass := aClass ! currentPackage ^ currentPackage ! currentPackage: anObject currentPackage := anObject ! pseudoVariables ^ Smalltalk pseudoVariableNames ! source ^ source ifNil: [ '' ] ! source: aString source := aString ! ! !AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'! compileNode: aNode ^ self transformers inject: aNode into: [ :input :transformer | transformer value: input ] ! transformers | dict | dict := self transformersDictionary. ^ dict keys asArray sort collect: [ :each | dict at: each ] ! transformersDictionary self subclassResponsibility ! ! AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #CodeGenerator instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !CodeGenerator commentStamp! I am a basic code generator. I generate a valid JavaScript output, but no not perform any inlining. See `InliningCodeGenerator` for an optimized JavaScript code generation.! !CodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'! irTranslator ^ self irTranslatorClass new currentClass: self currentClass; yourself ! irTranslatorClass ^ IRJSTranslator ! semanticAnalyzer ^ (SemanticAnalyzer on: self currentClass) thePackage: self currentPackage; yourself ! transformersDictionary ^ Dictionary new at: '2000-semantic' put: self semanticAnalyzer; at: '5000-astToIr' put: self translator; at: '8000-irToJs' put: self irTranslator; yourself ! translator ^ IRASTTranslator new source: self source; theClass: self currentClass; yourself ! ! Object subclass: #Compiler instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass currentPackage source unknownVariables codeGeneratorClass' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !Compiler commentStamp! I provide the public interface for compiling Amber source code into JavaScript. The code generator used to produce JavaScript can be plugged with `#codeGeneratorClass`. The default code generator is an instance of `InlinedCodeGenerator`! !Compiler methodsFor: 'accessing'! codeGeneratorClass ^ codeGeneratorClass ifNil: [ InliningCodeGenerator ] ! codeGeneratorClass: aClass codeGeneratorClass := aClass ! currentClass ^ currentClass ! currentClass: aClass currentClass := aClass ! currentPackage ^ currentPackage ! currentPackage: anObject currentPackage := anObject ! source ^ source ifNil: [ '' ] ! source: aString source := aString ! unknownVariables ^ unknownVariables ! unknownVariables: aCollection unknownVariables := aCollection ! ! !Compiler methodsFor: 'compiling'! compile: aString forClass: aClass protocol: anotherString ^ self source: aString; compileNode: (self parse: aString) forClass: aClass package: (aClass packageOfProtocol: anotherString) ! compileExpression: aString on: anObject ^ self compile: 'xxxDoIt ^ [ ', aString, ' ] value' forClass: anObject class protocol: '**xxxDoIt' ! compileNode: aNode | generator result | generator := self codeGeneratorClass new. generator source: self source; currentClass: self currentClass; currentPackage: self currentPackage. result := generator compileNode: aNode. self unknownVariables: #(). ^ result ! compileNode: aNode forClass: aClass package: aPackage ^ self currentClass: aClass; currentPackage: aPackage; compileNode: aNode ! eval: aString ! eval: aString forPackage: aPackage ! evaluateExpression: aString "Unlike #eval: evaluate a Smalltalk expression and answer the returned object" ^ self evaluateExpression: aString on: DoIt new ! evaluateExpression: aString on: anObject "Unlike #eval: evaluate a Smalltalk expression with anObject as the receiver and answer the returned object" | result method | method := self eval: (self compileExpression: aString on: anObject). method protocol: '**xxxDoIt'. anObject class addCompiledMethod: method. result := anObject xxxDoIt. anObject class removeCompiledMethod: method. ^ result ! install: aString forClass: aBehavior protocol: anotherString | compiledMethod | compiledMethod := self eval: (self compile: aString forClass: aBehavior protocol: anotherString) forPackage: (aBehavior packageOfProtocol: anotherString). ^ ClassBuilder new installMethod: compiledMethod forClass: aBehavior protocol: anotherString ! parse: aString ^ Smalltalk parse: aString ! parseExpression: aString ^ self parse: 'doIt ^ [ ', aString, ' ] value' ! recompile: aClass aClass methodDictionary values do: [ :each | self install: each source forClass: aClass protocol: each protocol ] displayingProgress: 'Recompiling ', aClass name. aClass isMetaclass ifFalse: [ self recompile: aClass theMetaClass ] ! recompileAll Smalltalk classes do: [ :each | self recompile: each ] displayingProgress: 'Compiling all classes...' ! ! !Compiler class methodsFor: 'compiling'! recompile: aClass self new recompile: aClass ! recompileAll Smalltalk classes do: [ :each | self recompile: each ] ! ! Error subclass: #CompilerError instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !CompilerError commentStamp! I am the common superclass of all compiling errors.! Object subclass: #DoIt instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !DoIt commentStamp! `DoIt` is the class used to compile and evaluate expressions. See `Compiler >> evaluateExpression:`.! Object subclass: #Evaluator instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Compiler-Core'! !Evaluator commentStamp! I evaluate code against a receiver, dispatching #evaluate:on: to the receiver.! !Evaluator methodsFor: 'evaluating'! evaluate: aString context: aContext "Similar to #evaluate:for:, with the following differences: - instead of compiling and running `aString`, `aString` is interpreted using an `ASTInterpreter` - instead of evaluating against a receiver, evaluate in the context of `aContext`" | compiler ast | compiler := Compiler new. [ ast := compiler parseExpression: aString ] on: Error do: [ :ex | ^ Terminal alert: ex messageText ]. (AISemanticAnalyzer on: aContext receiver class) context: aContext; visit: ast. ^ aContext evaluateNode: ast ! evaluate: aString for: anObject ^ anObject evaluate: aString on: self ! evaluate: aString receiver: anObject | compiler | compiler := Compiler new. [ compiler parseExpression: aString ] on: Error do: [ :ex | ^ Terminal alert: ex messageText ]. ^ compiler evaluateExpression: aString on: anObject ! ! !Evaluator class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! evaluate: aString for: anObject ^ self new evaluate: aString for: anObject ! ! !String methodsFor: '*Compiler-Core'! asVariableName ^ (Smalltalk reservedWords includes: self) ifTrue: [ self, '_' ] ifFalse: [ self ] ! !