@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler' properties: #{}!
Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Compiler' properties: #{}!
Object subclass: #ChunkParser
Object subclass: #ChunkParser
instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!ChunkParser methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
stream: aStream
stream: aStream
stream := aStream
stream := aStream
! !
! !
-!ChunkParser methodsFor: 'reading'!
+!ChunkParser methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
"The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
"The chunk format (Smalltalk Interchange Format or Fileout format)
@@ -34,145 +34,17 @@ nextChunk
^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
^nil "a chunk needs to end with !!"
! !
! !
-!ChunkParser class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+!ChunkParser class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
on: aStream
on: aStream
^self new stream: aStream
^self new stream: aStream
! !
! !
-Object subclass: #Compiler
- instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source unknownVariables codeGeneratorClass'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!Compiler methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- ^codeGeneratorClass ifNil: [FunCodeGenerator]
-codeGeneratorClass: aClass
- codeGeneratorClass := aClass
- ^currentClass
-currentClass: aClass
- currentClass := aClass
- ^source ifNil: ['']
-source: aString
- source := aString
- ^unknownVariables
-unknownVariables: aCollection
- unknownVariables := aCollection
-! !
-!Compiler methodsFor: 'compiling'!
-compile: aString
- ^self compileNode: (self parse: aString)
-compile: aString forClass: aClass
- self currentClass: aClass.
- self source: aString.
- ^self compile: aString
-compileExpression: aString
- self currentClass: DoIt.
- self source: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'.
- ^self compileNode: (self parse: self source)
-compileNode: aNode
- | generator result |
- generator := self codeGeneratorClass new.
- generator
- source: self source;
- currentClass: self currentClass.
- result := generator compileNode: aNode.
- self unknownVariables: generator unknownVariables.
- ^result
-eval: aString
- <return eval(aString)>
-evaluateExpression: aString
- "Unlike #eval: evaluate a Smalltalk expression and answer the returned object"
- | result |
- DoIt addCompiledMethod: (self eval: (self compileExpression: aString)).
- result := DoIt new doIt.
- DoIt removeCompiledMethod: (DoIt methodDictionary at: 'doIt').
- ^result
-install: aString forClass: aBehavior category: anotherString
- | compiled |
- compiled := self eval: (self compile: aString forClass: aBehavior).
- compiled category: anotherString.
- aBehavior addCompiledMethod: compiled.
- ^compiled
-parse: aString
- ^Smalltalk current parse: aString
-parseExpression: aString
- ^self parse: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'
-recompile: aClass
- aClass methodDictionary do: [:each |
- self install: each source forClass: aClass category: each category].
- self setupClass: aClass.
- aClass isMetaclass ifFalse: [self recompile: aClass class]
- Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
- Transcript show: each; cr.
- [self recompile: each] valueWithTimeout: 100]
-setupClass: aClass
- <smalltalk.init(aClass)>
-! !
-!Compiler class methodsFor: 'compiling'!
-recompile: aClass
- self new recompile: aClass
- Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
- self recompile: each]
-! !
-Object subclass: #DoIt
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
Object subclass: #Exporter
Object subclass: #Exporter
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!Exporter methodsFor: 'fileOut'!
+!Exporter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
"Export all packages in the system."
"Export all packages in the system."
@@ -207,7 +79,7 @@ exportPackage: packageName
self exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: stream]
self exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: stream]
! !
! !
-!Exporter methodsFor: 'private'!
+!Exporter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
classNameFor: aClass
classNameFor: aClass
^aClass isMetaclass
^aClass isMetaclass
@@ -301,9 +173,9 @@ exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: aStream
Exporter subclass: #ChunkExporter
Exporter subclass: #ChunkExporter
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!ChunkExporter methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
+!ChunkExporter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
chunkEscape: aString
chunkEscape: aString
"Replace all occurrences of !! with !!!! and trim at both ends."
"Replace all occurrences of !! with !!!! and trim at both ends."
@@ -415,9 +287,9 @@ exportPackageExtensionsOf: package on: aStream
Exporter subclass: #StrippedExporter
Exporter subclass: #StrippedExporter
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!StrippedExporter methodsFor: 'private'!
+!StrippedExporter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
exportDefinitionOf: aClass on: aStream
@@ -449,9 +321,9 @@ exportMethod: aMethod of: aClass on: aStream
Object subclass: #Importer
Object subclass: #Importer
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!Importer methodsFor: 'fileIn'!
+!Importer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
import: aStream
import: aStream
| chunk result parser lastEmpty |
| chunk result parser lastEmpty |
@@ -469,154 +341,158 @@ import: aStream
result scanFrom: parser]]]
result scanFrom: parser]]]
! !
! !
-Object subclass: #Node
- instanceVariableNames: 'nodes'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!Node methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-addNode: aNode
- self nodes add: aNode
- ^nodes ifNil: [nodes := Array new]
-! !
-!Node methodsFor: 'building'!
+Object subclass: #PackageLoader
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
-nodes: aCollection
- nodes := aCollection
-! !
+!PackageLoader methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!Node methodsFor: 'testing'!
+initializePackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString
- ^false
+ (Package named: packageName)
+ setupClasses;
+ commitPathJs: '/', aString, '/js';
+ commitPathSt: '/', aString, '/st'
- ^false
+loadPackage: packageName prefix: aString
+ | url |
+ url := '/', aString, '/js/', packageName, '.js'.
+ jQuery
+ ajax: url
+ options: #{
+ 'type' -> 'GET'.
+ 'dataType' -> 'script'.
+ 'complete' -> [ :jqXHR :textStatus |
+ jqXHR readyState = 4
+ ifTrue: [ self initializePackageNamed: packageName prefix: aString ] ].
+ 'error' -> [ window alert: 'Could not load package at: ', url ]
+ }
- ^false
+loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
+ aCollection do: [ :each |
+ self loadPackage: each prefix: aString ]
! !
! !
-!Node methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!PackageLoader class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitNode: self
+loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
+ ^ self new loadPackages: aCollection prefix: aString
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #AssignmentNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'left right'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
- ^left
-left: aNode
- left := aNode.
- left assigned: true
- ^right
+Error subclass: #CompilerError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!CompilerError commentStamp!
+I am the common superclass of all compiling errors.!
-right: aNode
- right := aNode
-! !
+CompilerError subclass: #ParseError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ParseError commentStamp!
+Instance of ParseError are signaled on any parsing error.
+See `Smalltalk >> #parse:`!
-!AssignmentNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+CompilerError subclass: #SemanticError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!SemanticError commentStamp!
+I represent an abstract semantic error thrown by the SemanticAnalyzer.
+Semantic errors can be unknown variable errors, etc.
+See my subclasses for concrete errors.
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitAssignmentNode: self
-! !
+The IDE should catch instances of Semantic error to deal with them when compiling!
-Node subclass: #BlockNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'parameters inlined'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+SemanticError subclass: #InliningError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!InliningError commentStamp!
+Instances of InliningError are signaled when using an `InliningCodeGenerator`in a `Compiler`.!
-!BlockNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+SemanticError subclass: #InvalidAssignmentError
+ instanceVariableNames: 'variableName'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!InvalidAssignmentError commentStamp!
+I get signaled when a pseudo variable gets assigned.!
- ^inlined ifNil: [false]
+!InvalidAssignmentError methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-inlined: aBoolean
- inlined := aBoolean
+ ^ ' Invalid assignment to variable: ', self variableName
- ^parameters ifNil: [parameters := Array new]
+ ^ variableName
-parameters: aCollection
- parameters := aCollection
+variableName: aString
+ variableName := aString
! !
! !
-!BlockNode methodsFor: 'testing'!
+SemanticError subclass: #ShadowingVariableError
+ instanceVariableNames: 'variableName'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ShadowingVariableError commentStamp!
+I get signaled when a variable in a block or method scope shadows a variable of the same name in an outer scope.!
- ^true
-! !
+!ShadowingVariableError methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ 'Variable shadowing error: ', self variableName, ' is already defined'
-!BlockNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+ ^ variableName
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitBlockNode: self
+variableName: aString
+ variableName := aString
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #CascadeNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'receiver'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+SemanticError subclass: #UnknownVariableError
+ instanceVariableNames: 'variableName'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!UnknownVariableError commentStamp!
+I get signaled when a variable is not defined.
+The default behavior is to allow it, as this is how Amber currently is able to seamlessly send messages to JavaScript objects.!
-!CascadeNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!UnknownVariableError methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^receiver
+ ^ variableName
-receiver: aNode
- receiver := aNode
-! !
-!CascadeNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitCascadeNode: self
+variableName: aString
+ variableName := aString
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #DynamicArrayNode
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!DynamicArrayNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+Object subclass: #Compiler
+ instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source unknownVariables codeGeneratorClass'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!Compiler commentStamp!
+I provide the public interface for compiling Amber source code into JavaScript.
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitDynamicArrayNode: self
-! !
+The code generator used to produce JavaScript can be plugged with `#codeGeneratorClass`.
+The default code generator is an instance of `InlinedCodeGenerator`!
-Node subclass: #DynamicDictionaryNode
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+!Compiler methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!DynamicDictionaryNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+ ^codeGeneratorClass ifNil: [InliningCodeGenerator]
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitDynamicDictionaryNode: self
-! !
+codeGeneratorClass: aClass
+ codeGeneratorClass := aClass
-Node subclass: #JSStatementNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'source'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ ^currentClass
-!JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+currentClass: aClass
+ currentClass := aClass
^source ifNil: ['']
^source ifNil: ['']
@@ -624,1590 +500,3345 @@ source
source: aString
source: aString
source := aString
source := aString
-! !
-!JSStatementNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+ ^unknownVariables
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitJSStatementNode: self
+unknownVariables: aCollection
+ unknownVariables := aCollection
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #MethodNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments source'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!MethodNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!Compiler methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^arguments ifNil: [#()]
+compile: aString
+ ^self compileNode: (self parse: aString)
-arguments: aCollection
- arguments := aCollection
+compile: aString forClass: aClass
+ self currentClass: aClass.
+ self source: aString.
+ ^self compile: aString
- ^selector
+compileExpression: aString
+ self currentClass: DoIt.
+ self source: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'.
+ ^self compileNode: (self parse: self source)
-selector: aString
- selector := aString
+compileNode: aNode
+ | generator result |
+ generator := self codeGeneratorClass new.
+ generator
+ source: self source;
+ currentClass: self currentClass.
+ result := generator compileNode: aNode.
+ self unknownVariables: #().
+ ^result
- ^source
+eval: aString
+ <return eval(aString)>
-source: aString
- source := aString
-! !
+evaluateExpression: aString
+ "Unlike #eval: evaluate a Smalltalk expression and answer the returned object"
+ | result |
+ DoIt addCompiledMethod: (self eval: (self compileExpression: aString)).
+ result := DoIt new doIt.
+ DoIt removeCompiledMethod: (DoIt methodDictionary at: 'doIt').
+ ^result
+install: aString forClass: aBehavior category: anotherString
+ | compiled |
+ compiled := self eval: (self compile: aString forClass: aBehavior).
+ compiled category: anotherString.
+ aBehavior addCompiledMethod: compiled.
+ self setupClass: aBehavior.
+ ^compiled
+parse: aString
+ ^Smalltalk current parse: aString
+parseExpression: aString
+ ^self parse: 'doIt ^[', aString, '] value'
+recompile: aClass
+ aClass methodDictionary do: [:each |
+ console log: aClass name, ' >> ', each selector.
+ self install: each source forClass: aClass category: each category].
+ self setupClass: aClass.
+ aClass isMetaclass ifFalse: [self recompile: aClass class]
+ Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
+ Transcript show: each; cr.
+ [self recompile: each] valueWithTimeout: 100]
+setupClass: aClass
+ <smalltalk.init(aClass)>
+! !
+!Compiler class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+recompile: aClass
+ self new recompile: aClass
+ Smalltalk current classes do: [:each |
+ self recompile: each]
+! !
+Object subclass: #DoIt
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!DoIt commentStamp!
+`DoIt` is the class used to compile and evaluate expressions. See `Compiler >> evaluateExpression:`.!
+Object subclass: #NodeVisitor
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!NodeVisitor commentStamp!
+I am the abstract super class of all AST node visitors.!
+!NodeVisitor methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+visit: aNode
+ ^ aNode accept: self
+visitAll: aCollection
+ ^ aCollection do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
+visitAssignmentNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitBlockNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitSequenceNode: aNode
+visitCascadeNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitVariableNode: aNode
+visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitJSStatementNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitMethodNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitAll: aNode nodes
+visitReturnNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitSendNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitSequenceNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitValueNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+visitVariableNode: aNode
+ ^ self visitNode: aNode
+! !
+NodeVisitor subclass: #AbstractCodeGenerator
+ instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!AbstractCodeGenerator commentStamp!
+I am the abstract super class of all code generators and provide their common API.!
+!AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+classNameFor: aClass
+ ^aClass isMetaclass
+ ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, '.klass']
+ ifFalse: [
+ aClass isNil
+ ifTrue: ['nil']
+ ifFalse: [aClass name]]
+ ^currentClass
+currentClass: aClass
+ currentClass := aClass
+ ^#('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil' 'thisContext')
+safeVariableNameFor: aString
+ ^(Smalltalk current reservedWords includes: aString)
+ ifTrue: [aString, '_']
+ ifFalse: [aString]
+ ^source ifNil: ['']
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+! !
+!AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+compileNode: aNode
+ self subclassResponsibility
+! !
+AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #CodeGenerator
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!CodeGenerator commentStamp!
+I am a basic code generator. I generate a valid JavaScript output, but no not perform any inlining.
+See `InliningCodeGenerator` for an optimized JavaScript code generation.!
+!CodeGenerator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+compileNode: aNode
+ | ir stream |
+ self semanticAnalyzer visit: aNode.
+ ir := self translator visit: aNode.
+ ^ self irTranslator
+ visit: ir;
+ contents
+ ^ IRJSTranslator new
+ ^ SemanticAnalyzer on: self currentClass
+ ^ IRASTTranslator new
+ source: self source;
+ theClass: self currentClass;
+ yourself
+! !
+Object subclass: #Node
+ instanceVariableNames: 'position nodes shouldBeInlined shouldBeAliased'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!Node commentStamp!
+I am the abstract root class of the abstract syntax tree.
+position: holds a point containing lline- and column number of the symbol location in the original source file!
+!Node methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+addNode: aNode
+ self nodes add: aNode
+ ^nodes ifNil: [nodes := Array new]
+ ^position ifNil: [position := 0@0]
+ ^ shouldBeAliased ifNil: [ false ]
+shouldBeAliased: aBoolean
+ shouldBeAliased := aBoolean
+ ^ shouldBeInlined ifNil: [ false ]
+shouldBeInlined: aBoolean
+ shouldBeInlined := aBoolean
+! !
+!Node methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+nodes: aCollection
+ nodes := aCollection
+position: aPosition
+ position := aPosition
+! !
+!Node methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ false
+ ^false
+ ^false
+ ^false
+ ^false
+ ^false
+ ^false
+ ^(self shouldBeAliased or: [ self shouldBeInlined ]) or: [
+ (self nodes detect: [ :each | each subtreeNeedsAliasing ] ifNone: [ false ]) ~= false ]
+! !
+!Node methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #AssignmentNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'left right'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!AssignmentNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^left
+left: aNode
+ left := aNode
+ ^ Array with: self left with: self right
+ ^right
+right: aNode
+ right := aNode
+! !
+!AssignmentNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!AssignmentNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitAssignmentNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #BlockNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'parameters scope'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!BlockNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^parameters ifNil: [parameters := Array new]
+parameters: aCollection
+ parameters := aCollection
+ ^ scope
+scope: aLexicalScope
+ scope := aLexicalScope
+! !
+!BlockNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^true
+! !
+!BlockNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitBlockNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #CascadeNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'receiver'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!CascadeNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^receiver
+receiver: aNode
+ receiver := aNode
+! !
+!CascadeNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitCascadeNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #DynamicArrayNode
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!DynamicArrayNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitDynamicArrayNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #DynamicDictionaryNode
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!DynamicDictionaryNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitDynamicDictionaryNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #JSStatementNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'source'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!JSStatementNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^source ifNil: ['']
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+! !
+!JSStatementNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitJSStatementNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #MethodNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments source scope classReferences messageSends superSends'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!MethodNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^arguments ifNil: [#()]
+arguments: aCollection
+ arguments := aCollection
+ ^ classReferences
+classReferences: aCollection
+ classReferences := aCollection
+ ^ messageSends
+messageSends: aCollection
+ messageSends := aCollection
+ ^ scope
+scope: aMethodScope
+ scope := aMethodScope
+ ^selector
+selector: aString
+ selector := aString
+ ^source
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+ ^ superSends
+superSends: aCollection
+ superSends := aCollection
+! !
+!MethodNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitMethodNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #ReturnNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'scope'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ReturnNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ scope
+scope: aLexicalScope
+ scope := aLexicalScope
+! !
+!ReturnNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+ ^ self scope isMethodScope not
+! !
+!ReturnNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitReturnNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #SendNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments receiver superSend index'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!SendNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^arguments ifNil: [arguments := #()]
+arguments: aCollection
+ arguments := aCollection
+cascadeNodeWithMessages: aCollection
+ | first |
+ first := SendNode new
+ selector: self selector;
+ arguments: self arguments;
+ yourself.
+ ^CascadeNode new
+ receiver: self receiver;
+ nodes: (Array with: first), aCollection;
+ yourself
+ ^ index
+index: anInteger
+ index := anInteger
+ ^ (Array withAll: self arguments)
+ add: self receiver;
+ yourself
+ ^receiver
+receiver: aNode
+ receiver := aNode
+ ^selector
+selector: aString
+ selector := aString
+ ^ superSend ifNil: [ false ]
+superSend: aBoolean
+ superSend := aBoolean
+valueForReceiver: anObject
+ ^SendNode new
+ receiver: (self receiver
+ ifNil: [anObject]
+ ifNotNil: [self receiver valueForReceiver: anObject]);
+ selector: self selector;
+ arguments: self arguments;
+ yourself
+! !
+!SendNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!SendNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitSendNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #SequenceNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'temps scope'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!SequenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ scope
+scope: aLexicalScope
+ scope := aLexicalScope
+ ^temps ifNil: [#()]
+temps: aCollection
+ temps := aCollection
+! !
+!SequenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^BlockSequenceNode new
+ nodes: self nodes;
+ temps: self temps;
+ yourself
+! !
+!SequenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitSequenceNode: self
+! !
+SequenceNode subclass: #BlockSequenceNode
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^true
+! !
+!BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitBlockSequenceNode: self
+! !
+Node subclass: #ValueNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'value'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ValueNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^value
+value: anObject
+ value := anObject
+! !
+!ValueNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^true
+ ^true
+! !
+!ValueNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitValueNode: self
+! !
+ValueNode subclass: #VariableNode
+ instanceVariableNames: 'assigned binding'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!VariableNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self binding alias
+ ^assigned ifNil: [false]
+assigned: aBoolean
+ assigned := aBoolean
+ self binding validateAssignment.
+ assigned := true
+ ^ binding
+binding: aScopeVar
+ binding := aScopeVar
+! !
+!VariableNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^false
+! !
+!VariableNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitVariableNode: self
+! !
+VariableNode subclass: #ClassReferenceNode
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ClassReferenceNode methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitClassReferenceNode: self
+! !
+Object subclass: #LexicalScope
+ instanceVariableNames: 'node instruction temps args outerScope'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!LexicalScope commentStamp!
+I represent a lexical scope where variable names are associated with ScopeVars
+Instances are used for block scopes. Method scopes are instances of MethodLexicalScope.
+I am attached to a ScopeVar and method/block nodes.
+Each context (method/closure) get a fresh scope that inherits from its outer scope.!
+!LexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ '$ctx', self scopeLevel asString
+ ^ self args keys, self temps keys
+ ^ args ifNil: [ args := Dictionary new ]
+bindingFor: aStringOrNode
+ ^ self pseudoVars at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [
+ self args at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [
+ self temps at: aStringOrNode value ifAbsent: [ nil ]]]
+ ^ instruction
+instruction: anIRInstruction
+ instruction := anIRInstruction
+lookupVariable: aNode
+ | lookup |
+ lookup := (self bindingFor: aNode).
+ lookup ifNil: [
+ lookup := self outerScope ifNotNil: [
+ (self outerScope lookupVariable: aNode) ]].
+ ^ lookup
+ ^ self outerScope ifNotNil: [
+ self outerScope methodScope ]
+ "Answer the node in which I am defined"
+ ^ node
+node: aNode
+ node := aNode
+ ^ outerScope
+outerScope: aLexicalScope
+ outerScope := aLexicalScope
+ ^ self methodScope pseudoVars
+ self outerScope ifNil: [ ^ 1 ].
+ self isInlined ifTrue: [ ^ self outerScope scopeLevel ].
+ ^ self outerScope scopeLevel + 1
+ ^ temps ifNil: [ temps := Dictionary new ]
+! !
+!LexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+addArg: aString
+ self args at: aString put: (ArgVar on: aString).
+ (self args at: aString) scope: self
+addTemp: aString
+ self temps at: aString put: (TempVar on: aString).
+ (self temps at: aString) scope: self
+! !
+!LexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self isInlined and: [ self outerScope canInlineNonLocalReturns ]
+ ^ self isMethodScope not
+ ^ self instruction notNil and: [
+ self instruction isInlined ]
+ ^ false
+! !
+LexicalScope subclass: #MethodLexicalScope
+ instanceVariableNames: 'iVars pseudoVars unknownVariables localReturn nonLocalReturns'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!MethodLexicalScope commentStamp!
+I represent a method scope.!
+!MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ super allVariableNames, self iVars keys
+bindingFor: aNode
+ ^ (super bindingFor: aNode) ifNil: [
+ self iVars at: aNode value ifAbsent: [ nil ]]
+ ^ iVars ifNil: [ iVars := Dictionary new ]
+ ^ localReturn ifNil: [ false ]
+localReturn: aBoolean
+ localReturn := aBoolean
+ ^ self
+ ^ nonLocalReturns ifNil: [ nonLocalReturns := OrderedCollection new ]
+ pseudoVars ifNil: [
+ pseudoVars := Dictionary new.
+ Smalltalk current pseudoVariableNames do: [ :each |
+ pseudoVars at: each put: ((PseudoVar on: each)
+ scope: self methodScope;
+ yourself) ]].
+ ^ pseudoVars
+ ^ unknownVariables ifNil: [ unknownVariables := OrderedCollection new ]
+! !
+!MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+addIVar: aString
+ self iVars at: aString put: (InstanceVar on: aString).
+ (self iVars at: aString) scope: self
+addNonLocalReturn: aScope
+ self nonLocalReturns add: aScope
+removeNonLocalReturn: aScope
+ self nonLocalReturns remove: aScope ifAbsent: []
+! !
+!MethodLexicalScope methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+ ^ self localReturn
+ ^ self nonLocalReturns notEmpty
+ ^ true
+! !
+Object subclass: #ScopeVar
+ instanceVariableNames: 'scope name'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ScopeVar commentStamp!
+I am an entry in a LexicalScope that gets associated with variable nodes of the same name.
+There are 4 different subclasses of vars: temp vars, local vars, args, and unknown/global vars.!
+!ScopeVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self name asVariableName
+ ^ name
+name: aString
+ name := aString
+ ^ scope
+scope: aScope
+ scope := aScope
+! !
+!ScopeVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ (self isArgVar or: [ self isPseudoVar ]) ifTrue: [
+ InvalidAssignmentError new
+ variableName: self name;
+ signal]
+! !
+!ScopeVar class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+on: aString
+ ^ self new
+ name: aString;
+ yourself
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #AliasVar
+ instanceVariableNames: 'node'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!AliasVar commentStamp!
+I am an internally defined variable by the compiler!
+!AliasVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ node
+node: aNode
+ node := aNode
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #ArgVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ArgVar commentStamp!
+I am an argument of a method or block.!
+!ArgVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #ClassRefVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!ClassRefVar commentStamp!
+I am an class reference variable!
+!ClassRefVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ '(smalltalk.', self name, ' || ', self name, ')'
+! !
+!ClassRefVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #InstanceVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!InstanceVar commentStamp!
+I am an instance variable of a method or block.!
+!InstanceVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ 'self["@', self name, '"]'
+ ^ true
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #PseudoVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!PseudoVar commentStamp!
+I am an pseudo variable.
+The five Smalltalk pseudo variables are: 'self', 'super', 'nil', 'true' and 'false'!
+!PseudoVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self name
+! !
+!PseudoVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #TempVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!TempVar commentStamp!
+I am an temporary variable of a method or block.!
+!TempVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self scope alias, '.locals.', super alias
+! !
+!TempVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+ScopeVar subclass: #UnknownVar
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!UnknownVar commentStamp!
+I am an unknown variable. Amber uses unknown variables as JavaScript globals!
+!UnknownVar methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+NodeVisitor subclass: #SemanticAnalyzer
+ instanceVariableNames: 'currentScope theClass classReferences messageSends superSends'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!SemanticAnalyzer commentStamp!
+I semantically analyze the abstract syntax tree and annotate it with informations such as non local returns and variable scopes.!
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ classReferences ifNil: [ classReferences := Set new ]
+ ^ messageSends ifNil: [ messageSends := Dictionary new ]
+ ^ superSends ifNil: [ superSends := Dictionary new ]
+ ^ theClass
+theClass: aClass
+ theClass := aClass
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+errorShadowingVariable: aString
+ ShadowingVariableError new
+ variableName: aString;
+ signal
+errorUnknownVariable: aNode
+ "Throw an error if the variable is undeclared in the global JS scope (i.e. window)"
+ | identifier |
+ identifier := aNode value.
+ ((#('jQuery' 'window' 'process' 'global') includes: identifier) not and: [ self isVariableGloballyUndefined: identifier ]) ifTrue: [
+ UnknownVariableError new
+ variableName: aNode value;
+ signal ]
+ ifFalse: [
+ currentScope methodScope unknownVariables add: aNode value. ]
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ self newScopeOfClass: LexicalScope
+ ^ self newScopeOfClass: MethodLexicalScope
+newScopeOfClass: aLexicalScopeClass
+ ^ aLexicalScopeClass new
+ outerScope: currentScope;
+ yourself
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ currentScope ifNotNil: [
+ currentScope := currentScope outerScope ]
+pushScope: aScope
+ aScope outerScope: currentScope.
+ currentScope := aScope
+validateVariableScope: aString
+ "Validate the variable scope in by doing a recursive lookup, up to the method scope"
+ (currentScope lookupVariable: aString) ifNotNil: [
+ self errorShadowingVariable: aString ]
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+isVariableGloballyUndefined: aString
+ <return eval('typeof ' + aString + ' == "undefined"')>
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+visitAssignmentNode: aNode
+ super visitAssignmentNode: aNode.
+ aNode left beAssigned
+visitBlockNode: aNode
+ self pushScope: self newBlockScope.
+ aNode scope: currentScope.
+ currentScope node: aNode.
+ aNode parameters do: [ :each |
+ self validateVariableScope: each.
+ currentScope addArg: each ].
+ super visitBlockNode: aNode.
+ self popScope
+visitCascadeNode: aNode
+ "Populate the receiver into all children"
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each |
+ each receiver: aNode receiver ].
+ super visitCascadeNode: aNode.
+ aNode nodes first superSend ifTrue: [
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each | each superSend: true ]]
+visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
+ self classReferences add: aNode value.
+ aNode binding: (ClassRefVar new name: aNode value; yourself)
+visitMethodNode: aNode
+ self pushScope: self newMethodScope.
+ aNode scope: currentScope.
+ currentScope node: aNode.
+ self theClass allInstanceVariableNames do: [:each |
+ currentScope addIVar: each ].
+ aNode arguments do: [ :each |
+ self validateVariableScope: each.
+ currentScope addArg: each ].
+ super visitMethodNode: aNode.
+ aNode
+ classReferences: self classReferences;
+ messageSends: self messageSends keys;
+ superSends: self superSends keys.
+ self popScope
+visitReturnNode: aNode
+ aNode scope: currentScope.
+ currentScope isMethodScope
+ ifTrue: [ currentScope localReturn: true ]
+ ifFalse: [ currentScope methodScope addNonLocalReturn: currentScope ].
+ super visitReturnNode: aNode
+visitSendNode: aNode
+ aNode receiver value = 'super'
+ ifTrue: [
+ aNode superSend: true.
+ aNode receiver value: 'self'.
+ self superSends at: aNode selector ifAbsentPut: [ Set new ].
+ (self superSends at: aNode selector) add: aNode ]
+ ifFalse: [ (IRSendInliner inlinedSelectors includes: aNode selector) ifTrue: [
+ aNode shouldBeInlined: true.
+ aNode receiver shouldBeAliased: true ] ].
+ self messageSends at: aNode selector ifAbsentPut: [ Set new ].
+ (self messageSends at: aNode selector) add: aNode.
+ aNode index: (self messageSends at: aNode selector) size.
+ super visitSendNode: aNode
+visitSequenceNode: aNode
+ aNode temps do: [ :each |
+ self validateVariableScope: each.
+ currentScope addTemp: each ].
+ super visitSequenceNode: aNode
+visitVariableNode: aNode
+ "Bind a ScopeVar to aNode by doing a lookup in the current scope.
+ If no ScopeVar is found, bind a UnknowVar and throw an error"
+ aNode binding: ((currentScope lookupVariable: aNode) ifNil: [
+ self errorUnknownVariable: aNode.
+ UnknownVar new name: aNode value; yourself ])
+! !
+!SemanticAnalyzer class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+on: aClass
+ ^ self new
+ theClass: aClass;
+ yourself
+! !
+NodeVisitor subclass: #IRASTTranslator
+ instanceVariableNames: 'source theClass method sequence nextAlias'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRASTTranslator commentStamp!
+I am the AST (abstract syntax tree) visitor responsible for building the intermediate representation graph.
+I rely on a builder object, instance of IRBuilder.!
+!IRASTTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ method
+method: anIRMethod
+ method := anIRMethod
+ nextAlias ifNil: [ nextAlias := 0 ].
+ nextAlias := nextAlias + 1.
+ ^ nextAlias asString
+ ^ sequence
+sequence: anIRSequence
+ sequence := anIRSequence
+ ^ source
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+ ^ theClass
+theClass: aClass
+ theClass := aClass
+withSequence: aSequence do: aBlock
+ | outerSequence |
+ outerSequence := self sequence.
+ self sequence: aSequence.
+ aBlock value.
+ self sequence: outerSequence.
+ ^ aSequence
+! !
+!IRASTTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+alias: aNode
+ | variable |
+ aNode isImmutable ifTrue: [ ^ self visit: aNode ].
+ variable := IRVariable new
+ variable: (AliasVar new name: '$', self nextAlias);
+ yourself.
+ self sequence add: (IRAssignment new
+ add: variable;
+ add: (self visit: aNode);
+ yourself).
+ self method internalVariables add: variable.
+ ^ variable
+aliasTemporally: aCollection
+ "https://github.com/NicolasPetton/amber/issues/296
+ If a node is aliased, all preceding ones are aliased as well.
+ The tree is iterated twice. First we get the aliasing dependency,
+ then the aliasing itself is done"
+ | threshold result |
+ threshold := 0.
+ aCollection withIndexDo: [ :each :i |
+ each subtreeNeedsAliasing
+ ifTrue: [ threshold := i ]].
+ result := OrderedCollection new.
+ aCollection withIndexDo: [ :each :i |
+ result add: (i <= threshold
+ ifTrue: [ self alias: each ]
+ ifFalse: [ self visit: each ])].
+ ^result
+visitAssignmentNode: aNode
+ | left right assignment |
+ right := self visit: aNode right.
+ left := self visit: aNode left.
+ self sequence add: (IRAssignment new
+ add: left;
+ add: right;
+ yourself).
+ ^ left
+visitBlockNode: aNode
+ | closure |
+ closure := IRClosure new
+ arguments: aNode parameters;
+ scope: aNode scope;
+ yourself.
+ aNode scope temps do: [ :each |
+ closure add: (IRTempDeclaration new
+ name: each name;
+ scope: aNode scope;
+ yourself) ].
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each | closure add: (self visit: each) ].
+ ^ closure
+visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
+ ^ self
+ withSequence: IRBlockSequence new
+ do: [
+ aNode nodes ifNotEmpty: [
+ aNode nodes allButLast do: [ :each |
+ self sequence add: (self visit: each) ].
+ aNode nodes last isReturnNode
+ ifFalse: [ self sequence add: (IRBlockReturn new add: (self visit: aNode nodes last); yourself) ]
+ ifTrue: [ self sequence add: (self visit: aNode nodes last) ]]]
+visitCascadeNode: aNode
+ | alias |
+ aNode receiver isImmutable ifFalse: [
+ alias := self alias: aNode receiver.
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each |
+ each receiver: (VariableNode new binding: alias variable) ]].
+ aNode nodes allButLast do: [ :each |
+ self sequence add: (self visit: each) ].
+ ^ self alias: aNode nodes last
+visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
+ | array |
+ array := IRDynamicArray new.
+ (self aliasTemporally: aNode nodes) do: [:each | array add: each].
+ ^ array
+visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
+ | dictionary |
+ dictionary := IRDynamicDictionary new.
+ (self aliasTemporally: aNode nodes) do: [:each | dictionary add: each].
+ ^ dictionary
+visitJSStatementNode: aNode
+ ^ IRVerbatim new
+ source: aNode source;
+ yourself
+visitMethodNode: aNode
+ self method: (IRMethod new
+ source: self source;
+ theClass: self theClass;
+ arguments: aNode arguments;
+ selector: aNode selector;
+ messageSends: aNode messageSends;
+ superSends: aNode superSends;
+ classReferences: aNode classReferences;
+ scope: aNode scope;
+ yourself).
+ aNode scope temps do: [ :each |
+ self method add: (IRTempDeclaration new
+ name: each name;
+ scope: aNode scope;
+ yourself) ].
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each | self method add: (self visit: each) ].
+ aNode scope hasLocalReturn ifFalse: [
+ (self method add: IRReturn new) add: (IRVariable new
+ variable: (aNode scope pseudoVars at: 'self');
+ yourself) ].
+ ^ self method
+visitReturnNode: aNode
+ | return |
+ return := aNode nonLocalReturn
+ ifTrue: [ IRNonLocalReturn new ]
+ ifFalse: [ IRReturn new ].
+ return scope: aNode scope.
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each |
+ return add: (self alias: each) ].
+ ^ return
+visitSendNode: aNode
+ | send all receiver arguments |
+ send := IRSend new.
+ send
+ selector: aNode selector;
+ index: aNode index.
+ aNode superSend ifTrue: [ send classSend: self theClass superclass ].
+ all := self aliasTemporally: { aNode receiver }, aNode arguments.
+ receiver := all first.
+ arguments := all allButFirst.
+ send add: receiver.
+ arguments do: [ :each | send add: each ].
+ ^ send
+visitSequenceNode: aNode
+ ^ self
+ withSequence: IRSequence new
+ do: [
+ aNode nodes do: [ :each | | instruction |
+ instruction := self visit: each.
+ instruction isVariable ifFalse: [
+ self sequence add: instruction ]]]
+visitValueNode: aNode
+ ^ IRValue new
+ value: aNode value;
+ yourself
+visitVariableNode: aNode
+ ^ IRVariable new
+ variable: aNode binding;
+ yourself
+! !
+Object subclass: #IRInstruction
+ instanceVariableNames: 'parent instructions'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInstruction commentStamp!
+I am the abstract root class of the IR (intermediate representation) instructions class hierarchy.
+The IR graph is used to emit JavaScript code using a JSStream.!
+!IRInstruction methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ instructions ifNil: [ instructions := OrderedCollection new ]
+ ^ parent
+parent: anIRInstruction
+ parent := anIRInstruction
+! !
+!IRInstruction methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+add: anObject
+ anObject parent: self.
+ ^ self instructions add: anObject
+ self parent remove: self
+remove: anIRInstruction
+ self instructions remove: anIRInstruction
+replace: anIRInstruction with: anotherIRInstruction
+ anotherIRInstruction parent: self.
+ self instructions
+ at: (self instructions indexOf: anIRInstruction)
+ put: anotherIRInstruction
+replaceWith: anIRInstruction
+ self parent replace: self with: anIRInstruction
+! !
+!IRInstruction methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+! !
+!IRInstruction methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRInstruction: self
+! !
+!IRInstruction class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+on: aBuilder
+ ^ self new
+ builder: aBuilder;
+ yourself
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRAssignment
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRAssignment methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRAssignment: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRDynamicArray
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRDynamicArray methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRDynamicArray: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRDynamicDictionary
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRDynamicDictionary methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRDynamicDictionary: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRScopedInstruction
+ instanceVariableNames: 'scope'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRScopedInstruction methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ scope
+scope: aScope
+ scope := aScope
+! !
+IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRClosure
+ instanceVariableNames: 'arguments'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ arguments ifNil: [ #() ]
+arguments: aCollection
+ arguments := aCollection
+scope: aScope
+ super scope: aScope.
+ aScope instruction: self
+ ^ self instructions last
+! !
+!IRClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRClosure: self
+! !
+IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRMethod
+ instanceVariableNames: 'theClass source selector classReferences messageSends superSends arguments internalVariables'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRMethod commentStamp!
+I am a method instruction!
+!IRMethod methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ arguments
+arguments: aCollection
+ arguments := aCollection
+ ^ classReferences
+classReferences: aCollection
+ classReferences := aCollection
+ ^ internalVariables ifNil: [ internalVariables := Set new ]
+ ^ messageSends
+messageSends: aCollection
+ messageSends := aCollection
+scope: aScope
+ super scope: aScope.
+ aScope instruction: self
+ ^ selector
+selector: aString
+ selector := aString
+ ^ source
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+ ^ superSends
+superSends: aCollection
+ superSends := aCollection
+ ^ theClass
+theClass: aClass
+ theClass := aClass
+! !
+!IRMethod methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRMethod: self
+! !
+IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRReturn
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRReturn commentStamp!
+I am a local return instruction.!
+!IRReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ false
+ ^ false
+ ^ true
+ ^ self isLocalReturn not
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRReturn: self
+! !
+IRReturn subclass: #IRBlockReturn
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRBlockReturn commentStamp!
+Smalltalk blocks return their last statement. I am a implicit block return instruction.!
+!IRBlockReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRBlockReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRBlockReturn: self
+! !
+IRReturn subclass: #IRNonLocalReturn
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRNonLocalReturn commentStamp!
+I am a non local return instruction.
+Non local returns are handled using a try/catch JS statement.
+See IRNonLocalReturnHandling class!
+!IRNonLocalReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ false
+! !
+!IRNonLocalReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRNonLocalReturn: self
+! !
+IRScopedInstruction subclass: #IRTempDeclaration
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRTempDeclaration methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ name
+name: aString
+ name := aString
+! !
+!IRTempDeclaration methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRTempDeclaration: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRSend
+ instanceVariableNames: 'selector classSend index'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRSend commentStamp!
+I am a message send instruction.!
+!IRSend methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ classSend
+classSend: aClass
+ classSend := aClass
+ ^ index
+index: anInteger
+ index := anInteger
+ ^ self classSend
+ ifNil: [ self selector asSelector ]
+ ifNotNil: [ self selector asSuperSelector ]
+ ^ selector
+selector: aString
+ selector := aString
+! !
+!IRSend methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRSend methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!MethodNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRSend: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRSequence
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRSequence methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRSequence methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitMethodNode: self
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRSequence: self
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #ReturnNode
+IRSequence subclass: #IRBlockSequence
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!ReturnNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!IRBlockSequence methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitReturnNode: self
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRBlockSequence: self
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #SendNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'selector arguments receiver'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRValue
+ instanceVariableNames: 'value'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRValue commentStamp!
+I am the simplest possible instruction. I represent a value.!
-!SendNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!IRValue methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^arguments ifNil: [arguments := #()]
+ ^value
-arguments: aCollection
- arguments := aCollection
+value: aString
+ value := aString
+! !
+!IRValue methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRValue: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRVariable
+ instanceVariableNames: 'variable'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRVariable commentStamp!
+I am a variable instruction.!
+!IRVariable methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ variable
-cascadeNodeWithMessages: aCollection
- | first |
- first := SendNode new
- selector: self selector;
- arguments: self arguments;
- yourself.
- ^CascadeNode new
- receiver: self receiver;
- nodes: (Array with: first), aCollection;
- yourself
+variable: aScopeVariable
+ variable := aScopeVariable
+! !
+!IRVariable methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRVariable methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRVariable: self
+! !
+IRInstruction subclass: #IRVerbatim
+ instanceVariableNames: 'source'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRVerbatim methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ source
- ^receiver
+source: aString
+ source := aString
+! !
+!IRVerbatim methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRVerbatim: self
+! !
+Object subclass: #IRVisitor
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRVisitor methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+visit: anIRInstruction
+ ^ anIRInstruction accept: self
-receiver: aNode
- receiver := aNode
+visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRAssignment
- ^selector
+visitIRBlockReturn: anIRBlockReturn
+ ^ self visitIRReturn: anIRBlockReturn
-selector: aString
- selector := aString
+visitIRBlockSequence: anIRBlockSequence
+ ^ self visitIRSequence: anIRBlockSequence
-valueForReceiver: anObject
- ^SendNode new
- receiver: (self receiver
- ifNil: [anObject]
- ifNotNil: [self receiver valueForReceiver: anObject]);
- selector: self selector;
- arguments: self arguments;
- yourself
+visitIRClosure: anIRClosure
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRClosure
+visitIRDynamicArray: anIRDynamicArray
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRDynamicArray
+visitIRDynamicDictionary: anIRDynamicDictionary
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRDynamicDictionary
+visitIRInlinedClosure: anIRInlinedClosure
+ ^ self visitIRClosure: anIRInlinedClosure
+visitIRInlinedSequence: anIRInlinedSequence
+ ^ self visitIRSequence: anIRInlinedSequence
+visitIRInstruction: anIRInstruction
+ anIRInstruction instructions do: [ :each | self visit: each ].
+ ^ anIRInstruction
+visitIRMethod: anIRMethod
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRMethod
+visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRNonLocalReturn
+visitIRNonLocalReturnHandling: anIRNonLocalReturnHandling
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRNonLocalReturnHandling
+visitIRReturn: anIRReturn
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRReturn
+visitIRSend: anIRSend
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRSend
+visitIRSequence: anIRSequence
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRSequence
+visitIRTempDeclaration: anIRTempDeclaration
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRTempDeclaration
+visitIRValue: anIRValue
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRValue
+visitIRVariable: anIRVariable
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRVariable
+visitIRVerbatim: anIRVerbatim
+ ^ self visitIRInstruction: anIRVerbatim
! !
! !
-!SendNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+IRVisitor subclass: #IRJSTranslator
+ instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRJSTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitSendNode: self
+ ^ self stream contents
+ ^ stream
+stream: aStream
+ stream := aStream
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #SequenceNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'temps'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+!IRJSTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!SequenceNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ super initialize.
+ stream := JSStream new.
+! !
- ^temps ifNil: [#()]
+!IRJSTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment
+ self visit: anIRAssignment instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAssignment.
+ self visit: anIRAssignment instructions last.
-temps: aCollection
- temps := aCollection
+visitIRClosure: anIRClosure
+ self stream
+ nextPutClosureWith: [
+ self stream
+ nextPutBlockContextFor: anIRClosure
+ during: [ super visitIRClosure: anIRClosure ] ]
+ arguments: anIRClosure arguments
+visitIRDynamicArray: anIRDynamicArray
+ self stream nextPutAll: '['.
+ anIRDynamicArray instructions
+ do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
+ separatedBy: [ self stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ stream nextPutAll: ']'
+visitIRDynamicDictionary: anIRDynamicDictionary
+ self stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.HashedCollection._fromPairs_(['.
+ anIRDynamicDictionary instructions
+ do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
+ separatedBy: [self stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ self stream nextPutAll: '])'
+visitIRMethod: anIRMethod
+ self stream
+ nextPutMethodDeclaration: anIRMethod
+ with: [ self stream
+ nextPutFunctionWith: [
+ self stream nextPutContextFor: anIRMethod during: [
+ anIRMethod internalVariables notEmpty ifTrue: [
+ self stream nextPutVars: (anIRMethod internalVariables asArray collect: [ :each |
+ each variable alias ]) ].
+ anIRMethod scope hasNonLocalReturn
+ ifTrue: [
+ self stream nextPutNonLocalReturnHandlingWith: [
+ super visitIRMethod: anIRMethod ]]
+ ifFalse: [ super visitIRMethod: anIRMethod ]]]
+ arguments: anIRMethod arguments ]
+visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn
+ self stream nextPutNonLocalReturnWith: [
+ super visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn ]
+visitIRReturn: anIRReturn
+ self stream nextPutReturnWith: [
+ super visitIRReturn: anIRReturn ]
+visitIRSend: anIRSend
+ anIRSend classSend
+ ifNil: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: '_st('.
+ self visit: anIRSend instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ').', anIRSend selector asSelector, '('.
+ anIRSend instructions allButFirst
+ do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
+ separatedBy: [ self stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ self stream nextPutAll: ')' ]
+ ifNotNil: [
+ self stream
+ nextPutAll: anIRSend classSend asJavascript, '.fn.prototype.';
+ nextPutAll: anIRSend selector asSelector, '.apply(';
+ nextPutAll: '_st('.
+ self visit: anIRSend instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: '), ['.
+ anIRSend instructions allButFirst
+ do: [ :each | self visit: each ]
+ separatedBy: [ self stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ self stream nextPutAll: '])' ]
+visitIRSequence: anIRSequence
+ self stream nextPutSequenceWith: [
+ anIRSequence instructions do: [ :each |
+ self stream nextPutStatementWith: (self visit: each) ]]
+visitIRTempDeclaration: anIRTempDeclaration
+ self stream
+ nextPutAll: anIRTempDeclaration scope alias, '.locals.', anIRTempDeclaration name, '=nil;';
+ lf
+visitIRValue: anIRValue
+ self stream nextPutAll: anIRValue value asJavascript
+visitIRVariable: anIRVariable
+ anIRVariable variable name = 'thisContext'
+ ifTrue: [ self stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.getThisContext()' ]
+ ifFalse: [ self stream nextPutAll: anIRVariable variable alias ]
+visitIRVerbatim: anIRVerbatim
+ self stream nextPutStatementWith: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: anIRVerbatim source ]
! !
! !
-!SequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'!
+Object subclass: #JSStream
+ instanceVariableNames: 'stream'
+ package:'Compiler'!
- ^BlockSequenceNode new
- nodes: self nodes;
- temps: self temps;
- yourself
+!JSStream methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ stream contents
+! !
+!JSStream methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ super initialize.
+ stream := '' writeStream.
+! !
+!JSStream methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ stream lf
+nextPut: aString
+ stream nextPut: aString
+nextPutAll: aString
+ stream nextPutAll: aString
+ stream nextPutAll: '='
+nextPutBlockContextFor: anIRClosure during: aBlock
+ self
+ nextPutAll: 'return smalltalk.withContext(function(', anIRClosure scope alias, ') { ';
+ nextPutAll: String cr.
+ aBlock value.
+ self nextPutAll: '})'
+nextPutClosureWith: aBlock arguments: anArray
+ stream nextPutAll: '(function('.
+ anArray
+ do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each asVariableName ]
+ separatedBy: [ stream nextPut: ',' ].
+ stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '})'
+nextPutContextFor: aMethod during: aBlock
+ self
+ nextPutAll: 'return smalltalk.withContext(function(', aMethod scope alias, ') { ';
+ nextPutAll: String cr.
+ aBlock value.
+ self
+ nextPutAll: '}, self, ';
+ nextPutAll: aMethod selector asJavascript, ', ['.
+ aMethod arguments
+ do: [ :each | self nextPutAll: each asVariableName ]
+ separatedBy: [ self nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ self nextPutAll: '], ';
+ nextPutAll: aMethod theClass asJavascript;
+ nextPutAll: ')'
+nextPutFunctionWith: aBlock arguments: anArray
+ stream nextPutAll: 'fn: function('.
+ anArray
+ do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each asVariableName ]
+ separatedBy: [ stream nextPut: ',' ].
+ stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf.
+ stream nextPutAll: 'var self=this;'; lf.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '}'
+nextPutIf: aBlock with: anotherBlock
+ stream nextPutAll: 'if('.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf.
+ anotherBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '}'
+nextPutIfElse: aBlock with: ifBlock with: elseBlock
+ stream nextPutAll: 'if('.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '){'; lf.
+ ifBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '} else {'; lf.
+ elseBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: '}'
+nextPutMethodDeclaration: aMethod with: aBlock
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({'; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'selector: "', aMethod selector, '",'; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'source: ', aMethod source asJavascript, ',';lf.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: ',', String lf, 'messageSends: ';
+ nextPutAll: aMethod messageSends asArray asJavascript, ','; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'args: ', (aMethod arguments collect: [ :each | each value ]) asArray asJavascript, ','; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ['.
+ aMethod classReferences
+ do: [:each | stream nextPutAll: each asJavascript]
+ separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: ']';
+ nextPutAll: '})'
+nextPutNonLocalReturnHandlingWith: aBlock
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: 'var $early={};'; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'try {'; lf.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: '}'; lf;
+ nextPutAll: 'catch(e) {if(e===$early)return e[0]; throw e}'; lf
+nextPutNonLocalReturnWith: aBlock
+ stream nextPutAll: 'throw $early=['.
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: ']'
+ stream nextPutAll: 'return '
+nextPutReturnWith: aBlock
+ self nextPutReturn.
+ aBlock value
+nextPutSequenceWith: aBlock
+ "stream
+ nextPutAll: 'switch(smalltalk.thisContext.pc){'; lf."
+ aBlock value.
+ "stream
+ nextPutAll: '};'; lf"
+nextPutStatement: anInteger with: aBlock
+ stream nextPutAll: 'case ', anInteger asString, ':'; lf.
+ self nextPutStatementWith: aBlock.
+ stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.thisContext.pc=', (anInteger + 1) asString, ';'; lf
+nextPutStatementWith: aBlock
+ aBlock value.
+ stream nextPutAll: ';'; lf
+nextPutVar: aString
+ stream nextPutAll: 'var ', aString, ';'; lf
+nextPutVars: aCollection
+ stream nextPutAll: 'var '.
+ aCollection
+ do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each ]
+ separatedBy: [ stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
+ stream nextPutAll: ';'; lf
+! !
+!BlockClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+appendToInstruction: anIRInstruction
+ anIRInstruction appendBlock: self
+! !
+!String methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ (Smalltalk current reservedWords includes: self)
+ ifTrue: [ self, '_' ]
+ ifFalse: [ self ]
+! !
+IRAssignment subclass: #IRInlinedAssignment
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedAssignment commentStamp!
+I represent an inlined assignment instruction.!
+!IRInlinedAssignment methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
! !
! !
-!SequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!IRInlinedAssignment methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitSequenceNode: self
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRInlinedAssignment: self
! !
! !
-SequenceNode subclass: #BlockSequenceNode
+IRClosure subclass: #IRInlinedClosure
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedClosure commentStamp!
+I represent an inlined closure instruction.!
-!BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'testing'!
+!IRInlinedClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^true
+ ^ true
! !
! !
-!BlockSequenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!IRInlinedClosure methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitBlockSequenceNode: self
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedClosure: self
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #ValueNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'value'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+IRReturn subclass: #IRInlinedReturn
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedReturn commentStamp!
+I represent an inlined local return instruction.!
+!IRInlinedReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!ValueNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRInlinedReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRInlinedReturn: self
+! !
+IRInlinedReturn subclass: #IRInlinedNonLocalReturn
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedNonLocalReturn commentStamp!
+I represent an inlined non local return instruction.!
+!IRInlinedNonLocalReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ ^ true
+! !
+!IRInlinedNonLocalReturn methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+accept: aVisitor
+ ^ aVisitor visitIRInlinedNonLocalReturn: self
+! !
+IRSend subclass: #IRInlinedSend
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedSend commentStamp!
+I am the abstract super class of inlined message send instructions.!
- ^value
+!IRInlinedSend methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-value: anObject
- value := anObject
+ ^ true
! !
! !
-!ValueNode methodsFor: 'testing'!
+!IRInlinedSend methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^true
+accept: aVisitor
+ aVisitor visitInlinedSend: self
! !
! !
-!ValueNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+IRInlinedSend subclass: #IRInlinedIfFalse
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedIfFalse methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitValueNode: self
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedIfFalse: self
! !
! !
-ValueNode subclass: #VariableNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'assigned'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!VariableNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+IRInlinedSend subclass: #IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
- ^assigned ifNil: [false]
+!IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-assigned: aBoolean
- assigned := aBoolean
+accept: aVisitor
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil: self
! !
! !
-!VariableNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+IRInlinedSend subclass: #IRInlinedIfTrue
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedIfTrue methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitVariableNode: self
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedIfTrue: self
! !
! !
-VariableNode subclass: #ClassReferenceNode
+IRInlinedSend subclass: #IRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
-!ClassReferenceNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!IRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitClassReferenceNode: self
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse: self
! !
! !
-Node subclass: #VerbatimNode
- instanceVariableNames: 'value'
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!VerbatimNode methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+IRBlockSequence subclass: #IRInlinedSequence
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInlinedSequence commentStamp!
+I represent a (block) sequence inside an inlined closure instruction (instance of `IRInlinedClosure`).!
- ^value
+!IRInlinedSequence methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-value: anObject
- value := anObject
+ ^ true
! !
! !
-!VerbatimNode methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+!IRInlinedSequence methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
accept: aVisitor
accept: aVisitor
- aVisitor visitVerbatimNode: self
+ aVisitor visitIRInlinedSequence: self
! !
! !
-Object subclass: #NodeVisitor
+IRVisitor subclass: #IRInliner
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: ''
- package: 'Compiler'!
-!NodeVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInliner commentStamp!
+I visit an IR tree, inlining message sends and block closures.
-visit: aNode
- aNode accept: self
+Message selectors that can be inlined are answered by `IRSendInliner >> #inlinedSelectors`!
-visitAssignmentNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+!IRInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitBlockNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+ ^ IRAssignmentInliner new
+ translator: self;
+ yourself
-visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+ ^ IRNonLocalReturnInliner new
+ translator: self;
+ yourself
-visitCascadeNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+ ^ IRReturnInliner new
+ translator: self;
+ yourself
-visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+ ^ IRSendInliner new
+ translator: self;
+ yourself
+! !
-visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+!IRInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+shouldInlineAssignment: anIRAssignment
+ ^ anIRAssignment isInlined not and: [
+ anIRAssignment instructions last isSend and: [
+ self shouldInlineSend: (anIRAssignment instructions last) ]]
-visitJSStatementNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+shouldInlineReturn: anIRReturn
+ ^ anIRReturn isInlined not and: [
+ anIRReturn instructions first isSend and: [
+ self shouldInlineSend: (anIRReturn instructions first) ]]
-visitMethodNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+shouldInlineSend: anIRSend
+ ^ anIRSend isInlined not and: [
+ IRSendInliner shouldInline: anIRSend ]
+! !
-visitNode: aNode
+!IRInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitReturnNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+transformNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn
+ "Replace a non local return into a local return"
-visitSendNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+ | localReturn |
+ anIRNonLocalReturn scope canInlineNonLocalReturns ifTrue: [
+ anIRNonLocalReturn scope methodScope removeNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn scope.
+ localReturn := IRReturn new
+ scope: anIRNonLocalReturn scope;
+ yourself.
+ anIRNonLocalReturn instructions do: [ :each |
+ localReturn add: each ].
+ anIRNonLocalReturn replaceWith: localReturn.
+ ^ localReturn ].
+ ^ super visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn
-visitSequenceNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment
+ ^ (self shouldInlineAssignment: anIRAssignment)
+ ifTrue: [ self assignmentInliner inlineAssignment: anIRAssignment ]
+ ifFalse: [ super visitIRAssignment: anIRAssignment ]
-visitValueNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+visitIRNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn
+ ^ (self shouldInlineReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn)
+ ifTrue: [ self nonLocalReturnInliner inlineReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn ]
+ ifFalse: [ self transformNonLocalReturn: anIRNonLocalReturn ]
-visitVariableNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+visitIRReturn: anIRReturn
+ ^ (self shouldInlineReturn: anIRReturn)
+ ifTrue: [ self returnInliner inlineReturn: anIRReturn ]
+ ifFalse: [ super visitIRReturn: anIRReturn ]
-visitVerbatimNode: aNode
- self visitNode: aNode
+visitIRSend: anIRSend
+ ^ (self shouldInlineSend: anIRSend)
+ ifTrue: [ self sendInliner inlineSend: anIRSend ]
+ ifFalse: [ super visitIRSend: anIRSend ]
! !
! !
-NodeVisitor subclass: #AbstractCodeGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: 'currentClass source'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+IRJSTranslator subclass: #IRInliningJSTranslator
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRInliningJSTranslator commentStamp!
+I am a specialized JavaScript translator able to write inlined IR instructions to JavaScript stream (`JSStream` instance).!
-!AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!IRInliningJSTranslator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-classNameFor: aClass
- ^aClass isMetaclass
- ifTrue: [aClass instanceClass name, '.klass']
- ifFalse: [
- aClass isNil
- ifTrue: ['nil']
- ifFalse: [aClass name]]
+visitIRInlinedAssignment: anIRInlinedAssignment
+ self visit: anIRInlinedAssignment instructions last
- ^currentClass
+visitIRInlinedClosure: anIRInlinedClosure
+ anIRInlinedClosure instructions do: [ :each |
+ self visit: each ]
-currentClass: aClass
- currentClass := aClass
+visitIRInlinedIfFalse: anIRInlinedIfFalse
+ self stream nextPutIf: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: '!! smalltalk.assert('.
+ self visit: anIRInlinedIfFalse instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ')' ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfFalse instructions last ]
- ^#('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil' 'thisContext')
+visitIRInlinedIfNil: anIRInlinedIfNil
+ self stream nextPutIf: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: '($receiver = '.
+ self visit: anIRInlinedIfNil instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined' ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfNil instructions last ]
-safeVariableNameFor: aString
- ^(Smalltalk current reservedWords includes: aString)
- ifTrue: [aString, '_']
- ifFalse: [aString]
+visitIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil: anIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil
+ self stream
+ nextPutIfElse: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: '($receiver = '.
+ self visit: anIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined' ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil instructions second ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil instructions third ]
- ^source ifNil: ['']
+visitIRInlinedIfTrue: anIRInlinedIfTrue
+ self stream nextPutIf: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.assert('.
+ self visit: anIRInlinedIfTrue instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ')' ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfTrue instructions last ]
-source: aString
- source := aString
-! !
+visitIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse: anIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse
+ self stream
+ nextPutIfElse: [
+ self stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.assert('.
+ self visit: anIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse instructions first.
+ self stream nextPutAll: ')' ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse instructions second ]
+ with: [ self visit: anIRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse instructions third ]
+visitIRInlinedNonLocalReturn: anIRInlinedReturn
+ self stream nextPutStatementWith: [
+ self visit: anIRInlinedReturn instructions last ].
+ self stream nextPutNonLocalReturnWith: [ ]
-!AbstractCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
+visitIRInlinedReturn: anIRInlinedReturn
+ self visit: anIRInlinedReturn instructions last
-compileNode: aNode
- self subclassResponsibility
+visitIRInlinedSequence: anIRInlinedSequence
+ anIRInlinedSequence instructions do: [ :each |
+ self stream nextPutStatementWith: [ self visit: each ]]
! !
! !
-AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #FunCodeGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: 'stream nestedBlocks earlyReturn currentSelector unknownVariables tempVariables messageSends referencedClasses classReferenced argVariables'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+Object subclass: #IRSendInliner
+ instanceVariableNames: 'send translator'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRSendInliner commentStamp!
+I inline some message sends and block closure arguments. I heavily rely on #perform: to dispatch inlining methods.!
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!IRSendInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^argVariables copy
+ ^ send
- ^self pseudoVariables
- addAll: self tempVariables;
- addAll: self argVariables;
- yourself
+send: anIRSend
+ send := anIRSend
- ^tempVariables copy
+ ^ translator
- ^unknownVariables copy
+translator: anASTTranslator
+ translator := anASTTranslator
! !
! !
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
+!IRSendInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-compileNode: aNode
- stream := '' writeStream.
- self visit: aNode.
- ^stream contents
+inliningError: aString
+ InliningError signal: aString
! !
! !
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+!IRSendInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- super initialize.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- unknownVariables := #().
- tempVariables := #().
- argVariables := #().
- messageSends := #().
- classReferenced := #()
-! !
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'optimizations'!
-checkClass: aClassName for: receiver
- stream nextPutAll: '((($receiver = ', receiver, ').klass === smalltalk.', aClassName, ') ? '
-inline: aSelector receiver: receiver argumentNodes: aCollection
- | inlined |
- inlined := false.
- "-- Booleans --"
- (aSelector = 'ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '(!! $receiver ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : nil)'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '($receiver ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : nil)'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifTrue:ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '($receiver ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
- self visit: aCollection second.
- stream nextPutAll: '())'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifFalse:ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '(!! $receiver ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
- self visit: aCollection second.
- stream nextPutAll: '())'.
- inlined := true]].
- "-- Numbers --"
- (aSelector = '<') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver <'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '<=') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver <='.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '>') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver >'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '>=') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver >='.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '+') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver +'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '-') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver -'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '*') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver *'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = '/') ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '$receiver /'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true].
- ^inlined
-inlineLiteral: aSelector receiverNode: anObject argumentNodes: aCollection
- | inlined |
- inlined := false.
- "-- BlockClosures --"
- (aSelector = 'whileTrue:') ifTrue: [
- (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while('.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: '()) {'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '()}})()'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileFalse:') ifTrue: [
- (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while(!!'.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: '()) {'.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '()}})()'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileTrue') ifTrue: [
- anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while('.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: '()) {}})()'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileFalse') ifTrue: [
- anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(function(){while(!!'.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: '()) {}})()'.
- inlined := true]].
- "-- Numbers --"
- (aSelector = '+') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' + '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '-') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' - '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '*') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' * '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '/') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' / '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '<') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' < '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '<=') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' <= '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '>') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' > '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = '>=') ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: anObject ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ' >= '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- inlined := true]].
- "-- UndefinedObject --"
- (aSelector = 'ifNil:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : $receiver'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ') !!= nil && $receiver !!= undefined) ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : nil'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNil:ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
- self visit: aCollection second.
- stream nextPutAll: '()'.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:ifNil:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '(($receiver = '.
- self visit: anObject.
- stream nextPutAll: ') == nil || $receiver == undefined) ? '.
- self visit: aCollection second.
- stream nextPutAll: '() : '.
- self visit: aCollection first.
- stream nextPutAll: '()'.
- inlined := true]].
- ^inlined
-isNode: aNode ofClass: aClass
- ^aNode isValueNode and: [
- aNode value class = aClass or: [
- aNode value = 'self' and: [self currentClass = aClass]]]
-! !
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'testing'!
- ^self class performOptimizations
-! !
-!FunCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'visiting'!
-send: aSelector to: aReceiver arguments: aCollection superSend: aBoolean
- ^String streamContents: [:str || tmp |
- tmp := stream.
- str nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.send('.
- str nextPutAll: aReceiver.
- str nextPutAll: ', "', aSelector asSelector, '", ['.
- stream := str.
- aCollection
- do: [:each | self visit: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
- stream := tmp.
- str nextPutAll: ']'.
- aBoolean ifTrue: [
- str nextPutAll: ', smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: self currentClass), '.superclass || nil'].
- str nextPutAll: ')']
+ ^ IRInlinedClosure new
-visit: aNode
- aNode accept: self
+ ^ IRInlinedSequence new
+! !
-visitAssignmentNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: '('.
- self visit: aNode left.
- stream nextPutAll: '='.
- self visit: aNode right.
- stream nextPutAll: ')'
+!IRSendInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitBlockNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: '(function('.
- aNode parameters
- do: [:each |
- tempVariables add: each.
- stream nextPutAll: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
- stream nextPutAll: '){'.
- aNode nodes do: [:each | self visit: each].
- stream nextPutAll: '})'
+ifFalse: anIRInstruction
+ ^ self inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfFalse new with: anIRInstruction
-visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
- | index |
- nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks + 1.
- aNode nodes isEmpty
- ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: 'return nil;']
- ifFalse: [
- aNode temps do: [:each | | temp |
- temp := self safeVariableNameFor: each.
- tempVariables add: temp.
- stream nextPutAll: 'var ', temp, '=nil;'; lf].
- index := 0.
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- index := index + 1.
- index = aNode nodes size ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
- self visit: each.
- stream nextPutAll: ';']].
- nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks - 1
+ifFalse: anIRInstruction ifTrue: anotherIRInstruction
+ ^ self perform: #ifTrue:ifFalse: withArguments: { anotherIRInstruction. anIRInstruction }
-visitCascadeNode: aNode
- | index |
- index := 0.
- (tempVariables includes: '$rec') ifFalse: [
- tempVariables add: '$rec'].
- stream nextPutAll: '(function($rec){'.
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- index := index + 1.
- index = aNode nodes size ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
- each receiver: (VariableNode new value: '$rec').
- self visit: each.
- stream nextPutAll: ';'].
- stream nextPutAll: '})('.
- self visit: aNode receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: ')'
+ifNil: anIRInstruction
+ ^ self
+ inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil new
+ with: anIRInstruction
+ with: (IRClosure new
+ scope: anIRInstruction scope copy;
+ add: (IRBlockSequence new
+ add: self send instructions first;
+ yourself);
+ yourself)
-visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
- (referencedClasses includes: aNode value) ifFalse: [
- referencedClasses add: aNode value].
- stream nextPutAll: '(smalltalk.', aNode value, ' || ', aNode value, ')'
+ifNil: anIRInstruction ifNotNil: anotherIRInstruction
+ ^ self inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil new with: anIRInstruction with: anotherIRInstruction
-visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: '['.
- aNode nodes
- do: [:each | self visit: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
- stream nextPutAll: ']'
+ifNotNil: anIRInstruction
+ ^ self
+ inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil new
+ with: (IRClosure new
+ scope: anIRInstruction scope copy;
+ add: (IRBlockSequence new
+ add: self send instructions first;
+ yourself);
+ yourself)
+ with: anIRInstruction
-visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.HashedCollection._fromPairs_(['.
- aNode nodes
- do: [:each | self visit: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
- stream nextPutAll: '])'
+ifNotNil: anIRInstruction ifNil: anotherIRInstruction
+ ^ self inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfNilIfNotNil new with: anotherIRInstruction with: anIRInstruction
-visitFailure: aFailure
- self error: aFailure asString
+ifTrue: anIRInstruction
+ ^ self inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfTrue new with: anIRInstruction
-visitJSStatementNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: aNode source
+ifTrue: anIRInstruction ifFalse: anotherIRInstruction
+ ^ self inlinedSend: IRInlinedIfTrueIfFalse new with: anIRInstruction with: anotherIRInstruction
-visitMethodNode: aNode
- | str currentSelector |
- currentSelector := aNode selector asSelector.
- nestedBlocks := 0.
- earlyReturn := false.
- messageSends := #().
- referencedClasses := #().
- unknownVariables := #().
- tempVariables := #().
- argVariables := #().
- stream
- nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({'; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'selector: "', aNode selector, '",'; lf.
- stream nextPutAll: 'source: ', self source asJavascript, ',';lf.
- stream nextPutAll: 'fn: function('.
- aNode arguments
- do: [:each |
- argVariables add: each.
- stream nextPutAll: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
- stream
- nextPutAll: '){'; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'var self=this;'; lf.
- str := stream.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- self visit: each].
- earlyReturn ifTrue: [
- str nextPutAll: 'var $early={};'; lf; nextPutAll: 'try{'].
- str nextPutAll: stream contents.
- stream := str.
- stream
- lf;
- nextPutAll: 'return self;'.
- earlyReturn ifTrue: [
- stream lf; nextPutAll: '} catch(e) {if(e===$early)return e[0]; throw e}'].
- stream nextPutAll: '}'.
- stream
- nextPutAll: ',', String lf, 'messageSends: ';
- nextPutAll: messageSends asJavascript, ','; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'args: ', argVariables asJavascript, ','; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ['.
- referencedClasses
- do: [:each | stream nextPutAll: each printString]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
- stream nextPutAll: ']'.
- stream nextPutAll: '})'
+inlineClosure: anIRClosure
+ | inlinedClosure sequence statements |
-visitReturnNode: aNode
- nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: [
- earlyReturn := true].
- nestedBlocks > 0
- ifTrue: [
- stream
- nextPutAll: '(function(){throw $early=[']
- ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: 'return '].
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- self visit: each].
- nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: ']})()']
+ inlinedClosure := self inlinedClosure.
+ inlinedClosure scope: anIRClosure scope.
-visitSendNode: aNode
- | str receiver superSend inlined |
- str := stream.
- (messageSends includes: aNode selector) ifFalse: [
- messageSends add: aNode selector].
- stream := '' writeStream.
- self visit: aNode receiver.
- superSend := stream contents = 'super'.
- receiver := superSend ifTrue: ['self'] ifFalse: [stream contents].
- stream := str.
+ "Add the possible temp declarations"
+ anIRClosure instructions do: [ :each |
+ each isSequence ifFalse: [
+ inlinedClosure add: each ]].
+ "Add a block sequence"
+ sequence := self inlinedSequence.
+ inlinedClosure add: sequence.
+ "Get all the statements"
+ statements := anIRClosure instructions last instructions.
- self performOptimizations
- ifTrue: [
- (self inlineLiteral: aNode selector receiverNode: aNode receiver argumentNodes: aNode arguments) ifFalse: [
- (self inline: aNode selector receiver: receiver argumentNodes: aNode arguments)
- ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: ' : ', (self send: aNode selector to: '$receiver' arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend), ')']
- ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: (self send: aNode selector to: receiver arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend)]]]
- ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: (self send: aNode selector to: receiver arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend)]
+ statements ifNotEmpty: [
+ statements allButLast do: [ :each | sequence add: each ].
-visitSequenceNode: aNode
- aNode temps do: [:each || temp |
- temp := self safeVariableNameFor: each.
- tempVariables add: temp.
- stream nextPutAll: 'var ', temp, '=nil;'; lf].
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- self visit: each.
- stream nextPutAll: ';']
- separatedBy: [stream lf]
+ "Inlined closures don't have implicit local returns"
+ (statements last isReturn and: [ statements last isBlockReturn ])
+ ifTrue: [ sequence add: statements last instructions first ]
+ ifFalse: [ sequence add: statements last ] ].
+ ^ inlinedClosure
-visitValueNode: aNode
- stream nextPutAll: aNode value asJavascript
+inlineSend: anIRSend
+ self send: anIRSend.
+ ^ self
+ perform: self send selector
+ withArguments: self send instructions allButFirst
-visitVariableNode: aNode
- | varName |
- (self currentClass allInstanceVariableNames includes: aNode value)
- ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: 'self[''@', aNode value, ''']']
- ifFalse: [
- varName := self safeVariableNameFor: aNode value.
- (self knownVariables includes: varName)
- ifFalse: [
- unknownVariables add: aNode value.
- aNode assigned
- ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: varName]
- ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: '(typeof ', varName, ' == ''undefined'' ? nil : ', varName, ')']]
- ifTrue: [
- aNode value = 'thisContext'
- ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: '(smalltalk.getThisContext())']
- ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: varName]]]
-! !
+inlinedSend: inlinedSend with: anIRInstruction
+ | inlinedClosure |
-FunCodeGenerator class instanceVariableNames: 'performOptimizations'!
+ anIRInstruction isClosure ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Message argument should be a block' ].
+ anIRInstruction arguments size = 0 ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Inlined block should have zero argument' ].
-!FunCodeGenerator class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ inlinedClosure := self translator visit: (self inlineClosure: anIRInstruction).
- ^performOptimizations ifNil: [true]
+ inlinedSend
+ add: self send instructions first;
+ add: inlinedClosure.
+ self send replaceWith: inlinedSend.
+ ^ inlinedSend
-performOptimizations: aBoolean
- performOptimizations := aBoolean
-! !
+inlinedSend: inlinedSend with: anIRInstruction with: anotherIRInstruction
+ | inlinedClosure1 inlinedClosure2 |
-AbstractCodeGenerator subclass: #ImpCodeGenerator
- instanceVariableNames: 'stream nestedBlocks earlyReturn currentSelector unknownVariables tempVariables messageSends referencedClasses classReferenced argVariables mutables target lazyVars realVarNames'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+ anIRInstruction isClosure ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Message argument should be a block' ].
+ anIRInstruction arguments size = 0 ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Inlined block should have zero argument' ].
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+ anotherIRInstruction isClosure ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Message argument should be a block' ].
+ anotherIRInstruction arguments size = 0 ifFalse: [ self inliningError: 'Inlined block should have zero argument' ].
- ^argVariables copy
+ inlinedClosure1 := self translator visit: (self inlineClosure: anIRInstruction).
+ inlinedClosure2 := self translator visit: (self inlineClosure: anotherIRInstruction).
- ^self pseudoVariables
- addAll: self tempVariables;
- addAll: self argVariables;
- yourself
- ^tempVariables copy
+ inlinedSend
+ add: self send instructions first;
+ add: inlinedClosure1;
+ add: inlinedClosure2.
- ^unknownVariables copy
+ self send replaceWith: inlinedSend.
+ ^ inlinedSend
! !
! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compilation DSL'!
+!IRSendInliner class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-| list old |
- list := mutables.
- mutables := Set new.
- old := self switchTarget: nil.
- list do: [ :each | | value |
- self switchTarget: each.
- self realAssign: (lazyVars at: each)
- ].
- self switchTarget: old
+ ^ #('ifTrue:' 'ifFalse:' 'ifTrue:ifFalse:' 'ifFalse:ifTrue:' 'ifNil:' 'ifNotNil:' 'ifNil:ifNotNil:' 'ifNotNil:ifNil')
-ifValueWanted: aBlock
- target ifNotNil: aBlock
+shouldInline: anIRInstruction
+ (self inlinedSelectors includes: anIRInstruction selector) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
+ anIRInstruction instructions allButFirst do: [ :each |
+ each isClosure ifFalse: [ ^ false ]].
+ ^ true
+! !
-isolated: node
- ^ self visit: node targetBeing: self nextLazyvarName
+IRSendInliner subclass: #IRAssignmentInliner
+ instanceVariableNames: 'assignment'
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRAssignmentInliner commentStamp!
+I inline message sends together with assignments by moving them around into the inline closure instructions.
-isolatedUse: node
-| old |
- old := self switchTarget: self nextLazyvarName.
- self visit: node.
- ^self useValueNamed: (self switchTarget: old)
-lazyAssign: aString dependsOnState: aBoolean
- (lazyVars includesKey: target)
- ifTrue: [ lazyVars at: target put: aString. aBoolean ifTrue: [ mutables add: target ] ]
- ifFalse: [ self realAssign: aString ]
+ foo
+ | a |
+ a := true ifTrue: [ 1 ]
-lazyAssignExpression: aString
- self lazyAssign: aString dependsOnState: true
+Will produce:
-lazyAssignValue: aString
- self lazyAssign: aString dependsOnState: false
+ if(smalltalk.assert(true) {
+ a = 1;
+ };!
- (lazyVars includesKey: target) ifTrue: [
- lazyVars removeKey: target.
- lazyVars at: 'assigned ',target put: nil. "<-- only to retain size, it is used in nextLazyvarName"
- realVarNames add: target ].
+!IRAssignmentInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- | name |
- name := '$', lazyVars size asString.
- lazyVars at: name put: name.
- ^name
+ ^ assignment
- target ifNotNil: [ self lazyAssignValue: 'nil' ]
+assignment: aNode
+ assignment := aNode
+! !
-realAssign: aString
- | closer |
- aString ifNotEmpty: [
- self aboutToModifyState.
- closer := ''.
- self ifValueWanted: [ stream nextPutAll:
- (target = '^' ifTrue: ['return '] ifFalse: [
- target = '!!' ifTrue: [ closer := ']'. 'throw $early=['] ifFalse: [
- target, '=']]) ].
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- stream nextPutAll: aString, closer, ';', self mylf ]
+!IRAssignmentInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-switchTarget: aString
- | old |
- old := target.
- target := aString.
- ^old
+inlineAssignment: anIRAssignment
+ | inlinedAssignment |
+ self assignment: anIRAssignment.
+ inlinedAssignment := IRInlinedAssignment new.
+ anIRAssignment instructions do: [ :each |
+ inlinedAssignment add: each ].
+ anIRAssignment replaceWith: inlinedAssignment.
+ self inlineSend: inlinedAssignment instructions last.
+ ^ inlinedAssignment
-useValueNamed: key
- | val |
- (realVarNames includes: key) ifTrue: [ ^key ].
- mutables remove: key.
- ^lazyVars at: key
+inlineClosure: anIRClosure
+ | inlinedClosure statements |
+ inlinedClosure := super inlineClosure: anIRClosure.
+ statements := inlinedClosure instructions last instructions.
+ statements ifNotEmpty: [
+ statements last canBeAssigned ifTrue: [
+ statements last replaceWith: (IRAssignment new
+ add: self assignment instructions first;
+ add: statements last copy;
+ yourself) ] ].
-visit: aNode targetBeing: aString
-| old |
- old := self switchTarget: aString.
- self visit: aNode.
- ^ self switchTarget: old.
+ ^ inlinedClosure
! !
! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'compiling'!
+IRSendInliner subclass: #IRNonLocalReturnInliner
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRNonLocalReturnInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-compileNode: aNode
- stream := '' writeStream.
- self visit: aNode.
- ^stream contents
+ ^ IRInlinedNonLocalReturn new
! !
! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'initialization'!
+!IRNonLocalReturnInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- super initialize.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- unknownVariables := #().
- tempVariables := #().
- argVariables := #().
- messageSends := #().
- classReferenced := #().
- mutables := Set new.
- realVarNames := Set new.
- lazyVars := HashedCollection new.
- target := nil
-! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'optimizations'!
-checkClass: aClassName for: receiver
- self prvCheckClass: aClassName for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: '{'
-checkClass: aClassName for: receiver includeIf: aBoolean
- self prvCheckClass: aClassName for: receiver.
- stream nextPutAll: (aBoolean ifTrue: ['if(('] ifFalse: ['if(!!(']), (self useValueNamed: receiver), ')) {'
-inline: aSelector receiver: receiver argumentNodes: aCollection
- "-- Booleans --"
- (aSelector = 'ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver includeIf: false.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self nilIfValueWanted ].
- ^true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver includeIf: true.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self nilIfValueWanted ].
- ^true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifTrue:ifFalse:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver includeIf: true.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection second nodes first ].
- ^true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifFalse:ifTrue:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [
- self checkClass: 'Boolean' for: receiver includeIf: false.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection second nodes first ].
- ^true]].
- "-- Numbers --"
- (aSelector = '<') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '<', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '<=') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '<=', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '>') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '>', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '>=') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '>=', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '+') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '+', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '-') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '-', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '*') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '*', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- (aSelector = '/') ifTrue: [ | operand |
- operand := self isolatedUse: aCollection first.
- self checkClass: 'Number' for: receiver.
- self prvPutAndElse: [
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(', (self useValueNamed: receiver), '/', operand, ')' ].
- ^{ VerbatimNode new value: operand }].
- ^nil
-inlineLiteral: aSelector receiverNode: anObject argumentNodes: aCollection
- | inlined |
- inlined := false.
- "-- BlockClosures --"
- (aSelector = 'whileTrue:') ifTrue: [
- (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [ | old |
- self prvWhileConditionStatement: 'for(;;){' pre: 'if (!!(' condition: anObject post: ')) {'.
- stream nextPutAll: 'break}', self mylf.
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first targetBeing: nil ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileFalse:') ifTrue: [
- (anObject isBlockNode and: [aCollection first isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [ | old |
- self prvWhileConditionStatement: 'for(;;){' pre: 'if ((' condition: anObject post: ')) {'.
- stream nextPutAll: 'break}', self mylf.
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first targetBeing: nil ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileTrue') ifTrue: [
- anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self prvWhileConditionStatement: 'do{' pre: '}while((' condition: anObject post: '));', self mylf.
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'whileFalse') ifTrue: [
- anObject isBlockNode ifTrue: [
- self prvWhileConditionStatement: 'do{' pre: '}while(!!(' condition: anObject post: '));', self mylf.
- inlined := true]].
- "-- Numbers --"
- (#('+' '-' '*' '/' '<' '<=' '>=' '>') includes: aSelector) ifTrue: [
- (self prvInlineNumberOperator: aSelector on: anObject and: aCollection first) ifTrue: [
- inlined := true]].
- "-- UndefinedObject --"
- (aSelector = 'ifNil:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- self aboutToModifyState.
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- stream nextPutAll: 'if((', rcv, ') === nil || (', rcv, ') == null) {'.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self lazyAssignValue: rcv ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
- aCollection first isBlockNode ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- self aboutToModifyState.
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- stream nextPutAll: 'if((', rcv, ') !!== nil && (', rcv, ') !!= null) {'.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self lazyAssignValue: rcv ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNil:ifNotNil:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- self aboutToModifyState.
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- stream nextPutAll: 'if((', rcv, ') === nil || (', rcv, ') == null) {'.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self visit: aCollection second nodes first ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'ifNotNil:ifNil:') ifTrue: [
- (aCollection first isBlockNode and: [aCollection second isBlockNode]) ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- self aboutToModifyState.
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- stream nextPutAll: 'if((', rcv, ') !!== nil && (', rcv, ') !!= null) {'.
- self prvPutAndElse: [ self visit: aCollection first nodes first ].
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self visit: aCollection second nodes first ].
- inlined := true]].
- (aSelector = 'isNil') ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self lazyAssignValue: '((', rcv, ') === nil || (', rcv, ') == null)'.
- inlined := true].
- (aSelector = 'notNil') ifTrue: [ | rcv |
- rcv := self isolatedUse: anObject.
- rcv = 'super' ifTrue: [ rcv := 'self' ].
- self lazyAssignValue: '((', rcv, ') !!== nil && (', rcv, ') !!= null)'.
- inlined := true].
- ^inlined
-isNode: aNode ofClass: aClass
- ^aNode isValueNode and: [
- aNode value class = aClass or: [
- aNode value = 'self' and: [self currentClass = aClass]]]
-prvCheckClass: aClassName for: receiver
- self makeTargetRealVariable.
- self aboutToModifyState.
- stream nextPutAll: 'if((', (self useValueNamed: receiver), ').klass === smalltalk.', aClassName, ') '
-prvInlineNumberOperator: aSelector on: receiverNode and: operandNode
- (aSelector = aSelector) ifTrue: [
- (self isNode: receiverNode ofClass: Number) ifTrue: [
- | rcv operand |
- rcv := self isolated: receiverNode.
- operand := self isolated: operandNode.
- self lazyAssignValue: ((self useValueNamed: rcv), aSelector, (self useValueNamed: operand)).
- ^true]].
- ^false
+inlineClosure: anIRClosure
+ "| inlinedClosure statements |
+ inlinedClosure := super inlineClosure: anIRClosure.
+ statements := inlinedClosure instructions last instructions.
+ statements ifNotEmpty: [
+ statements last replaceWith: (IRNonLocalReturn new
+ add: statements last copy;
+ yourself) ].
+ ^ inlinedClosure"
-prvWhileConditionStatement: stmtString pre: preString condition: anObject post: postString
- | x |
- stream nextPutAll: stmtString.
- x := self isolatedUse: anObject nodes first.
- x ifEmpty: [ x := '"should not reach - receiver includes ^"' ].
- stream nextPutAll: preString, x, postString.
- self nilIfValueWanted
+ ^ super inlineCLosure: anIRClosure
! !
! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'output'!
+IRSendInliner subclass: #IRReturnInliner
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!IRReturnInliner commentStamp!
+I inline message sends with inlined closure together with a return instruction.!
- ^String lf, ((Array new: nestedBlocks+2) join: String tab)
+!IRReturnInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-prvPutAndClose: aBlock
+ ^ IRInlinedReturn new
+! !
- aBlock value.
- stream nextPutAll: '}', self mylf
+!IRReturnInliner methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-prvPutAndElse: aBlock
+inlineClosure: anIRClosure
+ | closure statements |
- aBlock value.
- stream nextPutAll: '} else {'
+ closure := super inlineClosure: anIRClosure.
+ statements := closure instructions last instructions.
+ statements ifNotEmpty: [
+ statements last isReturn
+ ifFalse: [ statements last replaceWith: (IRReturn new
+ add: statements last copy;
+ yourself)] ].
+ ^ closure
-putTemps: temps
- temps ifNotEmpty: [
- stream nextPutAll: 'var '.
- temps do: [:each | | temp |
- temp := self safeVariableNameFor: each.
- tempVariables add: temp.
- stream nextPutAll: temp, '=nil'] separatedBy: [ stream nextPutAll: ',' ].
- stream nextPutAll: ';', self mylf
- ]
+inlineReturn: anIRReturn
+ | return |
+ return := self inlinedReturn.
+ anIRReturn instructions do: [ :each |
+ return add: each ].
+ anIRReturn replaceWith: return.
+ self inlineSend: return instructions last.
+ ^ return
! !
! !
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'testing'!
+CodeGenerator subclass: #InliningCodeGenerator
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ package:'Compiler'!
+!InliningCodeGenerator commentStamp!
+I am a specialized code generator that uses inlining to produce more optimized JavaScript output!
-assert: aBoolean
- aBoolean ifFalse: [ self error: 'assertion failed' ]
+!InliningCodeGenerator methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- ^self class performOptimizations
-! !
+compileNode: aNode
+ | ir stream |
-!ImpCodeGenerator methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+ self semanticAnalyzer visit: aNode.
+ ir := self translator visit: aNode.
+ self inliner visit: ir.
-send: aSelector to: aReceiver arguments: aCollection superSend: aBoolean
- | args |
- args := self isolated: (DynamicArrayNode new nodes: aCollection; yourself).
- self lazyAssignExpression: (String streamContents: [ :str |
- str nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.send('.
- str nextPutAll: (self useValueNamed: aReceiver).
- str nextPutAll: ', "', aSelector asSelector, '", '.
- str nextPutAll: (self useValueNamed: args).
- aBoolean ifTrue: [
- str nextPutAll: ', smalltalk.', (self classNameFor: self currentClass superclass)].
- str nextPutAll: ')'
- ])
+ ^ self irTranslator
+ visit: ir;
+ contents
-sequenceOfNodes: nodes temps: temps
- nodes isEmpty
- ifFalse: [ | old index |
- self putTemps: temps.
- old :=self switchTarget: nil.
- index := 0.
- nodes do: [:each |
- index := index + 1.
- index = nodes size ifTrue: [ self switchTarget: old ].
- self visit: each ]]
- ifTrue: [ self nilIfValueWanted ]
+ ^ IRInliner new
-visit: aNode
- aNode accept: self
+ ^ IRInliningJSTranslator new
+! !
-visitAssignmentNode: aNode
-| olds oldt |
- olds := stream.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- oldt := self switchTarget: self nextLazyvarName.
- self visit: aNode left.
- self assert: (lazyVars at: target) ~= target.
- self switchTarget: (self useValueNamed: (self switchTarget: nil)).
- self assert: (lazyVars includesKey: target) not.
- stream := olds.
- self visit: aNode right.
- olds := self switchTarget: oldt.
- self ifValueWanted: [ self lazyAssignExpression: olds ]
+NodeVisitor subclass: #AIContext
+ instanceVariableNames: 'outerContext pc locals receiver selector'
+ package:'Compiler'!
-visitBlockNode: aNode
-| oldt olds oldm |
- self assert: aNode nodes size = 1.
- oldt := self switchTarget: '^'.
- olds := stream.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- stream nextPutAll: '(function('.
- aNode parameters
- do: [:each |
- tempVariables add: each.
- stream nextPutAll: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
- stream nextPutAll: '){'.
- nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks + 1.
- oldm := mutables.
- mutables := Set new.
- self visit: aNode nodes first.
- self assert: mutables isEmpty.
- mutables := oldm.
- nestedBlocks := nestedBlocks - 1.
- stream nextPutAll: '})'.
- self switchTarget: oldt.
- oldt := stream contents.
- stream := olds.
- self lazyAssignExpression: oldt
+!AIContext methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitBlockSequenceNode: aNode
- self sequenceOfNodes: aNode nodes temps: aNode temps
+initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext
+ self pc: aMethodContext pc.
+ self receiver: aMethodContext receiver.
+ self selector: aMethodContext selector.
+ aMethodContext outerContext ifNotNil: [
+ self outerContext: (self class fromMethodContext: aMethodContext outerContext) ].
+ aMethodContext locals keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
+ self locals at: key put: value ]
-visitCascadeNode: aNode
- | rcv |
- rcv := self isolated: aNode receiver.
- self aboutToModifyState.
- rcv := self useValueNamed: rcv.
- aNode nodes do: [:each |
- each receiver: (VerbatimNode new value: rcv) ].
- self sequenceOfNodes: aNode nodes temps: #()
+ ^ locals ifNil: [ locals := Dictionary new ]
-visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
- (referencedClasses includes: aNode value) ifFalse: [
- referencedClasses add: aNode value].
- self lazyAssignExpression: '(smalltalk.', aNode value, ' || ', aNode value, ')'
+ ^ outerContext
-visitDynamicArrayNode: aNode
- | args |
- args :=aNode nodes collect: [ :node | self isolated: node ].
- self lazyAssignValue: (String streamContents: [ :str |
- str nextPutAll: '['.
- args
- do: [:each | str nextPutAll: (self useValueNamed: each) ]
- separatedBy: [str nextPutAll: ', '].
- str nextPutAll: ']'
- ])
+outerContext: anAIContext
+ outerContext := anAIContext
-visitDynamicDictionaryNode: aNode
- | elements |
- elements := self isolated: (DynamicArrayNode new nodes: aNode nodes; yourself).
- self lazyAssignValue: 'smalltalk.HashedCollection._fromPairs_(', (self useValueNamed: elements), ')'
+ ^ pc ifNil: [ pc := 0 ]
-visitFailure: aFailure
- self error: aFailure asString
+pc: anInteger
+ pc := anInteger
-visitJSStatementNode: aNode
- self aboutToModifyState.
- stream nextPutAll: ';', (aNode source replace: '>>' with: '>'), ';', self mylf
+ ^ receiver
-visitMethodNode: aNode
- | str currentSelector |
- currentSelector := aNode selector asSelector.
- nestedBlocks := 0.
- earlyReturn := false.
- messageSends := #().
- referencedClasses := #().
- unknownVariables := #().
- tempVariables := #().
- argVariables := #().
- lazyVars := HashedCollection new.
- mutables := Set new.
- realVarNames := Set new.
- stream
- nextPutAll: 'smalltalk.method({'; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'selector: "', aNode selector, '",'; lf.
- stream nextPutAll: 'source: ', self source asJavascript, ',';lf.
- stream nextPutAll: 'fn: function('.
- aNode arguments
- do: [:each |
- argVariables add: each.
- stream nextPutAll: each]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ', '].
- stream
- nextPutAll: '){var self=this;', self mylf.
- str := stream.
- stream := '' writeStream.
- self switchTarget: nil.
- self assert: aNode nodes size = 1.
- self visit: aNode nodes first.
- realVarNames ifNotEmpty: [ str nextPutAll: 'var ', (realVarNames asArray join: ','), ';', self mylf ].
- earlyReturn ifTrue: [
- str nextPutAll: 'var $early={}; try{', self mylf].
- str nextPutAll: stream contents.
- stream := str.
- (aNode nodes first nodes notEmpty and: [ |checker|
- checker := ReturnNodeChecker new.
- checker visit: aNode nodes first nodes last.
- checker wasReturnNode]) ifFalse: [ self switchTarget: '^'. self lazyAssignValue: 'self'. self switchTarget: nil ].
- earlyReturn ifTrue: [
- stream nextPutAll: '} catch(e) {if(e===$early) return e[0]; throw e}'].
- stream nextPutAll: '}'.
- stream
- nextPutAll: ',', String lf, 'messageSends: ';
- nextPutAll: messageSends asJavascript, ','; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'args: ', argVariables asJavascript, ','; lf;
- nextPutAll: 'referencedClasses: ['.
- referencedClasses
- do: [:each | stream nextPutAll: each printString]
- separatedBy: [stream nextPutAll: ','].
- stream nextPutAll: ']'.
- stream nextPutAll: '})'.
- self assert: mutables isEmpty
+receiver: anObject
+ receiver := anObject
-visitReturnNode: aNode
- self assert: aNode nodes size = 1.
- nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: [
- earlyReturn := true].
- self
- visit: aNode nodes first
- targetBeing: (nestedBlocks > 0 ifTrue: ['!!'] ifFalse: ['^']).
- self lazyAssignValue: ''
+ ^ selector
-visitSendNode: aNode
- | receiver superSend rcv |
- (messageSends includes: aNode selector) ifFalse: [
- messageSends add: aNode selector].
- self performOptimizations
- ifTrue: [
- (self inlineLiteral: aNode selector receiverNode: aNode receiver argumentNodes: aNode arguments) ifTrue: [ ^self ].
- ].
+selector: aString
+ selector := aString
+! !
- rcv := self isolated: aNode receiver.
- superSend := (lazyVars at: rcv ifAbsent: []) = 'super'.
- superSend ifTrue: [ mutables remove: rcv. lazyVars at: rcv put: 'self' ].
+!AIContext class methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
- self performOptimizations
- ifTrue: [ | inline |
- inline := self inline: aNode selector receiver: rcv argumentNodes: aNode arguments.
- inline ifNotNil: [ | args |
- args := inline = true ifTrue: [ aNode arguments ] ifFalse: [ inline ].
- self prvPutAndClose: [ self send: aNode selector to: rcv arguments: args superSend: superSend ].
- ^self ]].
- self send: aNode selector to: rcv arguments: aNode arguments superSend: superSend
+fromMethodContext: aMethodContext
+ ^ self new
+ initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext;
+ yourself
+! !
-visitSequenceNode: aNode
- aNode nodes isEmpty ifFalse: [
- self sequenceOfNodes: aNode nodes temps: aNode temps ]
+NodeVisitor subclass: #ASTInterpreter
+ instanceVariableNames: 'currentNode context shouldReturn'
+ package:'Compiler'!
-visitValueNode: aNode
- self lazyAssignValue: aNode value asJavascript
+!ASTInterpreter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-visitVariableNode: aNode
- | varName |
- (self currentClass allInstanceVariableNames includes: aNode value)
- ifTrue: [self lazyAssignExpression: 'self[''@', aNode value, ''']']
- ifFalse: [
- varName := self safeVariableNameFor: aNode value.
- (self knownVariables includes: varName)
- ifFalse: [
- unknownVariables add: aNode value.
- aNode assigned
- ifTrue: [self lazyAssignExpression: varName]
- ifFalse: [self lazyAssignExpression: '(typeof ', varName, ' == ''undefined'' ? nil : ', varName, ')']]
- ifTrue: [
- aNode value = 'thisContext'
- ifTrue: [self lazyAssignExpression: '(smalltalk.getThisContext())']
- ifFalse: [(self pseudoVariables includes: varName)
- ifTrue: [ self lazyAssignValue: varName ]
- ifFalse: [ self lazyAssignExpression: varName]]]]
+ ^ context
-visitVerbatimNode: aNode
- self lazyAssignValue: aNode value
+context: anAIContext
+ context := anAIContext
+! !
+!ASTInterpreter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
+ super initialize.
+ shouldReturn := false
! !
! !
-ImpCodeGenerator class instanceVariableNames: 'performOptimizations'!
+!ASTInterpreter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!ImpCodeGenerator class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+interpret: aNode
+ shouldReturn := false.
+ ^ self interpretNode: aNode
- ^performOptimizations ifNil: [true]
+interpretNode: aNode
+ currentNode := aNode.
+ ^ self visit: aNode
-performOptimizations: aBoolean
- performOptimizations := aBoolean
+messageFromSendNode: aSendNode
+ ^ Message new
+ selector: aSendNode selector;
+ arguments: (aSendNode arguments collect: [ :each |
+ self interpretNode: each ]);
+ yourself
! !
! !
-NodeVisitor subclass: #ReturnNodeChecker
- instanceVariableNames: 'wasReturnNode'
- package: 'Compiler'!
+!ASTInterpreter methodsFor: '*Compiler'!
-!ReturnNodeChecker methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+visitBlockNode: aNode
+ ^ [ self interpretNode: aNode nodes first ]
- ^wasReturnNode
-! !
+visitCascadeNode: aNode
+ "TODO: Handle super sends"
+ | receiver |
+ receiver := self interpretNode: aNode receiver.
-!ReturnNodeChecker methodsFor: 'initializing'!
+ aNode nodes allButLast
+ do: [ :each |
+ (self messageFromSendNode: each)
+ sendTo: receiver ].
- wasReturnNode := false
-! !
+ ^ (self messageFromSendNode: aNode nodes last)
+ sendTo: receiver
+visitClassReferenceNode: aNode
+ ^ Smalltalk current at: aNode value
-!ReturnNodeChecker methodsFor: 'visiting'!
+visitJSStatementNode: aNode
+ self halt
visitReturnNode: aNode
visitReturnNode: aNode
- wasReturnNode := true
+ shouldReturn := true.
+ ^ self interpretNode: aNode nodes first
+visitSendNode: aNode
+ "TODO: Handle super sends"
+ ^ (self messageFromSendNode: aNode)
+ sendTo: (self interpretNode: aNode receiver)
+visitSequenceNode: aNode
+ aNode nodes allButLast do: [ :each | | value |
+ value := self interpretNode: each.
+ shouldReturn ifTrue: [ ^ value ] ].
+ ^ self interpretNode: aNode nodes last
+visitValueNode: aNode
+ ^ aNode value
! !
! !