@@ -38839,15 +38839,15 @@ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
var $2,$1;
if(($receiver = $2) == nil || $receiver == null){
} else {
return $1;
}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"basePath",{},smalltalk.FileServer)})},
args: [],
-source: "basePath\x0a\x09^basePath ifNil: ['./']",
-messageSends: ["ifNil:"],
+source: "basePath\x0a\x09^basePath ifNil: [self class defaultBasePath]",
+messageSends: ["ifNil:", "defaultBasePath", "class"],
referencedClasses: []
@@ -38859,18 +38859,12 @@ protocol: 'accessing',
fn: function (aString){
var self=this;
return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
-var $1;
-} else {
-_st(console)._log_("Warning: The base path is set to ".__comma(self._basePath()));
return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"basePath:",{aString:aString},smalltalk.FileServer)})},
args: ["aString"],
-source: "basePath: aString\x0a\x09(self validateBasePath: aString)\x0a\x09\x09ifTrue:\x09[\x09basePath := aString\x09]\x0a\x09\x09ifFalse: [ console log: 'Warning: The base path is set to ', (self basePath) ].",
-messageSends: ["ifTrue:ifFalse:", "validateBasePath:", "log:", ",", "basePath"],
+source: "basePath: aString\x0a\x09basePath := aString.\x0a\x09self validateBasePath.",
+messageSends: ["validateBasePath"],
referencedClasses: []
@@ -39560,50 +39554,55 @@ smalltalk.FileServer);
-selector: "validateBasePath:",
+selector: "validateBasePath",
protocol: 'private',
-fn: function (aString){
+fn: function (){
var self=this;
var stat;
function $Error(){return smalltalk.Error||(typeof Error=="undefined"?nil:Error)}
return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
-var $1,$5,$4,$3,$2,$6,$7,$8;
+var $1,$2,$3,$8,$7,$6,$5,$4,$9,$10,$11;
var $early={};
try {
return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) {
return stat;
}, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}))._on_do_($Error(),(function(err){
return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) {
-$5="Warning: option --base-path ".__comma(aString);
+$7="Warning: option --base-path ".__comma($8);
-$4=_st($5).__comma(", that path is ");
+$6=_st($7).__comma(", that path is ");
throw $early=[false];
}, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({err:err},$ctx1,2)})}));
-if(! smalltalk.assert($6)){
-$8=_st("Warning: option --base-path ".__comma(aString)).__comma(" , it is not a directory.");
+if(! smalltalk.assert($9)){
+$11=_st("Warning: option --base-path ".__comma(self._basePath())).__comma(" , it is not a directory.");
return false;
return true;
catch(e) {if(e===$early)return e[0]; throw e}
-}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"validateBasePath:",{aString:aString,stat:stat},smalltalk.FileServer)})},
-args: ["aString"],
-source: "validateBasePath: aString\x0a\x09\x22The basePath must be an existing directory. \x22\x0a\x09| stat |\x0a\x09[ stat := fs statSync: (path join: './' wiith: aString) ] on: Error \x0a\x09do: [ :err | console log: 'Warning: option --base-path ' , aString , ', that path is ' , (err messageText) , '.' . ^ false ].\x0a\x09stat isDirectory ifFalse: [\x09\x0a\x09\x09console log: 'Warning: option --base-path ' , aString , ' , it is not a directory.' . ^ false ].\x0a\x09^ true",
-messageSends: ["on:do:", "statSync:", "join:wiith:", "log:", ",", "messageText", "ifFalse:", "isDirectory"],
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"validateBasePath",{stat:stat},smalltalk.FileServer)})},
+args: [],
+source: "validateBasePath\x0a\x09\x22The basePath must be an existing directory. \x22\x0a\x09| stat |\x0a\x09[ stat := fs statSync: self basePath ] on: Error \x0a\x09do: [ :err | console log: 'Warning: option --base-path ' , (self basePath) , ', that path is ' , (err messageText) , '.' . ^ false ].\x0a\x09stat isDirectory ifFalse: [\x09\x0a\x09\x09console log: 'Warning: option --base-path ' , (self basePath) , ' , it is not a directory.' . ^ false ].\x0a\x09^ true",
+messageSends: ["on:do:", "statSync:", "basePath", "log:", ",", "messageText", "ifFalse:", "isDirectory"],
referencedClasses: ["Error"]
@@ -39756,6 +39755,22 @@ referencedClasses: ["Array"]
+selector: "defaultBasePath",
+protocol: 'accessing',
+fn: function (){
+var self=this;
+return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) {
+return "./";
+}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"defaultBasePath",{},smalltalk.FileServer.klass)})},
+args: [],
+source: "defaultBasePath\x0a\x09^ './'",
+messageSends: [],
+referencedClasses: []
selector: "defaultHost",