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Fix for ASTPCNodeVisitor

Nicolas Petton 11 lat temu
4 zmienionych plików z 222 dodań i 213 usunięć
  1. 136 144
  2. 34 27
  3. 42 34
  4. 10 8

+ 136 - 144

@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ referencedClasses: []
-smalltalk.addClass('AIContext', smalltalk.MethodContext, ['outerContext', 'innerContext', 'pc', 'locals', 'selector', 'index', 'ast', 'interpreter'], 'Compiler-Interpreter');
+smalltalk.addClass('AIContext', smalltalk.MethodContext, ['outerContext', 'innerContext', 'pc', 'locals', 'selector', 'index', 'sendIndexes', 'ast', 'interpreter'], 'Compiler-Interpreter');
 smalltalk.AIContext.comment="I am like a `MethodContext`, used by the `ASTInterpreter`.\x0aUnlike a `MethodContext`, my instances are not read-only.\x0a\x0aWhen debugging, my instances are created by copying the current `MethodContext` (thisContext)";
@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
 var $1,$3,$4,$6,$7,$5,$8,$9,$2;
@@ -398,8 +399,8 @@ return _st($9)._at_put_(key,value);
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"initializeFromMethodContext:",{aMethodContext:aMethodContext},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
 args: ["aMethodContext"],
-source: "initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext\x0a\x0a\x09self\x0a\x09\x09index: aMethodContext index;\x0a\x09\x09receiver: aMethodContext receiver;\x0a\x09\x09selector: aMethodContext selector.\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09aMethodContext outerContext ifNotNil: [ :outer |\x0a\x09\x09\x22If the method context is nil, the block was defined in JS, so ignore it\x22\x0a\x09\x09outer methodContext ifNotNil: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09self outerContext: (self class fromMethodContext: aMethodContext outerContext) ].\x0a\x09\x09\x09aMethodContext locals keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09self locals at: key put: value ] ]",
-messageSends: ["index:", "index", "receiver:", "receiver", "selector:", "selector", "ifNotNil:", "outerContext", "methodContext", "outerContext:", "fromMethodContext:", "class", "keysAndValuesDo:", "locals", "at:put:"],
+source: "initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext\x0a\x0a\x09self\x0a\x09\x09index: aMethodContext index;\x0a\x09\x09sendIndexes: aMethodContext sendIndexes;\x0a\x09\x09receiver: aMethodContext receiver;\x0a\x09\x09selector: aMethodContext selector.\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09aMethodContext outerContext ifNotNil: [ :outer |\x0a\x09\x09\x22If the method context is nil, the block was defined in JS, so ignore it\x22\x0a\x09\x09outer methodContext ifNotNil: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09self outerContext: (self class fromMethodContext: aMethodContext outerContext) ].\x0a\x09\x09\x09aMethodContext locals keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09self locals at: key put: value ] ]",
+messageSends: ["index:", "index", "sendIndexes:", "sendIndexes", "receiver:", "receiver", "selector:", "selector", "ifNotNil:", "outerContext", "methodContext", "outerContext:", "fromMethodContext:", "class", "keysAndValuesDo:", "locals", "at:put:"],
 referencedClasses: []
@@ -415,7 +416,6 @@ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
 var $1,$2,$5,$4,$7,$6,$3;
@@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ self._setupInterpreter_(self["@interpreter"]);
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"initializeInterpreter",{},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
 args: [],
-source: "initializeInterpreter\x0a\x09interpreter := ASTInterpreter new\x0a\x09\x09context: self;\x0a\x09\x09node: self retrieveNode;\x0a\x09\x09yourself.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09(self innerContext notNil and: [ \x0a\x09\x09self innerContext isBlockContext not ]) ifTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09self setupInterpreter: interpreter ]",
-messageSends: ["context:", "new", "node:", "retrieveNode", "yourself", "ifTrue:", "and:", "notNil", "innerContext", "not", "isBlockContext", "setupInterpreter:"],
+source: "initializeInterpreter\x0a\x09interpreter := ASTInterpreter new\x0a\x09\x09context: self;\x0a\x09\x09yourself.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09(self innerContext notNil and: [ \x0a\x09\x09self innerContext isBlockContext not ]) ifTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09self setupInterpreter: interpreter ]",
+messageSends: ["context:", "new", "yourself", "ifTrue:", "and:", "notNil", "innerContext", "not", "isBlockContext", "setupInterpreter:"],
 referencedClasses: ["ASTInterpreter"]
@@ -746,37 +746,6 @@ referencedClasses: []
-selector: "retrieveNode",
-category: 'interpreting',
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-function $ASTPCNodeVisitor(){return smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor||(typeof ASTPCNodeVisitor=="undefined"?nil:ASTPCNodeVisitor)}
-return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$1;
-if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
-} else {
-return $1;
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"retrieveNode",{},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
-args: [],
-source: "retrieveNode\x0a\x09^ self ast ifNotNil: [\x0a\x09\x09ASTPCNodeVisitor new\x0a\x09\x09\x09context: self;\x0a\x09\x09\x09visit: self ast;\x0a\x09\x09\x09currentNode ]",
-messageSends: ["ifNotNil:", "ast", "context:", "new", "visit:", "currentNode"],
-referencedClasses: ["ASTPCNodeVisitor"]
 selector: "selector",
@@ -811,32 +780,106 @@ referencedClasses: []
+selector: "sendIndexAt:",
+category: 'accessing',
+fn: function (aString){
+var self=this;
+return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
+var $1;
+return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) {
+return (0);
+}, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}));
+return $1;
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"sendIndexAt:",{aString:aString},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
+args: ["aString"],
+source: "sendIndexAt: aString\x0a\x09^ self sendIndexes at: aString ifAbsent: [ 0 ]",
+messageSends: ["at:ifAbsent:", "sendIndexes"],
+referencedClasses: []
+selector: "sendIndexes",
+category: 'accessing',
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+function $Dictionary(){return smalltalk.Dictionary||(typeof Dictionary=="undefined"?nil:Dictionary)}
+return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
+var $2,$1;
+if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
+} else {
+return $1;
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"sendIndexes",{},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
+args: [],
+source: "sendIndexes\x0a\x09^ sendIndexes ifNil: [ Dictionary new ]",
+messageSends: ["ifNil:", "new"],
+referencedClasses: ["Dictionary"]
+selector: "sendIndexes:",
+category: 'accessing',
+fn: function (aDictionary){
+var self=this;
+return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
+return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"sendIndexes:",{aDictionary:aDictionary},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
+args: ["aDictionary"],
+source: "sendIndexes: aDictionary\x0a\x09sendIndexes := aDictionary",
+messageSends: [],
+referencedClasses: []
 selector: "setupInterpreter:",
 category: 'interpreting',
 fn: function (anInterpreter){
 var self=this;
+var currentNode;
+function $ASTPCNodeVisitor(){return smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor||(typeof ASTPCNodeVisitor=="undefined"?nil:ASTPCNodeVisitor)}
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $3,$2,$1,$5,$7,$6,$4;
+var $1,$2,$4,$3,$5,$8,$7,$6,$10,$12,$11,$9;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) {
 return _st(anInterpreter)._push_(each);
 }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({each:each},$ctx1,1)})}));
-return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"setupInterpreter:",{anInterpreter:anInterpreter},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
+return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"setupInterpreter:",{anInterpreter:anInterpreter,currentNode:currentNode},smalltalk.AIContext)})},
 args: ["anInterpreter"],
-source: "setupInterpreter: anInterpreter\x0a\x09\x22Push the send args and receiver to the interpreter stack\x22\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self innerContext arguments reversed do: [ :each | \x0a\x09\x09anInterpreter push: each ].\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09anInterpreter push: (self innerContext receiver)",
-messageSends: ["do:", "reversed", "arguments", "innerContext", "push:", "receiver"],
-referencedClasses: []
+source: "setupInterpreter: anInterpreter\x0a\x09| currentNode |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09\x22Retrieve the current node\x22\x0a\x09currentNode := ASTPCNodeVisitor new\x0a\x09\x09\x09selector: self innerContext selector;\x0a\x09\x09\x09context: self;\x0a\x09\x09\x09visit: self ast;\x0a\x09\x09\x09currentNode.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09anInterpreter node: currentNode.\x0a\x0a\x09\x22Push the send args and receiver to the interpreter stack\x22\x09\x0a\x09self innerContext arguments reversed do: [ :each | \x0a\x09\x09anInterpreter push: each ].\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09anInterpreter push: (self innerContext receiver)",
+messageSends: ["selector:", "new", "selector", "innerContext", "context:", "visit:", "ast", "currentNode", "node:", "do:", "reversed", "arguments", "push:", "receiver"],
+referencedClasses: ["ASTPCNodeVisitor"]
@@ -2061,32 +2104,8 @@ smalltalk.addClass('ASTInterpreterError', smalltalk.Error, [], 'Compiler-Interpr
 smalltalk.ASTInterpreterError.comment="I get signaled when an AST interpreter is unable to interpret a node.";
-smalltalk.addClass('ASTPCNodeVisitor', smalltalk.NodeVisitor, ['useInlinings', 'pc', 'context', 'blockIndex', 'currentNode'], 'Compiler-Interpreter');
-smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor.comment="I visit an AST until I get to the current pc node and answer it.\x0a\x0a## API\x0a\x0aMy instances must be filled with a context object using `#context:`.\x0a\x0aAfter visiting the AST the current node corresponding to the `pc` is answered by `#currentNode`";
-selector: "blockIndex",
-category: 'accessing',
-fn: function (){
-var self=this;
-return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $2,$1;
-if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
-} else {
-return $1;
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"blockIndex",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
-args: [],
-source: "blockIndex\x0a\x09^ blockIndex ifNil: [ blockIndex := 0 ]",
-messageSends: ["ifNil:"],
-referencedClasses: []
+smalltalk.addClass('ASTPCNodeVisitor', smalltalk.NodeVisitor, ['context', 'index', 'selector', 'currentNode'], 'Compiler-Interpreter');
+smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor.comment="I visit an AST until I get to the current node for the `context` and answer it.\x0a\x0a## API\x0a\x0aMy instances must be filled with a context object using `#context:`.\x0a\x0aAfter visiting the AST the current node is answered by `#currentNode`";
 selector: "context",
@@ -2141,38 +2160,39 @@ smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor);
-selector: "increaseBlockIndex",
+selector: "increaseIndex",
 category: 'accessing',
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"increaseBlockIndex",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
+return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"increaseIndex",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
 args: [],
-source: "increaseBlockIndex\x0a\x09blockIndex := self blockIndex + 1",
-messageSends: ["+", "blockIndex"],
+source: "increaseIndex\x0a\x09index := self index + 1",
+messageSends: ["+", "index"],
 referencedClasses: []
-selector: "pc",
+selector: "index",
 category: 'accessing',
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
 var $2,$1;
 if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
 } else {
 return $1;
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"pc",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"index",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
 args: [],
-source: "pc\x0a\x09^ pc ifNil: [ 0 ]",
+source: "index\x0a\x09^ index ifNil: [ index := 0 ]",
 messageSends: ["ifNil:"],
 referencedClasses: []
@@ -2180,54 +2200,33 @@ smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor);
-selector: "pc:",
-category: 'accessing',
-fn: function (anInteger){
-var self=this;
-return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"pc:",{anInteger:anInteger},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
-args: ["anInteger"],
-source: "pc: anInteger\x0a\x09pc := anInteger",
-messageSends: [],
-referencedClasses: []
-selector: "useInlinings",
+selector: "selector",
 category: 'accessing',
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $2,$1;
-if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
-} else {
+var $1;
 return $1;
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"useInlinings",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"selector",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
 args: [],
-source: "useInlinings\x0a\x09^ useInlinings ifNil: [ true ]",
-messageSends: ["ifNil:"],
+source: "selector\x0a\x09^ selector",
+messageSends: [],
 referencedClasses: []
-selector: "useInlinings:",
+selector: "selector:",
 category: 'accessing',
-fn: function (aBoolean){
+fn: function (aString){
 var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"useInlinings:",{aBoolean:aBoolean},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
-args: ["aBoolean"],
-source: "useInlinings: aBoolean\x0a\x09useInlinings := aBoolean",
+return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"selector:",{aString:aString},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
+args: ["aString"],
+source: "selector: aString\x0a\x09selector := aString",
 messageSends: [],
 referencedClasses: []
@@ -2277,7 +2276,7 @@ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"visitJSStatementNode:",{aNode:aNode},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
 args: ["aNode"],
-source: "visitJSStatementNode: aNode\x0a\x09currentNode := aNode",
+source: "visitJSStatementNode: aNode\x0a\x09\x22If a JSStatementNode is encountered, it always is the current node.\x0a\x09Stop visiting the AST there\x22\x0a\x09\x0a\x09currentNode := aNode",
 messageSends: [],
 referencedClasses: []
@@ -2290,36 +2289,29 @@ category: 'visiting',
 fn: function (aNode){
 var self=this;
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $3,$5,$4,$2,$6,$8,$10,$9,$7,$12,$11,$1;
+var $2,$3,$1,$6,$7,$5,$4;
 smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor.superclass.fn.prototype._visitSendNode_.apply(_st(self), [aNode]);
-if(! smalltalk.assert($2)){
-if(! smalltalk.assert($6)){
+} else {
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"visitSendNode:",{aNode:aNode},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor)})},
 args: ["aNode"],
-source: "visitSendNode: aNode\x0a\x09super visitSendNode: aNode.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self pc = self context pc ifFalse: [\x0a\x09\x09aNode shouldBeInlined ifFalse: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09self blockIndex = self context index ifTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09self pc: self pc + 1.\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09currentNode := aNode ] ] ]",
-messageSends: ["visitSendNode:", "ifFalse:", "=", "pc", "context", "shouldBeInlined", "ifTrue:", "blockIndex", "index", "pc:", "+"],
+source: "visitSendNode: aNode\x0a\x09super visitSendNode: aNode.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self selector = aNode selector ifTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09(self context sendIndexAt: self selector) < self index \x0a\x09\x09\x09ifTrue: [ self increaseIndex ]\x0a\x09\x09\x09ifFalse: [ currentNode := aNode ] ]",
+messageSends: ["visitSendNode:", "ifTrue:", "=", "selector", "ifTrue:ifFalse:", "<", "sendIndexAt:", "context", "index", "increaseIndex"],
 referencedClasses: []

+ 34 - 27

@@ -69,46 +69,53 @@ selector: "astPCNodeVisitor",
 category: 'factory',
 fn: function (){
 var self=this;
+function $ASTPCNodeVisitor(){return smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor||(typeof ASTPCNodeVisitor=="undefined"?nil:ASTPCNodeVisitor)}
+function $AIContext(){return smalltalk.AIContext||(typeof AIContext=="undefined"?nil:AIContext)}
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $1;
+var $2,$3,$5,$4,$6,$1;
 return $1;
 }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"astPCNodeVisitor",{},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitorTest)})},
 args: [],
-source: "astPCNodeVisitor\x0a\x09^ self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 0",
-messageSends: ["astPCNodeVisitorForPC:"],
-referencedClasses: []
+source: "astPCNodeVisitor\x0a\x09^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new\x0a\x09\x09context: (AIContext new\x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself);\x0a\x09\x09yourself",
+messageSends: ["context:", "new", "yourself"],
+referencedClasses: ["ASTPCNodeVisitor", "AIContext"]
-selector: "astPCNodeVisitorForPC:",
+selector: "astPCNodeVisitorForSelector:",
 category: 'factory',
-fn: function (anInteger){
+fn: function (aString){
 var self=this;
 function $ASTPCNodeVisitor(){return smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitor||(typeof ASTPCNodeVisitor=="undefined"?nil:ASTPCNodeVisitor)}
 function $AIContext(){return smalltalk.AIContext||(typeof AIContext=="undefined"?nil:AIContext)}
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
-var $2,$3,$5,$6,$4,$7,$1;
+var $2,$3,$5,$4,$6,$1;
 return $1;
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"astPCNodeVisitorForPC:",{anInteger:anInteger},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitorTest)})},
-args: ["anInteger"],
-source: "astPCNodeVisitorForPC: anInteger\x0a\x09^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new\x0a\x09\x09pc: 0;\x0a\x09\x09context: (AIContext new \x0a\x09\x09\x09pc: anInteger; \x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself);\x0a\x09\x09yourself",
-messageSends: ["pc:", "new", "context:", "yourself"],
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"astPCNodeVisitorForSelector:",{aString:aString},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitorTest)})},
+args: ["aString"],
+source: "astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: aString\x0a\x09^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new\x0a\x09\x09selector: aString;\x0a\x09\x09context: (AIContext new\x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself);\x0a\x09\x09yourself",
+messageSends: ["selector:", "new", "context:", "yourself"],
 referencedClasses: ["ASTPCNodeVisitor", "AIContext"]
@@ -147,14 +154,14 @@ function $Object(){return smalltalk.Object||(typeof Object=="undefined"?nil:Obje
 return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { 
 var $1,$2;
 ast=self._parse_forClass_("foo self asString yourself. ^ self asBoolean",$Object());
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"testMessageSend",{ast:ast},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitorTest)})},
 args: [],
-source: "testMessageSend\x0a\x09| ast |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo self asString yourself. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 2)\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'",
-messageSends: ["parse:forClass:", "assert:equals:", "selector", "visit:", "astPCNodeVisitorForPC:", "currentNode"],
+source: "testMessageSend\x0a\x09| ast |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo self asString yourself. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself')\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'",
+messageSends: ["parse:forClass:", "assert:equals:", "selector", "visit:", "astPCNodeVisitorForSelector:", "currentNode"],
 referencedClasses: ["Object"]
@@ -171,8 +178,8 @@ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
 var $4,$5,$3,$2,$1,$9,$10,$8,$7,$6;
 ast=self._parse_forClass_("foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean",$Object());
@@ -183,7 +190,7 @@ $ctx1.sendIdx["selector"]=1;
 ast=self._parse_forClass_("foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean",$Object());
@@ -191,8 +198,8 @@ $7=_st($8)._selector();
 return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"testMessageSendWithInlining",{ast:ast},smalltalk.ASTPCNodeVisitorTest)})},
 args: [],
-source: "testMessageSendWithInlining\x0a\x09| ast |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 2)\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'.\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 3)\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'asBoolean'",
-messageSends: ["parse:forClass:", "assert:equals:", "selector", "visit:", "astPCNodeVisitorForPC:", "currentNode"],
+source: "testMessageSendWithInlining\x0a\x09| ast |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself')\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'.\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.\x0a\x09self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'asBoolean')\x0a\x09\x09visit: ast;\x0a\x09\x09currentNode) selector equals: 'asBoolean'",
+messageSends: ["parse:forClass:", "assert:equals:", "selector", "visit:", "astPCNodeVisitorForSelector:", "currentNode"],
 referencedClasses: ["Object"]

+ 42 - 34

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ forContext: aContext node: aNode
 ! !
 MethodContext subclass: #AIContext
-	instanceVariableNames: 'outerContext innerContext pc locals selector index ast interpreter'
+	instanceVariableNames: 'outerContext innerContext pc locals selector index sendIndexes ast interpreter'
 	package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
 !AIContext commentStamp!
 I am like a `MethodContext`, used by the `ASTInterpreter`.
@@ -168,6 +168,18 @@ selector
 selector: aString
 	selector := aString
+sendIndexAt: aString
+	^ self sendIndexes at: aString ifAbsent: [ 0 ]
+	^ sendIndexes ifNil: [ Dictionary new ]
+sendIndexes: aDictionary
+	sendIndexes := aDictionary
 ! !
 !AIContext methodsFor: 'factory'!
@@ -190,6 +202,7 @@ initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext
 		index: aMethodContext index;
+		sendIndexes: aMethodContext sendIndexes;
 		receiver: aMethodContext receiver;
 		selector: aMethodContext selector.
@@ -204,7 +217,6 @@ initializeFromMethodContext: aMethodContext
 	interpreter := ASTInterpreter new
 		context: self;
-		node: self retrieveNode;
 	(self innerContext notNil and: [ 
@@ -249,17 +261,19 @@ receiver: anObject
 	self localAt: 'self' put: anObject
-	^ self ast ifNotNil: [
-		ASTPCNodeVisitor new
+setupInterpreter: anInterpreter
+	| currentNode |
+	"Retrieve the current node"
+	currentNode := ASTPCNodeVisitor new
+			selector: self innerContext selector;
 			context: self;
 			visit: self ast;
-			currentNode ]
-setupInterpreter: anInterpreter
-	"Push the send args and receiver to the interpreter stack"
+			currentNode.
+	anInterpreter node: currentNode.
+	"Push the send args and receiver to the interpreter stack"	
 	self innerContext arguments reversed do: [ :each | 
 		anInterpreter push: each ].
@@ -697,23 +711,19 @@ Error subclass: #ASTInterpreterError
 I get signaled when an AST interpreter is unable to interpret a node.!
 NodeVisitor subclass: #ASTPCNodeVisitor
-	instanceVariableNames: 'useInlinings pc context blockIndex currentNode'
+	instanceVariableNames: 'context index selector currentNode'
 	package: 'Compiler-Interpreter'!
 !ASTPCNodeVisitor commentStamp!
-I visit an AST until I get to the current pc node and answer it.
+I visit an AST until I get to the current node for the `context` and answer it.
 ## API
 My instances must be filled with a context object using `#context:`.
-After visiting the AST the current node corresponding to the `pc` is answered by `#currentNode`!
+After visiting the AST the current node is answered by `#currentNode`!
 !ASTPCNodeVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing'!
-	^ blockIndex ifNil: [ blockIndex := 0 ]
 	^ context
@@ -726,24 +736,20 @@ currentNode
 	^ currentNode
-	blockIndex := self blockIndex + 1
+	index := self index + 1
-	^ pc ifNil: [ 0 ]
-pc: anInteger
-	pc := anInteger
+	^ index ifNil: [ index := 0 ]
-	^ useInlinings ifNil: [ true ]
+	^ selector
-useInlinings: aBoolean
-	useInlinings := aBoolean
+selector: aString
+	selector := aString
 ! !
 !ASTPCNodeVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting'!
@@ -759,17 +765,19 @@ visitBlockNode: aNode
 visitJSStatementNode: aNode
+	"If a JSStatementNode is encountered, it always is the current node.
+	Stop visiting the AST there"
 	currentNode := aNode
 visitSendNode: aNode
 	super visitSendNode: aNode.
-	self pc = self context pc ifFalse: [
-		aNode shouldBeInlined ifFalse: [
-			self blockIndex = self context index ifTrue: [
-				self pc: self pc + 1.
-				currentNode := aNode ] ] ]
+	self selector = aNode selector ifTrue: [
+		(self context sendIndexAt: self selector) < self index 
+			ifTrue: [ self increaseIndex ]
+			ifFalse: [ currentNode := aNode ] ]
 ! !
 !Node methodsFor: '*Compiler-Interpreter'!

+ 10 - 8

@@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ ASTParsingTest subclass: #ASTPCNodeVisitorTest
 !ASTPCNodeVisitorTest methodsFor: 'factory'!
-	^ self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 0
+	^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new
+		context: (AIContext new
+			yourself);
+		yourself
-astPCNodeVisitorForPC: anInteger
+astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: aString
 	^ ASTPCNodeVisitor new
-		pc: 0;
-		context: (AIContext new 
-			pc: anInteger; 
+		selector: aString;
+		context: (AIContext new
 ! !
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ testMessageSend
 	| ast |
 	ast := self parse: 'foo self asString yourself. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.
-	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 2)
+	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself')
 		visit: ast;
 		currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'
@@ -63,12 +65,12 @@ testMessageSendWithInlining
 	| ast |
 	ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.
-	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 2)
+	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'yourself')
 		visit: ast;
 		currentNode) selector equals: 'yourself'.
 	ast := self parse: 'foo true ifTrue: [ self asString yourself ]. ^ self asBoolean' forClass: Object.
-	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForPC: 3)
+	self assert: ((self astPCNodeVisitorForSelector: 'asBoolean')
 		visit: ast;
 		currentNode) selector equals: 'asBoolean'