Jelajahi Sumber

First version of

Manfred Kröhnert 11 tahun lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 85 tambahan dan 1 penghapusan
  1. 85 1

+ 85 - 1

@@ -1 +1,85 @@
-Contributing to Amber
+Start Contributing by talking about Amber
+* Join our [Mailinglist/Google Group](
+* Talk to us on [the #amber-lang IRC channel](irc://
+* Follow [@AmberSmalltalk]( on Twitter
+* Circle Amber Smalltalk on [Google+]( 
+Filing Issues
+If you think Amber is not working as expected, You can start by asking on IRC or the Mailinglist.
+Please make sure that you have first checked the following guides:
+* [Getting Started](
+* [Writing My First App](
+* [How To Load Amber](
+* [Amber FAQ](
+If the issue can not be resolved you should file an issue on the respective tracker.
+Before reporting an issue, try to reduce the issue to the bare minimum required to reproduce it.
+This allows us to track down and fix the issue in an easier and faster way.
+Additionally, you should give us enough information to reproduce the issue.
+Therefore, include versions of your OS, Amber, Node.js, Grunt, and possibly used libraries as well as sample code.
+If you don't list the exact steps required to reproduce the issue we won't be able to fix it.
+Afterwards, report the issue on one of the following trackers:
+* [Amber Issues](
+* [Amber Examples Issues](
+* [Amber Website Issues](
+Developing Amber
+If you want to get started developing Amber itself there are a few links to get you started
+* [The Roadmap]( gives a rough idea about where Amber is heading towards
+* [The Contributions Page]( contains some ideas which we would love to integrate into Amber
+* [The Amber FAQ]( contains Answers to commonly arising questions
+* [The Amber CookBook]( contains recipies about working with Amber and its IDE
+* [The Amber Porting Guide]( contains information about porting code from other Smalltalk dialects
+* [The Amber JavaScript Guide]( contains information about how Amber and JavaScript are mapped to each other
+If you want to get serious with Amber development you should read the [Coding Conventions](
+and check if you have all development dependencies installed (as indicated in [Getting Started](
+* Git (to get a clone of the repository)
+* Node.js (to run the Amber development server)
+* NPM (to install required Node.js packages)
+* Bower (to install required client side libraries)
+* Grunt-Cli (to compile Amber on the commandline)
+Setup your Amber clone
+1. Create a fork of the repository on GitHub
+2. Clone the repository
+3. Run ```npm install```
+4. Run ```bower install```
+5. Run ```${Amber_DIR}/bin/amber serve```
+Now you should be able to commit changes to your computer.
+Creating a Pull Request
+The Amber development model currently revolves around Pull Requests which are created through GitHub
+1. Update to latest Amber master (```git pull```)
+2. Develop your feature or bugfix in a local branch (not in ```master```)
+3. Create unittest for your feature or bugfix (this is required)
+4. Enhance/fix Amber
+5. Run the unittests
+6. Commit your changes to disk if all tests are green
+7. Try to split your fix into small Git commits if multiple changes are involved (this makes it easier for us to review the changes)
+8. Push the changes to your fork on GitHub ```git push <your repo> <your branchname>```
+9. Submit Pull Request (usually for the Amber master branch)