smalltalk.addPackage('Kernel-Objects', {}); smalltalk.addClass('Object', smalltalk.nil, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__minus_gt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('-%3E'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Association || Association, "_key_value_", [self, anObject]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3D'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "__eq_eq", [anObject]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__eq_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3D%3D'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_identityHash", []), "__eq", [smalltalk.send(anObject, "_identityHash", [])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJSON'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJSON'), fn: function (){ var self=this; var variables=nil; (variables=smalltalk.send((smalltalk.HashedCollection || HashedCollection), "_new", [])); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_allInstanceVariableNames", []), "_do_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send(variables, "_at_put_", [each, smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_instVarAt_", [each]), "_asJSON", [])]);})]); return variables; return self;} }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJSONString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJSONString'), fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.send((smalltalk.JSON || JSON), "_stringify_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_asJSON", [])]); return self;} }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJavascript'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJavascript'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_asString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_printString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicAt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicAt%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; return self[aString]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicAt_put_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicAt%3Aput%3A'), fn: function (aString, anObject) { var self = this; return self[aString] = anObject; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicDelete_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicDelete%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; delete self[aString]; return aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicPerform_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicPerform%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_basicPerform_withArguments_", [aSymbol, []]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicPerform_withArguments_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicPerform%3AwithArguments%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol, aCollection) { var self = this; return self[aSymbol].apply(self, aCollection); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_class'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('class'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.klass; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_copy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('copy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_shallowCopy", []), "_postCopy", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deepCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deepCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; var copy = self.klass._new(); for (var i in self) { if (/^@.+/.test(i)) { copy[i] = self[i]._deepCopy(); } } return copy; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deprecatedAPI'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deprecatedAPI'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(typeof console == "undefined" ? nil : console, "_warn_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.getThisContext(), "_home", []), "_asString", []), "__comma", [unescape("%20is%20deprecated%21%20%28in%20")]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.getThisContext(), "_home", []), "_home", []), "_asString", [])]), "__comma", [unescape("%29")])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_doesNotUnderstand_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('doesNotUnderstand%3A'), fn: function (aMessage) { var self = this; (function ($rec) {smalltalk.send($rec, "_receiver_", [self]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_message_", [aMessage]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_signal", []);}(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.MessageNotUnderstood || MessageNotUnderstood, "_new", []))); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_error_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('error%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Error || Error, "_signal_", [aString]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_halt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('halt'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", ["Halt encountered"]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_identityHash'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('identityHash'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.identityHash || (self.identityHash = smalltalk.nextId()); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNil_ifNotNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNil%3AifNotNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(anotherBlock, "_value", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNotNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNotNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNotNil_ifNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNotNil%3AifNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_initialize'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('initialize'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_instVarAt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('instVarAt%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol) { var self = this; var varname = nil; varname = smalltalk.send(aSymbol, "_asString", []); return self["@" + varname]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_instVarAt_put_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('instVarAt%3Aput%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol, anObject) { var self = this; var varname = nil; varname = smalltalk.send(aSymbol, "_asString", []); self["@" + varname] = anObject; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isClass'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isClass'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isKindOf_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isKindOf%3A'), fn: function (aClass) { var self = this; return ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_isMemberOf_", [aClass])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return true;}() : function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_inheritsFrom_", [aClass]);}() : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return true;}, function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_inheritsFrom_", [aClass]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isMemberOf_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isMemberOf%3A'), fn: function (aClass) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "__eq", [aClass]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isMetaclass'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isMetaclass'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isNil'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isNil'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isNumber'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isNumber'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isParseFailure'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isParseFailure'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isSymbol'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isSymbol'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_log_block_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('log%3Ablock%3A'), fn: function (aString, aBlock) { var self = this; var result = nil; smalltalk.send(typeof console == "undefined" ? nil : console, "_log_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aString, "__comma", [" time: "]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Date || Date, "_millisecondsToRun_", [function () {return result = smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []);}]), "_printString", [])])]); return result; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_notNil'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('notNil'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_isNil", []), "_not", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_perform_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('perform%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_perform_withArguments_", [aSymbol, []]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_perform_withArguments_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('perform%3AwithArguments%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol, aCollection) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_basicPerform_withArguments_", [smalltalk.send(aSymbol, "_asSelector", []), aCollection]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_postCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('postCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printNl'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printNl'), fn: function () { var self = this; console.log(self); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send("a ", "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_name", [])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_shallowCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('shallowCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; var copy = self.klass._new(); for (var i in self) { if (/^@.+/.test(i)) { copy[i] = self[i]; } } return copy; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_shouldNotImplement'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('shouldNotImplement'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send("This method should not be implemented in ", "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_name", [])])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_size'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('size'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", ["Object not indexable"]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_storeOn_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('storeOn%3A'), fn: function (aStream) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(aStream, "_nextPutAll_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_printString", [])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_storeString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('storeString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.String || String, "_streamContents_", [function (s) {return smalltalk.send(self, "_storeOn_", [s]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_subclassResponsibility'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('subclassResponsibility'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", ["This method is a responsibility of a subclass"]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_try_catch_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('try%3Acatch%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; try { result = aBlock(); } catch (e) { result = anotherBlock(e); } return result; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_yourself'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('yourself'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_%7E_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%7E%3D'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "__eq", [anObject]), "__eq", [false]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_%7E%7E'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%7E%7E'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "__eq_eq", [anObject]), "__eq", [false]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Object); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_initialize'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('initialize'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; } }), smalltalk.Object.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Boolean', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_%26'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%26'), fn: function (aBoolean) { var self = this; if (self == true) { return aBoolean; } else { return false; } return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3D'), fn: function (aBoolean) { var self = this; try { ($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aBoolean, "_class", []), "__eq", [smalltalk.send(self, "_class", [])])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? !$receiver ? function () {return function () {throw {name: "stReturn", selector: "__eq", fn: function () {return false;}};}();}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifFalse_", [function () {return function () {throw {name: "stReturn", selector: "__eq", fn: function () {return false;}};}();}]); return Boolean(self == true) == aBoolean; return self; } catch (e) { if ( === "stReturn" && e.selector === "__eq") { return e.fn(); } throw e; } } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_and_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('and%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "__eq", [true]), "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [aBlock, function () {return false;}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJSON'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJSON'), fn: function (){ var self=this; return self; return self;} }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deepCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deepCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifFalse_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifFalse%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return nil;}, aBlock]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifFalse_ifTrue_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifFalse%3AifTrue%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [anotherBlock, aBlock]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifTrue_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifTrue%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [aBlock, function () {return nil;}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifTrue_ifFalse_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifTrue%3AifFalse%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; if (self == true) { return aBlock(); } else { return anotherBlock(); } return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_not'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('not'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "__eq", [false]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_or_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('or%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "__eq", [true]), "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return true;}, aBlock]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_shallowCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('shallowCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_%7C'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%7C'), fn: function (aBoolean) { var self = this; if (self == true) { return true; } else { return aBoolean; } return self; } }), smalltalk.Boolean); smalltalk.addClass('Date', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__plus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('+'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self + aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__minus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('-'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self - aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self < aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C%3D'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self <= aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self > aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E%3D'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self >= aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asDateString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asDateString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toDateString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asLocaleString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asLocaleString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toLocaleString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asMilliseconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asMilliseconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_time", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asNumber'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asNumber'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_asMilliseconds", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asTimeString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asTimeString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toTimeString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_day'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('day'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_dayOfWeek", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_day_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('day%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_day_", [aNumber]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfMonth'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfMonth'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getDate(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfMonth_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfMonth%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setDate(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfWeek'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfWeek'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getDay() + 1; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfWeek_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfWeek%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self.setDay(aNumber - 1); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_hours'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('hours'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getHours(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_hours_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('hours%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setHours(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_milliseconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('milliseconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMilliseconds(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_milliseconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('milliseconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMilliseconds(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_minutes'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('minutes'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMinutes(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_minutes_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('minutes%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMinutes(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_month'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('month'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMonth() + 1; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_month_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('month%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMonth(aNumber - 1); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_asString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_seconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('seconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getSeconds(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_seconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('seconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setSeconds(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_time'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('time'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getTime(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_time_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('time%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setTime(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_year'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('year'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getFullYear(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_year_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('year%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setFullYear(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromMilliseconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromMilliseconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new_", [aNumber]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromSeconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromSeconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_fromMilliseconds_", [($receiver = aNumber).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver * 1000 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__star", [1000])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromString_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromString%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new_", [aString]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_millisecondsToRun_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('millisecondsToRun%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; var t = nil; t = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Date || Date, "_now", []); smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []); return ($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Date || Date, "_now", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - t : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [t]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_new_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('new%3A'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return new Date(anObject); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_now'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('now'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_today", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_today'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('today'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Date', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__plus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('+'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self + aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__minus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('-'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self - aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self < aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C%3D'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self <= aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self > aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E%3D'), fn: function (aDate) { var self = this; return self >= aDate; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asDateString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asDateString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toDateString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asLocaleString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asLocaleString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toLocaleString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asMilliseconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asMilliseconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_time", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asNumber'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asNumber'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_asMilliseconds", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asTimeString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asTimeString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.toTimeString(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_day'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('day'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_dayOfWeek", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_day_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('day%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_day_", [aNumber]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfMonth'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfMonth'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getDate(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfMonth_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfMonth%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setDate(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfWeek'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfWeek'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getDay() + 1; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dayOfWeek_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dayOfWeek%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self.setDay(aNumber - 1); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_hours'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('hours'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getHours(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_hours_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('hours%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setHours(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_milliseconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('milliseconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMilliseconds(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_milliseconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('milliseconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMilliseconds(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_minutes'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('minutes'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMinutes(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_minutes_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('minutes%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMinutes(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_month'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('month'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getMonth() + 1; return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_month_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('month%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setMonth(aNumber - 1); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_asString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_seconds'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('seconds'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getSeconds(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_seconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('seconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setSeconds(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_time'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('time'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getTime(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_time_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('time%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setTime(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_year'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('year'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.getFullYear(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_year_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('year%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self.setFullYear(aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromMilliseconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromMilliseconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new_", [aNumber]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromSeconds_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromSeconds%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_fromMilliseconds_", [($receiver = aNumber).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver * 1000 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__star", [1000])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fromString_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fromString%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new_", [aString]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_millisecondsToRun_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('millisecondsToRun%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; var t = nil; t = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Date || Date, "_now", []); smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []); return ($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Date || Date, "_now", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - t : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [t]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_new_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('new%3A'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return new Date(anObject); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_now'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('now'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_today", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_today'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('today'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_new", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Date.klass); smalltalk.addClass('JSObjectProxy', smalltalk.Object, ['jsObject'], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_at_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('at%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol) { var self = this; var attr = nil; attr = smalltalk.send(aSymbol, "_asString", []); return self['@jsObject'][attr]; return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_at_put_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('at%3Aput%3A'), fn: function (aSymbol, anObject) { var self = this; var attr = nil; attr = smalltalk.send(aSymbol, "_asString", []); self['@jsObject'][attr] = anObject; return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_doesNotUnderstand_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('doesNotUnderstand%3A'), fn: function (aMessage) { var self = this; var obj = nil; var selector = nil; var jsSelector = nil; var arguments = nil; obj = smalltalk.send(self, "_jsObject", []); selector = smalltalk.send(aMessage, "_selector", []); jsSelector = smalltalk.send(selector, "_asJavaScriptSelector", []); arguments = smalltalk.send(aMessage, "_arguments", []); if (obj[jsSelector] != undefined) { return smalltalk.send(obj, jsSelector, arguments); } smalltalk.send(self, "_doesNotUnderstand_", [aMessage], smalltalk.Object); return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_inspectOn_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('inspectOn%3A'), fn: function (anInspector) { var self = this; var variables = nil; variables = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Dictionary || Dictionary, "_new", []); smalltalk.send(variables, "_at_put_", [unescape("%23self"), smalltalk.send(self, "_jsObject", [])]); smalltalk.send(anInspector, "_setLabel_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_printString", [])]); for (var i in self['@jsObject']) { variables._at_put_(i, self['@jsObject'][i]); } smalltalk.send(anInspector, "_setVariables_", [variables]); return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_jsObject'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('jsObject'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@jsObject']; return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_jsObject_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('jsObject%3A'), fn: function (aJSObject) { var self = this; self['@jsObject'] = aJSObject; return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_jsObject", []), "_toString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_on_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('on%3A'), fn: function (aJSObject) { var self = this; return function ($rec) {smalltalk.send($rec, "_jsObject_", [aJSObject]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_yourself", []);}(smalltalk.send(self, "_new", [])); return self; } }), smalltalk.JSObjectProxy.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Number', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__star'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('*'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self * aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__plus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('+'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self + aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__minus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('-'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self - aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__slash'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('/'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self / aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self < aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__lt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3C%3D'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self <= aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3D'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; try { ($receiver = smalltalk.send(aNumber, "_isNumber", [])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? !$receiver ? function () {return function () {throw {name: "stReturn", selector: "__eq", fn: function () {return false;}};}();}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifFalse_", [function () {return function () {throw {name: "stReturn", selector: "__eq", fn: function () {return false;}};}();}]); return Number(self) == aNumber; return self; } catch (e) { if ( === "stReturn" && e.selector === "__eq") { return e.fn(); } throw e; } } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self > aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__gt_eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3E%3D'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self >= aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__at'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('@'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [self, aNumber]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_%5C%5C'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%5C%5C'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return self % aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJSON'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJSON'), fn: function (){ var self=this; return self; return self;} }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJavascript'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJavascript'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(unescape("%28"), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(self, "_printString", [])]), "__comma", [unescape("%29")]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asPoint'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asPoint'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [self, self]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_printString", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_atRandom'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('atRandom'), fn: function () { var self = this; return ($receiver = smalltalk.send(($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Random || Random, "_new", []), "_next", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver * self : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__star", [self]), "_truncated", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_clearInterval'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('clearInterval'), fn: function () { var self = this; clearInterval(Number(self)); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_clearTimeout'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('clearTimeout'), fn: function () { var self = this; clearTimeout(Number(self)); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_copy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('copy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deepCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deepCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_copy", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_even'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('even'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(0, "__eq", [smalltalk.send(self, "_\\\\", [2])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_identityHash'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('identityHash'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_asString", []), "__comma", ["n"]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isNumber'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isNumber'), fn: function () { var self = this; return true; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isZero'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isZero'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "__eq", [0]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_max_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('max%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return Math.max(self, aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_min_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('min%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; return Math.min(self, aNumber); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_negated'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('negated'), fn: function () { var self = this; return 0 - self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_negative'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('negative'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self < 0; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_odd'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('odd'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_even", []), "_not", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_positive'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('positive'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self >= 0; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printShowingDecimalPlaces_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printShowingDecimalPlaces%3A'), fn: function (placesDesired) { var self = this; return self.toFixed(placesDesired); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return String(self); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_rounded'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('rounded'), fn: function () { var self = this; return Math.round(self); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_sqrt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('sqrt'), fn: function () { var self = this; return Math.sqrt(self); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_squared'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('squared'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self * self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_timesRepeat_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('timesRepeat%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; var integer = nil; var count = nil; integer = smalltalk.send(self, "_truncated", []); count = 1; (function () {while (!function () {return ($receiver = count).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver > self : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__gt", [self]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []);return count = ($receiver = count).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);}());}}()); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_to_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('to%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; var array = nil; var first = nil; var last = nil; var count = nil; first = smalltalk.send(self, "_truncated", []); last = ($receiver = smalltalk.send(aNumber, "_truncated", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]); count = 1; array = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Array || Array, "_new", []); smalltalk.send(($receiver = last).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - first : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [first]), "_timesRepeat_", [function () {smalltalk.send(array, "_at_put_", [count, first]);count = ($receiver = count).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);return first = ($receiver = first).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);}]); return array; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_to_by_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('to%3Aby%3A'), fn: function (stop, step) { var self = this; var array = nil; var value = nil; var pos = nil; value = self; array = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Array || Array, "_new", []); pos = 1; ($receiver = smalltalk.send(step, "__eq", [0])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [unescape("step%20must%20be%20non-zero")]);}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [unescape("step%20must%20be%20non-zero")]);}]); ($receiver = ($receiver = step).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver < 0 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt", [0])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver >= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__gt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(array, "_at_put_", [pos, value]);pos = ($receiver = pos).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}() : function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver <= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(array, "_at_put_", [pos, value]);pos = ($receiver = pos).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}() : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver >= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__gt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(array, "_at_put_", [pos, value]);pos = ($receiver = pos).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}, function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver <= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(array, "_at_put_", [pos, value]);pos = ($receiver = pos).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}]); return array; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_to_by_do_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('to%3Aby%3Ado%3A'), fn: function (stop, step, aBlock) { var self = this; var value = nil; value = self; ($receiver = smalltalk.send(step, "__eq", [0])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [unescape("step%20must%20be%20non-zero")]);}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [unescape("step%20must%20be%20non-zero")]);}]); ($receiver = ($receiver = step).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver < 0 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt", [0])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver >= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__gt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value_", [value]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}() : function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver <= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value_", [value]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}() : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver >= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__gt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value_", [value]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}, function () {return function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver <= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value_", [value]);return value = ($receiver = value).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + step : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [step]);}());}}();}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_to_do_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('to%3Ado%3A'), fn: function (stop, aBlock) { var self = this; var nextValue = nil; nextValue = self; (function () {while (function () {return ($receiver = nextValue).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver <= stop : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [stop]);}()) {(function () {smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value_", [nextValue]);return nextValue = ($receiver = nextValue).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [1]);}());}}()); return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_truncated'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('truncated'), fn: function () { var self = this; var result = nil; ($receiver = self >= 0).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return result = Math.floor(self);}() : function () {return result = Math.floor(self * -1) * -1;}() : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_ifFalse_", [function () {return result = Math.floor(self);}, function () {return result = Math.floor(self * -1) * -1;}]); return result; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_pi'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('pi'), fn: function () { var self = this; return Math.PI; return self; } }), smalltalk.Number.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Package', smalltalk.Object, ['commitPathJs', 'commitPathSt'], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_classes'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('classes'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Smalltalk || Smalltalk, "_current", []), "_classes", []), "_select_", [function (c) {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(c, "_package", []), "__eq_eq", [self]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_commitPathJs'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('commitPathJs'), fn: function () { var self = this; return ($receiver = self['@commitPathJs']) == nil || $receiver == undefined ? function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_defaultCommitPathJs", []);}() : $receiver; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_commitPathJs_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('commitPathJs%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; self['@commitPathJs'] = aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_commitPathSt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('commitPathSt'), fn: function () { var self = this; return ($receiver = self['@commitPathSt']) == nil || $receiver == undefined ? function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_defaultCommitPathSt", []);}() : $receiver; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_commitPathSt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('commitPathSt%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; self['@commitPathSt'] = aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dependencies'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dependencies'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_propertyAt_ifAbsent_", ["dependencies", function () {return [];}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_dependencies_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('dependencies%3A'), fn: function (anArray) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_propertyAt_put_", ["dependencies", anArray]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_jsProperties'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('jsProperties'), fn: function () { var self = this; return; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_jsProperties_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('jsProperties%3A'), fn: function (aJSObject) { var self = this; return = aJSObject; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_name'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('name'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.pkgName; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_name_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('name%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; self.pkgName = aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_name", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_properties'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('properties'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Smalltalk || Smalltalk, "_current", []), "_readJSObject_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_basicAt_", ["properties"])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_properties_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('properties%3A'), fn: function (aDict) { var self = this; var object = nil; object = {}; smalltalk.send(aDict, "_keysAndValuesDo_", [function (key, value) {return object[key] = value;}]); return = object; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_propertiesAsJSON'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('propertiesAsJSON'), fn: function () { var self = this; return JSON.stringify(; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_propertyAt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('propertyAt%3A'), fn: function (key) { var self = this; return[key]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_propertyAt_ifAbsent_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('propertyAt%3AifAbsent%3A'), fn: function (key, block) { var self = this; return ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_propertyAt_", [key])) == nil || $receiver == undefined ? function () {return smalltalk.send(block, "_value", []);}() : $receiver; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_propertyAt_put_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('propertyAt%3Aput%3A'), fn: function (key, value) { var self = this; return[key] = value; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_sortedClasses'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('sortedClasses'), fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_class", []), "_sortedClasses_", [smalltalk.send(self, "_classes", [])]); return self;} }), smalltalk.Package); smalltalk.Package.klass.iVarNames = ['defaultCommitPathJs','defaultCommitPathSt']; smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_commitToLocalStorage_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('commitToLocalStorage%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName) { var self = this; var key = nil; var sourceCode = nil; key = smalltalk.send("smalltalk.packages.", "__comma", [aPackageName]); sourceCode = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Exporter || Exporter, "_new", []), "_exportPackage_", [aPackageName]); localStorage[key] = escape(sourceCode); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_defaultCommitPathJs'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('defaultCommitPathJs'), fn: function () { var self = this; return ($receiver = self['@defaultCommitPathJs']) == nil || $receiver == undefined ? function () {return self['@defaultCommitPathJs'] = "js";}() : $receiver; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_defaultCommitPathJs_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('defaultCommitPathJs%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; self['@defaultCommitPathJs'] = aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_defaultCommitPathSt'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('defaultCommitPathSt'), fn: function () { var self = this; return ($receiver = self['@defaultCommitPathSt']) == nil || $receiver == undefined ? function () {return self['@defaultCommitPathSt'] = "st";}() : $receiver; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_defaultCommitPathSt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('defaultCommitPathSt%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; self['@defaultCommitPathSt'] = aString; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fetch_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fetch%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_fetch_prefix_", [aPackageName, smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_defaultCommitPathJs", []), "__comma", [unescape("/")])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_fetch_prefix_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('fetch%3Aprefix%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName, aPrefix) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(typeof jQuery == "undefined" ? nil : jQuery, "_getScript_onSuccess_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPrefix, "__comma", [aPackageName]), "__comma", [".js"]), function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Package || Package, "_init_", [aPackageName]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_init_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('init%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName) { var self = this; (function ($rec) {smalltalk.send($rec, "_do_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.init(each);}]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_do_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.send(each, "_initialize", []);}]);}(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(typeof smalltalk == "undefined" ? nil : smalltalk, "_classes", []), "_select_", [function (each) {return each.pkg.pkgName == aPackageName;}]))); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_named_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('named%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Smalltalk || Smalltalk, "_current", []), "_packageAt_", [aPackageName]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_named_ifAbsent_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('named%3AifAbsent%3A'), fn: function (aPackageName, aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Smalltalk || Smalltalk, "_current", []), "_packageAt_ifAbsent_", [aPackageName, aBlock]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_resetCommitPaths'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('resetCommitPaths'), fn: function () { var self = this; self['@defaultCommitPathJs'] = nil; self['@defaultCommitPathSt'] = nil; return self; } }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_sortedClasses_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('sortedClasses%3A'), fn: function (classes){ var self=this; var children=nil; var others=nil; var nodes=nil; var expandedClasses=nil; (children=[]); (others=[]); smalltalk.send(classes, "_do_", [(function(each){return ((($receiver = smalltalk.send(classes, "_includes_", [smalltalk.send(each, "_superclass", [])])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean) ? (! $receiver ? (function(){return smalltalk.send(children, "_add_", [each]);})() : (function(){return smalltalk.send(others, "_add_", [each]);})()) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifFalse_ifTrue_", [(function(){return smalltalk.send(children, "_add_", [each]);}), (function(){return smalltalk.send(others, "_add_", [each]);})]));})]); (nodes=smalltalk.send(children, "_collect_", [(function(each){return smalltalk.send((smalltalk.ClassSorterNode || ClassSorterNode), "_on_classes_level_", [each, others, (0)]);})])); (nodes=smalltalk.send(nodes, "_sorted_", [(function(a, b){return ((($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(a, "_theClass", []), "_name", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver <=smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(b, "_theClass", []), "_name", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__lt_eq", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(b, "_theClass", []), "_name", [])]));})])); (expandedClasses=smalltalk.send((smalltalk.Array || Array), "_new", [])); smalltalk.send(nodes, "_do_", [(function(aNode){return smalltalk.send(aNode, "_traverseClassesWith_", [expandedClasses]);})]); return expandedClasses; return self;} }), smalltalk.Package.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Point', smalltalk.Object, ['x', 'y'], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__star'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('*'), fn: function (aPoint) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_x", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver * smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__star", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", [])]), ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_y", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver * smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__star", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", [])])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__plus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('+'), fn: function (aPoint) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_x", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", [])]), ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_y", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver + smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", [])])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__minus'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('-'), fn: function (aPoint) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_x", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", [])]), ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_y", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", [])])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__slash'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('/'), fn: function (aPoint) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Point || Point, "_x_y_", [($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_x", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver / smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__slash", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_x", [])]), ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_y", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver / smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", []) : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__slash", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_asPoint", []), "_y", [])])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('__eq'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('%3D'), fn: function (aPoint) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_class", []), "__eq", [smalltalk.send(self, "_class", [])]), "_and_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_x", []), "__eq", [smalltalk.send(self, "_x", [])]), "_&", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aPoint, "_y", []), "__eq", [smalltalk.send(self, "_y", [])])]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asPoint'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asPoint'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.String || String, "_streamContents_", [function (stream) {smalltalk.send(stream, "_nextPutAll_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@x'], "_printString", []), "__comma", [unescape("@")])]);($receiver = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self['@y'], "_notNil", []), "_and_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(self['@y'], "_negative", []);}])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return smalltalk.send(stream, "_space", []);}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(stream, "_space", []);}]);return smalltalk.send(stream, "_nextPutAll_", [smalltalk.send(self['@y'], "_printString", [])]);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_translateBy_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('translateBy%3A'), fn: function (delta){ var self=this; return smalltalk.send(((($receiver = smalltalk.send(delta, "_x", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver +self['@x'] : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [self['@x']])), "__at", [((($receiver = smalltalk.send(delta, "_y", [])).klass === smalltalk.Number) ? $receiver +self['@y'] : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__plus", [self['@y']]))]); return self;} }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_x'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('x'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@x']; return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_x_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('x%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self['@x'] = aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_y'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('y'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self['@y']; return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_y_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('y%3A'), fn: function (aNumber) { var self = this; self['@y'] = aNumber; return self; } }), smalltalk.Point); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_x_y_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('x%3Ay%3A'), fn: function (aNumber, anotherNumber) { var self = this; return function ($rec) {smalltalk.send($rec, "_x_", [aNumber]);smalltalk.send($rec, "_y_", [anotherNumber]);return smalltalk.send($rec, "_yourself", []);}(smalltalk.send(self, "_new", [])); return self; } }), smalltalk.Point.klass); smalltalk.addClass('Random', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_next'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('next'), fn: function () { var self = this; return Math.random(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Random); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_next_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('next%3A'), fn: function (anInteger) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(1, "_to_", [anInteger]), "_collect_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.send(self, "_next", []);}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Random); smalltalk.addClass('Smalltalk', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_at_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('at%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; return self[aString]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_basicParse_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('basicParse%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; return smalltalk.parser.parse(aString); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_classes'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('classes'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.classes(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_createPackage_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('createPackage%3A'), fn: function (packageName) { var self = this; return smalltalk.addPackage(packageName, nil); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_createPackage_properties_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('createPackage%3Aproperties%3A'), fn: function (packageName, aDict) { var self = this; var object = nil; object = {}; smalltalk.send(aDict, "_keysAndValuesDo_", [function (key, value) {return object[key] = value;}]); return smalltalk.addPackage(packageName, object); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deletePackage_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deletePackage%3A'), fn: function (packageName) { var self = this; delete smalltalk.packages[packageName]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_packageAt_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('packageAt%3A'), fn: function (packageName) { var self = this; return self.packages[packageName]; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_packageAt_ifAbsent_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('packageAt%3AifAbsent%3A'), fn: function (packageName, aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_packageAt_", [packageName]), "_ifNil_", [aBlock]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_packages'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('packages'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.packages.all(); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_parse_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('parse%3A'), fn: function (aString) { var self = this; var result = nil; smalltalk.send(self, "_try_catch_", [function () {return result = smalltalk.send(self, "_basicParse_", [aString]);}, function (ex) {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(self, "_parseError_parsing_", [ex, aString]), "_signal", []);}]); return result; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_parseError_parsing_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('parseError%3Aparsing%3A'), fn: function (anException, aString) { var self = this; var row = nil; var col = nil; var message = nil; var lines = nil; var badLine = nil; var code = nil; row = anException.line; col = anException.column; message = anException.message; lines = smalltalk.send(aString, "_lines", []); badLine = smalltalk.send(lines, "_at_", [row]); badLine = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(badLine, "_copyFrom_to_", [1, ($receiver = col).klass === smalltalk.Number ? $receiver - 1 : smalltalk.send($receiver, "__minus", [1])]), "__comma", [unescape("%20%3D%3D%3D%3E")]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(badLine, "_copyFrom_to_", [col, smalltalk.send(badLine, "_size", [])])]); smalltalk.send(lines, "_at_put_", [row, badLine]); code = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.String || String, "_streamContents_", [function (s) {return smalltalk.send(lines, "_withIndexDo_", [function (l, i) {return smalltalk.send(s, "_nextPutAll_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(i, "_asString", []), "__comma", [": "]), "__comma", [l]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.String || String, "_lf", [])])]);}]);}]); return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.Error || Error, "_new", []), "_messageText_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send("Parse error on line ", "__comma", [row]), "__comma", [" column "]), "__comma", [col]), "__comma", [" : "]), "__comma", [message]), "__comma", [unescape("%20Below%20is%20code%20with%20line%20numbers%20and%20%3D%3D%3D%3E%20marker%20inserted%3A")]), "__comma", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.String || String, "_lf", [])]), "__comma", [code])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_readJSObject_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('readJSObject%3A'), fn: function (anObject) { var self = this; return self.readJSObject(anObject); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_removeClass_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('removeClass%3A'), fn: function (aClass) { var self = this; ($receiver = smalltalk.send(aClass, "_isMetaclass", [])).klass === smalltalk.Boolean ? $receiver ? function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aClass, "_asString", []), "__comma", [unescape("%20is%20a%20Metaclass%20and%20cannot%20be%20removed%21")])]);}() : nil : smalltalk.send($receiver, "_ifTrue_", [function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aClass, "_asString", []), "__comma", [unescape("%20is%20a%20Metaclass%20and%20cannot%20be%20removed%21")])]);}]); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aClass, "_methodDictionary", []), "_values", []), "_do_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.send(aClass, "_removeCompiledMethod_", [each]);}]); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aClass, "_class", []), "_methodDictionary", []), "_values", []), "_do_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aClass, "_class", []), "_removeCompiledMethod_", [each]);}]); smalltalk.send(self, "_basicDelete_", [smalltalk.send(aClass, "_name", [])]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_removePackage_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('removePackage%3A'), fn: function (packageName) { var self = this; var pkg = nil; pkg = smalltalk.send(self, "_packageAt_ifAbsent_", [packageName, function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send("Missing package: ", "__comma", [packageName])]);}]); smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(pkg, "_classes", []), "_do_", [function (each) {return smalltalk.send(self, "_removeClass_", [each]);}]); smalltalk.send(self, "_deletePackage_", [packageName]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_renamePackage_to_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('renamePackage%3Ato%3A'), fn: function (packageName, newName) { var self = this; var pkg = nil; pkg = smalltalk.send(self, "_packageAt_ifAbsent_", [packageName, function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send("Missing package: ", "__comma", [packageName])]);}]); ($receiver = smalltalk.send(self, "_packageAt_", [newName])) != nil && $receiver != undefined ? function () {return smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", [smalltalk.send("Already exists a package called: ", "__comma", [newName])]);}() : nil; smalltalk.packages[newName] = smalltalk.packages[packageName]; smalltalk.send(pkg, "_name_", [newName]); smalltalk.send(self, "_deletePackage_", [packageName]); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_reservedWords'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('reservedWords'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self.reservedWords; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_send_to_arguments_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('send%3Ato%3Aarguments%3A'), fn: function (aSelector, anObject, aCollection) { var self = this; var selector = nil; selector = smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(aSelector, "_asString", []), "_asSelector", []); self.send(anObject, selector, aCollection); return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk); smalltalk.Smalltalk.klass.iVarNames = ['current']; smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_current'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('current'), fn: function () { var self = this; return smalltalk; return self; } }), smalltalk.Smalltalk.klass); smalltalk.addClass('UndefinedObject', smalltalk.Object, [], 'Kernel-Objects'); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_asJSON'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('asJSON'), fn: function (){ var self=this; return (typeof null == 'undefined' ? nil : null); return self;} }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_deepCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('deepCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_ifNil_ifNotNil_", [aBlock, function () {return nil;}]); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNil_ifNotNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNil%3AifNotNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(aBlock, "_value", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNotNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNotNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock) { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_ifNotNil_ifNil_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('ifNotNil%3AifNil%3A'), fn: function (aBlock, anotherBlock) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(anotherBlock, "_value", []); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_isNil'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('isNil'), fn: function () { var self = this; return true; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_notNil'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('notNil'), fn: function () { var self = this; return false; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_printString'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('printString'), fn: function () { var self = this; return "nil"; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_shallowCopy'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('shallowCopy'), fn: function () { var self = this; return self; return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_subclass_instanceVariableNames_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('subclass%3AinstanceVariableNames%3A'), fn: function (aString, anotherString) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(self, "_subclass_instanceVariableNames_package_", [aString, anotherString, nil]); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_subclass_instanceVariableNames_category_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('subclass%3AinstanceVariableNames%3Acategory%3A'), fn: function (aString, aString2, aString3) { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_deprecatedAPI", []); return smalltalk.send(self, "_subclass_instanceVariableNames_package_", [aString, aString2, aString3]); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_subclass_instanceVariableNames_package_'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('subclass%3AinstanceVariableNames%3Apackage%3A'), fn: function (aString, aString2, aString3) { var self = this; return smalltalk.send(smalltalk.send(smalltalk.ClassBuilder || ClassBuilder, "_new", []), "_superclass_subclass_instanceVariableNames_package_", [self, aString, aString2, aString3]); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject); smalltalk.addMethod( unescape('_new'), smalltalk.method({ selector: unescape('new'), fn: function () { var self = this; smalltalk.send(self, "_error_", ["You cannot create new instances of UndefinedObject. Use nil"]); return self; } }), smalltalk.UndefinedObject.klass);