1. 2.0.0
  2. - Separate reliable shims from dubious shims (shams).
  3. 1.2.10
  4. - Group-effort Style Cleanup
  5. - Took a stab at fixing Object.defineProperty on IE8 without
  6. bad side-effects. (@hax)
  7. - Object.isExtensible no longer fakes it. (@xavierm)
  8. - Date.prototype.toISOString no longer deals with partial
  9. ISO dates, per spec (@kitcambridge)
  10. - More (mostly from @bryanforbes)
  11. 1.2.9
  12. - Corrections to toISOString by @kitcambridge
  13. - Fixed three bugs in array methods revealed by Jasmine tests.
  14. - Cleaned up Function.prototype.bind with more fixes and tests from
  15. @bryanforbes.
  16. 1.2.8
  17. - Actually fixed problems with Function.prototype.bind, and regressions
  18. from 1.2.7 (@bryanforbes, @jdalton #36)
  19. 1.2.7 - REGRESSED
  20. - Fixed problems with Function.prototype.bind when called as a constructor.
  21. (@jdalton #36)
  22. 1.2.6
  23. - Revised Date.parse to match ES 5.1 (kitcambridge)
  24. 1.2.5
  25. - Fixed a bug for padding it Date..toISOString (tadfisher issue #33)
  26. 1.2.4
  27. - Fixed a descriptor bug in Object.defineProperty (raynos)
  28. 1.2.3
  29. - Cleaned up RequireJS and <script> boilerplate
  30. 1.2.2
  31. - Changed reduce to follow the letter of the spec with regard to having and
  32. owning properties.
  33. - Fixed a bug where RegExps pass as Functions in some engines in reduce.
  34. 1.2.1
  35. - Adding few fixes to make jshint happy.
  36. - Fix for issue #12, function expressions can cause scoping issues in IE.
  37. - NPM will minify on install or when `npm run-script install` is executed.
  38. - Adding .gitignore to avoid publishing dev dependencies.
  39. 1.2.0
  40. - Making script loadable as AMD module.
  41. - Adding `indexOf` to the list of safe shims.
  42. 1.1.0
  43. - Added support for accessor properties where possible (which is all browsers
  44. except IE).
  45. - Stop exposing bound function's (that are returned by
  46. `Function.prototype.bind`) internal properties (`bound, boundTo, boundArgs`)
  47. as in some cases (when using facade objects for example) capabilities of the
  48. enclosed functions will be leaked.
  49. - `Object.create` now explicitly sets `__proto__` property to guarantee
  50. correct behavior of `Object.getPrototypeOf`'s on all objects created using
  51. `Object.create`.
  52. - Switched to `===` from `==` where possible as it's slightly faster on older
  53. browsers that are target of this lib.
  54. - Added names to all anonymous functions to have a better stack traces.
  55. 1.0.0
  56. - fixed Date.toISODate, using UTC accessors, as in
  57. http://code.google.com/p/v8/source/browse/trunk/src/date.js?r=6120#986
  58. (arian)
  59. 0.0.4
  60. - Revised Object.getPrototypeOf to work in more cases
  61. in response to http://ejohn.org/blog/objectgetprototypeof/
  62. [issue #2] (fschaefer)
  63. 0.0.3
  64. - Fixed typos in Object.keys (samsonjs)
  65. 0.0.2
  66. Per kangax's recommendations:
  67. - faster Object.create(null)
  68. - fixed a function-scope function declaration statement in Object.create
  69. 0.0.1
  70. - fixed Object.create(null), in so far as that's possible
  71. - reworked Rhino Object.freeze(Function) bug detector and patcher
  72. 0.0.0
  73. - forked from narwhal-lib