//jshint eqnull:true define(function () { "use strict"; function defineMethod (klass, name, method) { Object.defineProperty(klass.prototype, name, { value: method, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } DNUBrik.deps = ["selectors", "smalltalkGlobals", "manipulation", "classes"]; function DNUBrik (brikz, st) { var selectorsBrik = brikz.selectors; var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var installJSMethod = brikz.manipulation.installJSMethod; var nilAsClass = brikz.classes.nilAsClass; /* Method not implemented handlers */ function makeDnuHandler (pair, targetClasses) { var jsSelector = pair.js; var fn = createHandler(pair.st); installJSMethod(nilAsClass.fn.prototype, jsSelector, fn); targetClasses.forEach(function (target) { installJSMethod(target.fn.prototype, jsSelector, fn); }); } this.makeDnuHandler = makeDnuHandler; /* Dnu handler method */ function createHandler (stSelector) { return function () { return globals.Message._selector_arguments_notUnderstoodBy_( stSelector, [].slice.call(arguments), this ); }; } selectorsBrik.selectorPairs.forEach(function (pair) { makeDnuHandler(pair, []); }); } function ManipulationBrik (brikz, st) { function installJSMethod (obj, jsSelector, fn) { Object.defineProperty(obj, jsSelector, { value: fn, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true }); } function installMethod (method, klass) { installJSMethod(klass.fn.prototype, method.jsSelector, method.fn); } this.installMethod = installMethod; this.installJSMethod = installJSMethod; } RuntimeClassesBrik.deps = ["selectors", "dnu", "behaviors", "classes", "manipulation"]; function RuntimeClassesBrik (brikz, st) { var selectors = brikz.selectors; var classes = brikz.behaviors.classes; var wireKlass = brikz.classes.wireKlass; var installMethod = brikz.manipulation.installMethod; var installJSMethod = brikz.manipulation.installJSMethod; var detachedRootClasses = []; function markClassDetachedRoot (klass) { klass.detachedRoot = true; detachedRootClasses = classes().filter(function (klass) { return klass.detachedRoot; }); } this.detachedRootClasses = function () { return detachedRootClasses; }; /* Initialize a class in its class hierarchy. Handle both classes and metaclasses. */ function initClassAndMetaclass (klass) { initClass(klass); if (klass.a$cls && !klass.meta) { initClass(klass.a$cls); } } classes().forEach(function (traitOrClass) { if (!traitOrClass.trait) initClassAndMetaclass(traitOrClass); }); st._classAdded = function (klass) { initClassAndMetaclass(klass); klass._enterOrganization(); }; st._traitAdded = function (trait) { trait._enterOrganization(); }; st._classRemoved = function (klass) { klass._leaveOrganization(); }; st._traitRemoved = function (trait) { trait._leaveOrganization(); }; function initClass (klass) { wireKlass(klass); if (klass.detachedRoot) { copySuperclass(klass); } installMethods(klass); } function copySuperclass (klass) { var myproto = klass.fn.prototype, superproto = klass.superclass.fn.prototype; selectors.selectorPairs.forEach(function (selectorPair) { var jsSelector = selectorPair.js; installJSMethod(myproto, jsSelector, superproto[jsSelector]); }); } function installMethods (klass) { var methods = klass.methods; Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (selector) { installMethod(methods[selector], klass); }); } /* Manually set the constructor of an existing Smalltalk klass, making it a detached root class. */ st.setClassConstructor = this.setClassConstructor = function (klass, constructor) { markClassDetachedRoot(klass); klass.fn = constructor; initClass(klass); }; } FrameBindingBrik.deps = ["smalltalkGlobals", "runtimeClasses"]; function FrameBindingBrik (brikz, st) { var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var setClassConstructor = brikz.runtimeClasses.setClassConstructor; setClassConstructor(globals.Number, Number); setClassConstructor(globals.BlockClosure, Function); setClassConstructor(globals.Boolean, Boolean); setClassConstructor(globals.Date, Date); setClassConstructor(globals.String, String); setClassConstructor(globals.Array, Array); setClassConstructor(globals.RegularExpression, RegExp); setClassConstructor(globals.Error, Error); setClassConstructor(globals.Promise, Promise); this.__init__ = function () { st.alias(globals.Array, "OrderedCollection"); st.alias(globals.Date, "Time"); } } RuntimeMethodsBrik.deps = ["manipulation", "dnu", "runtimeClasses"]; function RuntimeMethodsBrik (brikz, st) { var installMethod = brikz.manipulation.installMethod; var installJSMethod = brikz.manipulation.installJSMethod; var makeDnuHandler = brikz.dnu.makeDnuHandler; var detachedRootClasses = brikz.runtimeClasses.detachedRootClasses; st._behaviorMethodAdded = function (method, klass) { installMethod(method, klass); propagateMethodChange(klass, method, klass); }; st._selectorsAdded = function (newSelectors) { var targetClasses = detachedRootClasses(); newSelectors.forEach(function (pair) { makeDnuHandler(pair, targetClasses); }); }; st._behaviorMethodRemoved = function (method, klass) { delete klass.fn.prototype[method.jsSelector]; propagateMethodChange(klass, method, null); }; function propagateMethodChange (klass, method, exclude) { var selector = method.selector; var jsSelector = method.jsSelector; st.traverseClassTree(klass, function (subclass, sentinel) { if (subclass !== exclude) { if (initMethodInClass(subclass, selector, jsSelector)) return sentinel; } }); } function initMethodInClass (klass, selector, jsSelector) { if (klass.methods[selector]) return true; if (klass.detachedRoot) { installJSMethod(klass.fn.prototype, jsSelector, klass.superclass.fn.prototype[jsSelector]); } } } PrimitivesBrik.deps = ["smalltalkGlobals"]; function PrimitivesBrik (brikz, st) { var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var oid = 0; /* Unique ID number generator */ st.nextId = function () { console.warn("$core.nextId() deprecated. Use your own unique counter."); oid += 1; return oid; }; /* Converts a JavaScript object to valid Smalltalk Object */ st.readJSObject = function (js) { if (js == null) return null; else if (Array.isArray(js)) return js.map(st.readJSObject); else if (js.constructor !== Object) return js; var pairs = []; for (var i in js) { pairs.push(i, st.readJSObject(js[i])); } return globals.Dictionary._newFromPairs_(pairs); }; /* Boolean assertion */ st.assert = function (shouldBeBoolean) { if (typeof shouldBeBoolean === "boolean") return shouldBeBoolean; else if (shouldBeBoolean != null && typeof shouldBeBoolean === "object") { shouldBeBoolean = shouldBeBoolean.valueOf(); if (typeof shouldBeBoolean === "boolean") return shouldBeBoolean; } globals.NonBooleanReceiver._signalOn_(shouldBeBoolean); }; // TODO remove st.globalJsVariables = []; } RuntimeBrik.deps = ["selectorConversion", "smalltalkGlobals", "runtimeClasses"]; function RuntimeBrik (brikz, st) { var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var setClassConstructor = brikz.runtimeClasses.setClassConstructor; function SmalltalkMethodContext (home, setup) { this.sendIdx = {}; this.homeContext = home; this.setup = setup; } // Fallbacks SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.supercall = false; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.locals = Object.freeze({}); SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.receiver = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.selector = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.lookupClass = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.outerContext = null; SmalltalkMethodContext.prototype.index = 0; defineMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext, "fill", function (receiver, selector, locals, lookupClass) { this.receiver = receiver; this.selector = selector; if (locals != null) this.locals = locals; this.lookupClass = lookupClass; if (this.homeContext) { this.homeContext.evaluatedSelector = selector; } }); defineMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext, "fillBlock", function (locals, ctx, index) { if (locals != null) this.locals = locals; this.outerContext = ctx; if (index) this.index = index; }); defineMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext, "init", function () { var frame = this; while (frame) { if (frame.init !== this.init) return frame.init(); frame.setup(frame); frame = frame.homeContext; } }); defineMethod(SmalltalkMethodContext, "method", function () { var method; var lookup = this.lookupClass || this.receiver.a$cls; while (!method && lookup) { method = lookup.methods[st.js2st(this.selector)]; lookup = lookup.superclass; } return method; }); setClassConstructor(globals.MethodContext, SmalltalkMethodContext); /* This is the current call context object. In Smalltalk code, it is accessible just by using 'thisContext' variable. In JS code, use api.getThisContext() (see below). */ var thisContext = null; st.withContext = function (worker, setup) { return thisContext != null ? inContext(worker, setup) : inContextWithErrorHandling(worker, setup); }; /* Runs worker function so that error handler is not set up if there isn't one. This is accomplished by unconditional wrapping inside a context of a simulated `nil seamlessDoIt` call, which then stops error handler setup (see st.withContext above). The effect is, $core.seamless(fn)'s exceptions are not handed into ST error handler and caller should process them. */ st.seamless = function (worker) { return inContext(worker, function (ctx) { ctx.fill(null, "seamlessDoIt", {}, globals.UndefinedObject); }); }; function inContextWithErrorHandling (worker, setup) { try { return inContext(worker, setup); } catch (error) { globals.ErrorHandler._handleError_(error); thisContext = null; // Rethrow the error in any case. throw error; } } function inContext (worker, setup) { var oldContext = thisContext; thisContext = new SmalltalkMethodContext(thisContext, setup); var result = worker(thisContext); thisContext = oldContext; return result; } /* Handle thisContext pseudo variable */ st.getThisContext = function () { if (thisContext) { thisContext.init(); return thisContext; } else { return null; } }; } MessageSendBrik.deps = ["smalltalkGlobals", "selectorConversion", "root"]; function MessageSendBrik (brikz, st) { var globals = brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals; var nilAsReceiver = brikz.root.nilAsReceiver; /* Send message programmatically. Used to implement #perform: & Co. */ st.send2 = function (self, selector, args, klass) { if (self == null) { self = nilAsReceiver; } var method = klass ? klass.fn.prototype[st.st2js(selector)] : self.a$cls && self[st.st2js(selector)]; return method != null ? method.apply(self, args || []) : globals.Message._selector_arguments_notUnderstoodBy_( selector, [].slice.call(args), self.a$cls ? self : wrapJavaScript(self) ); }; function wrapJavaScript (o) { return globals.JSObjectProxy._on_(o); } st.wrapJavaScript = wrapJavaScript; /* If the object property is a function, then call it, except if it starts with an uppercase character (we probably want to answer the function itself in this case and send it #new from Amber). */ st.accessJavaScript = function accessJavaScript (self, propertyName, args) { var propertyValue = self[propertyName]; if (typeof propertyValue === "function" && !/^[A-Z]/.test(propertyName)) { return propertyValue.apply(self, args || []); } else if (args.length === 0) { return propertyValue; } else { self[propertyName] = args[0]; return self; } }; } StartImageBrik.deps = ["frameBinding", "runtimeMethods", "runtime", "primitives"]; function StartImageBrik (brikz, st) { this.run = function () { brikz.smalltalkGlobals.globals.AmberBootstrapInitialization._run(); }; } /* Making smalltalk that can run */ function configureWithRuntime (brikz) { brikz.dnu = DNUBrik; brikz.manipulation = ManipulationBrik; brikz.runtimeClasses = RuntimeClassesBrik; brikz.frameBinding = FrameBindingBrik; brikz.runtimeMethods = RuntimeMethodsBrik; brikz.messageSend = MessageSendBrik; brikz.runtime = RuntimeBrik; brikz.primitives = PrimitivesBrik; brikz.startImage = StartImageBrik; brikz.rebuild(); } return configureWithRuntime; });